Special Attractions Change Your Outlook on House Shows?


Championship Contender
For example, Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton rematch at the Allstate Arena in Chicago for a non-televised show.

To a lesser extent, that recent London show had Cesaro vs Sheamus as part of their best of 7 series, with Cesaro staying alive.

Do these special attractions change your perspective on perhaps attending a nearby show? These attractions or even game changing events don't happen very often. In the 90s, Bret Hart beating Ric Flair for the title was not televised and was made for Coliseum Home Video. Diesel beating Bob Backlund for the title too. I can't recall any special non televised event during the 2000s off the top of my head.

Anways, do these possibilities change the way you see house shows. Or if stuff like this happens more often, would you be more open to attending a live show?
Not really. If i have a ticket and Lesnar vs. Orton happens then cool. If I'm not at it then I'm not seeing anything so what does it matter.
Personally, I always like going to house show way more then a tv taping, the reason is simple, at live event you get a lot less talking, their no really any dead spot like in at a tv taping when you have to wait for commercial and the most important for me, you get a more casual fanbase at live event because their no camera so the hardcore fans don't try to get themselves over.

If a special attraction happens then it happens and I will be very happy like when razor ramon won the ic title from jeff jarrett in montreal only to lose it back 3 days later in a house show in trois rivieres. Thay was something special that wwf at the time did for the fans of quebec and it was an awesome moment for us.
More cool stuff at house shows!? as someone who has to drive 100+ Miles to go to a house show, or 1000+ Miles to a house show that would have an attraction, I have to say... Why?

Putting this emphasis of an audience of a few thousand people (On better days), versus literally Millions, would just devalue your TV product, which is what Vince worked his whole life to create.
Other than the upcoming Survivor Series, Takeover Toronto and RAW at the Air Canada Centre, we hadn't had a televised show in a long time. The exception being Roadblock, which at the time started out as a house show and mutated later on into a network special.

Here in Toronto, we usually get a house show every 4 months, and the tickets for the next one go on sale the night of the one that is happening. When you buy tickets you have no idea what the card will look like, you just hope that it's a good show. Toronto is rated an A city by the WWE, so we usually get our money's worth.

So in reply to the OP, Toronto house shows sell out anyway so while a special attraction is all well and good it doesn't affect the ticket sales here as a general rule.
Rock vs Brock Lesnar also happened in 2003 as a Summerslam 2002 rematch and The Rock defeated Lesnar.

WWE is usually pulling such moves in order to generate buzz when the house show tickets are low, so that the shows can get more exposure and generate more tickets.

If I were to live in the states, I'd be attending house shows. I wouldn't really need a special attraction like Lesnar to be there. House shows usually have some test matches, like Styles vs Rollins which can turn out to be very great. Plus the wrestlers have more freedom and the actual show could be more exciting as an one time experience than attending RAW. So to me, a special attraction does not change my interest. If the show is in my town, then I'm going.

Also, matches like Lesnar vs Orton, are used for big arenas, where the standard house show card wouldn't sell out the event. So it's only used in order to sell out specific arenas.

To me, house shows should be considered non-canon. I don't like the belts changing hands there. This gets people to check out the shows, check out the results. In house shows, the faces usually win and they wrestle the same match like 10 times. So if you get people to check those results they will see a 10-0 score for Roman against Owens for example. Then what do they think? Should they take this 10-0 loss record for Owens into consideration or not?

To sum up, you can have attractions in the shows, but do not view it as canon. No title changes. House shows should be an one deal thing, for the town that is holding it.

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