Spoilers: TNA's super epic awesome donkey dick surprise

I'd love to see a TNA mark defend that.
It's not that tough. Their biggest draw, the company hero who has helped & defended in the past, returns to big hype.

Sure they overbaked the hype but still. It's TNA, they do that often, this time it lived up to it.
Oh, give me a break.

If Sting showed up on Raw last Monday and beat the Miz for the WWE Championship, everyone would be jizzing in their pants. However, since it happened in TNA, it's just "******ed."

I'm not even a big TNA fan, but it makes fucking sense to do something big with Sting right now considering he has had the most hype and momentum in the last few weeks than he has had in YEARS. Why not try and capitalize on it by bringing Sting back and have him feud with the biggest name already in the company, Jeff Hardy?
This is as much as TNA could do.
I agree with JMT 100%
Me too.
I appreciate disdain for Vince McMahon's vision as much as anyone, but TNA is such a mess that it's hard to get excited about anything. Couple that with the apathy I sensed from the audience when I caught the main event last night, and it's a tepid, emotionless mess. At least Triple H and Undertaker's awful segment this week got most people to care. When RVD and Kurt Angle had their epic stare-down last night, I felt nothing. That's not good.
I'm feeling nothing for TNA at the moment. Their booking has been horrid at times. Talking of which,
In the spoiler for the following week (I think) Hardy/Anderson teamed to face RVD/Sting.

Now that's just awful. I cant defend it.
I'm staying away from TNA for the time being. I might watch the PPVs but they have managed to kill any passion I had for the product.

Since I have to be in Charlotte for work tomorrow, I flew in a day early and went to TNA in Fayetteville, NC tonight. I forgot my phone in the car and security wouldn't let me go back to the car, so here's the results of the show. Sorry I couldn't do live.

The building looked to have about 1,500-3,000 there. Lots of military. The crowd was hot for the show, especially the Hardys, Hogan and Flair.

3/3 Taping:

*TNA President Dixie Carter came out but was stopped by Immortal. Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan announced they had won the court case and controlled the entire fate of TNA completely again. They had Dixie removed from the building. Fortune came out but couldn't stop it. It didn't seem to get over, especially since the crowd cheered Hogan.

*Beer Money beat Gunner & Murphy. Ink, Ink challenged Beer Money to a title match at the Victory Road PPV.

*In a bout where she would have had to retire if she lost, Velvet Sky beat Sarita.

*Robbie, Cookie and Angelina from Jersey Shore come out. Angelina ripped on JWow, challenging her to return to TNA and get a piece of her.

*Karen and Jeff Jarrett renew their vows. Orlando Jordan and Eric Young are in the wedding party. Kurt Angle attacked Jeff immediately and the cake was supposed to go in Karen's face but it seemed like they messed something up.

*Scott Steiner beat Rob Terry. Not good.

*Hernandez beat Matt Morgan via DQ.

*They played a 3/3/11 video as an Undertaker knockoff, leading to....

*Sting beat Jeff Hardy to win the TNA title in her return to the company. Huge pop for Sting's return. He looked better in the ring than he did during the last run. Sting wins with the Scorpion Death Drop.

3/10/11 Taping:

*Pope Dinero nailed Samoa Joe with a foreign object to score the pin.

*TNA Knockouts champion Madison Rayne cut a promo challenging any Knockout past or present to face her. Out comes Roxxi. Rayne defeats her. No one in NC seemed to know who Roxxi was. Mickie James made the save.

*Angelina from Jersey Shore, Sarita and Cookie defeated Velvet Sky, Winter and Angelina Love. Angelina was exactly what you would expect from someone working their first match.

*Ink Inc. defeated Generation Me. Beer Money did commentary.

*New TNA champion Sting comes out and cuts a promo, saying that it's no secret he had other offers, but he is loyal to TNA as they are his brand. He starts getting emotional and says that he respects Jeff Hardy but Hardy made the wrong choices. Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff come out and they go back and forth on WCW and their past. Mr. Anderson comes out and demands his title rematch. Jeff Hardy comes out and says that if anyone is getting a rematch, it's him. This brings out RVD, who says that he wants his shot at the title. Hogan announces Sting vs. Jeff Hardy will be the main event of Victory Road. Hogan and Bischoff set up a tag team main event.

*Matt Hardy defeated AJ Styles in a good brawl. Ric Flair managed Hardy and this was North Carolina, so guess who the babyfaces were?

*TNA champion Sting and RVD defeated Jeff Hardy and Mr. Anderson. It was OK but the entire time, I kept thinking that it made no sense that any of these guys wanted to team with the other.

The show was OK.
Stinger draws, brother. We're talkin' ratings, dude.

I wish the Hulkster had that mind-set in 1997, so he could have lost to Sting cleanly at Starrcade of that year and then let him hold on to the belt through at least most of 1998.
jason scene ur an idiot...they didnt copy WWE's angle the basiaccaly did one big middle finger to wwe going 'Hey bitch we got sting" there making fun of it not copying it
jason scene ur an idiot...they didnt copy WWE's angle the basiaccaly did one big middle finger to wwe going 'Hey bitch we got sting" there making fun of it not copying it

I'm sorry, did someone give you the impression that we gave a fuck what you think about anything? Go fuck yourself.
TNA's making fun of the WWE... for something the WWE didn't even do. Sting had other offers? Like fuck he did. "It's no secret", Sting? It's no secret that the internet made it up, you mean. Now give me your make-up kit, you cunt, so I can go give it to Punk.



WWE has the budget to give Sting an awesome entrance. That's all I wanted to see. That's why I'd have been happy - shit, more than happy - to have Punk come down from the rafters dressed as Sting with his old WCW music playing. That's all Sting is to me - make-up and an entrance.

Sounds to me like you'd be happy if WWE hired the fake 1996 Sting and just had him debut on 2/21/11 only to get slaughtered and never seen again.. just so you could get the feel for what an original, WWE styled, Sting entrance (w/ make-up) would look like.

I really dig and appreciate the fact that Sting remains to be the only really big wrestling star from the last 25 years to never step foot in a WWE ring. And a big part of me hopes that'll be the case forever.

Yeah, but it wasn't like he told the world he refused to go to the WWF/E because of a commitment or out of respect for WCW - if that were the case, he never would've went to TNA.

He refused to go to the WWE, because at the time they were running similar crap that TNA is now copying. And he returns to them, while the WWE has been running a more appropriate "family" show for over a year or two now.

At this point, I think he's just believing in his OWN hype and thinking the longer he holds out - the more money he'll make in the end; which likely is the truth. The more he rejects Vince, the more Vince will be aggressive in trying to buy what he hasn't gotten a chance to "own" yet. It'll happen before he completely retires, I'm almost sure of this. I just wasn't naive enough to fall into the "it's happening now" trap with that video they played for 2/21/11

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