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Speculating the Ending of Title Unification


Pre-Show Stalwart
As I read through a lot of threads there seems to be many wild theories out there. Cena going heel, HHH taking the title himself, or each guy grabbing the other guys belt. What does everyone think will happen? Odds are Cena wins both straps and goes on to be the poster boy for WWE with WWE Network getting ready to kick off.

One idea I have tossed around is the idea of no winner. I know everyone will crap all over a screw job ending but bear with me. I am not really sure how it goes down so I will combine a couple of theories. So say both Cena and Orton on are the ladder about to grab titles when the Shield runs in at pushes both me off the ladder. HHH comes into the ring and climbs the ladder to crown himself Unified Champion. Next night on RAW when he is in the ring celebrating McMahon comes back. He strips HHH of the title since he was actually a competitor in the ring. Instead of making a new Orton vs Cena match he says that the winner of Royal Rumble 2014 will be crowned new Champion.

This makes the build up to RR exciting because everyone will be fighting for a spot in the RR. Also this would allow them to go in so many different directions. Who wins the RR and the title? Cena? Orton? Bryan? Punk?

Then they can have Elimination Chamber to decide the #1 contender. With only 1 title now we cant have a #1 contender named at RR and then another at Elimination Chamber so this allows us to get our true #1 contender.
I actually like the idea of the Royal Rumble being for the championship.

However they could just go down the traditional route of the Rumble winner faces the WWE champion at Mania whomever that may be and have the title defended in the elimination chamber.

As for the ending of TLC I actually can see Triple H winding up as champion especially as Steph keeps talking about what a great champion Trip was. But if that were to happen or if a Cena heel turn happens then surely Orton would then end up a face as he'd have been "screwed" and this would mean his heel turn was pointless anyway?

Then again we are talking about WWE booking here.....
What I think will happen is Triple H helps Orton to win the belt and they call it something of a swerve cause we've been made to believe the Authority have lost faith in Orton.

What I would love to see happen is Orton and Cena knock each other out and Triple H climb into the ring, climb the ladder and take both belts and declare himself the new unified WWE Champion. Ultimate heel move that would set up what I would also love to see as the WWE title match at Wrestlemania and that's Triple H vs Daniel Bryan.

Downside of that would mean Orton either turning face or becoming a side player in the Authority to build for an eventual face turn and match against Triple H. I could see them going with that scenario for Wrestlemania to be honest but I don#t particularly want it.
I'd really love to see a Triple H screwjob for no winner declaring its best for business because people will buy another PPV to see the match. But then PO'd fans just boycott the rumble. A near empty arena with barely any PPV viewers. Oh one can only dream
I would absolutely love the Royal Rumble being for the title. It has only been done once in 1992, in what I believe was the best Rumble match of all time. I think Cena would have to win it though. As much as people dislike him, remember that this is a legitimate business we are talking about and there is no better person to be the Champion of Champions, Unified champion, whatever they want to call it these days. Having the Rumble for the title though will end up making the rest of the card kind of crappy. There will have to be multiple wrestlers performing twice on the card, which will downplay the realistic chance that those guys win the rumble.

If they go this route, I would love to see some of the past champions come back to participate in the Rumble, i.e. HHH, Jericho, HBK, but only the guys who could still go in the ring.
If they have a screwjob,then maybe, the titles are both left vacant.
The Royal Rumble winner will be number 1 contender for the a Wrestlemania title shot, and the next month, his opponent would be the second number 1 contender which would be the Elimination Chamber winner.

However, judging by RAW last night, for anything of that sort to happen, we would have a situation where from post-TLC;
All of Cena, Orton, Punk, Bryan and the Authority will be embroiled in a Huge story together, probably with different grudges with regards to each superstar.
Also, put in the possibility of Vince returning to be a part of the angle as well, bringing with him some more superstars and we may have a few more endings like Last Night.
How about this little twist?? At TLC, there will be no clear winner. At WrestleMania XXX, it will be the Royal Rumble winner vs. the Elimination Chamber winner for the Undisputed WWE World Championship!? I love it!!
I would absolutely love the Royal Rumble being for the title. It has only been done once in 1992, in what I believe was the best Rumble match of all time. I think Cena would have to win it though. As much as people dislike him, remember that this is a legitimate business we are talking about and there is no better person to be the Champion of Champions, Unified champion, whatever they want to call it these days. Having the Rumble for the title though will end up making the rest of the card kind of crappy. There will have to be multiple wrestlers performing twice on the card, which will downplay the realistic chance that those guys win the rumble.

If they go this route, I would love to see some of the past champions come back to participate in the Rumble, i.e. HHH, Jericho, HBK, but only the guys who could still go in the ring.

