Some Of The WWE Veterans Are Selfish Assholes!

If I were running the show, I don't care if it's the guys first day on the job or if he's been working for 20 years...I want the guy who makes me money. No questions asked.

If I were a wrestler, in this economy I'd shut my mouth and take that fat money.
Yes some of WWE's veterans are assholes but this thread is about MVP right?

I think MVP in some ways is similar to Mr Anderson in TNA. He's charismatic, good on the mic. At the same time there are doubts as to how good a wrestler he actually is.

I think the reason why MVP has gone back to the midcard is that he was turned too soon. At that time WWE was kinda desperate for a young charismatic babyface( they still are) and so he was turned at a time when his heel character could have really gone long way. His face turn should have been organic and he should have turned face against a huge heel. Instead he went on a losing streak and turned from a cocky guy to someone who wanted to pay his dues to the society. Does that even seem like a remotely good idea?

So in MVP's case its more of a case of poor booking rather than someone holding him down.
It is very naive to dismiss that MVP's past is not an issue... after all he has had to wear a full body suit to cover jail tattoos... I personally think his story is something WWE can "use" but the problem inherent is that is that means exploiting it...

MVP did serious time for Armed Robbery, same as Booker T... had they been starting out now... no chance of even a sniff... just on politics ground... both have worked hard, one became something very special.. the other is just another superstar... that is MVP's problem... he is mediocre in a sea of better talent... and its not quite as easy to repackage him as it is with others cos of his jail art... harsh... but true...
Why all the hate for MVP, he's not the most selfesh a$$hole in the WWE that honor goes to Randal Keith Orton... he'll do what needs be to him keeping his spot like screw and get people fired or demoted for non-sense bs.

Oh, really? Were you backstage when all this stuff between Orton and Anderson went down? No? Oh, but let me guess, you've "seen the clip", right? And based on your extensive expertise of how to safely execute wrestling moves -what, with all the wrestling training you've had- you are totally qualified to sit at your computer and -by watching the youtube clip- ascertain beyond any doubt whatsoever that Anderson executed the move properly.

I've noticed whenever the IWC argue about this topic, the people who say that Anderson was set up nearly always prefer Anderson as a wrestler over Orton. On the other hand, people who say Anderson was at fault, nearly always like Orton much more than they like Anderson. They dont look at the situation objectively and then try to figure out what happened based on the facts. They believe what they want to believe, and then they selectively interprate the facts to suit their POV.

MVP is only getting held back like R-Truth because of Vince afraid to push them and give them a world title as it would probably be backlashed by the gov't yes the gov't.

Wow. What exactly do you think the government would do if MVP became champion? Why would the government "backlash" WWE? Don't you think they have bigger things to worry about than whether or not a wrestling company chooses to give a reformed ex-criminal their fictional world heavyweight championship?

Here's what I think, and I know it's a crazy idea, but bare with me. I think that MVP and R-Truth arent getting World heavyweight title runs because they cant draw and therefor, wait for it... wouldnt be very good champions! I know, I know, it's much more fun to think they're being held back, oppressed, bamboozled etc. But it might just be that they are not suited to be main event guys.
Ok anyone that says this issue with MVP has anything to do with the PG rating is just looking for a reason to blame everything on PG. First off, they haven't mentioned MVP's criminal past on T.V. in quite some time. Besides, when they do they are quick to say "he made mistakes, but has been given a second chance" or something to that effect. The fact that MVP has been "de-pushed" has NOTHING to do with the PG rating and everything to do with the fact that he was given a shot and got a minimal reaction from the fans. The reason Sheamus, Barrett and The Miz are being given the spots they have is because they came on the scene and caused more buzz than MVP has even at the peak of his career.

