Title Unification?


I Had Sex With The
This is a subject that was greatly talked about a few months back, but talks have greatly stalled.

After thinking about it, I think the unification could still very well happen.

What if tonight at Elimination Chamber, they decide to replace Ziggler with Del Rio. Have Del Rio pull out the heel win and capture the world title. Tomorrow on Raw, Miz is out talking up his title defense, and just as he is about to leave, Del Rio attacks. He says since he has already beat Edge and took his title, he will use his Rumble win to challenge Miz.

Out comes Edge, he says that match wont happen because he is using his rematch clause at Mania.

Raw chamber winner (Morrison?) comes out and agrees with Edge because he is the #1 contender to Miz's belt.

Que Cole. The Raw GM says all four men have good points, and at Wrestlemania it will be a four way to determine the Undisputed WWE champion.

Another route they can go is a tournament style, with Miz vs #1 and Edge vs Del Rio with the winners facing later on.

Thoughts on titles being unified?
Thoughts on my idea?

Personally I want to see the belts unified, and I think my idea is a good one. However, I don't see it happening.

What do you guys think?
So you're suggesting that we unify the titles in a 4-Way with Edge, The Miz, Alberto Del Rio, and John Morrison? That's an absurd idea for just about any PPV, but for Wrestlemania? The buyrates would be TNA abysmal.

I really don't see a reason for a unification match anyway to be honest. I swear to God if I hear anyone ever mention the word "Prestige" when it comes to a Professional Wrestling championship I will defecate in their gas tank. Titles are props, nothing more, nothing less. Having 2 world titles doesn't devalue anything because they are fucking props.

The only reason to have a unification match at Wrestlemania is to have some form of dream match. Any kind of match involving ADR, Miz, JoMo, Cena, or Edge doesn't scream dream match.
So you're suggesting that we unify the titles in a 4-Way with Edge, The Miz, Alberto Del Rio, and John Morrison? That's an absurd idea for just about any PPV, but for Wrestlemania? The buyrates would be TNA abysmal.

I really don't see a reason for a unification match anyway to be honest. I swear to God if I hear anyone ever mention the word "Prestige" when it comes to a Professional Wrestling championship I will defecate in their gas tank. Titles are props, nothing more, nothing less. Having 2 world titles doesn't devalue anything because they are fucking props.

The only reason to have a unification match at Wrestlemania is to have some form of dream match. Any kind of match involving ADR, Miz, JoMo, Cena, or Edge doesn't scream dream match.

^^^wow when did vince russo join WZ? props? lol.... its not a prop its a lineage that represents the best wrestlers in your company throughout its history. right there proves it is more than a prop. if the belt was held by TL Hopper, Mideon, Brooklyn Brawler, etc instead of hogan and rock and austin, would the title have less meaning? of course it would. if it was just a prop no one would strive to get it and furthermore, no one would refuse to hold it like at the end of wcw. no one wanted that belt and i give credit to sid for being the man to step up and carry it for that period after benoit dropped it in the trash. literally no one wanted that belt...not sting or flair or anyone else. so it isnt just a glass of milk about to be spilled in a scene from CSI.....in other words its not a prop.
So you're suggesting that we unify the titles in a 4-Way with Edge, The Miz, Alberto Del Rio, and John Morrison? That's an absurd idea for just about any PPV, but for Wrestlemania? The buyrates would be TNA abysmal.

I really don't see a reason for a unification match anyway to be honest. I swear to God if I hear anyone ever mention the word "Prestige" when it comes to a Professional Wrestling championship I will defecate in their gas tank. Titles are props, nothing more, nothing less. Having 2 world titles doesn't devalue anything because they are fucking props.

The only reason to have a unification match at Wrestlemania is to have some form of dream match. Any kind of match involving ADR, Miz, JoMo, Cena, or Edge doesn't scream dream match.

I do because it's WWE.. one company.. no, Smackdown and Raw is not 2 separate companies.. I've always hated WWE having 2 of every title.. hopefully the World title becomes one again :)
So you're suggesting that we unify the titles in a 4-Way with Edge, The Miz, Alberto Del Rio, and John Morrison? That's an absurd idea for just about any PPV, but for Wrestlemania? The buyrates would be TNA abysmal.

