Star Ratings

What a shock: you have a concept and I don't get it. Who would have seen this coming? Does anyone get your concepts?
Oh calm down KayBee, for once YOU'RE the rebel and I'm the conformist in this situation! People just like star ratings for wrestling man, what can be said? It's the system that all the major newsletters have used over the years so it became ingrained into future generations of wrestling fans.

Plus KB, you can be very lenient with those ratings. I've seen you give bad matches a good grade simply because of the booking or give a 2 minute match a B- because it was quick and knew it's place.

It's all silly, I agree, but star ratings are just what people prefer man.
And again, liking star ratings are fine. Use whatever you like. But people need to chill WAY out about me using them and saying my reviews are inferior because of them. The argument that they're incomprehensible or it makes them worse is stupid. 4 pages and thousands of characters can be perfect but D instead of * makes the whole thing awful? That's petty and stupid and that's all there is to it.
I consider myself an expert in the field of reviewing since I've done two of them for this site. I rate matches based on how good they are, nothing else. If it is a good, solid match, I'll give it three stars. A great match will get four. An ok match 2. I don't base it off how well it plays its part in the overall show by putting the right person over or whatever. I rate it to tell you how good of a match it is.

Oh, and there won't be an EVOLVE 5 review, at least for a little while. I watched it earlier and forgot to review it. I'll do Dragn Gate USA shows, but I think I'm going to do them different since I know I won't be ablr to type fast enough to keep up with the action and I don't want to pause the show every three seconds.
I'm watching WM 2000 and before the Kat vs. Teri match JR says that those wrestling purists out there that use the star system might want to avoid this one. For some reason that cracked me up.
Kb your next review must be given in that format of "out of 28 Burning McDonalds Restaurants"

It would be lolworthy to see people going WTF!!
There is nothing wrong with the writing as best I remember but why are you asking why people care about your actual ratings if you do not want to hear the answer? Next time just write something like KB cannot take criticism very well. Some random people on the interweb took issue with something I did. Such a thing is incomprehensible. Please my wrestlezone minions suckup to me in agreement so I can confirm my self absorptivity.

You already explain the match or segment in words. The rating, when called a match rating, should be universal to all matches. Same when it comes to rating a whole show. Otherwise, what is the point of the actual ratings?

Also, this is the root of the real issue.

Plus KB, you can be very lenient with those ratings. I've seen you give bad matches a good grade simply because of the booking or give a 2 minute match a B- because it was quick and knew it's place.
Don't know if it's be mentioned before, but perhaps people take more offense at being told a match they liked was a "C" when they would normally be just fine with a 3-star.
Plus KB, you can be very lenient with those ratings. I've seen you give bad matches a good grade simply because of the booking or give a 2 minute match a B- because it was quick and knew it's place.

I probably should not butt in in a battle of the heavyweights but I disagree here X. If Sting would have squashed Hogan at Starrcade 1997 in 5 minutes I would have given the match a B at the very least. Why? Because it made perfect sense. Also WCW might have been alive today but I guess that is kinda deviating from the topic.

Not to hop on KB's dick but I think that he gives a grade on the basis of the workrate+ the storyline. More often than not the guys who give star ratings focus only on the workrate while doing so.
There is nothing wrong with the writing as best I remember but why are you asking why people care about your actual ratings if you do not want to hear the answer? Next time just write something like KB cannot take criticism very well. Some random people on the interweb took issue with something I did. Such a thing is incomprehensible. Please my wrestlezone minions suckup to me in agreement so I can confirm my self absorptivity.

You already explain the match or segment in words. The rating, when called a match rating, should be universal to all matches. Same when it comes to rating a whole show. Otherwise, what is the point of the actual ratings?

Also, this is the root of the real issue.'re a very stupid person.
We should all try and form a simpler rating system. This is what I propose.

Man boobs= Shit Match

Side Boobs= Average match

Full Boobs= Great match.
Come on man can we stop demonizing star ratings like they're a force of natural evil on Earth? As you guys keep saying it doesn't matter what symbolic system you use to convey your feelings about a match. Some people like letters, and some people like star ratings like with films. Stop bitching about it.
The IWC - breaking down my faith in all humanity a little bit at a time.

Note this comes from a person who spends a lot of time in homeless shelters, rehab camps, and mentoring programs with kids whose parents are worthless dopehead losers.

Oh, and third world countries were they use children as human bombs.
Come on man can we stop demonizing star ratings like they're a force of natural evil on Earth? As you guys keep saying it doesn't matter what symbolic system you use to convey your feelings about a match. Some people like letters, and some people like star ratings like with films. Stop bitching about it.

Been saying that the entire time.
But didn't you expect that so my argument gets an A+?

Ok, he gets props for this one.

Personally, I didn't even realize you didn't grade with the traditional * system the first couple of times I read them. I really could not care less. I sit for hours on in reading your reviews because I find them to be very entertaining and it lets me reflect on the PPVs I watched when I was younger in an adult perspective since I never could go back and watch them now. It usually amazes me how much I remember from all of those shit Attitude Era PPVs after all of these years.

I don't think the letter grade or star grade is better than the other. I just prefer how you grade matches as a whole. I like X's reviews too, but he puts too much effort into getting every move they make typed up for me. I know a lot of people prefer this, but I'd rather just have the important things said with some background and personality.
People seem to be traditionalists when it comes to the ratings system used. They see something out of the ordinary (letters in this case) and get up in arms about it being used instead of stars. It doesn't matter how you grade, or what criteria you use because it is your fucking thoughts! (Not directed at you KB) Both KB and X say "Blah blah blah review with X/KB". It's not a difficult concept for both to use their own criteria for a match, and the same goes with any other reviewer or writer.

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