Here are some very important points about Sting:
- If the rumors are true, Sting signed a one-year deal with TNA. (I hope that's not a spoiler) That means that by this time next year, Sting will once again be a free agent. What if Sting wanted to wait for a year where he'll get some real recognition? Think about it: this year Shawn Michaels is being inducted. There are a lot of classy icons that will be inducted this year but Shawn will be the biggest by far. Why go in this year when next year (or even 2013) he could be the marquee guy? I know it's in Atlanta where WCW's headquarters was but with he can do one more year in TNA to give them time for a big send-off (if they felt so inclined) then face The Undertaker at WM 28 for match #20 (yes, I am a WWE mark in addition to TNA so insult me all you want) and have a one-year legends contract for 2012-2013.
- For those worried about his age, remember that Flair can still work a decent match at 60+, and Sting is actually in much better shape. He always has been and while he wants to work the lighter schedule, I think Sting could easily go another 2-3 years. Point is, he'll decide when he's done.
-The WWE owns all of his old-school footage from WCW, so any tribute DVDs the WWE puts out won't include Sting until he's out of TNA. I don't even think he'd need to sign with the WWE as a talent; he'd just need to be not signed with TNA, which makes sense due to contractual obligations. As much as some people hate, despise, or loathe the WWE, you have to admit the WWE does a great job with creating DVDs and shows from their archives for legends in this business, and not just the ones that were in the WWE. It's obvious Sting doesn't need the money; but the legacy that he has created should be immortalized, and even the fans who have no idea who Sting was and what he was all about would be curious and interested in just how great he was. Plus, he could be included in the action figure line as well. Small crap, I know, but it's part of the package.
- The WWE Hall of Fame isn't the only Hall of Fame, but it's the biggest one on the biggest stage. Sure, he could be on the NWA Hall of Fame, but why should he simply alienate the WWE for whatever reason? Even if he wanted to be the only big name icon to never be in the WWE, where does that leave him? What does that accomplish? When Sting is dead and buried, will the legacy he leaves be "Hey, Sting never signed with the WWE for X reason?"
- Going to the WWE is the last thing left for him to do. Why not spend just one year there? Would one year destroy Sting? Would one year kill TNA? Sting has done everything he can for TNA. He has gone through regime changes and different storylines, he's been the focal point of storylines both as the top face and as the top heel, he's put over many young wrestlers, and he's been a multiple-time World Champion. What's left for him to do besides retire? Do you really think he would not win at least the World Heavyweight Championship once?
- Last thing: let's put this offensive WWE crap to rest. The WWE has been a PG show for years, so Sting being offended by the WWE's content now is ridiculous. The character butchering is a legit concern, but by this point in his career, how is it different between putting over Alberto Del Rio or Jeff Hardy? I just can't see McMahon or even HHH (who is so close to running things anyway) killing Sting's character after spending so long trying to sign him. Even if things went bad, it'd be like Goldberg: though he had strange moments of interaction, Goldberg was still a dominant force in the WWE in his one year in. It'd take a lot of crushing for Sting's character to be so irrevocably ruined in the WWE at this point.
When he said no due to possibly having his character butchered by Vince that was back in the early 2000's. Now I think it's because TNA only tapes a couple times a month so he only has to work a few days out of a month and I doubt WWE can offer him that. His knees aren't in that great a shape so the less he has to work the better for his health.