Well if they did have the Rumble for the title, they could use the rest of the PPV to focus on other areas and have qualifying matches for the Rumble spot. Pretty much like they did in the 90s ones. Although by the time of the Rumble, isn't Sheamus ready for a return? Surprise entry and winner being a HHH guy. Either way I don't see either HHH, Cena or Orton coming out with the title in this, its leading more to a Sheamus return.
Or we could just have TLC no winner.
An announcement that RR winner vs EC winner for the title at Wrestlemania.

At RR, Dean Ambrose oversells a move and goes out of the ring for a while. Roman Reigns equals the elimination record of Kane, but at the last Ambrose returns and eliminates him to win the Royal Rumble.
Ambrose goes on thereafter, trashtalking Reigns and talking about how he was always better than the other 2 members of the Shield.
Reigns gets a shot at Elimination Chamber Number 1 contender match and wins it....

BAM! We have the new Faces of the Company and the Next Iconic rivalry to seal the Title Unification.

Just throwing out a possible interesting twist.
Ok, lets stop with the "Cena Turing Heel" talk. It won't happen.

Since it would be somewhat predictable, based on talk here, that HHH declares himself winner and undisputed champ, lets throw another scenario out there.

Both Cena and Orton can't finish the match after beating each other down. Vince comes out, climbs the ladder, takes both titles and walks out.

On Raw, he declares the undisputed title vacant. HHH deplores the action, and they decide the winner of the rumble will be the interim champ, with the final unification at WrestleMania. Daniel Bryan wins the Rumble, Orton wins the Elimination Chamber to set the unification match.

Hulk Hogan is then in the corner of Bryan for Mania, while Ric Flair is in Orton's corner. Both Hogan/Flair will have a role in the unification match, but not a match.

This leaves Cena out, for a potential match against the Undertaker at Mania
What you guys saw last night during the Ascension ceremony was a quick look at the Wrestlemania card. Orton vs. Cena for the Unified Title, Punk vs. Triple H, and Shawn vs. Bryan (I am a huge Michaels guy and would normally say that he would never come back but he might to fight Bryan). There may or not be a finish on Sunday but thats what we have to look forward to for WM30.
I wouldn't be shocked if someone besides Cena, Orton, or Triple H is crowned the new champion. I like the idea of the OP with the Rumble taking route like the 1992 Rumble played out, it would surely make the upcoming Rumble the biggest one since 1992 going into the biggest WrestleMania in many years.

But when I say that I wouldn't be shocked if someone besides the three guys won the belt, ever remember Survivor Series 1999? When it was Austin vs Rock vs Triple H. And of all guys it was the Big Show coming out on top as new WWF champion, or the Vegance PPV where instead of Rock and Austin, its Y2J who comes out as new WWF/WCW world champion.

I could just imagine something playing out where some wrestler is thrown into the match, maybe someone is "hurt" in the middle of the match and Triple H comes out and says this isn't ending like this and thus Bryan or Punk is thrown into the match.

WWE just had too much going on in the ring on Raw at the end to have this only come down to Cena and Orton, Ziggler, Byran, Punk, Big Show and a few others might all have some role in the outcome, dunno why but its just a gut feeling. Things like these always take some swerve with WWE.

On Raw, he declares the undisputed title vacant. HHH deplores the action, and they decide the winner of the rumble will be the interim champ, with the final unification at WrestleMania. Daniel Bryan wins the Rumble, Orton wins the Elimination Chamber to set the unification match.

Hulk Hogan is then in the corner of Bryan for Mania, while Ric Flair is in Orton's corner. Both Hogan/Flair will have a role in the unification match, but not a match.

Were not going to see Orton vs Bryan again, and it sure isn't going to happen at WrestleMania for both belts. And where the hell do you get Hogan and Flair out of all this, that makes no sense whats so ever. Besides being the dumbest most far fetched thing I ever heard. I wouldn't even want to see a match at WM with Hogan in one corner, and Flair in another. Those guys have made history, and there time has come and gone.
my HOPE is that WWE just swerved us with the ending and that in the end, Triple H helps Orton win the WWE/World title and making him the Undisputed Champion which would then set up a re-match and have Orton win AGAIN, then have him win an Elimination Chamber where Cena is involved which i hope sets up a match at WM with Orton vs. Daniel Bryan where Daniel Bryan FINALLY gets the Championship which i think he should get. in other words, have Daniel Bryan win the Rumble to face Orton for the title at Mania. i dont know any good ideas for Cena besides have him face either a younger star or a vet.....as for Triple H, i REALLY hope the Punk attack on Triple H sets up a match with those two at WM. Punk is the perfect guy to be on the mic vs. the Authority. he can talk and sell a match as gold and when Triple H threw him down last night on RAW, i was VERY intrigued by that.
I hope that there isn't definite winner at MITB, purely because I think that WWE can use Unified Championship as a means of pushing someone on the periphery to the top. Look at what happened to Jericho in 2001. Have both men grab a title, maybe have them grab the other title to theirs.

