Anyone else not buying these Wrestlemania reports?

What will be the REAL WrestleMania main events?

  • Brock/Reigns,Cena/Taker

  • Cena/Reigns,Sting/Taker,Brock/Sheamus,Triple H/Ambrose or Wyatt

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I'm not buying ANY Wrestlemania news this early. I'm sure between now and Mania there will be about ten reports of Sting being there and Sting not being there.
As far as what I think the match lineup will be, maybe

Kick off show..Joe/Ziggler/Ryback vs. Barrett/Rusev/Shaemus
Lesnar vs. Cena for wwe world title
HHH vs. Reigns w/Austin special referee
Undertaker vs. Kane (Sting if he can)
Owens vs. Ambrose vs. Mysterio triple threat for IC Title
Del Rio vs. Kurt Angle for US title
Sasha Banks vs. Becky (or Paige) for Divas title
New Day vs. Usos for tag titles
Hardy Boys vs. Dudley Boys vs Wyatt and Harper ladder match

But now that's just me.....I wouldn't be surprised at all if AJ and CM Punk sign back before mania.
As far as what I think the match lineup will be, maybe

Kick off show..Joe/Ziggler/Ryback vs. Barrett/Rusev/Shaemus
Lesnar vs. Cena for wwe world title
HHH vs. Reigns w/Austin special referee
Undertaker vs. Kane (Sting if he can)
Owens vs. Ambrose vs. Mysterio triple threat for IC Title
Del Rio vs. Kurt Angle for US title
Sasha Banks vs. Becky (or Paige) for Divas title
New Day vs. Usos for tag titles
Hardy Boys vs. Dudley Boys vs Wyatt and Harper ladder match

But now that's just me.....I wouldn't be surprised at all if AJ and CM Punk sign back before mania.

You really think that Hogan is going to be forgiven by WWE and fans? Even if they brought him back he'd be booed out of the building. In today's PC world, I doubt Hogan will ever be able to show his face in any venue.

Cm Punk? Cmon bro, it's way too soon and he's got UFC obligations. This is just as much a reach as Hogan coming back.

Kurt Angle is a slight chance...JR himself doesn't believe we'll see him return to the company at all this year.

Samoa Joe is highly likely, and I'd put Jericho there too. But the Hardy's are also a long shot as is Mysterio. JR too. I just don't think WWE has the type of luck recently to make any of these signings. We'd be lucky to get one star to return at this point. Mania is looking pretty bleak, and I don't think Uncle Eddy's nephew has any inside info to be offense.
I am not buying most of them. I think lots are fantasy booking and ignore too much. Take HHH - why would he face either Ambrose or Wyatt? He isn't going to put either of them over, that makes no sense storywise unless they are totally going to start abandoning The Authority storyline, and what does he gain by beating them? Neither are at the level where beating them matters storywise. And they are established enough that the "rub from just being in the ring with him" idea doesn't apply. So really, why book the match then? That's the fantasy booking part - you can say they beat him and get moved to the next level but think about it for a second and it falls apart as neither are the guy wwe wants to push like Reigns so why would they use this angle with them? If anything, I could see Reigns and HHH before these guys.

Honestly, i don't know where they are going. Their storylines have been so bad, no one is really over except for the top guys like Cena, Taker, etc but we have seen many of those matches already, several times over so who wants to see them again? And the few matches that are available like Taker vs Cena are just not appealing. The company has no direction and this is showing that.
You really think that Hogan is going to be forgiven by WWE and fans? Even if they brought him back he'd be booed out of the building. In today's PC world, I doubt Hogan will ever be able to show his face in any venue.

Cm Punk? Cmon bro, it's way too soon and he's got UFC obligations. This is just as much a reach as Hogan coming back.

Kurt Angle is a slight chance...JR himself doesn't believe we'll see him return to the company at all this year.

Samoa Joe is highly likely, and I'd put Jericho there too. But the Hardy's are also a long shot as is Mysterio. JR too. I just don't think WWE has the type of luck recently to make any of these signings. We'd be lucky to get one star to return at this point. Mania is looking pretty bleak, and I don't think Uncle Eddy's nephew has any inside info to be offense.

