Stables who should definitely be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame

Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
As for stables the great stables of WWE's history of wrestling's history that should definitely be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame one day are:

The Hart Foundation (Bret, Owen, Neidhart, Davey Boy, Pillman) they should all go in together as a group and I definitely have to ask why they aren't in already when they should be? But who to induct them? Of course Natalya I mean she is the daughter of Jim The Anvil Neidhart after all and her uncles are Bret, Owen and Davey Boy but also The Hart Foundation they definitely have to be considered one of the greatest groups or factions in WWE history

nWo (New World Order) well all 3 members Hogan, Nash and Hall are all in the WWE Hall of Fame already as singles competitors for their singles careers but collectively as a group the nWo they basically revolutionized the sport of wrestling especially during the Monday Night Wars with WWE and WCW but also they basically had an impact on the wrestling world as well

DX (D-Generation X) I can see them all going in together as a group but the thing is is that Shawn Michaels he is already a WWE Hall of Famer so would he really be allowed in twice? Triple H he hasn't even been inducted yet into the WWE Hall of Fame and he is already the COO so would he go in with DX? Not to mention the other members like Road Dogg, Billy Gunn and X-Pac it's no question that if DX were to go in then they definitely would be named because they were a part of DX but then again so was Chyna

Evolution is another stable that definitely deserves to go in but think about it, if Evolution were to go in Ric Flair would be going into the WWE Hall of Fame for a 3rd time because the first time he went in as a singles competitor the second time he went in as a member of the Four Horsemen so to see him go in a 3rd time as a member of Evolution but also Triple H being the COO but he was the leader of Evolution so no doubt he would get a HOF ring same goes for Orton and Batista

Fabolous Freebirds most definitely should go in before all these stables should even get consideration and the fact that they are not in the WWE Hall of Fame right now is a complete travesty
Not sure if it counts as a "stable" but Demolition is a big missing piece of the Hall of Fame. Longest reigning tag team champions, some pretty good guys too.

WWE really treated them poorly, but I'm under the impression they'd be open to a Hall of Fame induction.
I'd bet my dick that the Fabulous Freebirds will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this year since WrestleMania is in Dallas.

But your list is fairly comprehensive. Those are pretty much the top stables of all time, and they are all deserving. Out of those five though, nWo is definitely the most historically significant. Too bad Hogan dropped the N-word, so that will never happen.
According to Bret Hart Owen is going into the hall of fame next year so the hart foundation prolly won't go in this year and with the whole hogan mess I don't see nWo going in so this year it will b the fabulous free birds
Growing up on WCCW, my first thought is The Fabulous Freebirds.

Odiginal NWO they changed the industry but unlikely given recent action.

Hart Foundation
The Authority is an inevitable Stable that should be inducted into the Hall of Fame. But the days are far beyond, still they deserve to be in the Hall of Fame. Led by Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, they ruled the WWE for almost 2 and half years now(?) They had handpicked their Champion whenever they felt like they are deprived of power. Randy Orton, Seth Rollins and hell they even had their hands on the IC title when they hand it over to Luke Harper.

They had their moments. I presume they certainly will be in the Hall of Fame but the days are in the future as Triple H needs to get inducted into the HOF.

I'd bet my dick that the Fabulous Freebirds will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this year since WrestleMania is in Dallas.

But your list is fairly comprehensive. Those are pretty much the top stables of all time, and they are all deserving. Out of those five though, nWo is definitely the most historically significant. Too bad Hogan dropped the N-word, so that will never happen.

I guess DX makes the most sense plus they'll be in Shawn Michaels home state. They might as well take advantage of that, especially since they're a WWE creation.
I might be the voice of dissension here, but I don't really agree with the whole concept of a stable being inducted. A lot of the wrestlers that have made up the stables or factions stated in the above posts, have either been inducted already, or are heading the list to be inducted in a few years. And while they made up part of a group, their individual achievements should mean more.

If a wrestler like X-Pac can only make it as part of DX, then does he really deserve to be in there to begin with? I won't even mention Chyna. Then you run into the problems with NWO. Hogan was in already and removed, so they'll put him in again. I don't think so, but how do you induct NWO without him.
Devastation Inc. - who's who of legendary wrestling villians from the old territory days managed by Skandor Akbar.

Dangerous Alliance - Short lived but classic.

The Heenan Family
I don't think Evolution were HOF worthy - they were very good and served their purpose of A) Promoting un knowns Orton & Batista to legit main event status B) Making the best use money wise out of an aging Ric Flair. Just because you're good doesn't mean you belong in the HOF

Demolition werer a blatant rip off The Road Warriors/LOD. Its hard for me to get behind anyone that is that blatantly a rip off of someone else's look/gimmick. I know great wrestlers often "borrow" from others (Ric Flair from Buddy Rogers, Hulk Hogan from Billy Graham & Dusty Rhodes, HBK & HHH both from Flair) but Demolition did nothing in their brief time as a team to distinguish themselves in anyway as anything but a LOD rip off. And I repeat BRIEF TIME.....they didn't dominate for a decade, they were good for a couple years.

