Are TNA making a big enough deal out of Sting's retirement?

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I can do whatever I want
Axxess event, TNA representatives were handing out fliers promoting Sting's final appearance with the company at Bound For Glory. We have been reporting for awhile now that Sting is likely to retire from pro wrestling following the PPV, and this advertisement seems to confirm those reports.

While nothing had been 100% confirmed, it seems pretty likely that Sting will retire after BFG. "The Icon" Sting, is pretty much the biggest, most popular wrestler to never be in the WWE and has a large fan following.

Sting is still huge, and him retiring should be a huge thing in the Wrestling community. Maybe not as big as Flair's departure but still a very significant guy leaving the biz. You'd think TNA would be promoting the hell out of this. Not just handing out flyers to WWE fans, but actual promo.

Sting is a big name, even hardcore WWE fans, are probably Sting fans. TNA should be having Sting do sport shows, radio interviews, cross-tv promotion. They should be marketing the hell out of his match(if it's his last), but as of now, the promo/marketing/storylines have been pretty low key.

So do you agree that TNA should be doing more to promote the "ending" of one of Wrestling greats? Or would it prove to be useless, and meaningless. Does Sting have the star power to attract even general fans, who don't normally watch TNA? Should this be a huge headlining tour event? Or a undercard, place filler for Angle/Lashley?
Yes, I do think that TNA should be doing a lot more to hype this up if he is going to retire at BFG. Sting is an icon and a legend when it comes to wrestling. They should be making a huge deal out of his possible retirement, because that’s exactly what it is: a huge deal. He is one of the biggest stars TNA has ever had in their 7 year history and this should be hype almost to the point that it’s getting shoved down our throats.

Like I said, he is one of the biggest stars TNA has ever had and they would be wise if they promoted his last match as a big thing happening in wrestling. I know that there are many fans of Sting that probably don’t even know that he is still wrestling, why not do a lot of promoting the event in hopes that some new people order it to see their favorite wrestler retire.

Handing out flyer really isn’t enough promoting, there are so many other things they could do other than that. I mean, there are radio shows that a ton of people listen to, make him do an interview with some show, there’s bound to be a wrestling fan listening. Then there are late night talk shows that he can appear on, how many times do we see WWE wrestlers on the Conan or Jimmy’s show? More often than we see TNA wrestlers on them. I can’t remember the last time TNA was on some show like those, so they can book him to do those shows in order to promote the retirement match. That’s not all they can do, there are many more things that they should be doing, but just aren’t doing them.

Now, you did mention that they could do a huge tour with him headlining. I think that’s a great idea, Sting’s farewell tour would be something that attracts people since he does not do any house shows, or at least he doesn’t do much of them. If he was willing to do a few for a farewell tour then I think that’s something that TNA should try doing and see how it works out.

As far as how the match should be treated, I think that is needs to be a either the main event of the evening or the second main event. I think that they would probably put the title match on last and before that have Sting’s retirement match. Like I’ve already stated, this is a big deal and it should be treated that way. If they put the match on the undercard, I am just going to be really disappointed in them. It’s a huge deal that Sting is retiring and the right spot for the match would be at the top of the card.
They have an entire month to ramp up this story, I think A.J. is going to be the HBK. Due to the fact that Sting said he picked him to lead TNA so it only makes sense that he retires him.
Like you said, it hasn't been officially announced yet. When it actually does happen, I'm sure TNA will milk it for all it's worth.

I'd hate to see Sting and AJ do a Ric and Shawn. AJ mouths "I'm sorry, I love you" and then hits Sting with a flying forearm? No thanks.
Kurt Angle might be the FACE of TNA but Sting is it's biggest Star. You can't let Sting just ride off into the sunset with a little flicker. You have to send him off with a bang. Then after Bound For Glory they need to give him the Ric Flair treatment. Sting is the guy that got you the Spike deal, he was the huge name that they needed to draw viewers that Spike wanted to get that deal done when TNA didn't have that huge name. Sting has done more for TNA during their time of need than any one performer and he should get the retirement ceremony he deserves after he gets the in ring send off he deserves.
Of course, TNA should make a big deal out of it but we all know 1 of TNA's biggest problems is that they do not advertise their product or do any marketing which is why names like Sting, Lashley, Booker T and Angle aren't drawing in the viewers that they should to the product.

