Speculation Regarding the Death of Chris Benoit

you guys i toldyou he went home becUAse apperantly he got a call saying that his son was spitting up blood tmz. is reporting that he hung himself after everything and that he was txt messaging his friends during vengance while with his son while he was alive this is getting more errie and errie as the time goes by regardless of the outcome of this DONT YOU EVER QUESTION A DEAD MANS LEGACY especially one we have all watch for a long time
Nicely put not alot of people would have considered the fact that if he actually did do this who knows the kind of abuse he has been through but still none the less im gonna stick to my gut on this one

We have had our down times mentally. It may sound sappy but I think as a society we need to have a different outlook on others when it comes to their mental health. Instead of just concluding someone is an a***** (or in Benoit's case maybe a murder) we should ask what drove him/her to act this way or do this. I have meet a lot of a real jerks who I have hated, only later to find out later they were abused as a child and is likely the reason they act the way they do.

My point is I will never bring myself to belive Benoit was always capable of doing something like this, but maybe over the years, with the loss of Eddie, Owen and all the bumps, maybe his mind was damaged and lead him to do the unthinkable.
We have had our down times mentally. It may sound sappy but I think as a society we need to have a different outlook on others when it comes to their mental health. Instead of just concluding someone is an a***** (or in Benoit's case maybe a murder) we should ask what drove him/her to act this way or do this. I have meet a lot of a real jerks who I have hated, only later to find out later they were abused as a child and is likely the reason they act the way they do.

My point is I will never bring myself to belive Benoit was always capable of doing something like this, but maybe over the years, with the loss of Eddie, Owen and all the bumps, maybe his mind was damaged and lead him to do the unthinkable.

i agree that can help prevent this kind o stuff from happening again but who would think Chris Benoit
We have had our down times mentally. It may sound sappy but I think as a society we need to have a different outlook on others when it comes to their mental health. Instead of just concluding someone is an a***** (or in Benoit's case maybe a murder) we should ask what drove him/her to act this way or do this. I have meet a lot of a real jerks who I have hated, only later to find out later they were abused as a child and is likely the reason they act the way they do.

My point is I will never bring myself to belive Benoit was always capable of doing something like this, but maybe over the years, with the loss of Eddie, Owen and all the bumps, maybe his mind was damaged and lead him to do the unthinkable.

I dont believe that. I lost both my parents. And yes it did affect me. I had to stay with family members who din't treat me very well. Admittedly I wasn't sexually abused but i certainly wasn't treated how you should treat a child who has lost both his parents. And I would never do anything to harm my daughter. If I ever had those type of feelings I would do something about it. There's plenty of places you can go to get help.
Umm...JonnyK...you're being completely ridiculious.

Don't ever question a dead man's legacy? What the fuck? So we shouldn't question Hitler since he's dead, just respect his life because of the fact that he's dead? Bull-fucking-shit man, Chris Benoit, he gave me so much, and I agree its not a cut and dry situation, but all evidence is pointing towards Benoit strangling his wife, waiting a day, smothering his son to death probably with a pillow while he was asleep, and then hanging himself. If that doesn't warrant condemnation, then please tell me what the fuck does?

I loved Chris Benoit so fucking much. I was in tears when I learned about his death---now....now I don't know what to think anymore, I don't even know if I want to watch WWE anymore honestly because of this. I mean, you think you know about a public figure, all evidence points towards him being a wonderful man who loved his family, and then he kills his family and himself in straight up Amityville fashion? That not only kills his legacy, it kills any hopes of ever seeing even a mention of Benoit on WWE TV ever again, ever.
I dont believe that. I lost both my parents. And yes it did affect me. I had to stay with family members who din't treat me very well. Admittedly I wasn't sexually abused but i certainly wasn't treated how you should treat a child who has lost both his parents. And I would never do anything to harm my daughter. If I ever had those type of feelings I would do something about it. There's plenty of places you can go to get help.

That is so true.See what I don't get is why he would do it.He seemed like the biggest family man ever.Sometimes people just go crazy I guess.Some people are driven to do things they never would.
If the dead man in question murdered two innocent people that loved and trusted him I think I have every single right to question his legacy, especially as man on a personal level. As for his mental state? He could've been completely nuts but it doesn't make what he allegedly did any less unforgivable.
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Wow you just saying that is pretty crappy your self.He was ana amazing guy and it seemed he loved his family more than anything.I'm sure there was something wrong.He owuldn't just do that.

So you know him then? You know he wouldn't do something like that? Nobody thought OJ Simpson would kill his wife, but he obviously did. Nobody every "thinks" that someone will kill someone, who ever thinks to themselves "That guy is definately capable of killing his family and probably will", seriously, who woulud say that?