Then at the Rumble have the title on the line and someone else wins it, an Ambrose or a Reigns or someone completely different. I just don't think being the "First" Unified Champion will benefit either Cena or Orton.
Watching the championship ascension, cena's scripted shoot, pedigree on orton and cena with the authority it looked like a double turn was on the cards.

The best place for a double turn is a b ppv as it sets the stories for rumble and the road to wrestlemania. You need to make money at wrestlemania with the culmination not the beginning of a story

Orton has never been able to be the top face and main guy in wwe because of cena.

This is the perfect scenario to make it happen
I don't know what's going to happen, but I do know that we're not going to see a unified, undisputed champion at the end of TLC. With three weeks of buildup, at a throw-away PPV, I'm just not buying that we're about to see a true unification of two titles that are older than half of the wrestling fans watching today, respectively.

It doesn't necessarily have to wait until Wrestlemania, but it's not happening at a friggin'... PG-style vague ECW tribute show, forerun by the Dudley Boyz.

Plus, the end of Raw last night saw this storyline chop itself up into a few different directions, giving a nod at Daniel Bryan, who's in the middle of a completely different feud, and the beginning of a Triple H/CM Punk program. We'll likely see a unification at the simultaneous climax of all these storylines. Not this Sunday.
Orton wins with help from Triple H and the authority. The celebrate in the ring. Triple H does the thumb up-thumb down sign to Orton and Kane and the Shield beat the hell out of Orton. Triple H calls a ref down and they have a one on one match for the unified titles. Orton gets to his feet and the ring the bell and Triple H pedigrees him for the win. Winner and new champ, Triple H. Next night on Raw Orton says he's been backstabbed by the game twice now, first with Evolution and now with the Authority.

Not my personal choice but I can see it happening.
Triple H won't screw Orton simply because Orton's character is that of a cocky heel. The crowd wouldn't sympathise with Orton. Seems as Cena has at least half the backing from the crowd I think he'll be the one that get's screwed if they go down that route.
Maybe we're reading too much into it and we'll get a clean finish.
Orton wins, they are trying to make it seem like Triple H and Steph don't have his back anymore, but they do. This is classic WWE right here, try to swerve the fans and do exactly what they should have suspected all along. I would be quite surprised if Orton DIDN'T leave TLC as the undisputed champ and I think he's got this one in the bag (possibly Cena faces him at WM30 and wins there), I really do.

A lot of people seem to think they will find a way so no one is undisputed champ after TLC because its such a short build. All I got to say to that is they already did it in 2001 so why wouldn't they do it here? When Jericho became undisputed champ (in a 4 man tourny with Austin, Rock and Angle no less) they didn't build that match long, roughly the same amount of time Orton and Cena has been built. At this point they've hyped there will be only 1 champion after TLC so much that it's pretty much a guarantee that there will be only 1 champion after TLC.

Anyways Orton's got this, I don't see Cena turning heel and I think they will have him stand tall over Orton (and the Authority) at Wrestlemania 30 to end this angle once and for all (or a month later at Extreme Rules).
How about this little twist?? At TLC, there will be no clear winner. At WrestleMania XXX, it will be the Royal Rumble winner vs. the Elimination Chamber winner for the Undisputed WWE World Championship!? I love it!!
That's almost as poor an idea as I've read on the forums in some time. I mean this as no disrespect- KB, Sly, or Jack could be posting it- and my response to it would be the same-With teasing and delivering HHH, at least they're delivering a finish. A finish with HHH walking out champion confirms beyond a swadow that he's a glory hog who cares only for himself and not the product, but that's still better then the one winner they've been promising time and again, then not delivering. Be it the 3 weeks it's been or 3 months of build, if you promise a definite winner,deliver that. Because if you promise unification and even more, one winner, and fail to deliver, you're telling your fans the following:

"Screw You. We know you paid $55.00 during a tough economy, and likely for this match. Well, thanks for the money, but you get nada. We gave you Daniel Bryan as champion(twice!) for almost 24 hours, and this is how you show us gratitude? The nerve! If you don't like it......oh wait......you're gonna buy the Rumble and Wrestlemania anyways, so we can hold the title in abeyance the WHOLE time."
If this is the wrestlinmg company you love and trust, there's not a darn thing I can tell you. It's good vs. evil, right vs. wrong., winners and losers.