I really don't see a reason for a unification match anyway to be honest. I swear to God if I hear anyone ever mention the word "Prestige" when it comes to a Professional Wrestling championship I will defecate in their gas tank. Titles are props, nothing more, nothing less. Having 2 world titles doesn't devalue anything because they are fucking props.

The only reason to have a unification match at Wrestlemania is to have some form of dream match. Any kind of match involving ADR, Miz, JoMo, Cena, or Edge doesn't scream dream match.


so a unification match that doesnt involve cena or orton? wouldnt count on it.

So your saying that all the belts are the same because its fake? wow your so stupid thats like saying im not going to watch because its fake...obviously its fake but the belt holder represents the hottest commodity in the wwe and it does have some PRESTIGE PRESTIGE PRESTIGE.
So you're suggesting that we unify the titles in a 4-Way with Edge, The Miz, Alberto Del Rio, and John Morrison? That's an absurd idea for just about any PPV, but for Wrestlemania? The buyrates would be TNA abysmal.

I really don't see a reason for a unification match anyway to be honest. I swear to God if I hear anyone ever mention the word "Prestige" when it comes to a Professional Wrestling championship I will defecate in their gas tank. Titles are props, nothing more, nothing less. Having 2 world titles doesn't devalue anything because they are fucking props.

The only reason to have a unification match at Wrestlemania is to have some form of dream match. Any kind of match involving ADR, Miz, JoMo, Cena, or Edge doesn't scream dream match.

Okay, Mr. Russo! Titles as props? In third rate companies like TNA? Yes. In a Youth Movement plagued WWE? Simply no. Both titles were once unified, and when they were , it provided for great entertainment. Brock Lesnar used the fact that he was the only world champion in WWE to get himself over. So how do you figure? Calling titles props defeats the purpose of watching. People choose not watch wrestling because its fake. You writing off titles like playthings WILL NOT be welcome on any professional wrestling forum. Besides, all titles have to have some kind of prestige. For example, The WWE Championship had more prestige than the Intercontinental Championship, which had more prestige than the European Championship, and so on. and They could book Hornswoggle vs Vickie Guerrero and STILL get Wrestlemania buys. That's just the way it is.

I will agree with you on one thing. Miz vs Edge vs Del Rio vs Morrison would not be my preferred Undisputed Championship match. I think if you're gonna do that, you really need four cornerstones of the company to maximize the value of the match. I'm not sure if it would work now, but I'd have Cena vs Orton vs Edge vs Triple H in some form. That's the only way you can really get a new title like that over.

I did hear WWE was thinking about having Del Rio win the Intercontinental Championship tonight so he can face Edge for both titles. It seems that they're scrambling though to figure out what they want to do. I think that would be a good idea because...

A.) ADR doesn't make the WHC his first real title win.
B.) He is a good wrestler and can help add prestige to the title.
C.) ADR has been criticized for not being ready for this opportunity and as a result may cause the match to not be worth watching. Making it a unification match CAN change that.

Hopefully, they give him the IC strap tonight for all the above reasons.
Good Lord this is painful. I'm being called stupid by someone who doesn't know how to use the Caps or Shift button nor can he figure out that "your" has a totally different meaning than "you're." This is why I stay out of the Wrestling sections. Simps like you destroy my ability to have a decent debate with anyone with an education beyond the 6th Grade level.

