Stinger's Sigs


I like this one. I decided to do a Triple H sig. I put a green brush on a black background, and found 3 renders of HHH from a few different eras. I put them on different sides of the sig. I then added text, burnt it with shadows about 3 times to make it pretty dark. I think the darkness is good considering when HHH comes out, he is in the dark by a light on the entrance ramp. So, I think this one is pretty good.

My favorite Late Night talk show host of all time, Conan O' Brien! To me, he is the funniest ever. Right up there with Carson and Craig Ferguson. Anyway, I had to cut this picture of him, seeing as there werent any renders. I think it came out pretty well. Anyway, black background, blue brush, set the picture on in the corner, added text, which I am now good at. Added a blue border, burnt it and Voila!

VERY nice, possibly your best one. The image is cut out very well, there is minimal dead space, the text is clear, and Conan has the touch of blue that makes him blend into the background in a manner pleasing to the eye. The background is nice too; simple yet effect. I would have made the text larger, but other than that it's very well done.
Well thank you, Doc. Here's one I just made:

This is Ben Burnley, leader of my second favorite band, Breaking Benjamin. To be honest, I was just testing out some new brushes in this one and I think it came out pretty well. I started with a black background and used a green brush on it, which I think looks pretty nice. Then I found a render of Burnley from PSD, and pasted it on to the left side of the page. Then I added text, burnt it just a little, and added a green border.

I freakin love this one. Suicide used to be one of my favorite characters in TNA, when they decided to get rid of him, I was pissed. So, I made a sig. Used a black background with a red brush on it. Then I found a render of Suicide and his logo and put it onto the sig. Then I added text, a red border, and of course, burnt it. I will be using this one as my sig from now on.

Theres something about this one that I like. This is of my two favorites from NXT Season 2, Johnny "Lucky Cannon" Prime, and Kaval. I used a black background and a green fractal brush. Then I had to cut out a picture of Prime which went pretty well, and put it on the sig. Then I found a picture of Kaval from PSD and put that on as well. Then I burnt it, added text, and a render of the NXT logo. Then I added a green border and I was done.

Another Johnny Prime, I really like this guy. I was testing out different fonts and some new brushes, when I did this. I first mixed a black and blue background together, then I put the picture of Prime in the middle of the sig. Using, I was able to get my text and put that onto the sig, burnt it twice and added a blue border.

I have to be honest, one thing that I cannot stand, when it comes to signatures, is strong colour being right next to each other. Green and Blue are two such colours that should never be mixed. Now, I know that sounds harsh but really it is just my opinion and apart from that, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this signature. The render looks good and the text looks good in the top corner.

However, as much as I try to avoid it, I can't seem to take my eyes off of the green outer glow that is behind the text. I don't know if it was intentional to draw effect to the main slogan for the dude but I just don't like it. That being said, it's a good sig.

One tip for you, that really did help me when I started out, was to open a colour wheel, as detailed as you can possibly find, and try and avoid colours that are either too strong or are too far away from the original colour on the wheel. Here is a pretty good one:


This might not work for you but it really helped me when I started.
On top of that, the green glow is just shaped funny and is really...ugly. I hate to say that, but the shape and color just don't work. When you have a blue sig, you'll want blue colors. A light blue glow would have been better, and if the shape was less blobby. It's sort of hard to explain....the non-uniformity of the glow really messes things up for me. It's like there's too much glow in one place and not enough in others.

Other than that, it's a good sig. I especially like the "It's Primetime!" words and how they're blended.
The color wheel is interesting, Dave, thanks. Doc, thanks for your feedback too.

I leik Mudkipz. I found a picture of Mudkip on google, I liked it because it was a soviet Mudkip, which was pretty cool. Anyway, I cut it out, and pasted it on a black and red background. Then I added text, burnt it, and added the lower portion of the text you see. Red border and I was finished. This was pretty interesting to do, because once again, I was experimenting with a Pokemon sig. Oh by the way, there is more to come.
Much, much, much better!

You can just see the difference immediately. The colours are all well blended and nothing stands out except the actual render and that is the name of the game. For me, nothing is more important on a sig than the actual render and the sig that is shown above is the paradigm of that. I love red and black together, when it comes to digital arts and graphics and this sig is a great example of that.

The bottom text is a bit faded but it's not that big of a deal, to be honest. This is a great piece of work and given that you did it on GIMP, makes it that much better.

Nice work, Stinger.
Thanks Dave! Anyway, here's a pokemon one I did the other day.

I found a render of Squirtle, and put it on a blue and white background. To make the background, I used a blue and white technobrush and spread it all over the canvas. Then, I added text, burnt it, and added a blue border.
Using TPP's new guide, I was able to make this.

The Hurricane. I used multiple layers for each part of the sig. I found render of Hurricane and his logo and put them in its own layer. In a new layer, I put a bunch of renders of the hurricane logo and blurred it, and sharpened it in different ways. Then, I made a new layer and put a picture of a city behind everything. I added text and burnt the background followed by a border.
Using the same method, I made this.

