*SPOILERS* The history of the Evil Dead games


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
Same as with MY Resident Evil game thread. I will go in order for the first one made the the last one made paraphrasing the info on Wikipedia and providing cover art for your viewing pleasure. here are all the Evil Dead games in the order of release which is the order I will do them in.

The Evil Dead
Evil Dead: Hail to the King
Evil Dead: A Fistfull of Boomstick
Evil Dead: Regeneration

As you can see this one will take a lot less time due to the fact that there are only 4 games all of which I have played with the exception of the first one and you'll see why soon.

The Evil Dead

Release Date: 1984 (that's all I got)​

Platforms: Commodore 64 (US) & ZX Spectrum (UK)​

Storyline: Set in the cabin form the Evil Dead films (watch them if you haven't, they are awesome. I'm not joking stop reading this and go watch them RIGHT NOW!) you play as Ashley 'Ash' Wiliams. You must close cabin windows to prevent Deadites from coming in while killing the ones that are already inside.As you kill monsters with various weapons your energy decreases and you need to find new weapons to increase your energy. Once you kill all the monsters you must find the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis (The Book of the Dead) and destroy it to win the game.​

My thoughts: Having never played it I can't give much comment on the game play. However if I was a teen in '84 I probably would have loved this game. If I could find this game and a Commodore I would play it and more than likely enjoy myself.​
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Evil Dead: Hail to the King

Release Date: Dec 4, 2000

Platforms: Playstation, Dreamcast & PC

Storyline: 8 years after his adventures in Army of Darkness (The 3rd movie, all of which you should have watched by now) Ash finds himself haunted by nightmares of the Deadites. With his new girl Jenny, Ash returns to the cabin frm the original Evil Dead to confront his past. Unfortunatly for Ash his evil possesed hand (from the 2nd movie) plays Professor Raymond Knowby's cassette tape once again releasing the evil in the woods.

Jenny is taken and Ash's evil twin breaks free from the mirror. Armed with his Axe, Chainsaw and trusty "Boomstick" as well as a few other weapons Ash must find the missing pages of the Necronomicon and send the Deadites back to hell

My thoughts: The first Evil Dead game I played. It was still a reletivly new game when I played for the first time when I was 13 years old and I loved it. it was something new that my mother had never let me play (I was living with my father and he didn't care) and fell i love. Not long after I found out there were 3 movies and I watched them and became a life long Evil Dead fan.​
Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick

Release Date: May 20, 2003​

Platforms: PS2 & Xbox​

Dearborn, Michigan Last Night
A TV Show called Mysteries of the Occult on the local station KLA2 starts The host Trisha Pettywood is out to expose the truth of the Necronomicon and to help her is her guest Proffessor Alex Eldridge a colluege of Professor Knowby. They talk for a bit and as a surpirse Trisha Plays the tape from Professor Knowby's cabin. I'm sure you can guess what happens next. This whole time Ash is in a bar and when the tape is played the bartender turns into a deadite, Ash kills him with his Boomstick.​

Ash then goes outside a sees that all of Dearborn has gone to hell. Deadties are everywhere and they are turning humans into Deadites as well. He then goes to the KLA2 station and notices the gate is locked. He finds a shovel and finds out the Deadites have invaded the Kitten Club (a local strip joint) and the police are blocking the path to it. Ash mangesto get the Chief of Police tio let him by when he flashed a badge he picked up off a dead officer.​

He finds a Chainsaw in the lumber yard. When he goes back to KLA2 he discovers that not only is the gate locked it jammed as well. The station iyself is on lockdown so even if he could get passed to gate he would need a keycard that only the doorman has to open the door and he went to Kitten Club to die with a smile on his face. Ash manages to kill the deadites in the back lot of the Club and gets inside and gets the key and a spell book that temporarily grants him the strength of 10 men.​

With the spell and the key he manages to get into the station where Trisha and Eldridge are being stalked by Deadites and saves them. He then talks to Eldridge and they decide that they need to find Professor Knowby's notes about the Necronomicon in order to discover a way to get rid of the Deadites.​

