What Games Do You Have Pre-Ordered And Why?

The only game I have pre-ordered is Battlefield 3. I'm not going crazy over the game, it seems really good but my expectations of games have been crushed too many times this year that I'm afraid to get excited for any game anymore.

Actually, I only have it pre-ordered because I pre-ordered Brink and then thought Brink looked like shit so I figured I'd switch the pre-order to a game I might actually buy. And I only pre-ordered Brink because when I went into Game Stop the guy at the counter was telling me about literally every game that's coming out, he must have talked for like 15 minutes. I figured I'd shut him up if I pre-ordered one of the games.
THe one and only game I have pre-ordered is Skyrim..this game looks abo****ely beautiful. And it's MASSIVE. I think they said theirs over 130 dungeons each with an a hour of gameplay..i almost died then and there. This game promisies to keep me busy for awhile! Bethesda makes some of the best video games in the world and this just another one of them. I can already see Skyrim as being game of the year.
I have two games on preorder now.
the first one is Assassin's Creed Revelations I have played all three of the games so far and have really enjoyed them. By far my favorite of those games has to be II and brotherhood. I'm really hoping that Revelations is the best of them all.
The Second one is the newest batman game, I played the first one and really enjoyed it also and I'm hoping the second one has a lot more classic villians in it.
The one game I am looking forward to in October is Battlefield 3 Being a huge fan of the game since playing Modern Combat 2 on my Xbox I became a huge fan. Now that Frostbite 2 is going to optimize destruction and 64 player teams on large scales maps is something I am looking forward to.

I am also gonna put a pre-order on Star Wars: The Old Republic. I am a huge Star Wars nerd and seeing a new MMO that can attract casual Star War fans alike. This coming year I gonna nerd out so hard my pockets are gonna need protecters
The game I'm looking for isn't pre-ordered, but I will be getting it the day it comes out, and that's NCAA Football 12. Last year, I picked up NCAA Football 11 for the first time, and I have to say I was quite impressed with the game play and graphics. First of all, like I said, the graphics are better. Now don't get me wrong, I actually like the style of graphics madden uses, it makes the visual style different in College, then it is in the NFL, and that's absolutely true. But if I had to compare the graphics from a gaming standpoint, if anyone played Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 compared to Call of Duty: Black Ops, you will notice MW2 has more of a Madden look, while Black Ops has that same gritty style of graphics.

Another thing I like is their new features. One thing in particular is the "Coaching Carousel", where you can create a coach and have him work his way up the ranks, all the way to head coach. For years I've wanted the option to create a coach in a football game, and they finally point it in. I'd love to see this feature in Madden next year, and maybe even be able to upload your coach into Madden. The other long standing feature I like NCAA Football for, is the ability to upload a draft class into your Madden franchise. I always love making a 99 in everything, superstar beast in my franchises, and having him go through college and then getting imported into my Madden Franchises, just helps the experience of being a football player flow even more.

Lastly, the main reason I will be getting NCAA Football 12 this year, is it hold me over. NCAA Football will pretty much have the same gaming style as Madden 12 will, and it will hold me over until August 30th whenever Madden actually does come out. I will still play NCCA Football 12 after Maddens release, I switched back and fourth last year, but Madden will probably end up being the dominant game. Regardless, I will still be in the stores this Tuesday whenever NCAA Football 12 comes out, and when I get home, I'll be making "Dave Sullivan...Head coach of the Pittsburgh Panthers".
Here are a few new ones I have pre-ordered:

Rage: I love post-apocalyptic/futuristic shooters and this one looks to be similar to Borderlands and Bulletstorm. I highly enjoyed both of those games so hopefully this one will be just as good.

Elder Scrolls V: I used to hate non-shooter RPGs with a passion, then I found out about Oblivion. When it comes to current RPGs, is there honestly any developer that can even compete with Bethesda?

