Sting in WWE HOF a good idea?


Dark Match Winner
I've seen plenty of comments and threads suggesting that when, or at this point I should say IF, Sting were to come to the WWE it would only be to have a match with the Undertaker at WrestleMania and then be put into the HOF next year. Is that really something that makes sense though? I mean the point I'm trying to make is that Sting has never been in the WWE but people think he should be in the WWE HOF? It just doesn't sound logical for a former top WCW and TNA star to come to the WWE, wrestle one match, and then go into the HOF. Yes, Sting is an icon in professional wrestling, no pun intended, but he shouldn't be in the HOF in WWE. Many people said Goldberg should be put in as well but the man only spent one year in the company and then left. Brock Lesnar is a slightly different story but not by much. Back on topic, what does everyone else think of Sting being put into the WWE HOF? A move that makes perfect sense or no sense at all?
WWE owns WCW...WCW is a huge part of the wwe network...SO yes it makes perfect sense. There are other people in the hall of fame that were NOT in wwe for very long and were a huge part of there competition such as Ric Flair. If Sting has at least 3 Big matches in wwe than Yes id put him in.
WWE owns WCW...WCW is a huge part of the wwe network...SO yes it makes perfect sense. There are other people in the hall of fame that were NOT in wwe for very long and were a huge part of there competition such as Ric Flair. If Sting has at least 3 Big matches in wwe than Yes id put him in.

But sting wasn't working for wcw when wwe bought it. That's like people saying aj styles should go into the wwe hof. He's never worked for wwe so it makes no sense
If your saying this about the ICON sting what do you think happened when the inducted Abdullah the butcher. He never worked for the wwf?
What's the difference between the two? This has happened before. Sting is such a high profile guy that it makes sense for him to be there
I do believe Sting should be in Hof. He may have never been a WWE guy but he is very integral to the history of WCW and The Monday Night Wars. As for him being in WCW when WWE purchased it he was. The last match on the last Nitro was Sting vs. Flair.
They put plenty of guys that never competed for WWE. Abdullah, Verne Gagne, even the Von Erichs have gone in without having WWE runs. It's not about that, it's about their contributions to wrestling in general, considering WWE owns all the companies and their libraries. Sting should go in, no doubt about it. He is more deserving than over half of the guys in there.
Again, WWE has become wrestling. It's a lot like UFC in the sense that when someone mentions a fighter or the word mma, they instantly think ufc. Same with wrestling, it's the wwe. Besides, the wwe is basically the wrestling hall of fame. As pointed out already, there have been other guys in history to go in without being in wwe. Sting deserves it just alone on his wcw run. I try to forget a lot of what he did in tna. Hopefully he does more than one match
I'm pretty sure that the WWE HOF encapsulates more than Superstars who work/have worked for the company.
They also induct people who had relevance in the industry as a whole as well. People like Antonio Inoki and Verne Gagne, and this year's inductee, Carlos Colon. Sting had a great look, was massively popular and had some amazing matches and storylines. I say he definitely deserves the HOF nod, and as above have said, it needs to be more than one match.
I've seen plenty of comments and threads suggesting that when, or at this point I should say IF, Sting were to come to the WWE it would only be to have a match with the Undertaker at WrestleMania and then be put into the HOF next year. Is that really something that makes sense though? I mean the point I'm trying to make is that Sting has never been in the WWE but people think he should be in the WWE HOF? It just doesn't sound logical for a former top WCW and TNA star to come to the WWE, wrestle one match, and then go into the HOF. Yes, Sting is an icon in professional wrestling, no pun intended, but he shouldn't be in the HOF in WWE. Many people said Goldberg should be put in as well but the man only spent one year in the company and then left. Brock Lesnar is a slightly different story but not by much. Back on topic, what does everyone else think of Sting being put into the WWE HOF? A move that makes perfect sense or no sense at all?

Guys...In case you haven't noticed, WWE runs a PRO WRESTLING HALL OF FAME, it isn't WWE only and if it was it would be a joke. Remember when it started, when WCW and other feds were still around and it was WWE ONLY, it was a joke, and a poor one at that. Very quickly WWE stopped marketing it, the whole thing disappeared, there simply weren't enough WWE only wrestlers around to enshrine. The HOF didn't even come back into existence and start being marketed again until after WCW & ECW were both out of business.

The WWE Pro Wrestling HOF in recent years has inducted The Von Erichs, Nick Bockwinkle, & Abdullah The Butcher, not too mention members of The Rock's family who while they made significant contributions to the industry as promoters were not WWE. Add to that The Four Horsemen as well, maybe the most legendary heel group ever but one that never wrestled a single match for WWE.

I honestly get upset every time I see some "Its The WWE HOF...he wasn't WWE" post, as if the poster has no idea what Vince and WWE are doing, running by far the biggest and most promoted PRO WRESTLING HOF anywhere in the US.