Trish and Eldridge go hide in a Church while Ash does all the work. A bunch of portals have opened up all over town and the preacher tells Ash he needs silver to close them. He acquires the silver from a biker gang after saving them from a band of Deadites, He also get a pistol from ap olice officer. He gets Knowby's notes from a proffessor at the univeristy, but they are written in code. Ash gives the notes to Eldridge and acquires another spell that allows him to possess Human Deadites which he uses to bypass a massive horde of Deadites behind the police station and get the cipher and an envelope. addressed to the local auto repairman from the trash can. He gives the envelope to the repairman, but it's only Knowby's payment for his car repairs. As payment for his troulbes Ash get explosive shotgun shells.​

When he returns to the church, he discovers that the door has been broken in, the preacher has been killed, and Trisha and Eldridge are missing. He sets out to find them, and discovers that they have been taken by the Deadites to the park, along with huge amounts of civilians. Ash breaks into the park, kills the Deadites, and gives Eldridge the cipher. Eldridge reads the notes and discovers information about the Kandarian Summoning Stone, a mystic artifact that allows the possessor to control and destroy the Deadite hordes.​

They all deduce that the Stone may be in the local museum, as the museum's founder, Nathaniel Payne, was obsessed with occult artifacts and loved to collect them. Trisha and Eldridge go to the museum to search for it, and Ash accompanies them after closing all of the portals around town.​

When Ash arrives at the museum, he finds everything to be quiet Trisha and Eldridge are nowhere to be seen, and even the Deadites are nowhere ot be seen. However, Ash is soon locked in the basement and attacked by a small pack of undead saber-tooth tigers which he kills quickly. Then he encounters more "human" Deadites and acquires a key from a dead security guard, which he uses to escape the basement, and two Greek vases.​

He finds a gas pump and a live security guard in a locker room, who at first mistakes Ash for a Deadite and orders him to stay back until Ash provides one of his famous wisecracks. The guard tells him that he had always known that something like this would happen, and states that Nathaniel Payne had built a temple believed to be used for Human sacrifices under the museum and one day had gone down into the temple and never returned. He opens up all of the basement doors htough one is broken and cloes whenever he goes near it and he stays there to continue with the broken door. Ash discovers Trisha and Eldridge, locked inside of the east wing by a power surge, and goes back to the basement to find a way to cut the power. He discovers a spell that allows him to possess hellhounds.​

and uses this spell to gain access to the malfunctioning door which also has the power gris inside and blows up the generator with a stick of dynamite, freeing Trisha and Eldridge. He returns to the locker room, only to find that the guard has become a Deadite as well, and kills the guard. He finds a divining device hidden behind a portrait of Nathaniel Payne, uses it to find four magical gems, and uses these to gain access to Payne's chamber.​

He encounters Payne, who has long since been transformed into a Demonic fireball-launching monster, and defeats him by deflecting his fireballs back at him with the shovel. Afterwards, he grabs the Kandarian Summoning Stone. It is soon revealed that Eldridge knew about the true nature of the Necronomicon all along, and plans to use its power and the Stone to take over the world. He opens up a portal and disappears into it, and Ash decides to follow him. Trisha asks him if he is crazy, but he merely states that "crazy is as crazy does", kisses her, and follows Eldridge into the portal while Trisha stays behind.​

Dearborn, Michigan: circa 1695
Ash lands right after Eldridge, who had correctly predicted that he would follow him, in the colonial times of Dearborn. Eldridge sends a horde of Deadites after him and escapes. After killing them, a group of villagers arrive and mistake Ash for the town blacksmith, simply called "Williams the Blacksmith". Ash soon meets the blacksmith, who turns out to be his ancestor and resembles him in both appearance and mannerisms. When Ash reveals this to him, he is not the least bit surprised due to the Deadites running amok. He upgrades Ash's shotgun, allowing it to fire eight consecutive rounds before needing to reload, and also converts the gas pump into a flamethrower using some of his own moonshine.​

