Matt Hardy Claims Responsibility for Increased Ratings?

Sorry guys i noticed this a couple weeks ago be4 Matt Hardys Impact debut he got on youtube and said "C0ome watch Impact coz me n Jeff r teaming up" then that week the impact rating came in highter then the week be4.The guy gets payed for being so popular on youtube! I dont know if hes done it since but you guys are only a few 1000 people who hate him compared to the millions of followers on his his youtube channel. That could be the reason! just saying...
Sorry guys i noticed this a couple weeks ago be4 Matt Hardys Impact debut he got on youtube and said "C0ome watch Impact coz me n Jeff r teaming up" then that week the impact rating came in highter then the week be4.The guy gets payed for being so popular on youtube! I dont know if hes done it since but you guys are only a few 1000 people who hate him compared to the millions of followers on his his youtube channel. That could be the reason! just saying...

Millions of followers? His YouTube channel has 35.000 subscribers, and he has about 150.000 followers on Twitter. These people didn't ALL tune in to watch TNA. You wanna know where the ratings increase comes from?

TNA kept the shows interesting from start to finish. Usually TNA starts off with a 1.4 or a 1.3 and the ratings drop to about 1.0-1.1 by the end of the show, the average is 1.1 or 1.2 if they're lucky. This past weeks TNA kept a big portion of their audience through the whole thing and the average rating was higher.

P.S: We don't HATE Matt Hardy, we just think he sucks. We're waiting to be proven otherwise.
OMG, Matt Hardy is such a tool for taking credit for this! He has such an incredible record of telling his fans the absolute truth about everything; I swear, his YouTube channel is like the True Fact Bible to the wrestling industry.

Seriously, how stupid are some of you? How many times can Matt Hardy completely bullshit you over the internet and have you gobble it up as truth?
It was a work... and from the looks at some of the replies here, a somewhat successful one.

Wrestling needs to continually do something (anything!) to draw attention to itself. That's just the nature of the business, but is also relevant in the face of heavy competition from the "real fights and drama" in UFC. The early-2000's fallout of pro wrestling has shown us all that simply "building characters" and "telling stories" in conventional ways won't steadily increase ratings and buyrates. In this regard, there really is no such thing as bad publicity.

Enter Matt Hardy... a guy with a lot of controversy surrounding him right now. Is he a drug addict? Is he getting his three squares from McDonalds, Burger King, and Taco Bell respectively? Is he a ticking time bomb just ready to explode? Much like his brother Jeff, there is a lot of speculation regarding the current status of Matt Hardy's personal well-being. Though it could be classified as somewhat of a low blow, this makes watching him infinitely more interesting. People love the proverbial car wreck, driving by extra slow and taking an extra long look, hoping to see a mangled body pulled from the wreckage.

Make no mistakes, as that's precisely what's going on here: Matt Hardy? The reason for the ratings spike? Is he crazy? Drugged up? Endorphin fueled from his latest double quarter pounder with cheese super sized value meal? Regardless, the whole mess has some folks talking, which is exactly what both Matt Hardy and TNA were probably hoping for.
i started watching tna a tiny bit more for matt. So he did draw somebody. And even though you guys don't like it, matt hardy is a draw. He is over. And you guys can wine and try to be clever with calling him Fatt Hardly (which is saying he is hardly fat you fucking ******.), but you will keep watching him, and he will still be spending the money that he makes off of you watching him.

I prefer "Fatt Lardy", myself. Now, let's stay on subject. If Matt were such a big draw, he could at least sell Merchandise, thus he would have been WWE champion--at least once. That's just business sense. If your draw is a cash cow, selling shit and stuff, then give him the strap--but Matt never held neither the WWE, or World, Title Belt, so he's not that significant of draw. I bet he never even holds the TNA Championship Belt. If he does, then you know TNA is crap: Matt Hardy as Champion?
Matt is a nut job thinking hes the reason the ratings went up by a 10th or 2 of a point. I hope its him talking in character and not really him believing it.

The small ratings jump happened because people wanted to see how TNA was going to cover the jump of Booker T and Nash back to WWE over restarting MEM. Everyone in Immortal and Fortune were being attacked in the back and taken out. I find it hard to believe, even in wrestling, that AJ, Beer Money Inc. and Rick would allow themselves to be taken out by their partners "They." Let alone Kurt letting his butt get beat for a couple weeks by his own "They."
I'm curious what all you fine people who grace these forums think about this.

What do I think? Hmmmmm, if Matt Hardy tweeted it, then by God it must be true.

In future tweets, Matt will:

1. Take credit for curing cancer.
2. Take credit for solving the problems in Egypt.
3. Take credit for the Packers winning the Super Bowl.
Let's try this again since you all didn't seem to grasp it the first time around:


In professional wrestling, kayfabe (pronounced /ˈkeɪfeɪb/) is the portrayal of events within the industry as "real". That is, the portrayal of professional wrestling as being genuine or not worked. Referring to events or interviews as being a "chore" means that the event/interview has been "kayfabed" or staged, or is part of a wrestling angle while being passed off as legitimate.

