Will Raw ever have another Stone Cold?


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As all of you know Raw has not have a guy like Stone Cold. If Stone Cold didn't have bad knees he would still be in the ring. When he was around it made Raw better, he was the kind of guy who didn't give a damn or he'll kick your ass. The question is will there ever be another Stone Cold again, and would it work?
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Rko 4 Life:banghead:
I don't know..I could be wrong. But this is my thought..I know RKO is in his own league it seems, but he is kinda another SCSA it seems like. It doesn't matter how evil he tries to do, fans just go NUTS for this guy. :worship: Even when you see him face Cena, of course, or Sheamus :worship: he gets MAJOR applause from his base crowd. But since I've become a die hard wrestling fan again after meeting my now hubby, I've seen this guy just explode. I even watch some retro WWE stuff with RKO in it, and he still had a really decent base of people even when he first started and it just seemed to go on. This guy knows how to play the audience like a freakin fiddle. SC knew how to as well. I know this guy is destined for greatness. Call me dumb, call me a mark, I don't care. But this guy knows reaction, just like SC does at least, that's my thought, he's an ENTERTAINER in every sense of the word.
No, there won't be a Stone Cold again because Stone Cold is Attitude. That's why. Kids wanna see supermen and high flyers not a realistic guy who'll kick your ass if you talk back to him. That being said, I think that there might be another Stone Cold type person in the WWE. He's not even in the buisness yet, but you know what? There just might be another Stone Cold if WWE abandons this PG crap.
I don't know..I could be wrong. But this is my thought..I know RKO is in his own league it seems, but he is kinda another SCSA it seems like. It doesn't matter how evil he tries to do, fans just go NUTS for this guy. :worship: Even when you see him face Cena, of course, or Sheamus :worship: he gets MAJOR applause from his base crowd. But since I've become a die hard wrestling fan again after meeting my now hubby, I've seen this guy just explode. I even watch some retro WWE stuff with RKO in it, and he still had a really decent base of people even when he first started and it just seemed to go on. This guy knows how to play the audience like a freakin fiddle. SC knew how to as well. I know this guy is destined for greatness. Call me dumb, call me a mark, I don't care. But this guy knows reaction, just like SC does at least, that's my thought, he's an ENTERTAINER in every sense of the word.

Now I agree that RKO is a great tweener but he's not Stone Cold because his character is SO far from Stone Cold. Stone Cold's character can change INSTANTLY. Not RKO He can be either a tweener or punt someone and be a heel. His character is very closed when it comes to being flexible with it. But it's also rock solid and that's a great thing as well.
i agree but i say right now randy is the closest thats comes to a stone cold type right now, i mean when last u really saw someone except stone cold did that to the mcmahons, he punt vince, punt shane, ddt stephanie kiss her and beat and punt triple h and took the title away, if randy was in the attiude era imagine him and stone cold men that would be awsome...
Well there have only been about 2 or 3 guys by my count who could be or could have become the next Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Eddie Guerrero is there just before he passed away. He was so over that fans cheered him even when he was feuding over Dominick with Rey Mysterio. Eddie was the one man that if he was around today could have gave WWE the type of success that Austin did back during the AE. Eddie had wide speard appeal and could have done wonders for WWE money wise if he was around today.

Brock Lesnar is another guy that was at a certain level that people found it hard to boo him. Brock had the same type of aura that Eddie and Austin had and had a widespread appeal. If Brock came back today and became a tweener, WWE would gain a significant ratings boost from not only his fans, but fans that like to see a dominant person run roughshod over the entire WWE.

Randy Orton is peaking right now as we speak. He has his fans that cheer him even when he is face and heel. The only thing that is holding him back is that WWE is bent on being kiddie instead of being in your face ala the AE. For Orton to have the Austin level fame and drawing power, WWE will need to build the entire company around a tweener Orton and loosen up with it tight restrictions.
Randy is the closest thing to SCAA but I dont think that if Austin is now in WWE would be like that simply because PG rating.Sure he was like that when he is guest GM but if he was at RAW regulary I think that he would be similar in character like HHH(tough,but face-like character)

Orton is great because he is the closest thing to attitude era in WWE(heel persona to whom ocassionaly you can cheer).I am interested to see if he would become face how would he act but I just cant see him as face(plus he would never be as cool as he is in his "Viper" loonatic character)
Randy is good. Maybe I'm just a little behind the times these days, it almost seems like the people change too fast to determine who could have IT to do what SC does. I often wonder for the person who gets to that status, would it be a compliment/curse if they reach that status. You'd obviously have the die hard SC fans saying "So-so is trying to emulate/copy SC..etc" or so on. Maybe its just better we don't have someone try to be the next SC..
Sorry to burst your bubble mate but WWE has moved on and its not about the characters anymore. Its about athletism and 'the look'. The show is made for everyone not just a middle age male demograppic. There wont be another Stone Cold because characters arent built anymore, alot of the top stars don't even have catchphrases unless you think "Awesomeee" or "champ is here" as being catchphrases..
Unfortunately, the answer's no. Not unless Stone Cold comes back to Raw. There's no one else like Stone Cold, no one else is going to come onto Raw and be able to say that hes gunna stick his foot up someone's ass. No one else is going to come onto Raw and open up a can o' Whoop Ass. The closest thing Raw's gunna get to a Badass host is The Rock. He's supposedly going to Guest Host in June, and i'll happily wait till then if it means having another Raw like this.
no , and the reason why is that stone cold basicly created the tweener, he blured the lines between good and bad. he could do some of the most dispicible things to other wrestlers and the crowd still loved him and besides that most people could relate to the character he was an every day down to earth everyman, one that would whip your butt if you crossed him but still the common man.it made people feel like, hey i could do that too. other than dusty rhodes i cant think of anyone that ever related to people that way and he never came close to stone colds level.
JOHN CENA!!! just kidding, john cena sucks, stone cold rules, and I would guess there won't be another stone cold, stone cold is the biggest sob there is, and WWE these days, they won't even let you say a**
No there won't be another Austin. Or another Rock. I fear that the days of the "Mega-Superstar" might be over, or atleast on hold until someone better comes along. The WWE is sorely lacking a guy with that kind of star power. The closest thing is Cena, not in character, but in star power.

But on the topic of Stone Cold and his guest host appearance. It was great, but I think WWE dropped the ball a bit that night. They could have done a bit more with him I felt. I mean look how much air-time Jesse got, and compare that to Stone Cold's night. I just hope The Rock gets a bit more, even if it helps put someone else over.
Well technically they could have Hornswoggle be Stone Cold Swoggle or Stone Swoggle Cold

or name some guy Stone Cold something like you could with a kid and put him in the ring

Or shove a PG version of Austin down our throats....

The only real answer is no

but we will see a mega star on that level of The Rock, Hogan, Austin in WWE

...I just havent gotten there yet

Give it a few years Maybe 5, a year longer or less

And I'll be there and satisfy you all giving you this new mega star personality everyone's craving


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