Something weird just happened to me.


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok, I'm not high..or drunk...even though when I told this story (it happened about 5 minutes ago) every one in my family thought I was. So I got to the interwebz.

I was getting ready to pass out (although I'm not exactly THAT tired enough, I was really just exaggerating there, really I was just about to lay down.) It's only 10pm, but I've been on a tight schedule lately, and I'm ready to get to bed. I take of my glasses. Then I realize my cell phone is on my stand. Not wanting to wake up and have a dead battery and no cell phone for the day (God forbid, lol...actually It'd be pretty hard to get a ride after battery=screwed sully) I decided to plug it in. Now right as I go to plug it vision shakes.

My vision. Not my head, my vision. My eyes went left-right, left-right back and fourth really fast once. Like I didn't have control of my body, but I was fully control of how I was standing. Like I body didn't move it all...and it wasn't like an electric shock..because I didn't feel a thing.

My head didn't hurt at all when it happened. Nothing moved...just my eyes. It was really..really odd for me. It's really hard to explain...I can't figure how my head didn't move...but my eyes went back and fourth real fast. I was like I was possessed, but fully in control at the same time. Creepy shit...

Can anybody explain?
In all seriousness though, I'm not on drugs. I did take an allergy pill and two ibuprofens last week...but I don't think that did anything. (that was a joke by the way, beware, I have another one coming up here real soon, leave now)

My family was also watching American Idol, I walked out to get something in the kitchen and got a glimpse of it..that also coulda fucked me up a little.

Seriously though, nothing. I've been up since 6:50am, but I don't think that had anything to do with it. It was just odd...I think I'm just making a big deal out of nothing....but it was so detailed...and how my head, or my shoulders, nothing but my eyes..well not even my just the pupils of my eyes...and it was super fast...
I think in reality, I may have just got shocked. When I went to plug in my phone (I had my phone in my right hand, and the charger cord in the left) I missed the slot that the cord goes in by just a little, and just a side of it kinda went in, touched the inside a little, a gave me a small jolt. I still didn't really feel it though.
Ok I think I'm high. Now I'm hearing a cell phone ringing. Not like...a normal phone ring...but like...the type of ring from 2003 or's like a ring-ring-ring-ring-ring..but it's got this techno type of new age vibe to it..but it's faded...but it's coming from my room. Like..a TV is playing outside my room...but I can tell it's not that far, because I can hear voices from the TV at the same sounds like it's below could be coming from my headphones, but I have nothing up to make that sound..

The sound is kinda in groups. Like it went..and then it'd wait 30 seconds..and go again. It was either very faintly coming from my ears...or below me. It's not my cell phone..because not only does my cell phone have shitty ring tones (stupid blackberrys (actually I fucking love this phone)) but I also have my phone on vibrate. Plus it's also across the room.

Ok..I'm just going asleep..but after these two things..I'm kinda afraid to turn the lights off.....
My family was also watching American Idol, I walked out to get something in the kitchen and got a glimpse of it..that also coulda fucked me up a little.

Did you happen to see who got voted off?

But I've had this happen before and it happened from having super low blood sugar from not eating anything all day. It was like the world was spinning and it was like I having a seizure while standing up.
Yeah...I quickly read the results online, then spoiled it for the people watching. It was Casey, and he got saved.

See my posts in the Prison Jenks trial for an updated version..and hopefully the this thread. I still think there is some poltergeist that I pissed off or something.
I'm trying to figure out how you got REM out of that? The band..or is there a different REM. inb4sullydoesn'tusegooglerants

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