Why pro-wrestling fans fail to grasp this concept even in todays day and age is beyond me. Obviously the comments are kayfabe.

He's playing into the angle, folks. Of course they're not "real".

Last I checked, Matt Hardy is supposed to be a "cold blooded" heel, and what would more indicative of that than being a mark for himself?

Christ alive wrestling fans are fuckin' ******ed sometimes...
I just can't believe some of you haters here guys. I know you hate Matt Hardy and I use to think he was getting pathetic and crazy until I saw his video adressing Val Venis comment where I CLEARLY saw that everything he was doing was an act just to get his name out there.

Like I said, I know it's the cool thing these days to hate Matt Hardy but it's crytal clear that he don't think for real that he is the reason for the "success" of the rating, he is playing with his haters and it's working.
Do you really have nothing better to do than analyze every little thing to the point where you completely and utterly miss the point? It's a joke; it's one of those common jokes people say that they obviously do not mean seriously because it makes them look childish or crazy. And while Matt is a potential narcissist and fatty, he's not crazy or stupid.
I think he's just kidding.

But on a Matt Hardy note, a year ago I was watching Smackdown just for matt hardy. Now I stop watching TNA because of Matt Hardy... Ohhh how things have changed in the last year.
I do belie this is part of his character.
however, I have seen multiple people on twitter say they are now watching TNA just because Jeff and now Matt are there. no clue how much that effects ratings, but there are brand new people watching TNA for Jeff and Matt.
This isn't really up for debate. Fat is a word which has a definitive meaning.

Fat- Having too much flabby tissue; corpulent; obese: a fat person.

Now this is Matt Hardy.

Any questions?

Now on topic, I highly doubt he actually believes he is at all responsible for the 0.1 ratings increase. He's playing up to this character, for which I've seen nothing come of, and he's trying to sound cocky. Ironically, how low would his self worth be if he is legit claiming responsibility for a ratings spike that marginal?

Here is a more recent pic of Hardy.People on these board tend to skew things to fit there opinion.If you look you can see that Matt is in shape a lot more that most people.

Now I'm really not that big of a Hardy fan goes for both of them but please use fact to justify your opinion.

Nate you need to define "FACT".I don't think you understand it.

He is playing a roll and guess what it worked.Hardy knows what he has to do to get attention and he knows how to get that attention.Guess what it does for Hardy?It keeps him relevant to much of some peoples dismay.

Regardless if he means it or if it is kayfabe or if it is a combo of both...Mr. Fattitude put that shit on a forum accessable to the public.

You can write a 50 paragraph post or you can type kayfabe in the biggest size and boldest font...but because he put it out there to the public...he is going to get a response.

What surprises me is that most people here are going off on Fattitude or they are yapping kayfabe. There are very few people backing him up.

This just tells me that Matt Hardy is taking a long walk through X-Pac town...I'm sorry...that might confuse some of you peabrains.

Let me shed some light on it for you...

X-Pac used to get booed. Not because he was a heel, but because NOBODY wanted to see him wrestle...not because he was a bad wrestler, because he wasn't...he was just a dried up dicklick. Just like Fattitude.
I don't think he was being serious and if he was then he needs to stop sniffing crack of a homeless girl's chest and get back to the real world.

TNA is growing in raings because it is finally settling down after a crazy year. Hulk Hogan, Erik Bischoff and Dixie Carter can thank the performances of their talent for that. From Amazing Red right down to Mr Anderson, the talent has just gotten on with competing and that is what it should be like. The drama that is TNA is starting to subside and people are just watching for the sake of watching a wrestling show... It really is that simple.

Matt Hardy is a good wrestler and perhaps should have done more in the WWE but he has no right to claim that he is the reason that TNA ratings are improving. What he needs to concentrate on, it ensuring that he is not given the same treatment by TNA as he was given in the WWE. The only way to do that is by making sure that you are entertaining and play the fucking game. Telling your boss that it is all down to you is not a good way to start that process. Whilst I am sure that he has some fans who have followed him over to TNA, I seriously doubt they are that committed to him.

I think it is more of a tongue in cheek comment. Well, I hop it is anyway.
The ratings increase is likely to either be because Anderson has the strap, or it's just an anomaly and it will fall again.

Personally I can't stand this fat bastard. I know there's fatter people out there, but it's fun for me to laugh at his weight. Not because I hate all fat people, but because his career somewhat hinges on him being in shape, yet he still can't manage it. He's a joke, and he pretty much always has been. Having said all of that, I think his comments on the ratings were probably tongue in cheek. Or at least I hope they were.
Matt Hardy has a fat bank account. It continues to grow because he knows how to press your buttons. He makes money off of you feeling the need to call him fat 3 times a day and talk about how much you hate his no talent ass. He has also tapped a bunch of diva ass that you can only dream of. I wish I was as big a "loser" as matt hardy is.
Matt Hardy might be the biggest joke to the IWC these days, but that doesn't mean he doesn't still carry a very large fanbase with him. There's absolutely no doubt that Matt going to TNA has HELPED the ratings. Is he the sole reason? No, but he is A reason, and a much bigger reason than most things anyone else could come up with.