Ah not really bro. I mean noffense taken.c I mean the matches I stated. Some are stretches. But everybody knows it'll be HHH/Reigns. I do think Lesnar will go into mania as the champ. And Cena will win 16x champ at the biggest stage. As far as Kurt angle, doesn't it seem obvious he retires from TNA around the same time rumors fly around about angle and the HOF. As far as Hogan, Vince only cares about the dollar. And there's vile stuff happens everyday. Plus Vince really doesn't care ifcthe fans boo. Remember RR with Reigns? By then Joe and Baylor will be moved up.but maybe just the pre-show.

The Hardy's was just a shot. But they have been mentuoniung them on TV a lot. And if Vince wants to shun someone then you'd know. JMC (Eddies nephew) said Rey is a 99% lock. He has said he wants to come back to wwe. And they need a huge return. Noons better than Mysterio and Angle, right?

JR is a special kind different. For wwe one day and a 100,000 seat Mania, in Texas. I'd bet my house will both be there.. I know Punk has some kind of UFC deal but neither of us have seen. I'm betting for 1 match and before 2016 is drawing near both AJ and Punk will be there..I'm confident with all my picks except maybe the hardy.

Me and JMC are pretty tight. And he's showing me proof he knows all the Guerrero family. And I know for a fact he has inside backstage knowings.
Wrestlemania is going to draw a gigantic crowd regardless of what the card is. So this whole "They need to have this if they want to draw a 100K" narrative is completely false. People don't go to Wrestlemania for any specific matches, they go for the experience. Much like the Super Bowl, World Series etc. people go to it just to say they went to it.

I had the luxury of going to Super Bowl XL and Wrestlemania 23, both took place at Ford Field in Detroit. And both were hot tickets despite lackluster "cards".

Super Bowl XL featured the Steelers and Seahawks. Seahawks were an underwhelming team with a small fanbase and the Steelers although rich in history weren't that dominate of team that year. Yet you couldn't get tickets for the Super Bowl.

Wrestlemania 23 had the 2nd largest WWE crowd ever and at the time highest buy rate ever. Again tickets were impossible to come buy, and again the card was missing a ton of big names. It was the first Mania since Kurt Angle's departure, HHH was injured, Mysterio was injured, Jericho was gone, Big Show was gone, JBL was gone, RVD was gone, Benoit was a 5 minute match, Flair was a dark match, Orton, Edge, Hardy, Punk and Booker were all used in the same MITB match(which would be a draw no matter who was in it), there were no legends like Foley or The Rock and despite all this lack of star power it still drew what it did.

So basically my point is, that Wrestlemania is going to sell out regardless because of the name and prestige of the event. There are no specific draws that are going to change that. If they don't sell 100K tickets it's because there simply wasn't enough room to fit that many people.
What do you think are the real plans for Mania?

Due to the number of top people currently on the shelf, I think the brass can barely make tentative plans for WM32, much less firm ones.

The OP suggests Roman Reigns would be the champion at that time and will be meeting Brock Lesnar. Honestly, my thoughts on Roman come with a provision: If the company plans for him to be the next big thing (no irony intended, Brock), I believe they'll keep the title out of Roman's reach until WM32, at which time he'll win it. I don't know who his opponent would be.......but if WWE's feelings about him have changed for the worse, he might well win the title before WM32 and lose it at the big event.

Another if concerns what 'flavor' John Cena will be when he returns. If the company finally pulls the trigger and turns him bad, only heaven knows what might happen at WM32. The new match-up possibilities that open are almost endless..............and they could lead to what role Seth Rollins is to play if he's back to active status at WM32. I'd like to see him come back as a good guy......and a match against Cena, with both representing opposite sides from what we're used to, could be huge.

In other words, there are too many ifs to take a stab at predicting the main events of WM32.
Wrestlemania is going to draw a gigantic crowd regardless of what the card is. So this whole "They need to have this if they want to draw a 100K" narrative is completely false. People don't go to Wrestlemania for any specific matches, they go for the experience. Much like the Super Bowl, World Series etc. people go to it just to say they went to it.