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City: This one looks similar to the Resident Evil: Outbreak series for the PS2. I probably shouldn't be dropping $60 on it, but hopefully I can make half that back in trade-in value (assuming I finish it quickly enough).

Mass Effect 3: I can't stand EA RPGs, but, due to a promotion, pre-ordering this netted me $4 in trade-in credit. Yeah, I'll have to eat the cost of the $55 that I'll have to pay when I actually purchase the game, but it'll have a high trade-in value itself and I'll probably enjoy it for at least a day or two.
The only game I have ever pre-ordered was UFC Undisputed 2010. Not only was I counting the friggin months,weeks,days and hours for this thing to come out, but if you pre-ordered this game from Gamestop then you got 4 bonus characters(guys from The Ultimate Fighter 10) Roy Nelson, Brendan Schaub, James McSweeney and Marcus Jones. There was never a game that I desired to play more than Undisputed 2010 when it was announced and the wait was painful but well worth it, because while everyone was at the store getting it I was playing it at home :D
Iv'e got SVR12 pre-ordered. Why? It's really a no-brainer. I buy all SvR games, every game in the series has merit in its own right (to me), I want to see how it has improved, and I want any additional bonus content that may come with it.
fifia 12: I am a huge soccer fan and im already playing soccer at a high level so i hope to be in his game one day. ;)

wwe 12: My first passion besides soccer, i am dying for this game to come out it looks good so far.

Saints Row3: Come on, do you need a reason for this game .:)

COD MW3: I dont know anyone who isn't getting this game, hopefully it tops COD 6
Saints Row: The Third- Because just the sheer entertainment of it plus graphics, new gameplay and feature plus a good story and slot of customization will make Saints Row: The Third one of my favorite games.

Mass Effect 3- I love this series and ME2 had me coming back for more, and ME3 will be a kick ass way to end the series.

WWE 12- I always love the WWE games and this one will be the best one yet.

Deus Ex Human Revolution- I have been hooked on how this game will turn out.

Dead Island- I love me some zombie chaos and this one seems unique and fun.

Assassins Creed: Revelations- I love this series and this one looks to be the best one yet in the series.
Batman- Arkham City. Loved the first one and can't wait to see what this one may be like.

Rugby world cup: No Rugby games for a while that i would get.

UFC Undisputed 3 will be pre ordered when the time comes.

I would pre order Fifa 12, but last years sucked and this one sounds like it will suck. Not pre ordering WWE 12, but will get it eventually.
I recently pre-ordered the RAGE: Anarchy Edition for the PS3 from GameStop. I had to do it since it sounds like a pretty good deal with the bonuses that you get. You get a Double Barrel Shotgun, the "Fists of RAGE", a special Dune Buggy, and a "Crimson Elite Armor". Looking forward to the game..

I also might plan on pre-ordering Resistance 3.
The Games I have pre-ordered are

Uncharted 3

Batman: Arkham City

Resident Evil: Opperation Racoon City

Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance

And Kingdom Hearts 3 when it becomes available
The only gave I have pre-ordered is Batman: Arkham City.
It's actually the first game I have ever pre-ordered. I bought the first one during the PSN depression and it didn't disappoint me. Waiting to see what this one brings to the table.
I preordered Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim yesterday, for obvious reasons. Serious game of the year, and possibly best game ever contender.

Im gonna preorder Batman Arkham City. I loved Arkham Asylum, so Arkham City will hopefuly be bigger and better.
I never pre-order games, i have yet to find a game that in my mind is worthy of 60 bucks. If I have to wait a good couple months for a game to go down in price that's cool with me. I don't understand everyone's fascination with having the game by the day it comes out.
I never pre-order any video games anymore since I never seem to have a problem finding the game when it comes out. Even last year I never pre-ordered WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2011 but I still got the pre-order bonus of SCSA just because I bought it the day of. I might however pre-order WWE 12 depending on what character/arena/etc. you get from the pre-order just to make sure I do get it, but if I do pre-order it I won't do it till like a week before the game comes out.

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