The Hardy Boys are one of the most popular tag teams in history. Whenever they would wrestle on WWE's ECW, the ratings for the show that week would jump up a bit. Why is it such a surprise that it's now happening for TNA? Sure, Matt could be a little more humble about he and his brother's ability to draw, but it doesn't make anything he said less true. There are a good amount of people out there who will tune into TNA strictly to watch the Hardy Boys in action... end of story.

Matt Hardy is delusional. I think the product in general having so many promised surprises and promised "BIG" events and what not, has been why TNA has seen any positivity.

Matt Hardy will always have an internet presence, and therefore will always have a good amount of fans, if even a cult kind of following, like usual. Matt Hardy's time as consideration as a future top guy is over.

As he grows older, he will lose much of his younger audience he attains and it will be less "cool" to like Matt Hardy. Also, the older he gets, his stupid comments and videos will start to make him look crazier and crazier. I eventually see Matt out of wrestling, at least the big companies, and sticking to Twitter and posting bitter ass blogs and videos.
Firstly, a .1 rise in the ratings isn't exactly huge or something to blow out of proportions.

Secondly, I guarantee Matt Hardy's poking fun at the IWC and teasing all his haters with that tweet. And clearly it works and he knows exactly how to get reactions out of you, because the second he tweeted it people on forums were ranting about how he's so full of himself, how he doesn't have a clue, and how he's just a fatty. I think he makes all of the IWC look like an idiot, really, and he probably takes great enjoyment having a laugh about it.

Even so, though, there is some truth to his claims (which I guarantee weren't as serious as people are acting like they were), because Hardy does have a fan base and people do want to see both of the Hardys. It was a very marginal increase, so it's not like it's anything to even applaud in the first place.
Okay. We all know he's not going to win any awards for being a mark. We do know he is his own biggest mark. So that's been apparent since his WWE days. No reason why this isn't apparent now. Again, another point brought up in an earlier post, of course, Jeff Hardy can still get cheers despite being a heel or face, its the old "Stone Cold" issue, you can't get a bad reaction, and you have to egg on the audience to get the reaction you NEED.

However, we all know that its about playing to your audience to get the reaction you need. He puts this out there and knows that by him claiming he's one of the reasons for the increase in ratings, that it will stir the pot. When he knows (we hope that he hasn't been sucking the straw on that kool-aid for too long without air.) and that all credit where credit is due, and that is to EVERYONE in regards to the hard work for TNA to any kind of an increase or decrease. Because if he is going to take credit for the increase, if the ratings drop as well, he should then go with it and take credit for a dip as well. This is just him 're-hashing' his old gimmick from his days as the Cyber-Club, where as (thankfully) we don't have to see his favorite soup, or see that he tans wearing only a sock (that was SO not necessary), or that MATTitude was practiced in whatever country.

Let's just give this time, its an angle, obviously. Hopefully he's not buying into this gimmick again. I would say that the moment for now is just a spoof, designed to elicit a response for people (IWC) to either get mad, or to say how clever it was. No matter what its working.
Regarding "Shattered Dreams" earlier comment, Matt Hardy can "tap" as much "Diva ass" as he wants, but it aint going to make him more talented. Nicholas Cage has shagged a veritable smorgasbord of women, but he's still a nigh-on broke, piss poor actor. And as for these Divas he's "tapped", will someone please nudge him and tell him Lita has moved on and maybe he should too. Clearly all these women he's been "tapping" haven't made him any happier.

Maybe in between crying over Lita and marking out over himself on the internet, he should drag his carcass to the gym and lose a few pounds. Christmas dinner wasn't very kind to our Matt.

To reiterate an earlier point, his comment was probably tongue in cheek but, clearly, I enjoy insulting the man.
good lord people of course its just an extention of his on air character, just like the anle tweet from theother day was. if you seriously believe its not a work you need to get a life , come one now use your head abit.
I completely think its a work. He is addressing it to Dixie for a reason. They are trying to make it seem real that hogan and dixie are in this power battle. He is doing the same thing that bischoff, angle, dixie, etc are doing. he is continuing the storyline.
Regarding "Shattered Dreams" earlier comment, Matt Hardy can "tap" as much "Diva ass" as he wants, but it aint going to make him more talented. Nicholas Cage has shagged a veritable smorgasbord of women, but he's still a nigh-on broke, piss poor actor. And as for these Divas he's "tapped", will someone please nudge him and tell him Lita has moved on and maybe he should too. Clearly all these women he's been "tapping" haven't made him any happier.

Maybe in between crying over Lita and marking out over himself on the internet, he should drag his carcass to the gym and lose a few pounds. Christmas dinner wasn't very kind to our Matt.

To reiterate an earlier point, his comment was probably tongue in cheek but, clearly, I enjoy insulting the man.

People should really stop with the weight and fat. Matt clearly lost a lot of the extra pound he had since he found what he can digest. He is not fatter than Anderson at the moment or a lot of other wrestlers. Samoa Joe is fat, Matt isn't anymore, but he should drop the low pants if he want to hide the little weight he still has because he isn't young anymore. Just look at Edge lately, he isn't able to get really thin anymore.

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