Listen to me, there is nothing prestigious about a Championship that is awarded based on a competitive sport with a PREDETERMINED outcome. But let's go ahead and pretend for half a second that you children have any idea what the fuck you're talking about. Why does having 2 World Championships for 2 different brands devalue the Championship? Both titles still have the lineage they have always fucking had and there's still a limited pool of Superstars that can get them. If the titles never became separate entities like they are today, would guys like Edge, Batista, or even The Miz be where they are today? Edge would not be a surefire Hall Of Famer with 11 (Christ!) World Title reigns, Batista would have had to take a backseat to the Cena train when he was just getting as hot as he could, and The Miz would have likely been cut YEARS ago. Now you all bitch and fucking moan about the same guys being in the Main Event scene all the time, but if the brands and titles were to combine, do you really think your JoMos and Zigglers would be getting PPV title shots? Really, just fucking think before you speak.
a title unification should be a storyline done with months in advancement. starting it around december with a huge announcement on raw by vince proclaiming that after the elimination chamber ppv both wrestlers who hold the titles will participate in a triple threat match with the royal rumble winner to determine the undisputed championship at wrestlemania. it would give a great deal of attention to the elimination chamber ppv. although in reality i would like to get the rumble stipulation to be eliminated so we can have both surprise winners and in the case of this storyline, a 1-1 with both champions at mania.
Ladies ladies calm down we can all be civilized can't we? Now as for the whole title unification concept I don't see it happening. Because why would wwe give both belts to a newcomer like del rio? Edge maybe but Morrison and miz? Nah giving them both belts would just be a big spit to the face to past wwe champions. I also dont see that match taking place simply because there wouldnt be any other good matches. Lets face it the star powers dead this year. So rather the unification match there probably gonna have Jo mo win MITB, del rio vs edge and the miz vs cena
I hate the thought of 1 Title. If you are keeping superstars on Raw, and superstars on Smackdown then you need 2 sets of belts IMO. There are too many superstars on the roster to chase 1 belt. I think WWE should have the Cruiserweight Belt on SD aswell. Give the mid card some interest...move Kidd, Bourne over.

I you are going to unify the belts at WM then it would sense to have Miz vs Cena vs Edge vs Del Rio in a 4 way.
actually having two titles is the reason being a champion doesn't mean anything anymore. there wasn't anything more electrifying than seeing a new champion being crowned. we haven't had that feeling in years.
The only positive thing to One belt would be rivalry build ups. They wouldn't be rushed and just thrown out there. They would be well thought out and we would actually be looking forward to seeing good guy vs bad guy. And guys like the miz can go on both shows brag about how he won both titles and it would draw a huge amount of heat seeing the same heel run hIs mouth week after week until the point where a face like cena comes along and beats miz which will receive an amazing pop. But as I said before the star power isn't there yet
In order for the idea of 1 title to work would require more buildup than a single month, and I agree with some of the others here that aside from Edge you don't have the talent to carry a story like that in Del Rio, Morrison, or Miz. They're simply not proven yet.

But the real problem is what happens after the titles are unified if theoretically that were to happen. We have a pretty huge locker room of Raw and Smackdown stars and a fraction of them from both shows have even a chance at the titles at this point. you whittle it down to one belt and you have a lot more guys scrambling for TV time because the writers will have even less for them to do. Then a lot of the guys that are getting the spotlight but not many title shots won't get a legit chance to develop.

Unifying the titles the last time it happened had Rock, Austin, Angle, and Jericho coming into his own in the title picture. The whole idea had time to build, and had stars aside from them you could see holding it. We don't have the depth of main event talent now than we did then though they are pushing to more of the midcard talent which is necessary. But most arent' ready for that step, and Even with HHH, Taker, Cena, Edge and Orton in the picture who else has the presence those guys do to make that idea work?

the WWE isn't ready for that, and I think it would take a lot of work to get back to that if it is truly necessary.
I can see where you guys are coming from, this doesn't seem like a PRESTIGIOUS match, but my reasoning was that Miz vs Cena and Edge vs Del Rio don't seem like great matches, so I was thinking by combining them that would free up Cena for a different match, and the knowledge that there would be a new unified champ would make this a must see match.

Not to mention Edge and the new comers would put on a way better match. Also it could get one of these guys over big time.

What would you guys think about ADR vs Edge in a unification match, in which Edge wins and the US title becomes a universal mid card belt? Daniel Bryan matches on Raw and Smackdown is good for everyone.

I don't so much like this idea as I would like Swagger as IC champ take on Bryan as US champ, but anything can happen.
Heavyweight and Cruiserweight as two seperate and distinctive weight belts compete-able only by people above or below 230lbs (I dunno exactly, but a fixed number, to stop Rey Mysterio being the Heavyweight champion).

Then the WWE Championship and Either US or IC (either) acting as territory based belts, open for competition by anyone with the WWE Championship still being the companies top belt.

