Steve Austin: A Bad Mother-Trucker!


The Doctor Of Veganomics!!!
Hello again, the last Steve Austin thread I did was about his cunning skills of deception through disguises. This Steve Austin thread asks: What was Austin's best moment on 4 (or more) wheels?

1. Beer Truck- Stone Cold blasts the corporation with gallons of "Steveweiser" and leaves Mr. McMahon literaly swimming in a pool of beer!

2.Zambonie- Austin crashes through a gate, mows down security, drives this machine down to ringside and opens a can of whup ass on Vinny Mac!

3.Cement Truck- Vince's 1987 Corvette get destroyed beyond recognition, courtesy of The Rattlesnake...and tons of cement.

4.Demolition truck- The luxury DX express was a pretty sweet ride for Champion HHH and his cohorts until Steve dropped a wrecking ball onto the bus, explosion ensued and the bus was left a pile of rubble and ashes!

5.Forklift- At a PPV (I don't remember which), Austin and HHH battled from the ring to the backstage area and finally the parking lot where HHH sought refuge in a car. Austin picked him up in a forklift and dropped HHH from about 15-20 ft. in the air while still in the car...Ouch!

6.Pickup Truck- At the DX PPV, Austin drove a pickup truck to ringside and used it as a weapon against The Nation Of Domination!

7.Monster Truck- The Rock's $40,000 custom made 1998 Lincoln Towncar wasn't safe from The Bionic Redneck. Stone Cold crushed The Rock's new luxury vehicle beyond repair with his custom made Austin 3:16 Monster Truck!

So again, the question is: Where did Austin learn how to drive all these damn vehicles? Just kidding! What was Austin's best moment on 4 wheels?
Or add a moment that I forgot. I'm sure there's one or two...
Beer truck for me that was a awesome moment. The crowd went nuts and the look on Vince's face was priceless. Also loved Vince's "swim" and he cut a good promo on top of the truck.

It has to be the Beer truck!

One of the true classic WWF moments, once that everyone remembers fondly when Austin was as hot as any superstar in history. Totally unexpected, it made the fans love Austin even more to see him spraying the hated Corporation, including WWF Champion The Rock with beer, leaving Vince literally "swimming" in a pool of beer on the mat. Absolutely brilliant.

Austin is usually gold no matter what he does, and he has had alot of great moments with different vehicles. The time when he blew up the DX Express, and filled Vince's car with cement were other classic Raw moments!
Gotta go with the beer truck.

The crowd was loving every minute of it. It was totally unexpected, everyone wanted to see The Corporation get theirs, and this was it.
I liked the regular pickup truck that he drove out to DX in late 97. The way he used it in that match was quite violent, and it looked awesome.
Personally, I loved the Beer Truck and it should be #1 for being over-the-top, unexpected and original, though the Monster Truck was like the "Best for Last" type moment.
Im going to give the austin monster truck some love. I thought it was amazing to see a stone cold monster truck crush his car. That is more badass compared to the beer truck imo.

Beer truck was more exciting/funny than badass.
I am going to go against the grain here and say the Zamboni. It was just ridiculous and hilarious at the same time to see him roll out in it. JR calling it just added to the awesomeness of it. The beer truck is a very very close second for me, but something about him on a Zamboni cracks me up everytime.

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