Ok you obviously do not read the actual Wrestlezone site very often because if you did you would know that Wrestlezone had a report stating that Vince does not want to push MVP because of his criminal past which he does not want to have talked about or brought up on WWE TV as it could he used against them in Lindas campaign.. So you can blame the PG in this case.
Only thing that bothers me is how the IWC simply blastes guys like Hogan, Nash for being politicans and putting themselves on top no matter what

However they totally ignore the fact that Undertaker has been doing this for decades now, as has Triple H (granted he did used to get alot of flak).

People have forgotten how Austin, Rock and Mick Foley put over Hunter, and in my opinion a far less talented performer than the 3 mentioned and made him into a star. Yet he does not seem to want to do the same for guys like RVD, Booker T, people he buried and kept burying for years to come.

People say that "you have to pay your dues and be a jobber for a while", thats funny becuase Taker was immediatly thrust into the main event in the then WWF, even Hogan put him over several times.

Hunter and Taker should have been putting guys over since 2003-2004 and made several stars, they should have set an example to show how wrong Hogan, HBK (in the 90's), Nash and the rest did "wrong" for the bussiness. Instead they did the same shtick the mentioned did.

Reason we dont have that many main eventers today is becuase the "rub" is nowhere to be found, imagine if Andre refused to lose to Hogan? Imagine if Hogan had refused to lose to Warrior? To Goldberg? Imagine if HBK refused to lose to Austin? Or Austin refused to even work with The Rock?

You have to put people over the older stars, WINNING CLEAN matters, that is how you make stars.
I guess once you have the attention and are at the top of the pile, you don't really want to go back down again.

No doubt about that, and when it comes to MVP, I would point out to him that at least he did receive a push. How many others work their entire careers and never get one?

In MVP's case, it was a massive push that began well before he even appeared in a WWE ring. Remember all the vignettes that featured him before we even got to see what his ring attire would look like?

Okay, so it didn't catch on the way he and the company hoped. We keep reading in this forum about finding the next Stone Cold or Hogan. But it's not that easy; WWE caught lightning in a bottle with SCSA and the Rock..... it doesn't happen every day. Rest assured, the next guy is out there somewhere and if anyone can find him, it's Vince McMahon.

But it isn't MVP. As far as I'm concerned, he shouldn't be ranting about it on the Internet; he should instead realize that the company did everything in their power to put him over and that he's just not going to be as big as he hoped he would. His frustration is understandable, but he's coming across as ungrateful.
Ok you obviously do not read the actual Wrestlezone site very often because if you did you would know that Wrestlezone had a report stating that Vince does not want to push MVP because of his criminal past which he does not want to have talked about or brought up on WWE TV as it could he used against them in Lindas campaign.. So you can blame the PG in this case.

Thats one explanation... but I've read Wrestlezone articles that said that MVP doesn't get pushed cause he won't give up smoking weed. Haven't heard that it was based on a criminal past until now
To some degree, I can understand the frustration of MVP and some of the others. After all, nobody likes to get their ego bruised by getting pushed aside from someone else. However, that's the nature of the beast. It happens in wrestling, football, basketball, baseball and everything else. Even in MMA, there are obviously guys that are going to get passed over in favor of someone else for whatever reason.

The simple fact of the matter is that not everybody is going to be elevated to that next level. I'm sure that the WWE locker room is full of wrestlers that haven't reached a new level of success but feel that they absolutely deserve to be there. I believe that, personally, there are probably a few cases like that in the WWE but it doesn't hold true for the vast majority. I imagine that if everyone that isn't being pushed in the WWE had a legit claim, then just about everybody in the locker room would have had at least one World Championship reign by now.

There are always going to be some wrestlers that are going to miss the boat as it were. A small minority will probably have had the talent to be huge stars and it's unfortunate that they'll be passed over. Making the next stars to ultimately be the ones carrying a company isn't an exact science and sometimes a diamond in the rough will be overlooked. It's happened before, it's probably happening now and it'll most certainly happen again.

