Some questions about Book This!

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I've been thinking about joining the Book This! section for years, but I just never had the time or drive necessary to continually book whole shows each and every week. The biggest thing holding me back is writing the actual in-ring action. It takes a lot of time, and I'm just not very good at it to be honest. What I am good at is coming up with stories and piecing together a good show.

Here's my there anybody really good at those things that wants to put together a show with me? Basically they'd be in charge of writing all the matches, and I'd have creative control. I know that's not the most fun sounding idea in the world, I just don't have the time or desire to do the "grunt work", if you will. Maybe we could work out where I do 3/4 of the creative, and script the announcers or something, and the other person does 1/4 of the creative and all the matches? Just throwing it out there if anybody is interested...

As far as the program goes, I'd like a real challenge. I thought about putting up a thread asking everyone to give me one wrestler each from WWE, TNA, and one other organization from around the world (or legend) and make a brand using the suggestions of the forums. All ages relative to 2011, of course. For instance, Hulk Hogan in my brand would be modern day H2, not Golden Age poster boy, or Hollywood Hogan. It'd be all modern, for better or worse.

Honestly, the match writing isn't really hard when it comes down to it. If you have all the creative pieces set then the match itself is just like filler to an anime. All you need to do is decide on what the matches are, what feuds/storylines you are going for, who is going to win what match... plan ahead from these decisions to btw... and how you're going to promote the above three. You write your match based around these four items and just insert the match bits where you need. I used wikipedia and general knowledge for a wrestlers moveset/entrance/mannerisms, so that's easy.

Then again, you don't have to do every aspect of the show. You can make a show based solely around storyline and then when it comes time for matches, you summarise them or shorten them immensely. Only the big matches with a lot of storyline would you take the time to write everything.
Honestly, the match writing isn't really hard when it comes down to it. If you have all the creative pieces set then the match itself is just like filler to an anime. All you need to do is decide on what the matches are, what feuds/storylines you are going for, who is going to win what match... plan ahead from these decisions to btw... and how you're going to promote the above three. You write your match based around these four items and just insert the match bits where you need. I used wikipedia and general knowledge for a wrestlers moveset/entrance/mannerisms, so that's easy.

Then again, you don't have to do every aspect of the show. You can make a show based solely around storyline and then when it comes time for matches, you summarise them or shorten them immensely. Only the big matches with a lot of storyline would you take the time to write everything.
The format and way you choose to write your story is up to you.. the grunt work as you put it can anyway you want to, it doesn't need to follow anyone's formulae on how to write a BT. My BT is very summarised, while others have every single word in apromo that the wrestlers says, some go evebn beyond that and have all the comemntators words and everything else in between... it's really upto you how you write your story.

For example:

Main Event
Sting Vs. The Undertaker

The two legends square off in a war for the ages. Each man refeuses to fall as they hit each other with their signature moves in a back and forth contest that had the fans on their feet the entire match.


Taker is on one leg and stumbles into the corner to escape the Stinger. But the speed of the Icon over comes him and he is struck by a Stinger Spalsh! Taker almost crumples to the mat but holds onto to the ropes keeping him upright. Sting knows Taker is now vulnerable and again launches himself for another Splash, only be caught in the chest by a big boot!

Sting falls hard and Taker hops over and miraculously drops a leg across Sting's throat. Sting seems to be out...1...2.. Kickout! Sting escapes, but is hurt and the Undertaker gives the slash of the throat sign and lifts Sting up to drop him for the Tombstone.

But Sting struggles.

He kicks at Taker while the Deadman tries to put him in position. Sting shifts his body and amazingly is able to reverse the move and now has Taker in a Tombstone!!





the Undertaker kicks out!!! But he is on the mat and Sting steps over and goesfor the Scorpion Deathlock. Sting has him... no... Taker with his leg strength pushes Sting off and Sting hurtles into the turnbuckles sternum first! Sting bounces out and Taker is waiting ...



The Stinger reverses it quickly while up on Taker's shoulders and counters with a 6 foot 10 high Scorpion Deathdrop!!!




Winner: Sting @ 23:40

You've booked the match, and then shown the end part of the story so you can show how the match ended, be it a screwy finish or whatever to further storylines....

You can do whatever you want as long as it's entertaining and keeps readers coming back.

As I don't think you'll find anyone wanting to do "grunt" work for you, and it could even be thought of as insulting to ask... but as you've seen above you can whatever you want in any form you wish to get your story across...

Have fun, that's what BT is about...
You should totally join man. It's quite fun actually, but I get you. Match writing is a pain. But hey, just look at what GrandSword did for ya there. The match doesn't really need any details. It could look like this:

Match Two: Undertaker defeats Shawn Michaels after blah blah blah.

It'll be that simple man. As long as you have some awesome storylines, people will read.

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