Ash looks around town for more parts and finds a piece of scrap iron, but when he returns, he finds mass amounts of Deadite bodies laying about and the blacksmith missing. Ash quickly sets out to find him, realizing that the death of the blacksmith in the past will erase him from excistance and and, after passing through the town cemetary, discovers that Eldridge has kidnapped the blacksmith. Eldridge uses the rules of time paradoxes to blackmail Ash into into finding a spell scroll that will allow him to safely pass through the vortex, promising that he will let the blacksmith go if Ash complies.​

Ash does so, but Eldridge does not make good on the deal and escapes through the portal, warning Ash that his two monstrous Deadite bodyguards will kill the blacksmith if he attempts to follow. Ash quickly finds a way around this by acquiring another possession spell and using it to kill the two Deadites. Ash gives the blacksmith the piece of scrap iron, and follows Eldridge through the portal after the blacksmith coins their new family motto: "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do."

Dearborn, Michigan Circa 1863
Ash once again lands after Eldridge, this time in Civil War era Dearborn. Eldridge quickly enters the Unionists' fort and opens a portal. In order to get into the fort, Ash manages to convince both the Unionists and the Confederates to call a cease-fire and help him defeat the Deadites; the captain of the Unionists is the great-great-great-grandson of Williams the Blacksmith, who is in possession of a gatling gun that the blacksmith made from the piece of scrap iron that Ash gave him. Ash confronts Eldridge and shoots him, but this only transforms him into a monstrous dragon like Demon. Ahs manages to kill him and travel back to the present time.​

Evil Dearborn
Ash arrives back in the present of Dearborn, only to discover that the Deadites have taken over the whole town in his absence and are led by their Queen, who has the Kandarian Summoning Stone, which Ash stupidly left back in the Civil War fort. After freeing the prisoners, Ash confronts the Deadite Queen, who turns out to be Trisha. Ash kills her using dynamite, and reacquires the Stone.​

Now back to where the game first began, Ash attempts to use the Stone to restore Dearborn to its former glory, but blunders and ends up warping himself back in time to medieval Asia, right around the time of Genghia Khan's attack, where he has been captured by guards. As it turns out, the men he has been telling the story to cannot understand a word he's been saying, though they claim that he hasn't shut up for three hours.​

They decide to use the Kandarian Summoning Stone against Khan and execute Ash, but before they can do so, the Evil Force returns and possesses the man who Ash has been relating his tale to, as well as some nearby samurai. Ash grabs a katana from one of the guards and tells the Deadites to "come get some!" in perfect Japanese, thus ending the game.​

My thoughts: My favorite Evil Dead game and high on my list of all time favorite games. The game takes a while especially if you don't know what to do but it is alot of fun. The new spell feture was a nice touch to this game and I really hope the make another one.​

Discussion question: When/if they make a new Evil Dead game do you want it to take place after what happend in the Epilogue or do you want something brand new?​
Evil Dead: Regeneration

Release Date: Sept 13, 2005​

Platforms: PS2, PC & Xbox​

Storyline: This game is an alternate storyline and takes place if Ash had never been sucked back in time after Evil Dead II. To start the game Ash is locked in an asylum after what happened in the first 2 Evil Dead movies. Convinced the world thinks he is crazy, the truth is much worse. His doctor, Dr. Reinhard, is somehow in possession of Professor Raymond Knowby's diary and the Necronomicon. He plans on using the books to bring about his ascension to power. In the process he releases an army of Deadites on the world and it's Ash's job to stop him and send the Deadites back to hell.​