I'm all for the youth movement in the WWE right now. A lot of the big names are no longer in wrestling or will be getting out of it. HBK & Batista are gone, Triple H is out and there's not even a whisper of when he'll be back in the ring, Taker's injuries are catching up to him and there are heavy whispers that 2011 is his last year, Edge has reportedly said that he's retiring once his latest deal expires, Kane probably only has a few years left at most, Chris Jericho is still healthy but he's commented that he'd like to explore a lot of other opportunities and he could really be gone at anytime. With so many big guys out, pretty close to being out or right on the edge of being out, it's not like the WWE has much of a choice.

I've got no problem with Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Drew McIntyre, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston and other guys being pushed ahead of MVP or Matt Hardy for the simple reason that I think they're all better.
Does anyone remember in 2008 when MVP was getting enormous heat and was putting on pretty damn good matches. His promos were amazing and he was climbing the ladder? Well what did the WWE do? Even though he was over as hell, Triple H was the one with the title and unwilling to give MVP a deserved title run. That's life. guys who try and who deserve it aren't always the pnes who get rewarded. TripleH is someone who refuses to look weak in any scenario. Remember 09 at Mania, who should've won
? Orton but Hunter couldn't have that and he knew he was doing the wrong thing by winning as he cheated.
If you don't feel like you're being rewarded through hard work and doing the right thing as MVP was doing before his depush than you have a right to frustrated.

-- I guess WM25 was the first Wrestlemania you have watched huh? Otherwise you couldn't possibly make such ignorant statements such as "Triple H is someone who refuses to look weak in any scenario". If you had watched his 4 previous Wrestlemania matches, you would know that he lost 4 in a row, tapping out in 2 of them, and being beaten cleany in the other 2, putting over talent in the process like no one has done before.

2004- He tapped out to Benoit at WM20, which along with winning the rumble, began the greatest year of Benoits illustrious career. He would also lose the rematch at Backlash a month later, and then also lose to Benoit at Vengeance, and an iron man match on Raw.

2005- He was pinned cleanly by Batista at WM21, starting the run of Batista that would garner him PWI wrestler of the year award for 2005. Um oh yeah, he would also go on to lose cleanly to Batista in their next 2 PPV bouts at Backlash and Vengeance. I wonder why Batista was named wrestler of the year?

2006-- He lost to John Cena, tapping out in the very high profile main event of WM22, then lost again to Cena at Backlash.

2008- He lost a triple threat match main event at WM24 to Randy Orton who retained the title.

2009- He beat Randy Orton in the main event of WM25 to retain his title. This match took place after months of Orton torturing and getting the best of HHH and the McMahon family. Oh yeah, he dropped the title to Orton a month later at Backlash, when Orton punted him in the skull and put him out of action for 6 weeks. HHH returned and faced Orton in a 3 Stages of Hell match at The Bash, where HHH lost.

Should I go on?
Thats a big misconception people have, that just because someone is old that they have to step back and let the younger guys take over. This is what the older guys worked so hard for, to get a legendary status, they still have a passion for the business and therefore have the right to stay there until they decide its time for them to go. I dont see why people see the old timers sticking around as such an issue. Undertaker and Triple H have not stopped guys like Del Rio, Miz, and Sheamus from making it in the WWE. On the contary, they helped some of them get to where they are. MVP is in the position that hes in because he continously pisses off WWE management and his past crimminal record has come back to haunt him. If the younger stars want to breakout, they have to get on Vince's good side and impress someone in the back. The old-timers dont owe them anything, they have to prove themselves just like the old-timers did to get to where they want to be.
...There is simply no denying it.

I recall watching a video of Triple H schooling some of the Tough Enough candidates a couple of days ago and one thing he said really struck a nerve with me. He said that he loved the business and the passion for the business neded to be evident in your career (paraphrasing). This sentiment really seemed to get Triple H over, to me, as a guy who has fallen in love with a company that has given him everything. It has given him a wife, a pay-packet at the end of the month and a fan base that really appreciate what he does in the ring. It has given him a platform to showcase what he loves to do and no one can complain with the way he has been treated.

