Stables That Could Have Succeeded If Given A Chance


Everybody Has A Price!
The stable I think that had they been given a chance they could have been successful is Right to Censor. The only success they ever achieved as stable was holding the Tag Team and Women’s champion, and I honestly believe they should have been given a chance because they were a good stable.

The wrestlers in Right to Censor might not have been the best the WWE had, but they were still solid wrestlers. They were entertaining (at least they entertained me) and could put on decent matches. Also, they should have accomplished more as a stable. People hated them and they always got booed. They were a good heel stable and I think if they had been given a chance they could have been even better. No one in the stable might have been World Champion material but I think they could have held the Intercontinental title (and had more reigns with the other titles) and had some good mid-card feuds.

Overall, I think that if they had been given a chance they could have been more successful in their 9 months of existence. They were very solid and good heels that always got a reaction for everything they did. Whether it was just them coming out with their theme or preventing something from happening, they always good booed.

What Stable do you think could have succeeded if they had been given a chance for the company they were in?
The Canadian stable featuring Lance Storm, Test and Christian really should have been given a chance, they could have gone on to great things. Also at the time when Storm and Christian beat Hogan and Edge for the Tag Team titles they really should have had Edge turn on Hogan and join them. A Canadian stable with Edge, Storm, Test and Christian would have been amazing.

The WCW/ECW Alliance - should have been the greatest story ever. But as soon as DDP turned up as a stalker you just knew Vince was gonna bury every single one of them. Vince should have dropped his ego and not had Stone Cold joining the team which just ended up with the Survivor Series match featuring pretty much all WWE wrestlers. He could have had his biggest success with this feud and it could have helped WWE on into the future but Vince blew it.
All stables could sucessed, in todays product we see less of them but go back 10 years ago and 1997 flurished with them in 1998 we only had DX and the Nation but in 1997 for thus who don't know, you had the Nation, DOA, Los Berquas (sp) The Truth Commision (a group of soldiers from south Africa who could of been big if given the chance) DX, The Hart foundation and you had some make shift teams, Shamrock/LOD teamed together on two PPV's (was meant to be 3 with Badd Blood but Shamrock was injured) but back then the roster was heaving with guys so having teams made sense.

Today tho I generally think WWE should try and do the same thing but the problem is gimmicks I wouldn't mind seeing Jericho team up with the Hart Trilogy maybe add one more person in the group.

Swagger should be joined into Legacy (yes i know his dad isn't a wrestler but still)
and I think we could do with a group of faces as well.
yeah SavageTaker i agree 100% with you right to censor was screwed. they got tremendous heel heat for just their music alone. and on top of blocking sexual themes and violence it was best thing in that time. they could have had better future. Stevie Richards was World tittle material hell he did it in ECW and he was not all bad in the ring. it would have made them a little more important. then you could have had the Bull go after the mid card tittle. and Godfather and Venis as Tag Champs and Ivory as Womens. that would have ruled ass for sure. but that was with the HHH Helmsely era bullshit. so they had no chance of staying around long.

as for stables now i would create a canadian stable like said before. you take Y2J turn him face and put Edge and christan together again and you have three top great wrestlers in one big time stable they could oppose Legacy on RAW or Hart Dynasty on Smackdown. but they would need another Hart like Teddy Hart for it to work. or have Heel canadian stable with the three they could cut some master promos. but with two heels stables already we need a face one and these three could be huge together.
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Right to Censor is a definite one. Without having anyone of particular significance they drew significant heat when they were around, it is just a shame that they were around when the invasion was and thus never really got any closure. To have Stevie Richards and Bull Buchanon as the main guys in a stable people care about shows that they were onto a winner.

