Matt Hardy!!

He feel off when he tried to turn into a "smart" wrestler instead of the extreme wrestler he was made to be, like his brother Jeff. Matt Hardy V1? what is that?
I liked the Matt Hardy V1....Matt has wanted to do that "gimmick" for a long time now even be4 his time in the wwe...The whole V1 gimmick turned matt in2 a great heel character for a while and he new exactly what to do to the home crowd to get them to give him heat....Matt deserves the US belt...And i actually AGREE with vince keeping the Hardys apart for the time being.....Matt Hardy next US champ i say
wwe should've given chavo the u.s. belt when they had the chance so he could've feuded with hardy and helms for it and so benoit could go for the WHC instead. thus leaving the CW title for yang, noble (even though underrated and underused), possibly daivari and hell, they could even push shannon moore now that he's back on sd!
I would've loved to see Chavo with the US Title, but for some reason it seems that WWE is trying to push him down. I think another Hardy/Helms feud would be good, and the US Title on the line would be even better.
i think matt is a great wrestler...they need to do something with him...either give him the us title and he can feud with gregory helms..or maybe even move him to ECW to make him a bigger star and put him over..
Matt Hardy is an absolute gun in the ring the fans like him he has talent to be a major player in the wwe. WWE does not exactly use him as well as they should.

Just my oppinion
this time next year he could be wwe champ r maybe a least competed for it
one of my dreams is to see a hardy win the superior title on a brand
I think matt is soo under used and I believe that he always has one of the best matches on smackdown. Matt is wayy more talented then Jeff because in my opinion jeff is all crash and burn till he hits the swanton bomb. I think Matt would suit the US title perfectly because he is the most over mid carder and Benoit should move back up to the Main Event level.
Matt will never get pushed..no1 really cares about him..i mean vince fired him and then rehired him just so fans would shut up.....i mean if vince dont want it chances are it wont happen...the boss wants wat the boss gets....and if vince dont want matt a main eventer which he could be but i dont think should wont happen....plain and simple
is it me or do u think MVP will win at WM then Hardy will beat him at judgement day for the US title
Matty Hardy is great. And every time I see him in the ring he gets better. Dude will be main event some day.
Sorry to burst you guys bubble, but no matter how much we want it, Matt Hardy will never be in the main event. He has all the talent and he does have good mic skill hell he even has a following. But McMahon can only think of Hardy as a tag teamer. The worst thing that happened to Matt was Jeff coming back. Don't be surprised to see the Hardyz team up at least two more times before Matt gets a fair title shot.

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