Rocky Balboa, a true role model for me. I am a huge fan of all the Rocky movies. Anyway, I found a render of him on PSD, and put that on a black background. Then, I made a new layer and put the same render everywhere. Using various blurs, I was able to make it into the straight lines you see in the background. Then, I found a picture of a boxing ring and put it behind everything in a new layer. Burnt, added text, and a border.
You realise that that Rocky signature is probably the best one you have done, right?

Seriously, that is a fantastic effort and everything just flows brilliantly. The render is just big enough that it is the focal point of the signature without being too over-bearing. The stock picture in the background works really well with the rest of the sig and the multiple blends over the top of that make it seem like a real part of it. The strokes of light behind his head really add a lot of flow to the graphics and help me visualise the past, for some reason. I don't know it if it the subject matter or the fact that you have made the graphic this way but I seem to reminisce when I look at the signature. The text even works towards this because it is lighter towards the start and darker at the end.

All of these little techniques are something that you should be looking to endorse in all of your work and they will come out much better. This is a brilliant sig, man.
Thank you Dave. Still trying to master the style, I made this:

Kurt Angle. I used the same style as previous sigs, found a render on PSD of Kurt and put that in front. Then I made the background using a bunch of other things, different blurs gave me the background. Then I found an American Flag and put that behind everything, added text, burnt everything, and a red, white, and blue border.
Man, I am so glad that my newest tutorial helped. You are really using it well.

The Angle one is really good. I've learned that one of the best things to do with that technique is to use images in the background, and it seems that flags work best. The sharpening of the motion blur is perfect for it. The way you did it in the Rocky one looks great as well. I love how it looks like lights.

I have a few problems with the Angle one though. The text is too close to him. There is plenty of room to the left for you to move it. Another problem is the how much of the flag is seen. I'm not sure how you did it, but if you lowered the opacity of the main background so that you can see the flag, I think you lowered it a bit too much. It's actually kind of funny because I feel like the Rocky one is the opposite. In that one, you cant see the background picture enough.

Good job and keep up with the good work.
Thanks TPP! I did another one just now, it's nowhere near as good as past ones using your method but.....

Knuckeball Shwartz. This one was fairly easy. I had to find a picture of him, and since there are only 2, I didnt have much of a choice. After that, I cut it and put it on the background. Then I used TPP's method to make the read of the background. Using, I found text. I'm not a fan of the text in this one actually. Then I burnt it, and added a border.

I made this using a new effect I learned how to do. I might explain how to do it fully in TPP's GIMP tutorial thread one day. But the jist of it is random blurs, distortions, and a mish-mosh of colors for the background. Then, I found a render of Jericho and put it on the sig. Got my text from I added a border and I was done.
New sig.

I used another new effect I learned how to do, and that is a pretty cool light beam effect. It's a very cool effect, and I also might put this one in TPP's tutorial thread one day. So, I made the background, added a render of Edge. Using, I got the text and put it in the spot that was best for this sig. Then I burnt it, and added a black border.
New one:

After seeing Dave's sig, I decided to take a shot at my own version at it. While Dave's was miles better than this, I like the way it came out. I used a black background, and put 3 rectangles on the background. Using the same fractal brush, I put different colors in each. Then I found both renders of superstars from each show, and the logos and put that on. Burnt it, added border, finished.
In honor of the 4th of July, I made this

Jack Swagger. I started out by finding a picture of an American Flag, that would end up being my background layer. Then I opened an old render of Swagger I had lying around and put it as a new layer, and put it in on the side of the sig. Then, using a some new scripts I downloaded, a blurred the render of Swagger. Then I lowered the scale on another Swagger and pasted it on top of the blurred swagger. Burnt, added text and border and I was done.

I followed the dimensions that Doc uses on his sigs in this one, 400x200. I like how much easier it was to make a sig like this. I like how this one turned out. I started by finding a picture of British Flag, I lowered the opacity to 10, and pasted it 3 times on a black background. Then, with a new layer, I added the render of Regal. Then I went back to the layer with the flag, and I burnt it twice. Then I went to the render of Regal and kept burning it until I couldnt see a difference in the render anymore. I added text, and a border and I was done. I have another sig with these dimensions ready, and it is way better than anything I've done in the past. Although, I will wait to see what my next category for the Wingman is before I post it.

I decided to do another Derek Jeter sig. I started out with a black background, and I found a picture of Yankee Stadium. I put the picture of Yankee Stadium in its own layer. Then I burnt it until I couldnt burn it anymore to give it a darkness effect. Then, I got the render of Jeter and put that in its own layer, I radial blurred it, and then put another Jeter render on top of that. I burnt that a few times too. Then I got my text, and put it on, I added a border and I was done.

Hot Damn, I cant wait for my next two Wingman matches, the sigs I have made for them are increasingly better.
I found the best Sheamus render ever on PSD, so I had to make this.

Ronald McSheamus! What I did was I started with a white background, and then found a picture of the McDonald's M. I pasted that picture on. Then I used the render of Sheamus and duplicated it about 6 times. 5 of those were blurred, and the 6th one was the main render. I burnt those, added text, and a border.
I made this as a request, but I really like it.

I started with a white background. Various grunge and fractal brushes made the background. I found a render of Batista and put it on. Then I found a render of a Batista logo and put that behind him, and lowered the opacity. Added text, and border and I was done.

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