Sting's Retirement

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Sting discussed the possibility of his retirement on TNA’s website this week.

Sting said, "Last year, I said 2006 probably would be my last year, my last hurrah in wrestling. But then (TNA President) Dixie (Carter) started talking to me about 2007, as well as other TNA executives. So I figured I’d go another year. But, after 2007, I can’t make any promises. I have a feeling this, 2007, will be it. I’m not a commentator or manager type. Not in my blood. Wrestling is the only thing in my blood.”

On a side note, can report that Sting has been telling people backstage that he plans to retire after 2007.

Things can change from now until that point in time where he makes his decision. So this could go either way, you never know until it’s made official.

I hope so. I've never been a particular fan. I also dont see the purpose of him. I'm sure the money they pay him could be used for Jericho, Danielson, Lesnar or another free agent. People rip on Jarrett for his same old routine's. But nobody ever mention's Sting's routine. He's certainly been better in TNA than he was in his final year's at WCW. But he's only just started doing thing's differently in the ring since his feud with Abyss started. The bleeding and the thumb tac spot's are only impressive because it's Sting and he does'nt usually bleed or even leave his feet.
I agree completly I just don't see the purpose of him being their, maybe if he had a deal like Foley has in WWE where he comes in for a few months and does his thing he might be with something then but right now I find his matches boring and this thing with him and Abyss has been going on for far to long, I would much rather see them spend the $1/2 mil. on better wrestlers, they could probably sign several young talented guys for that kinda money, may even build up the tag division or something
When TNA goes two hour's they could do with getting rid of all the old wrestler's who I imagine have expensive contract's. Nash, Steiner & Sting were big name's a few year's ago. But I dont believe they draw anymore. It's debatable that Nash & Steiner ever did anyway. Steiner was always bigger in Japan. TNA should get rid of them and raid ROH for there talent. They should bring in Sydal, Briscos, Roderick Strong etc. And get back to the WE ARE WRESTLING motto again. In the past few month's they've gone WE ARE WRESTLING to WE ARE OVERLY GIMMICKED MATCH'S WITH NO LOGIC.
Sting has been around a while, but you really can't compare his draw to a draw of Kevin Nash when he is actually a competing talent on a roster (remember, he was Diesel back in the day and his run in WCW in the nWo was great). I honestly think Impact has the the type feel that the old Nitro had. It wasn't all about the gimmick, it was about action and it really showed off the athletism of a lot of the guys on the roster. I think Sting's character was unique in WCW because he was one of the only guys to really have such a strong gimmick that he couldn't break, but it worked because WCW Nitro lacked strong gimmicks like him.

I'm sure a lot of you were/are into WWE. Gimmicks have been shoved down the viewer's throats for years and I think this is why the whole Sting gimmick doesn't work anymore. Everyone wants something new. So, he should just retire soon before hes pushed out the door.
I'm in shock that your not a Stinger fan Jake, I mean the guy's one of the all time legends of this business. Whether it be back in his rainbow face days or his turn into the Crow Sting we've seen the last ten years, he was always a great performer. Sure, he had a lot of lackluster years there in WCW but honestly who DIDN'T have bad matches in WCW? Even incredible talents in their prime like Benoit and Jericho had bad matches because of WCW's ludicrous booking. And as for his TNA days, I've enjoyed them alot. When they signed him that was one of the big things that really drew me to them, because I knew Sting would never ever go to the WWE. I've enjoyed all of his matches, but lately he has been slacking and it's understandable I mean the guy's been a pro for how many years? Atleast 20 or 25. Obviously he's getting older and needs to settle down now, but I hope that doesn't mean he leaves the picture all together. It'd be great to see him come in for storylines and maybe wrestle the occasional match, ala Foley. However it doesn't seem Sting wants to do that, so that kinda sucks.

You gotta understand, Sting's old now. He's old and he's tired, and it's time for him to retire. It's a shame, but it's the truth. However that doesn't harm his legend, as this guy is a lock in any REAL wrestling hall of fame. His matches with Flair I will never forget. (See Flair?...It's okay to retire...really!)
I might have been more of a Sting fan, had I watched WCW in the late 80's early 90's. But WCW wasnt on in the UK at the time. By the time I started watching Nitro it was about 1996-97 and he appeared to have given up caring. I'm sure he was consistently a quality performer but I missed it. I've seen match's against Flair & Vader and there good. Also the Crow gimmick is awesome and the build up (not the match) to Starrcade 97 was flawless.

But sometime's it doesnt matter how good a performer somebody is you just take a disslike to them, I despise Triple H. He's a good performer. He can put on good match's. But I would never have a Triple H match in my top 10. He bore's me to tear's. That's just how it is sometime's.
I wished that Sting would've retired after having a few solid matches post-title victory. Instead, they used him as fodder to develop a character storyline for Abyss. Now, don't get me wrong, I love Abyss' work in the ring and I think James Mitchell is a freaking genius in his character work, but they kept bleeding the life out of the feud and sticking it in gimmick match after gimmick match until finally people in the Impact Zone ended up chanting "Fire Russo!" I'm not rocket scientist per se, but this part of Sting's sendoff wasn't what I had envisioned and obviously didn't soar to the heights Russo and Mantel envisioned. I thought Stinger had a pretty decent showing at BFG against Jarrett, but he hasn't really had to work for his money in the ring since the earlier parts of 1996 before he returned with the gimmick overhaul, and it was easy to see as some points of the match lacked the necessary cohesion to be a fine example of what Sting's potential used to be. I mark out for Sting like no other, but I've pretty much come to the position that enough is enough and he needs to let it go. Right now his contract is definitely hogging salary cap space on the company's payroll. Hell, for the price of 1 aging Steve Borden, they could just as easily switch over to a handful of indy stars that can help to up the workrate and future prospects of the company.
I would love to see sting go back to the original crow look with the longer hair and where he didnt talk that was one of the best days of wcw
I agree, I wish Sting would go back to the original Crow look as well. He hardly talked, he showed no emotion, and he showed more athletisism and charisma than I think he ever showed.
I don't like the happy go lucky, short-haired Sting as much.
It's great that he has faith in his religion but as for his gimmick, he should just leave that out of it, and go back to the old Crow.
Those were the times when he was on top of WCW anyways, and winning championships and not losing them in a "transition reign" like in TNA.
I mean you see how HBK has almost went back to the cocky, arrogant, and tough HBK, just toned down a little. He's on top once again.
Come back "Old Crow Stinger" we loved ya!
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