I can see The Hart Foundation as they were a top stable for most of the 80s.

The Heenan Family is hard because unlike other stables they had no main cast of characters.....guys rotated in & out all the time.....Haku, Andre, Rick Rude, Bundy, Curt Henning, Ric Flair, Paul Orndorff.....there was never a "Go To" member or members for any consistency and often times the group was mostly mid carders. Heenan was the only constant and he was great, but as a stable not so much.

Freebirds definitely - How they have been missed up to this point is beyond me - One of the original "gangs" in pro wrestling, hugely successful, major part of 80s wrestling.

The NWO definitely - The problem here is who is in & who is out - Hogan, Hall, Nash, Henning, Virgil, Norton, Steiner, Bagwell, Giant, plus when the group splintered into two factions Sting, Luger, Brett Hart, Horace Hogan, for awhile I believe Jeff Jarrett was in, Flair even joined at one point along with Booker T & HBK (during their brief but convoluted WWE run) - Here I would induct the 3 core members Hogan/Hall/Nash and no one else although a good case can be made for Steiner. Eric Bischoff definitely should go in as their manager (just like JJ Dillion got the nod alongside The Four Horsemen) - I would not induct Ted DibIase though for his role as an NWO Manager.

DX is like The NWO - who gets in and who does not - HHH & HBK are certain but after that do you induct X Pac/Sixx (who also could be listed among the giant roster of NWO guys), The New Age Outlaws for their entertaining but incredibly brief tenure..... Its hard outside of HBK & HHH who revived the group successfully in the 2000s to induct anyone here.

Dangerous Alliance was a good group but the fact wrestling business was way down then (and WCW business was tanking as this was the time Flair, Luger, Road Warriors, all were gone or exiting) really hurts them. They only lasted about 2 plus years as well, really short given the tenures of the other groups.
I deffinently agree with the NWO, Hart Foundation, DX and Freebirds. Not so much Evolution though, Can't really think of many other deserving factions off hand except maybe Nation of Domination, Heenan Family or Dangerous Alliance but even they would be a maybe.
Hart Foundation definitely should go in all of them as a group with the lineup of Bret, Owen, Bulldog, Neidhart and Pillman all going into the WWE Hall of Fame together as a group because as a group The Hart Foundation were one of the greatest groups especially collectively as a group rather than as individuals but still even as individuals the ones who really come to mind would be Bret but Bret he is already in but Owen isn't and neither is Bulldog or Neidhart and Pillman he isn't in either
I grew up a big Bret Hart fan but no way at all does the Hart Foundation with the lineup of Bret, Owen, Anvil, Bulldog, and Pillman belong in the HoF. The tag team of Bret and Anvil now that's a different story, you can justify putting them in the HoF. But how can anyone seriously consider putting a stable that was only together for about 7 months in the HoF. I know they had one huge storyline with Canada vs the US and they were instrumental in getting DX rolling, but there's no longevity to the group.

If you are going to put in a stable, they have better had a huge impact on the wrestling industry, and been around long enough to make that impact last. With that being said:

DX- Pretty obvious, Shawn gets his second HoF induction. Hunter will have either his first or second, depending on when he goes in by himself. The Outlaws, who should be inducted as a team, will then get a second. X-Pac, will get a second (see the next stable), and maybe Chyna gets invited. But DX started in the very beginning of the Attitude Era, went through the Attitude Era, and made a comeback in the Modern Era. They could bring it back now and it would work.

nWo- Simple as this, they revolutionized the business. WCW was on top of the wrestling world because of this group. But, over time it started to get watered down, everyone wanted to be in the nWo. So, I would induct the three that started it all: Hall, Nash, and Hogan (if WWE lets him back in at any time).

The Fabulous Freebirds- As someone said in an earlier post, they will be inducted this year in Dallas and if they aren't then something is seriously wrong. You hear it on WWE tv today, "Freebird rules." The New Day gets to pick who defends the tag titles because of the Freebird Rules, that's revolutionizing the business and it has its own section on their Wikipedia page. They were the first to do a music video in wrestling, point blank, they were rockstars in the wrestling world no matter where they went. It also should be pointed out, they were together for 15 years, active in 5 different promotions, and won different titles tag and singles.

and one more I will make an argument for only because of two of the individuals in it...