Tag Belts and the Women's Championship (not Diva's nonsense)..

...All in one unified brand!
If they were going to unify the titles they would have either a)started already with the Royal Rumble or b)have McMahon come out on Raw tomorrow with the entire roster near ringside saying there's going to be a new direction by stripping everyone of the titles(ie Vince Russo), and I dunno if he has the grapefruits to do that.

But there needs to be a product rehab. If you're going to ignore the brand split what's the point of having 2 world champs?
If they were going to unify the titles they would have either a)started already with the Royal Rumble or b)have McMahon come out on Raw tomorrow with the entire roster near ringside saying there's going to be a new direction by stripping everyone of the titles(ie Vince Russo), and I dunno if he has the grapefruits to do that.

But there needs to be a product rehab. If you're going to ignore the brand split what's the point of having 2 world champs?

Lol I'm sure he has plenty grapefruits to do that, but luckily for all of us he has the brains not to. I swear to god I would never watch the WWE again if Vince came out and randomly stripped everybody of their titles, and I know I'm not alone. But yeah, it's hard to say they ignore the brand split considering its quite clear who is on which brand. I realize both brands appear on both shows occassionally, but you still know they're coming from the other brand.

As for a title unification...it makes no sense. They have two established World titles, why get rid of one? That's one less marquee match every PPV. There's no chance of it happening this year and I don't see why it ever would.

But to answer the OP's idea, IF you were going to unify the titles...I actually really like the idea, if you do the tournament instead of the four way match. I think del Rio replacing Ziggler, and then coming out to say he's going to use his Rumble win to face the WWE Champion is a believable way of making it happen. Edge comes out and says he wants a rematch, Cena (sorry haters, but it has to be Cena) comes out and says he's still getting his match against The Miz, and the GM makes it happen. The only thing I would change is don't have the entire "tournament" at WM, take care of the "semi finals" on Raw and SD so the main event can have a proper buildup. That Friday night have del Rio beat Edge with Miz's help, and then the next Monday have Edge cost Miz the WWE title against Cena. That sets up your WM main event so Cena can beat del Rio, and also sets up Edge vs. Miz along the way. Win win.

I know the IWC fagboys are going to hate it, but the sooner you accept that Cena is the biggest draw and needs to be standing at the end of the biggest show, the better off we'll all be. Seriously.
I agree with the unification but not in a 4 way match. the only 4 way matches that have ever been entertaining was with the cruiserweights. if they do unify the titles I doubt it will be at wrestlemania, just not enough time to build up a great storyline to make people want to see it.
The only reason why we can't see John Cena is because we're sick of him and turn the channel whenever he comes out! Do him in the ass with the hand that came out of Mae Young!

In all seriousness I don't want the WWE and WHC to be unified. What I would much rather see happen and I believe that it's in the process of actually happening is the WHC and IC title to be unified into the World Heavyweight Championship and have the same thing done on RAW with the WWE Championship and the US Title.

Keep two major singles belts and since the WWE has stopped caring for the midcard belt get rid of them altogether. If the WWE wants lesser titles on the show it can stick with the Diva's title for women, the WWE Tag-Team titles for the tags and institute something of a hardcore/cruiserweight title (similar to the TNA X-Division). There are enough smaller/agile guys on the roster now to have their own special division and they have more on the way (Mistico).
Good Lord this is painful. I'm being called stupid by someone who doesn't know how to use the Caps or Shift button nor can he figure out that "your" has a totally different meaning than "you're." This is why I stay out of the Wrestling sections. Simps like you destroy my ability to have a decent debate with anyone with an education beyond the 6th Grade level.

