Sting possibly not retiring?

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Super Crazy

According to a report at, TNA Wrestling star Sting is not expected to retire after the upcoming "Bound For Glory" pay-per view as had been rumored.

The report claims that there's a strong possibility of a retirement-tour of sorts, and Sting could remain with the promotion until the spring of 2010.

While I love the Stinger I certainly hope this is not true. He is at that point in his career where he should definitely retire. While he can still put on a good match and everything I feel it is his time to go. The man needs to retire and hang up the boots.

One of the things I like about Sting though is that unlike Ric Flair and nothing against Ric but Sting won't try to come back over and over again. Sting needs to pass the torch at Bound for Glory V and hang up his boots.

Sting has an amazing legacy and I certainly hope that this whole thing was not a ploy by TNA. I could see TNA doing it though to draw out the fans. They figure they'll just say it is Sting's last match so in his homestate more fans will come out and they'll make more money. If this is a ploy by TNA to attract fans I don't understand why Sting would agree to that. To build a company you don't need to lie to attract fans.

Anyway I was wondering what you fellow posters thought? Do you think it is true that Sting is or isn't retiring? If he isn't do you feel he should?
I feel like at this point everything's been going the way it's been rumored, down to setting up a match a BFG... I mean I'd be more convinced if Sting won the title and it wound up being a win and you're champ and lose and you're fired match but I still think he'll retire, I don't really see any reason he'd stick around.
Yeah, I doubt Sting will be done by BFG... Sting's retirement should be a huge deal and the BFG ppv just hasn't ben built up enough to send Sting away forever... He deserves a whole PPV dedicated to his career and what he's done for TNA...

There is nothing wrong with him putting a few young guys over and having some good matches on his way out... All the big stars do it towards the end of their careers like Hogan, Flair, HBK and a few other legends... I respect Sting for not selling out and going to WWE like the rest...

Sting always stayed true to his fans and himself and it will be sad to see him go...
I feel like at this point everything's been going the way it's been rumored, down to setting up a match a BFG... I mean I'd be more convinced if Sting won the title and it wound up being a win and you're champ and lose and you're fired match but I still think he'll retire, I don't really see any reason he'd stick around.

He's supposedly sticking around for a retirement tour invloving or not involving the World title lasting until the Spring. Im hoping he puts AJ over at BFG then says the lost made him realize he's getting older then goes on one more run throughout the year beating top level names and wins the belt later in the year so Styles doesn't look like shit.
Yeah, I definately don't think they should take the title off of AJ so soon... I hope they put him over for atleast 5 or 6 months... If they focus on his in-ring skills and he has fueds with good wrestlers, he could really be the top star they've been looking for...
I'm all for him sticking around, I haven't been following wrestling all that long but I am a Sting fan and I wouldn't mind seeing one more run out of him. I like the idea of him beating up on the top level talent, if it is the case I'd like to eventually see that culminate with some sort of Triple Threat/Fatal Four Way for the #1 Contender's spot with him beating Matt Morgan and Kurt Angle, with his last feud being with AJ for the title. If he wants to do it I think it's a win win for TNA and the fans. The fans get to see Sting on one last run, TNA gains more revenue and exposure and AJ Styles gets firmly cemented and put over. I'd just been reading here and there that this was supposed to be it for him so I was a might bit confused.
He's supposedly sticking around for a retirement tour invloving or not involving the World title lasting until the Spring. Im hoping he puts AJ over at BFG then says the lost made him realize he's getting older then goes on one more run throughout the year beating top level names and wins the belt later in the year so Styles doesn't look like shit.

I like your idea here. He can lose to AJ and realize that he is getting older. But it would be similar to when Ric Flair came back to "fight " Randy Orton. It be the whole I need to do this for me. I need to prove I can still go at it angle. That angle would not be bad if played out right. Sting can go around and wrestle all the young up and coming stars to prove he can still hang with them and eventually he can retire after he's satisfied with what he has done.
To the threadstarter, how do you get mixed up with a guy having a retirement tour and a guy not retiring? The man is retiring and is on his way out. Plain and simple! Just cause he's retiring doesn't have to mean that his last match set in stone has to be at BFG. And it doesn't mean he's going to win the world title either. For all you know, they can setup a storyline where Sting jobs on his way out and puts over talent. You don't know what they'll do so you guys quit with the hesitation.
I dont really want Sting to retired yes I know he is getting old and he is in his 50s.But rather people like it or not most people who watch Tna or the people I know that watch it only watch it for wrestlers that the iwc wants to go away or retire from tna like Sting Kevin Nash and 3d you know the veterans and i know some people are going to say its tna fault for not building there stars like Aj Daniels mcmg etc. and it is sorta there fault but how do we know that there actually ready for the spotlight. I believe they deserved a chance to see if they actually deserved the spot. But mostly all the crappy main events and lackluster ppvs are not the wrestlers fault but it is the bad writing.
As a longtime Sting fan, I don't have a problem with him sticking around. However it all depends how he's used. He can still go in the ring and can still be a top tier guy without being the top guy. He should be used to help elevate the younger guys. Maybe you don't use him in a World Title run, but I could definitely see him tagging with a younger guy and having a tag title run, or as the Legends champ putting over a heel.