The biggest let down was certainly the Alliance. Instead of having a decent run at things and build for new faces, it ended up being a farce with people turning on each other for no reason whatsoever and the WWF making up the majority of both sides.
I'm a huge fan or the RTC concept; however, my biggest problem with it was simply how they added people. If they beat you, you're in the faction. I mean they basically killed the godfather (and don't get me wrong, i've never been a huge godfather mark) but a godfather and venis vs RTC feud would have been huge. However they should have used the RTC kinda like the flock when it comes to recruiting. take the "lost souls" of the company and have richards convince them that the RTC represents a cause and these lost souls were needed for the cause. Instead of Godfather, I think Sean O'haire back when he was the speaker gimmick would have worked well. Maybe later down the road have Val or Godfather turn on the other to join but at least give it a few months of various tag matches or 6 man tags with ivory and another female involved. I firmly believe a Pimpin Porn (val and godfather) vs RTC for the tag titles would be right up there with any of the great tag feuds of all time
I enjoyed the right to censor sable! It went well with what the whole WWE product was at the time and how RTC didn't approve. Val Venis is one of my favorites to this day... I loved his early stuff with Shamrock and the fake sister angle( I think it was Ryan shamrock or somthing).

the stable I wished got off the ground better was the ECW New Breed! I think the concept was excellent, but I don't really know if it was creative or just the lack of talent that caused it to fail ( Although burke and Thorn I thought had potential and striker is a brillant color commentator). Or the fact it was just on ECW and they fueded with the originals, so after that fizzed out I guess they had to also? All I know is I enjoyed the concept of having a mix of young talent try and take over a brand.
Yeah I think RTC would have gottin over great if they had more of a push and more higher profiled feuds, they would have tooken off and been more memorable....and another stable that nobody had mentioned and i thought would really have been a fan fave would be the Mexicools...yeah thats right I said idk if you guys would consider them a proper stable, I would, midcard but proper...with the proper build of juvie going for the U.S. title and having crazy and psychosis as tag champs all they would lack would be a main event leader 2 capture the world title...hrmm who did that later in 06? Well if you dont know, it was rey rey himself mr. 619 and the epitamy of a cool mexican..we could have seen him as the leader of these great luchas,but idk as much as it would have been great I dont think the wwe would have wanted tht due to the high lucha spots and yeah in conclusion I think it would have worked out great and really something to I am a major wrestling fan as well as a mexican american....let me know what you guys would have thought with seeing that come to life.....thanx
Rtc was not given a fair run ill give everyone that does anyone else remember the union which had like shamrock mankind test and big show in it i kinda thought when i seen them they we be huge but the disappeared after like a month or two if i remeber correctly but there has been tons of groups that did work and could still work today even if given some thought i mean i liked the alliance story but it could have been handled better by vince also the corporation could do good nowadays i think i like feuding groups over always one on three like we have to watch over and over again and bring back the nation of damn domination they could easy hire back ron simmons possibly as there leader shelton benjamin, r-truth, charlie haas, mark henry (an old member that could run the stable if the simmons thing is too goofy ), ezekial jackson, i thing that could be a good power stable that has varieties of talent for the ring and they all would be good as different champs. but thats my opinion as i am new to this im sure ill get to know and do this better
I think that the blue world order and mexicools could have worked if done right... They had a minny fued that coiuld of went further and if they didn't squash blue meanie to jbl he would have some kind of strength to him... But they were over and could of done a lot.... Another is the WWE version of NWO... It could of worked better but I think hall might of ruined it..
I just remember another alliance that I thought was going to make a good stable. Was Cena and Cryme Tyme. That about the time they introduced cenanation. He was fueding with of course JBL and the three came out and destroyed his limo and spray painted it CTC ( Thats what I remember anyhow). I think that could have been a good stable. Its not like JBL had the cabinet, so really there wasn't any other stable to go against, which maybe the reason it fizzed out before it started. But I liked concept behind it.
The WCW / ECW Alliance was a great stable on paper, but I think if the Team WCW and Team ECW didn’t merge, things could have been a little better. ECW should have just stayed as the wildcard in the Invasion angle, but we all know all too well what happened there. I think the Radicalz could have played a major role in the Invasion, with the whole “Are they with their current side, the WWE, or are they with who they left, WCW, or are they going back to where their popularity grew, ECW??”

Legacy with Sim and Manu could have maybe lasted a little longer, but then again, they didn’t really “contribute” much with the short amount of time they did have.

The Kilq on TV would have been something to watch.

X-Factor could have been something if they replaced Albert with both the New Age Outlaws. That’s a long shot, but I think the Outlaws could have helped in the popularity portion of the Stable.

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