But why simplify the easy when one can complify it more? :rolleyes: Once HHH and Stephanie made the promise with words like "unification", and "one champion", especially after the string of terrible finishes and poor main events they've been delivering, they owe it to the fans to deliver, on at least two things.

A unified title, with one champion. Sometimes, it really is as a simple as that! :shrug:
Orton wins, they are trying to make it seem like Triple H and Steph don't have his back anymore, but they do. This is classic WWE right here, try to swerve the fans and do exactly what they should have suspected all along. I would be quite surprised if Orton DIDN'T leave TLC as the undisputed champ and I think he's got this one in the bag (possibly Cena faces him at WM30 and wins there), I really do.

A lot of people seem to think they will find a way so no one is undisputed champ after TLC because its such a short build. All I got to say to that is they already did it in 2001 so why wouldn't they do it here? When Jericho became undisputed champ (in a 4 man tourny with Austin, Rock and Angle no less) they didn't build that match long, roughly the same amount of time Orton and Cena has been built. At this point they've hyped there will be only 1 champion after TLC so much that it's pretty much a guarantee that there will be only 1 champion after TLC.

Anyways Orton's got this, I don't see Cena turning heel and I think they will have him stand tall over Orton (and the Authority) at Wrestlemania 30 to end this angle once and for all (or a month later at Extreme Rules).

Certainly possible that Orton will win with HHH's help, but it's unlikely we're getting Orton/Cena at Mania. That feud's been played out, which is why we're having it here, not at WM. They're not gonna blow the match here if they're planning on having it again, just three months later at the big stage.

More likely Bryan or Punk get a WM main event with whomever wins on Sunday.

Remember, beating The Rock at WM this year can be thought of as the pinnacle of Cena's run as a good-guy.

The days of him getting the big rub, close-of-feud happy endings are over now I think.
How about this little twist?? At TLC, there will be no clear winner. At WrestleMania XXX, it will be the Royal Rumble winner vs. the Elimination Chamber winner for the Undisputed WWE World Championship!? I love it!!
That's almost as poor an idea as I've read on the forums in some time. I mean this as no disrespect- KB, Sly, or Jack could be posting it- and my response to it would be the same-With teasing and delivering HHH, at least they're delivering a finish. A finish with HHH walking out champion confirms beyond a swadow that he's a glory hog who cares only for himself and not the product, but that's still better then the one winner they've been promising time and again, then not delivering. Be it the 3 weeks it's been or 3 months of build, if you promise a definite winner,deliver that. Because if you promise unification and even more, one winner, and fail to deliver, you're telling your fans the following:

"Screw You. We know you paid $55.00 during a tough economy, and likely for this match. Well, thanks for the money, but you get nada. We gave you Daniel Bryan as champion(twice!) for almost 24 hours, and this is how you show us gratitude? The nerve! If you don't like it......oh wait......you're gonna buy the Rumble and Wrestlemania anyways, so we can hold the title in abeyance the WHOLE time."
If this is the wrestlinmg company you love and trust, there's not a darn thing I can tell you. It's good vs. evil, right vs. wrong., winners and losers.

But why simplify the easy when one can complify it more? :rolleyes: Once HHH and Stephanie made the promise with words like "unification", and "one champion", especially after the string of terrible finishes and poor main events they've been delivering, they owe it to the fans to deliver, on at least two things.

A unified title, with one champion. Sometimes, it really is as a simple as that! :shrug:
How about this little twist?? At TLC, there will be no clear winner. At WrestleMania XXX, it will be the Royal Rumble winner vs. the Elimination Chamber winner for the Undisputed WWE World Championship!? I love it!!

To piggy back on how this would happen:

How come no one has mentioned this idea. Since both belts are hanging above the ring (essentially a ladders match) both guys grab a belt as they fall off tables between ladders (TLC II) leaving both unable to continue and each with a belt setting up your Wrestlemania unification.

That is my prediction.
To piggy back on how this would happen:

How come no one has mentioned this idea. Since both belts are hanging above the ring (essentially a ladders match) both guys grab a belt as they fall off tables between ladders (TLC II) leaving both unable to continue and each with a belt setting up your Wrestlemania unification.

That is my prediction.

Why would the rematch wait til Wrestlemania though? What about the Royal Rumble, would that be meaningless this year? Same with Elimination Chamber?

Too long to go for that scenario to play out, though I could see them go with your idea and have the rematch at Royal Rumble
Why would the rematch wait til Wrestlemania though? What about the Royal Rumble, would that be meaningless this year? Same with Elimination Chamber?

Too long to go for that scenario to play out, though I could see them go with your idea and have the rematch at Royal Rumble

That's a good point….Although to add with RR and Elimination Chamber they could be entries 3 & 4 into a unification title, ala when Jericho unified the Belts.

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