I had the luxury of going to Super Bowl XL and Wrestlemania 23, both took place at Ford Field in Detroit. And both were hot tickets despite lackluster "cards".

Super Bowl XL featured the Steelers and Seahawks. Seahawks were an underwhelming team with a small fanbase and the Steelers although rich in history weren't that dominate of team that year. Yet you couldn't get tickets for the Super Bowl.

Wrestlemania 23 had the 2nd largest WWE crowd ever and at the time highest buy rate ever. Again tickets were impossible to come buy, and again the card was missing a ton of big names. It was the first Mania since Kurt Angle's departure, HHH was injured, Mysterio was injured, Jericho was gone, Big Show was gone, JBL was gone, RVD was gone, Benoit was a 5 minute match, Flair was a dark match, Orton, Edge, Hardy, Punk and Booker were all used in the same MITB match(which would be a draw no matter who was in it), there were no legends like Foley or The Rock and despite all this lack of star power it still drew what it did.

So basically my point is, that Wrestlemania is going to sell out regardless because of the name and prestige of the event. There are no specific draws that are going to change that. If they don't sell 100K tickets it's because there simply wasn't enough room to fit that many people.

Wtf? Mania 23 lackluster? It had HBK vs John Cena and Undertaker vs Batista. Not to mention Stone Cold involved in a Vince vs Trump storyline. That is 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000x better than any crap WWE could put out this year. Absolute terrible comparison. In this day n age, paying top notch prices for shyt cards is not really ideal for the average person. I've been to Mania before...28, and if that card had been looking like this years, I absolutely would not be paying the $600 I did for that ticket. Phuck that.
Wrestlemania is going to draw a gigantic crowd regardless of what the card is. So this whole "They need to have this if they want to draw a 100K" narrative is completely false. People don't go to Wrestlemania for any specific matches, they go for the experience. Much like the Super Bowl, World Series etc. people go to it just to say they went to it.

I had the luxury of going to Super Bowl XL and Wrestlemania 23, both took place at Ford Field in Detroit. And both were hot tickets despite lackluster "cards".

Super Bowl XL featured the Steelers and Seahawks. Seahawks were an underwhelming team with a small fanbase and the Steelers although rich in history weren't that dominate of team that year. Yet you couldn't get tickets for the Super Bowl.

Wrestlemania 23 had the 2nd largest WWE crowd ever and at the time highest buy rate ever. Again tickets were impossible to come buy, and again the card was missing a ton of big names. It was the first Mania since Kurt Angle's departure, HHH was injured, Mysterio was injured, Jericho was gone, Big Show was gone, JBL was gone, RVD was gone, Benoit was a 5 minute match, Flair was a dark match, Orton, Edge, Hardy, Punk and Booker were all used in the same MITB match(which would be a draw no matter who was in it), there were no legends like Foley or The Rock and despite all this lack of star power it still drew what it did.

So basically my point is, that Wrestlemania is going to sell out regardless because of the name and prestige of the event. There are no specific draws that are going to change that. If they don't sell 100K tickets it's because there simply wasn't enough room to fit that many people.

Bro, your suggesting that even ca lackluster card and story lines will draw 100,000 people?? WWE will call it a sale out regardless. But I promise you the viewers ship will be way down if they don't come up with some major stories going in. Now wwe can't help injuries that's part of the business. But you'll have Rollins, Orton, Cesaro, Sting, and Daniel Bryan out for sure. Plus Cena, Lesnar, Kane, and Undertaker involved in zero story lines. I do see wwe signing Angle and Mysterio before then. Both have shown interest. Joe and Baylor will be called up. Shaemus, I think, will be clear gone from the title picture before then. I believe Triple HH/Reigns is a defiant. Um I think Lesnar will go into WM32 as champion against John Cena. As a heel would be awesome but that won't happen.