He doesn't do house shows, so I'd be interested to see what they mean by a farewell tour.
As long as Styles gets put over cleanly, I guess a retirement tour angle could work. Although it would do more for Styles' push if he retires Sting, a retirement could be quite a lucrative opportunity for TNA and one that the WWE missed out on with Flair. If he continues past Bound for Glory he still needs to lose cleanly to Styles, if he doesn't it's a wasted opportunity and one that could be quite a detriment in establishing Styles as a true star.
I'm a pretty big Sting fan, and appriciate all his has done in the business, his work ethic, and his personal stance, but I really hope he does retire. While he still can put on some pretty good matches, and is one of the draws for TNA, I just really think this is what's best right now.

Having AJ possibly retiring him, is a good storyline, that Sting can be proud to go out on. AJ Styles is a great guy to lose to, and it would give AJ another nice little push. And with Sting gone it "might" open up another spot in the mainevent for someone new and fresh. I really think this is the best way for him to leave with his diginity and head held high.

I don't really think his lose would drastically effect TNA's ratings or buyrates(since he comes and goes all the time, whichd doesn't really effect the ratings)but if worst comes to worse, and after Sting leaves TNA somehow tanks they could always bring him back.
As long as Styles gets put over cleanly, I guess a retirement tour angle could work. Although it would do more for Styles' push if he retires Sting, a retirement could be quite a lucrative opportunity for TNA and one that the WWE missed out on with Flair. If he continues past Bound for Glory he still needs to lose cleanly to Styles, if he doesn't it's a wasted opportunity and one that could be quite a detriment in establishing Styles as a true star.

I agree. Sting lost cleanly to Joe at Victory Road via tap out. So he would have to lose cleanly to AJ to make look strong.
No matter what I want AJ Styles to win this match. I don't necessarily want the Stinger to retire. I still enjoy Sting's matches, and would not mind if he stayed around at all. If he were to retire, this would be a great way to go out.

This match would/will do alot for AJ's career, which Styles deserves. That is another reason I think Sting retiring, or atleast going out that way, would be a good idea. I guess as long as STYLES ends the Bound for Glory "streak" and wins clean it will still mean something, just not as much.

All I know for sure is that I am excited for their match at Bound for Glory V...

Champion VS Icon
Sting must still lose cleanly to AJ Styles in order to put AJ over, but a retirement tour for Sting would still be nice to see. It would be better IMO if Sting would just retire after Bound For Glory, but a clean win for AJ Styles won't be too bad.
If Sting doesn't lose cleanly I would not be impressed. Really though who would interfere in the match?

The only options would be the following :

Kurt Angle - He lost his title at No Surrender and might stick his nose in there as to say he wants it back although he is busy with Morgan.

Morgan - While he is currently a face/tweener he could get so hungry for the gold that he interferes to let them know he still wants the belt.

I don't see either of these two interfering though due to the fact that they have their own match/storyline and I don't want to see them get tied into Styles/Sting. I don't like when the mesh two totally seperate and unrelated storylines.

Anyway I see Sting losing cleanly to Styles. I think it will be nice though if they play it off like Aj doesn't know he is retiring. Let's say Aj beats him and Sting grabs the mic and talks about how that was his final match. He is retiring now and he is happy to do so at this time. Styles could get emotional like he did on Impact with that promo. He could feel terrible for retiring the icon. Then Sting can give him won last pep talk and tell him he's not done yet. He says he wants to prove to himself that he can hang with the other big guys and the other up and comers. He could then go on to respectfully feud with the likes of Hernandez and Morgan and put them both over and elevate them. Then he can have one last match against Hernandez Morgan and Styles. It could be an elimination fatal four way and it could come down to Styles and Sting again and Styles will just lose it. Sting will slap him and tell him to not lose focus. Give him a mini pep talk in the ring and tell him he's number 1 and he's the Icon of TNA. Then they go on to fight and Sting loses again and says " Ok now it's my time. I have proven I still got it. I can still hang with the young stars of TNA. This is my full retirement "
Maybe he'll move on to be AJ's manager, be his mouthpiece while Styles gets better on the mic. Or is the tour promoting matches with Sting on them?
A retirement tour would be a very nice idea.

It would be nice for the fans if he started wrestling at some of the house shows from now until he does retire.

I'd love Sting to possibly have one last run with the Title.

Either way, I think a program with A.J Styles would be fantastic.
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