Now that Vince has vanquished most of his competition, and owns all the tape libraries, he is truly the keeper of the history of the industry. Vince & WWE own wrestling footage from rival companies that goes back into the 50s and 60s, the early days of TV, he owns the entire video library of the NWA, WCW, AWA, ECW, Mid South, World Class, and UWF. Vince is not a stupid business man, even if he doesn't feel any obligation to honor the heritage and work of those in the industry who made significant contributions without being WWE only or primarily WWE (and he should) there is a business profitability point with marketing (and paying homage) to the legacies and work of those other companies and their wrestlers. Bottom line, fans watched those products, often in very large numbers, and some will buy the DVD Retrospectives, etc that honor them. It's been 13 years since the acquisition of WCW and Vince is still releasing DVDs and marketing content on the WWE Network related to the other companies.

Personally, since he owns everything I feel Vince, a guy who has become extremely wealthy and successful thanks to Pro Wrestling, owed it to the fans (the people who made him rich) and the performers to pay proper tribute to those who made major contributions to the industry success outside WWE. However, even if he doesn't feel that way, he apparently is smart enough to do so for money making purposes. Either way at least 40 years of Pro Wrestling isn't lost & buried.

As for Sting, since this is clearly a WWE run PRO WRESTLING HOF there is no doubt he belongs in. We can debate guys like Ultimate Warrior but there is no debate about the success Sting contributed to, his work ethic, and his longevity. He is clearly a HOFer. Why isn't he in yet ? Well for the past few years he has been under contract to TNA and wouldn't have been able to work with WWE in any promotional capacity, forget wrestling matches, he couldn't do a sit down interview or an autograph signing. I assume Sting will get his enshrinement when he either A) Is clearly retired, not under contract anywhere, and can at least participate in the Induction Ceremony, autograph signings and related promotional work B) When he signs to wrestle in WWE, even if only for a short time, which with him under contract enables him to do the other activities. There is no reason from a business sense to induct him when he cant participate.
It's easy to understand the objection of some folks to Sting being in the WWE HOF. While it's one thing to own WCW's library and the "rights" to use WCW former employees as if they were WWE's own, it's another thing to take a pro wrestling immortal who never set foot in a WWE ring and immediately install him in the Hall of Fame.

Yes, the sun will still come up tomorrow even if they choose to do this, but it still seems incongruous to call it the WWE Hall of Fame if you're gonna stick guys in there who never worked for them. Verne Gagne is a good example of this; if anything, the only words he apparently spoke regarding WWE were negative, right? He hated Vince McMahon Jr. and the way he conducted his business, so what do they do?...put Gagne in the WWE HOF? Ugh.

Still, Steve Borden as Sting is such a monumental figure in the pro wrestling industry that his inclusion probably transcends the need to be politically correct. In fact, this is one of the reasons I felt he cheated the fans....and himself.... of the opportunity to see him perform in WWE when he was still physically able to really make a go of it. Instead, he chose to work in a lesser wrestling organization (TNA). IMO, when you're at the very top of your field, you ply your trade in the place in which the most fans can watch you do it.

Is Sting in the HOF a good idea? Sure, why not?.......bring him in and give him some stuff to do for awhile......wrestle a couple of matches......and put him in the Hall in time for WM31.

After all, he is Sting.
I think Sting should be inducted,Vince said it him self its not about if you ever wrestled in WWE,but what you have done for professional wrestling as a whole,your contributions and hard work ..Stinger is without question a Hall of Famer!!!
I think the WWE would make certain exceptions to their HOF for the likes of Sting, as a group the Horsemen didn't compete in WWE but they are in the HOF.
But sting wasn't working for wcw when wwe bought it. That's like people saying aj styles should go into the wwe hof. He's never worked for wwe so it makes no sense

What? Sting wrestled on the last Nitro... he as a Time Warner contract like Hogan, G-Berg, Nash, Hall, and Flair.. they got 100% of their money to sit at home.
It would be a good idea. Sting created a great legacy for himself, I'm sure they will make note of the fact that he created a legacy of being the greatest wrestler to never step foot in a WWE ring, in the video package they air. At the end of the day, the WWE in a sense owns the legacy of WCW, you can watch all of Sting's WCW bouts on the WWE Network. I think Sting deserves to go into Hall of Fame, solely based on what he accomplished in pro-wrestling. Not only that but Sting deserves to be recognized for his impact on pro-wrestling on a larger scale than what TNA did for him. It's not like WWE's inducting a mid-card WCW wrestler, who never wrestled in the WWE into their Hall of Fame.
Whether or not Sting actually wrestles in WWE or is just used for special appearances or is used in some sort of on-air authority figure role, I can't think of one logical reason why he shouldn't be in the WWE Hall of Fame. Of all the major stars in pro wrestling in to debut in the last 40 years, Sting is really the only huge star to have never had anything to do with WWE. That in and of itself is noteworthy as are his contributions, his accomplishments and the fact that he became such a huge star without interacting with WWE in any way.