One thing I have always thought about is how wrestling is like a field. You only get out what you put in and it seems that many people are all to aware of this fact. However, the problem that exists is that they do not want to sow the crops or seed the farm. Rather, they like to sit back and allow their farming to feel the effects of their performances. To me, wrestling has always been a business that rewards the active. You look at people like Triple H and John Cena and it is not hard to see why they are constantly on top of the wrestling mountain. They have given it everything to ensure that they are the go-to-guys for the WWE. If I can divulge myself once again and launch back into my prior example, they are the guys who are constantly out on the farm. They are the ones who were not happy with their lot and went out ensure that the next harvest would be better and more productive for them.

However, not everyone is like these guys. Not every man is like The Miz, who has taken it upon himself to go out and make himself the man that Vince McMahon cannot see past. By taking on all of the public appearances and guest spots, The Miz has cemented a place in the future of the WWE for himself. When I think of people like that, I would hhope that they would be a beacon of hope for the toiling talent of the WWE. Yet, this doesn't seem to be the case for many of the familiar faces in the company.

I recently read of MVP and the troubles he has been encountering in the WWE. Now, I do see some of his complaint. He has been pushed to the back of the pecking order on multiple occasions and perhaps this isn't the fairest thing I have ever seen. However, the problem, for me, lies in the fact that he is not thinking about the future of the WWE. Now, I know that MVP is far from being over the hill and could possibly still have a good future in the WWE but does the business run in his veins like it does with Triple H or The Undertaker? I seriously doubt it.

You have to think about the bigger picture of the WWE. When I signed up to this website, I asked the question of whether the WWE was in a good shape to deal with the future and a good number of posters agreed with me that they needed to start work on developing the stars of the future. Perhaps The Miz and John Morrison are not the next Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock but as long as the WWE were trying to get people to that level, they had to be commended. However, MVP's complaint seems to go against that. Does MVP have a bright future with the WWE? Probably not. Do people care about him enough to have him replace people like Alberto Del Rio and Randy Orton in the main event? Absolutely not!

I guess the main point of this rant is this:

When you love a company like Triple H says that he does, must you be willing to take a back seat for the betterment of that company and the industry as a whole?

Now, I know that MVP is a smart guy but I find it to be very selfish that he thinks he should be pushed before people who have been putting in the effort. Everywhere I look, The Miz is looking back at me doing public appearances and working on his performance. When is the last time you saw MVP doing a guest spot or giving a great match or mic performance? Too long.

This has lead me to the conclusion that the veteran talent of the WWE, in particular MVP, are selfish assholes that really need to take a step back and look at the wider picture. They need to question exactly why they got into this business and puts their egos in check before it pulls apart what they have accomplished and beyond.
Honest to God, you're such a mark-boy. Yes, Cena, Triple H, and Miz seem to work hard. I get it. But because people put over the hard work and passion of these men in interviews, that doesn't make it true and certainly doesn't mean that ANYONE can truly attest to the character of anyone else. Fact of the matter is some people put up a better front than others and not everybody wears their feelings on the outside. This "passion vs. passionless" argument likely very political, and you're being worked by the presentation of this issue in non-kayfabe interviews. You don't think guys like Triple H are highly insecure and making these comments in a possible attempt to protect their spot by hazing new guys and shooting them down as not possessing some intangible quality of passion? If you don't, you aren't looking at this issue nearly critically enough.

Because Triple H is passionate and successful, I'm somehow supposed to believe that he can see into the soul of men like Paul London, Brian Kendrick, and Carlito and say whether or not they have passion? No. Sorry. Don't buy it. They might not express their passion in the same way or kiss the same asses, but that doesn't make their passion and their value to the business any less genuine that that of Triple H. And my view of someone's passion and worth doesn't hinge on the opinion of someone who possess no more insight into the human mind than I do. Triple H's assessment of these men says more about him than it does about anyone else. Simply put, the impossible standards of those already at the top mean nothing to me.