But one reason that I don't think TNA is all over this is because Sting's contract isn't up yet and TNA might not be sure if Sting will resign with them or not. You never know if Sting will change his mind and want 1 more run with TNA or not, so they maybe holding on. Not only that but the fact that Sting maybe possibly retiring is still a great selling point for their PPV so they might be testing the waters to see how that works whether he's really retiring or not.

But if he does retire, I'd like to see a 2010 Sting Farewell tour where he does live events with TNA all around the world for a final goodbye to prowrestling.
TNA needs to hype this up BIG TIME. We're talking about the man that actually made WCW look good (for what it's worth) for a while and with TNA he recieved a standing ovation. Not only does he need a well deserved send-off like Flair, but I think that would be one of those rare moments where the superstars of TNA can break character and celebrate his retirement. I would like to see that. I might be the only one but I don't give a damn the man deserves a proper ending to an amazing storybook career.
Definetly TNA needs to do more. Sting's popularity is huge. and TNA, if done the right way, can capilize huge on this. and on a personal note, im thinking sting may put over AJ Styles at the PPV, in other words passing the torch to AJ to carry the company
like me when i was growing up, i never had access to WCW but i still knew who Sting was, and always wanted to watch him in action. So once he came to TNA he was the reason I started watching it. So for me, I think TNA should do more for Sting assuming this is when hes retiring.
Of course, TNA should make a big deal out of it but we all know 1 of TNA's biggest problems is that they do not advertise their product or do any marketing which is why names like Sting, Lashley, Booker T and Angle aren't drawing in the viewers that they should to the product.

But one reason that I don't think TNA is all over this is because Sting's contract isn't up yet and TNA might not be sure if Sting will resign with them or not. You never know if Sting will change his mind and want 1 more run with TNA or not, so they maybe holding on. Not only that but the fact that Sting maybe possibly retiring is still a great selling point for their PPV so they might be testing the waters to see how that works whether he's really retiring or not.

But if he does retire, I'd like to see a 2010 Sting Farewell tour where he does live events with TNA all around the world for a final goodbye to prowrestling.

That isn't necissarily true. TNA now has commercials on ESPN. They are starting to market more. So the ratings will hopefully go up and Sting will hopefuly draw TNA's biggest ratings ever when he retires.
That isn't necissarily true. TNA now has commercials on ESPN. They are starting to market more. So the ratings will hopefully go up and Sting will hopefuly draw TNA's biggest ratings ever when he retires.

NOW?? I mean after all of these years, you mean NOW??

I don't blame them for trying because it's better now than never but advertising wrestling on ESPN is not smart imo. Most ESPN viewers do not view wrestling as a real sport since it's scripted and do not have any interest in prowrestling because of it, so TNA advertising there isn't smart at all imho.

What would be smart is if TNA bought ads during RAW, Smackdown, & even ECW and aired their ads all over with faces like Foley, Booker T, Lashley, 3D, Sting, and Angle all over the ads mixed with some great X-div and hardcore spots mixed in and some of those casual fans that may watch those WWE programming may take a look at what that is and the next thing you know TNA will have more regular viewers. That is where and how TNA should advertise.
I don't think that they haven't done enought yet, because the storyline has just started. We don't know yet if Sting will be in a 'Retirement Match' or in the TNA WHC match.

They are already promoting it a little bit at that WWE event(kind of weird...Can they do that? haha), and his retirement hasn't even been offically announced.

I'm sure once it is offically announced there will be alot more promotion for Sting's retirement.

I can't wait for Bound For Glory this year. It will be sad to see Sting go because he is a legend, but if this "passes the torch" to Styles, his retirement won't be without a purpose. I hope AJ gets a huge push from this.
What would be smart is if TNA bought ads during RAW, Smackdown, & even ECW and aired their ads all over with faces like Foley, Booker T, Lashley, 3D, Sting, and Angle all over the ads mixed with some great X-div and hardcore spots mixed in and some of those casual fans that may watch those WWE programming may take a look at what that is and the next thing you know TNA will have more regular viewers. That is where and how TNA should advertise.