He loved his family more then anything? Explain then why he killed them?
I don't even know what to feel at this time. It looks pretty bad obviously. My brother and I grew up on benoit matches (him more than me since im a bit older) but what are you supposed to feel at a point like this? Nothing is for certain yet like everyones stated, but my this just keeps getting worse. When Malenko was talking last night about Eddy and Chris in heaven arguing i lost it and broke down. I'm not a religious person nor pass judgement upon anyone or claim to relate to any state of mind, but i am just numb right now since it goes to show you that sometimes anything can come along and push you over the edge. I feel sorry for all of us as well as his family for the loss and what it has done to each one of us to some effect.
Report is on Fox News right now. They're talking about the autopsies taking place right now and that the authorities are investigating it as a murder-suicide. They're talking about Vengeance now, saying he backed out for personal reasons. WWE asked to check out his home because of strange texts to Chavo and others. My god Benoit's house is fucking huge. Benoit was in weight room, child was in his bedroom. No gun used in crimes. TMZ is quoting Atlanta based law enforcements saying he may have strangled his wife on Saturday, then smothered his son on Sunday before hanging himself on Monday. And thats it?

Wait...are you kidding me? They give a minute and twenty seconds to this case and spend half an hour talking about Paris Hilton? WHAT THE FUCK?! HOW IS THIS NEWS?!
TMZ has learned more about the deaths of WWE wrestling superstar Chris Benoit, his wife and son -- and the information is extremely disturbing.

Several Atlanta-based law enforcement sources have told TMZ Benoit may have strangled his wife on Saturday, then smothered his son in his bed a day later. Investigators refuse to officially comment, pending final confirmation by the coroner on the cause and time of the deaths.

One source told TMZ that Benoit was texting friends during Sunday's WWE "Vengeance" Pay-Per-View program -- possibly watching the show with his son, who may have been alive at the time.

According to sources, Benoit then hanged himself Monday in a weight room inside the family home.
This Is What They Said On Fox News Just Now!!!!
So you know him then? You know he wouldn't do something like that? Nobody thought OJ Simpson would kill his wife, but he obviously did. Nobody every "thinks" that someone will kill someone, who ever thinks to themselves "That guy is definately capable of killing his family and probably will", seriously, who woulud say that?

He loved his family more then anything? Explain then why he killed them?

I don't know him and I said it seemed like he loved them more than anything.I wouldn't know the true fact.He could have hated them for all I know.To me he was an amazing guy.Of course after this I think he is pretty damn crappy but then I still think of him being a great guy.
I dont know if anyone mentioned this but when watching Raw last night one thing did catch my attention when going through the superstars interviews. Chavo mentioned that he talked to Chris on Sunday, this maybe nothing at all or something, could he have been the last person to talk to Chris before all of this happened.
I just posted what they said on Fox Jake, not much. They gave the case maybe one minute, ran down all the info out, then moved onto more Paris Hilton bullshit. I'm in disbelief. They spend half an hour on the Jesse Davis case about the pregnant woman dead, but can't spend two fucking minutes on the case of a celebrity killing his family and then himself? You'd think that'd be HUGE fucking news, but no, wonderful good old Fox News is luckily here to tell us more about Paris Hilton's new outlook on life! Yay! Fuck you Fox News.
They have to talk about other stuff right now, they dont have anything ready to talk to ppl and so-on.
I just posted what they said on Fox Jake, not much. They gave the case maybe one minute, ran down all the info out, then moved onto more Paris Hilton bullshit. I'm in disbelief. They spend half an hour on the Jesse Davis case about the pregnant woman dead, but can't spend two fucking minutes on the case of a celebrity killing his family and then himself? You'd think that'd be HUGE fucking news, but no, wonderful good old Fox News is luckily here to tell us more about Paris Hilton's new outlook on life! Yay! Fuck you Fox News.

Hahah.Well the people over at Fox News are shitty for doing this.Ysterday I was looking all over the news everywhere but couldn't find one god damn thing about this.Obviously wildfires are the thing to talk about now.
I just posted what they said on Fox Jake, not much. They gave the case maybe one minute, ran down all the info out, then moved onto more Paris Hilton bullshit. I'm in disbelief. They spend half an hour on the Jesse Davis case about the pregnant woman dead, but can't spend two fucking minutes on the case of a celebrity killing his family and then himself? You'd think that'd be HUGE fucking news, but no, wonderful good old Fox News is luckily here to tell us more about Paris Hilton's new outlook on life! Yay! Fuck you Fox News.

My brother said the exact same thing last night. Like Lance Storm said man, When a wrestler dies, nobody seems to care.
My brother said the exact same thing last night. Like Lance Storm said man, When a wrestler dies, nobody seems to care.

That's because they dont consider wrestling a sport. They consider it acting. And as far as media is concerned wrestlers are strictly ''Z'' list.

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