Evolution- Now, Triple H has said Ric Flair is his mentor. He will never make it to 16 world titles like Ric did. But, he can make it into the HoF three times just like Ric can. Ric was inducted himself, with the Four Horsemen and could be with Evolution. Triple H will be inducted himself, should be with DX, and can be with Evolution to make them the only three time inductees in the HoF.

However, to make an argument for the whole group now. Each member of the group will be in the HoF one day. No other stable, except for the Horsemen could say that. 48, that's right, 48 world titles between the 4 of them, and Orton isn't done yet, so that should be at least 50.
Without a doubt Evolution. I'm only speaking on my viewing experience but this was the first faction I had actually seen, and by goodness they quite literally took over Raw for how long?

A good faction gets one guy over, maybe two.

A great faction gets everyone over and gets more use out of them.

Evolution by that definition was a great faction.

You figure Triple H needed a heel group to back him so he can lay claim to all of the new talent and in general Triple H goodness.

Ric Flair was past his prime by this point, but was able to still compete in tag matches and protected single matches due to the faction. Add to that he could give out some of his rub from being the Nature Boy and experience to these younger guys.

Randy Orton was the future star of the group as evident by him winning the IC title and being the first to split from the group. Orton got advice from two all time greats in Flair and Trips and it impacted his style in the ring and helped make him better. He had a couple big Survivor Series moments in Evolution and won the World Heavyweight championship, back when that was a big deal.

Batista got a lot out of the group too! Before the group he was most likely destined to be a midcard guy who would eventually get future endeavored. Instead he got a monster push, beat Triple H clean at 3 straight PPV's, got advice from legends and won a Royal Rumble.

Let me ask this, who got the least out of that faction? Of those 4 guys, who got the short end of the stick? You can't answer, period. They all got so much out of it.

Compare to Orton's "Evolution if you will" Legacy faction, which was pretty much designed to get him more over. Or JBL's Cabinet where really he was the only one getting a push out of it. Hell the Authority can't get everyone over, most of it's existence has been "Get Orton over" and "Get Rollins over."

I don't know about any of the other factions listed, but Evolution was a perfect faction and deserves to be in on that, but also count how many world titles were won by these guys during or after their Evolution days.

Flair: 0
Triple H: 7
Batista: 6
Orton: 12

Granted you can't give all of the credit to the faction, but still 25 world title reigns. Name any other faction, in history, that can claim can't
No love for the right to censor? They were the straight edge society before being straight edge was cool. Everyone in that faction was able to go. One of the best midcard stables to go under the radar
Is the Four Horsemen already in the hall of fame cause they have not been mentioned..

Yeah, they went in a few years ago.

If people are clamoring for The Hart Foundation you might as well put the Nation of Domination in there.

They were probably more important overall than The Hart Foundation to be honest. They shouldn't be in.

Bret, Owen and Davey should all be in as singles wrestlers. Pillman and Anvil shouldn't.

Hart Foundation shouldn't be in as a group.

I thought about the Heenan family but a great point was made about the rotating members and none really lasting too long. Although Rude, Perfect, Andre and Haku all had decent success under The Brain.
nWo might not but how about the Outsiders? Nash and Hall were successful enough on their own to be inducted but when they are already in there for their careers, what's the point? To me, inducting a stable is a way to induct someone who doesn't have enough of a career on their own to get inducted. If they are good enough on their own, then there is no need to induct them as a group. That is where DX is interesting - would you induct X-Pac or the New Age Outlaws on their own? Probably not but do it as a part of DX and that changes things.
I think DX is a hard choice as it has had a few versions since the original launch.

Triple H and HBK

Triple H, HBK and Chyna

Triple H, X-pac and New Age Outlaws

You would struggle to do one without the others as they have all made DX relevant in their own ways.

After the Hogan scenario, I reckon you won't see the NWO in it until he has passed away.

Evolution won't be inducted until Triple H is inducted individually and and that will still be some way away.

The only other one I would put in there would be the Nation of Domination. Perhaps not the biggest stable but certainly big and relevant members (Rocky, Farooq, Mark Henry) and involved in big storylines with the Rock turning on Faroow and against DX
Freebirds I mean how can they not especially with WrestleMania 32 being in Dallas in April of 2016 I mean how they were not inducted when it was WrestleMania 25 weekend is beyond me especially when it was in Houston back in 2009 they should have been inducted then but then the Von Erichs were inducted but still the Freebirds should have went in then hell they should even be in right now but here is hoping WWE finally inducts The Fabolous Freebirds, much deserved considering that they pretty much put Texas wrestling on the map
I sat induct the WCW version of the WWE version of the Dangerous Alliance in. Hey, they ran things n WCW for a few good years and would have totally dominated the fed if it wasn't for the awesome presence of Vader. You can't argue with success... ..unless it wasn't born in the WWE. Then you offer it a contract and try to recreate it in your own image, but that's another thread

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