I've always wondered myself why TNA's marketing plan seems to be: Rely on internet fans to promote product or hand out fliers at WWE events. TNA's marketing plan = getting people to hit the "I'm a fan" button on Facebook. I'm not sure if some sort of hold by Vince McMahon prevents TNA from buying ad time during Monday Night RAW or SmackDown, but TNA should do something.

That being said, I'm surprised TNA hasn't promoted Sting's "retirement" or "final match" more. Sting is a household name for any wrestling fan. TNA has so much on WWE: the TV-14 rating, the fact that blood isn't gray, names the WWE audience should be familiar with (Kurt Angle, Bobby Lashley, Mick Foley, Taz). Even if Vince McMahon has some kind of power hold on WWE programming's commercial time, there is no reason TNA can't run ads outside of Spike TV. TNA's marketing dept. just sucks.
Once it's confirmed for sure that Sting is definitely retiring, then of course they will havea huge build up and amssive blow off for him. TNA would be stupid not to do it. To let someone like Sting go without milking it for all it's worth and making as much money from it as they can would be absurd from a business standpoint. Much like Flair. However though if Sting doesn't want a big sendoff, if he just wants to quietly fade away without any buildup or hype, then so be it, he should be allowed that request. It'll be a wait and see. Once he announces for sure he is retiring, we will know within a couple of weeks what TNA plans to do.
TNA isn't making a big deal out of this. Should they? Yeah, like you said, Sting is the greatest wrestler to never be in the WWE. I did read somewhere they were handing out flyers advertising BFG as Sting's last match, so maybe their just slow on the promoting. Sting very well could sign on another year, and let TNA milk that whole year for everything they can get out of it.
Like many of you said before, yes If Sting is to retire this year they should have made a big deal out of it. It should have made a big deal out of it months ago but the fact is that this is TNA were talking about. These are peoples that don't like to promote their product outside of Spike TV and flyers. That one of the main reason why they're making money right now and why they're still at the smae spot they were when Sting came on board 3 years ago.

Sting is the biggest name TNA was able to get and he's playing second fiddle to Kurt Angle. I'm sure that come Bound For Glory they will promote his retirement but not as much as the main event match between Angle and Lashley because this is what's important right. Sting is the reason why they got the Spike TV deal, he also one of the reason why Kurt Angle is in TNA right now. He help TNA get were they are today just because everybody knows who he is and outside of Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan, he the biggest name in wrestling today. So for TNA to pretty much ignore the FAct That Sting is retiring or waiting at the last minute to promote it is stupid and probably show how badly TNA is manage right now because anybody that know how to market a product would know that promoting Sting's retirement will bring alot of money in the end and will probably sell out the arena they got booked in L.A.
The Bren Events Center holds about 5000 people so if they can't sell this place out for their biggest PPV of the year Sting retirement or no they have a major problem.

They can buy advertising during Raw and Smackdown direct from the cable and satellite companies so Vince can't stop that from happening.

The problem is that TNA tends to market themselves on the cheap. Handing out fliers, getting local fans to help spread the word, etc. Their promotion budget probably isn't that big so they tend to relay on the internet and word of mouth.

As far as are they promoting Sting's last match enough just look at the poster on their website. "The Final Curtain?" is the line they are using. So no, they are not promoting his final match, they want you to tune in because it might be. If it is indeed his last match then rather than celebrate him they want to go with a tease. Not really that smart in my opinion.
Bound for Glory is still two months away, so they still have time to build this up. Based on the recent encounter with Styles, I think that it will likely be against him, but they may not even talk about until after the next PPV. Sting against heel Styles seems like a possibility, but you never know.

As for whether or not they should be promoting it, of course they should. Sting is arguably the biggest star TNA has ever had, and they should make some sort of fuss about him retiring. Not only will it draw people in and increase buyrates and ratings, but it will give whoever beats him a lot of crediblity.
Damn, the way you guys talk about it, it seems like Bound For Glory is like next week. It's on October 18th and today is August 24th. Not even a week shy of 2 months away. They still have plenty of time to shove it down our throats. Lol. I'm thinking AJ will be getting the rub. They need an emotional send off, and AJ is the perfect candidate for it. He is arguably the most over Original they have.
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