But there's absolutely no way WM32 sells out on name alone. I know its a while away but the only credible main fueds are Reigns/Shaemus/HHH and Owens/Ambrose. You can't count Del Rio/Swagger as serious. No set tag fued. Charlotte/Paige I think is done and Sasha will move up.
You guys that think the card matters are being delusional. People don't buy tickets to Wrestlemania, and sit in sections where they can't see shit, because of a specific match. They buy tickets because of the experience and to say that they've been to a Mania. Its every Wrestling fans bucket list. Its no different how every World Series sells out, every Final Four sells out, every Super Bowl etc. etc. people go to these events for the experience.

I mean the main event of Royal Rumble 15 with Lesnar, Rollins and Cena, was better than Mania's Main Event, yet Mania sold out without a problem. In an area where wrestling isn't that big. Texas is a much bigger hot bed for wrestling.
You guys that think the card matters are being delusional. People don't buy tickets to Wrestlemania, and sit in sections where they can't see shit, because of a specific match. They buy tickets because of the experience and to say that they've been to a Mania. Its every Wrestling fans bucket list. Its no different how every World Series sells out, every Final Four sells out, every Super Bowl etc. etc. people go to these events for the experience.

I mean the main event of Royal Rumble 15 with Lesnar, Rollins and Cena, was better than Mania's Main Event, yet Mania sold out without a problem. In an area where wrestling isn't that big. Texas is a much bigger hot bed for wrestling.

Hotbed or not, I'm sure some people will attend just for the atmosphere alone. But in my case, my son and I were going to go. When we saw all the injuries happen, he's the one who said, forget it and I agreed. We can go next year or the year after as it's not going to cost me as much as someone coming from overseas.

Americans don't realize just how much it costs for someone coming from the UK or Europe. Flights are ridiculously expensive, couple that with hotel and meals, and the cost of the tickets to Mania itself. I have friends in the UK that come over every year and it cost's them about 2,500 British pounds to for the experience. That's close to $3,000 US dollars. I don't know how much it costs US fans to attend, so for some the card does matter.

When you save up all year for Mania, you want to see the best card they can put together. By the way those friends that come every year have decided not to this year. Just because of the star power missing from the card. They'll wait till next year to spend the money.
You really think that Hogan is going to be forgiven by WWE and fans? Even if they brought him back he'd be booed out of the building. In today's PC world, I doubt Hogan will ever be able to show his face in any venue.

Cm Punk? Cmon bro, it's way too soon and he's got UFC obligations. This is just as much a reach as Hogan coming back.

Kurt Angle is a slight chance...JR himself doesn't believe we'll see him return to the company at all this year.

Samoa Joe is highly likely, and I'd put Jericho there too. But the Hardy's are also a long shot as is Mysterio. JR too. I just don't think WWE has the type of luck recently to make any of these signings. We'd be lucky to get one star to return at this point. Mania is looking pretty bleak, and I don't think Uncle Eddy's nephew has any inside info to be offense.

Then bring Hogan back as NWO Hollywood Hogan. That way, the heat will mean something.

Oh, he doesn't belong in any building now. You people accepting this political correctness probably don't say "Merry Christmas" either, since it may offend people of different faiths.

Don't want to be offended. Tough titties. Everyone gets offended by someone else. Time to man up and move on. No-one cares what offends me, but then I'm not black, or Asian, or female, or gay. Thinking it in your heart and pretending to be "offended" is just as bad as saying it. In fact it is worse, because now you are a liar on top of it.

People should just be able to say what they want, when they want, and be honest. Honesty is something lacking in this world.
And when people aren't hiding behind a computer screen like you, they don't say stuff to people's faces.

I agree that should be able to say anything you want, anywhere you want. But there is also something called common decency. Some might call it honesty and others will call it racism. Bottom line if what you are saying maligns someone in some capacity, then maybe it's time to rethink and say something else.

Far be it for me to defend Hulk Hogan, who makes me sick in a lot of ways, but just for balance, we should note that when he made his 'racist' remarks, he was doing it in relative privacy, on a tape he foolishly made but never intended for broadcast that others might hear.

Unfortunately for him, the tape got out, but he wasn't saying anything to anyone's face or looking to hurt or offend anyone. Hogan is public relations savvy enough to know to not say garbage like that in front of his adoring public.

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