Listen to me, there is nothing prestigious about a Championship that is awarded based on a competitive sport with a PREDETERMINED outcome. But let's go ahead and pretend for half a second that you children have any idea what the fuck you're talking about. Why does having 2 World Championships for 2 different brands devalue the Championship? Both titles still have the lineage they have always fucking had and there's still a limited pool of Superstars that can get them. If the titles never became separate entities like they are today, would guys like Edge, Batista, or even The Miz be where they are today? Edge would not be a surefire Hall Of Famer with 11 (Christ!) World Title reigns, Batista would have had to take a backseat to the Cena train when he was just getting as hot as he could, and The Miz would have likely been cut YEARS ago. Now you all bitch and fucking moan about the same guys being in the Main Event scene all the time, but if the brands and titles were to combine, do you really think your JoMos and Zigglers would be getting PPV title shots? Really, just fucking think before you speak.

wow...what an impressive vocabulary. you diss me for not using caps and then spit out this mess? LOL. that is an incoherent mass of words and the funniest part is your bitching about things i never even said!

look, a belt is not a prop. if you think it is thats fine. i wont call you names for it like you did me but i will point out that the number one man putting forth the idea of a belt as a prop was vince russo and look at what he has done for this business with that theory.

how much of a prop can it be when people have held it for 8 years, 4 years, etc. that sounds like a pretty useless prop to me. if you say its a prop because it was fought over then i say thats what titles are for. they fight over wins and words and card position and tv time and none of those are props either.

we just disagree but you seem to be full of venom ready to spit at anyone who disagrees with you lol...democrat maybe? HAHAHA
Thought I'd register to wade in here:

TL;DR version: Yes, titles are "just props" in the same way that lightsabres are "just props" and in the same way that the companion cube from Portal is "just a prop". They have deeper meaning than that both within and without of kayfabe. Having one clear champion is desirable, and the WWE seem to be strengthening Edge as a real champion, while weakening The Miz's title reign, apparently setting up for unification sometime after WM.

Full version:

Title belts are, in the strictest sense, "just props". This is literally true in that the owner of the belt is predetermined, yada yada.

But they REPRESENT so much more than that, whether or not they're "just props" or not.

The title belts all serve important purposes.

They are feud catalysts. The basic story (i.e. feud) in ANY medium will pit two or more characters against each other with mutually exclusive goals - whether these goals are to reclaim the One Ring vs. destroy the One Ring or rule Galaxy under iron fist vs. free Galaxy from emperor ruling with Iron Fist or To Be The Greatest Wrestler in [Promotion Name].

Used this way titles can heighten and spark feuds, but they can only do so in relation to how important the title is seen to be. This is why titles must be seen to have prestige.

Even outside of kayfabe, the titles represent more than plot devices. They represent a permanent record of the greats of the company (David Arquette not withstanding...oh wait, that was WCW in it's rubbish days), and they give new or rejoining fans a starting point to see who's good. Who is the best in the company? The best guy who couldn't realistically beat the big guys (Cruiserweight), the best woman, the best up-and-comers (USA Title), the star of tomorrow (IC Title).

Anyone joining WWE viewing today would KNOW that Edge is important, because he holds the title, and it is a title with prestige because everyone wants it.

Between all these reasons I see that the WWE should unify the WWE Title and WHC title. As it is there are two top guys (in theory). Nobody really gives a damn about the brand split, and title holders keep appearing on the other shows anyway. It wouldn't be a problem to have the top title holder be cross-brand and have one undisputed champion.

I see the WWE seem to be clearing the way for that. They've been strengthening Edge-as-Champion recently, as he's successfully defended his title against more and more up against him odds, while playing The Miz up to be an illegitimate champion. (I can't remember a clean defence of the title until Elimination Chamber yesterday). Furthermore, Edge's main feud recently has been for the title, with personal issues playing a close-second fiddle, while The Miz has just been pissing everyone off and no-one seems to care about his title that much. A clear hierarchy between the two titles seems to be being formed deliberately. Hopefully this will lead to unification.
No. Unless Smackdown and RAW become integrated again, I don't think they should unify the titles. I like that there is a separate title for each show. I like that RAW has the U.S. title and Smackdown has the Intercontinental. I still don't really understand why they unified the tag team titles. It gives a lot more breathing room for wrestlers on each show, as well as something for them to aspire to. Noticeably F.A.T hit it right on the head, the belts still have the same lineage. The reason why the brands, and thus the titles, were split in the first place was because of the size of the roster. If you unify the titles, you're just asking for what we had in the late 90s-early 2000's, which was a product that was over saturated by 4 or 5 main event stars and maybe a small handful of mid-carders.

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