Also, there's the point of the WWE Hall of Fame not necessarily being confined to only wrestlers who were significant stars in WWE, but for wrestling as a whole. Some complain about WWE's HOF lacking credibility due to the inclusion of celebrities but, in all fairness, there are the same complaints about other HOFs. The football, baseball & basketball HOFs contain guys who've been wife beaters, drug addicts and murder suspects. As far as celebs go, Sylvester Stallone is in the pro boxing HOF despite the fact he never boxed a match in his life, at least not that I'm aware of. Some question the legitimacy of WWE's HOF because some inductees go in as part of business dealings; so what? Carlos Colon is almost certainly gonna sell the WWC tape library to WWE and has done business with WWE for years, but can anyone genuinely claim he's not a legend in the business? He's one of the founders and owners of WWC, which is a well known company that's been in operation for more than 40 years.

Now that the streak has ended, I see little point in Taker vs. Sting at WrestleMania. The last time I saw Sting, he himself wasn't exactly in the best physical shape and Taker looked more physically tired, weaker and older at WrestleMania XXX than he ever has. Given that Sting is well into his 50s while Taker just turning 49, and looking extremely rough, I can't say I'm all that keen to see this match go down at all. I think there's an extremely strong possibility that the match won't happen and maybe it shouldn't, Sting's simply waited too long now that TNA's no longer able to afford him and the ship has sailed. For all we know, Sting may not be medically cleared to get physical after having undergone WWE's barrage of medical tests.
Of course Sting should/will be inducted. I'm hoping his first television appearance in WWE redefines the term nostalgia pop.

At the rate WWE is inducting people, the Hall of Fame ceremony won't last if eligibility is only extended to those who worked in WWE.

Make no mistake, Vince McMahon would induct his ass if he thought it would make a buck. The induction video would include all members of the "Kiss My Ass" club. Sounds ridiculous, but it is not totally out of the realm of possibility.

Who would induct his ass, though? One of his grandchildren? Paul Levesque? Kevin Dunn?

Or... Jeff Jarrett, in exchange for being a lower level inductee in 2030. But TNA would never be mentioned, only the "Ain't I great Tour", the good housekeeping match, and his main-event run in WCW would be chronicled.

Jesus, I went off on a tangent here.
I think both Sting and Goldberg should be inducted based on their wcw resumes and the impact they had. Especially since wwe owns wcw. It would be great for the fans.
You bumped a 6 month old thread? Nice job o_O being as I'm here now...while I won't argue against Sting going in, it's kinda silly to induct in a guy who never even stepped foot into your promotion...I mean who's the stupidest guy in the Hall? Pete Rose? Well he showed up what 4-5 times. Sting has never shown up
If people like Pete Rose, Mr. T and others can get in, then why the hell not. In saying that, however, I would have thought that you would have actually had to step into a WWE ring to get into the Hall of Fame.

Sting hasn't done that yet, and when he does, and depending on what he does should be the deciding factor. Putting him in just for the sake of being able to say he's in there is just well dumb.
Yes I think Sting should and will go into the WWE Hall of Fame.
Plenty of WCW guys are in the Hall of Fame. Booker T, Hogan, Flair are good examples.
I think first Sting needs to give atleast 1 show stopping match and then I'd put him in the Hall of fame.
Plenty of WCW guys are in the Hall of Fame. Booker T, Hogan, Flair are good examples.
I think first Sting needs to give atleast 1 show stopping match and then I'd put him in the Hall of fame.

Your argument is that Booker T, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair are in there? You're kidding me right? Booker T was good in WCW and good in WWE for about 8ish years. Winning tag titles, mid card titles and the world title in both promotions.

Hulk Hogan...that has to be a joke! If Hogan wasn't in the Hall Of Fame, truly no one deserves to be in there. Yea he wrestled in WCW for a while, but he was also the biggest WWF star from the 80's till he left. Completely different.

Ric Flair? As in the 16 time world champion? Former tag champ, part of 2 of the most important factions in history? He's wrestled in WWE before...Sting hasn't.

I think that's what this should come down to, personally. If you haven't been in a WWE ring you don't deserve the WWE Hall Of Fame. It's nothing against Sting but if he can't even show up, why does he deserve to be in the Hall? The Hall is to honor the best/most memorable throughout WWE/F, Sting never was in the company. So I say no until he's here. Maybe WWE could create a Wrestling HoF to satisfy people like this, truly make it the best of the best! No Koko B Ware or Pete Rose, only the biggest names.
WWE absolutely has an obligation to honour legends from WCW, ECW, AWA and the other territories they swallowed. They're still making money from those people, after all.

Aren't Stu Hart, Abdullah the Butcher and Gordon Solie in the WWE Hall of Fame? They never wrestled for WWE, so I don't see the problem with putting the face of WCW in.
Of course! WWE's made enough off the monday night wars which he was a huge part of already, as well as now having him in the games and other merchandise. Sting is part of the reason for the Attitude Era, he was the top face of the company they were competiting with at the time. Eventually we'll see Sting in a WWE ring and the WWE HOF and it will be well worth it.

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