The game play begins in Sunny Meadows, the asylum Ash is committed to. Ash is briefly visited by his lawyer, Sally. She talks about how she found Professor Knowby's diary and believes Ash's story about the Necronomicon and the cabin. Ash thanks her, but just as she is about to leave Ash comments on her wardrobe and advises her to wear more revealing clothing. Just as Sally leaves, Reinhard accidentally unleashes the dead through the Necronomicon. The evil also breaks Ash free in the process. Ash travels through the asylum killing deadites with a pistol he retrieved from a dead security guard. He eventually finds his clothing, his boomstick and his chainsaw in the process. As he goes through the asylum, Ash finds an electric deadite named Sparky. Ash kills Sparky and decapitates him.​

Ash briefly speaks to the camera and throws Sparky's head away. Ash proceeds through the nearby cellar. However, just as he is about to leave the asylum, Professor Knowby appears to Ash and tells him about Reinhard and what he plans to do. Ash, however, refuses to try and stop him and begins to leave. Professor Knowby also speaks about how Sally is in danger for taking his diary.​

Ash decides to stop Reinhard just to save Sally. Professor Knowby talks about how he needs to close deadite portals, but he cannot do it alone. Knowby introduces Ash to Sam, a short half deadite who will respawn if killed, and Ash quickly makes a bad first impression on him by shooting him. Sam knows all the necessary incantations to close the portals. Ash and Sam travel through through a nearby cemetery and eventually find a portal in the nearby catacombs. However guarding the portal is a large deadite queen. Ash & Sam kill her and Sam closes the portal.​

Ash and Sam go through the woods surrounding the asylum to find it infested with deadites as well. Ash finds a harpoon gun in a trash pile and modifies it onto his right hand. Ash & Sam, with the help of his harpoon gun, make their way into an abandoned mine where they find another portal. However, as soon as they get there a spirit possesses a miner. Ash and Sam kill the deadite miner and close the portal.​

Professor Knowby tells them that Reinhard has his diary finally and needs a human sacrifice. Ash believes that Sally is the one he intends to sacrifice. Ash and Sam follow a mine shaft towards nearby docks where another portal is believed to be located. Ash goes to another trash pile there and finds a high powered torpedo gun. Ash and Sam make their way to the portal to find it guarded by a giant fish creature who Ash calls "The one who got away." Ash kills the fish creature and Sam closes the portal. They both go through the nearby swamp. Ash and Sam make their way through the swamp. Ash finds a shack full of flammable materials and creates a flamethrower.​

Ash and Sam make their way through the swamp to a town called Port Turnham which is also infested with Deadites. They make their way through the city and in the process Ash replaces his chainsaw with a newer & better one with a titanium blade. Ash and Sam find the next portal in a nearby courthouse. However, Sam succumbs to fatigue and yawns while he is saying the incantation. The portal, instead of closing, sucks both of them into it.​

Once they are inside the portal Ash and Sam find themselves in a hellish dimension. Professor Knowby shows up telling them the only way out is to defeat Reinhard and rescue Sally. However, he begins talking about how Ash must save the world in which Ash becomes very angry and says he is only out to save Sally and maybe Sam.​

Ash and Sam face many obstacles in the deadite temple. After much struggle they make their way to Reinhard's lair where he is just about to sacrifice Sally. Reinhard says how impressed he is with Ash. However, he apologizes that they had to come a long way to die. Rienhard uses the Necronomicon to turn himself into a troll-like deadite. Ash and Sam kill Reinhard and Sam closes the portal. In a very romantic scene Ash says he came a long way and overcame great odds to apologize to Sally on the fashion advice he gave her back at the asylum. Just as he is leaning to kiss Sally a spirit possesses her. Ash, overcome with rage, kills the possessed Sally. However, just as he does this the portal reopens and sucks Ash and Sam into it along with the Necronomicon they go back in time to the year 1300 AD and Army of Darkness is made but with Sam and a better fighting Ash thus ending the game.​

My thoughts: This game I've beaten numerous time. While not as good as Fistful of Boomstick it is still a great game and if you are a fan of Evil Dead you should play this game.​

Discussion questions: Why do you think every girlfriend Ash has is possesed in the games & the movies?​

Would you be interested in a 5th game that takes place in 1300 with what takes place at the end of this one?​

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