The facts:

-MVP at one point had a lot of future worth to the WWE
-His push was taken off track for reasons that had nothing to do with business
-MVP has every right as a professional to be frustrated with how his potential value to the company was squandered and how his best years were wasted

His frustration isn't all selfish as he truly did have something to offer at one point and would be completely justified in lamenting about how WWE does business with some people. Yes, they make stars. But if you think WWE truly gets all the can out of everyone who works for them, you're utterly blind.

If you want to talk about someone who can really do a favor for the business by stepping out of the spotlight, then you'll wanna take a good hard look at Triple H, a man whose return on the business side of thing has done nothing to justify his ten year long push to nowhere.

The end.
OK, put aside all the backstage politics, all the deserved or undeserved pushes, all of the individual wrestlers' potential, individual wrestlers' ages, time (how long)with the company, outside appearances and all other things...put it all aside. Now ask yourself do you really expect any wrestler of afro-american heritage to make it past U.S. or I.C. champion in the WWE? Because I really don't, at least not anytime soon. I think Lethal will win the TNA title before any "black" person wins the WWE title. And I don't see Lethal winning the big one anytime soon.

But to stay within topic... I think he has every right to express his frustration. I don't know his potential. A lot of wrestlers come to WWE and are not given a chance to be themselves which if you think about it's the reason they got called up....I remember how exciting Carlito was to watch in Puerto Rico....but if you only saw him in the WWE you would think that he's a mediocre wrestler. Just like Alex Shelley in "WWF" and even in TNA, he doesn't do all the crazy shit he used to do in the indy circuit, why IDK. I don't know MVP's full potential. But after lots of years of giving he should atleast get a month worth of storyline going for the title even if he never wins it.
They should give this guys more upper carders storylines every now and then...
Thats one explanation... but I've read Wrestlezone articles that said that MVP doesn't get pushed cause he won't give up smoking weed. Haven't heard that it was based on a criminal past until now

Well he's a convicted felon, served 9 years in prison. He can't travel to some countries because of it. I doubt they would ever make him world champion, because of it (or R-Truth, who has a criminal record too, although less serious), because of the PG product. But, they did make Booker T world champion, and he had a criminal record also, similar in severity to MVP's.
Seriously dude, I haven't read so much shit in a long time. Who cares about his criminal record, only you it would seem? If his record was going to be a problem, he wouldn't have been hired in the first place.

When MVP came in he was the most obnoxious son of a bitch I've ever seen. I remember him coming out and berating Teddy Long with how much money he was making, and how valuable he was to the company. Well he isn't that valuable now, you never hear of him anymore. I just can't stand the guy, sorry.

MVP was never going to be the future of the WWE. Sure he wants on TV but really he may be great on the mic, but I'm not a huge fan of his in the ring.

As for selfish assholes, yea I can see it. I guess once you have the attention and are at the top of the pile, you don't really want to go back down again.

You do realize that his debut in WWE was a work right? Like I seriously don't think even you are dumb enough to not realize that... and by the way, the dude was a heel... his whole purpose was to get you to hate him and by your reaction, he did.

MVP was, at one point, the future of WWE... but then he went to Raw and got fed to the wolves... Not once could MVP score a successful win over Orton and not once could he even go anywhere. And it's all because, as the OP stated, people like Orton didn't want to pass the torch. I mean take a step back and look at MVP's career. Look at how entertaining the guy was. He was all over the place. He was main eventing Smackdown, getting publicity, and even being looked at as "The next Rock" at the time. But the WWE just didn't know what to do with him.

And now you look at him today and I'm guessing that the only thing going through his mind is "Are you sure I'm the MVP of WWE? Maybe I'm just Antonio Banks!" (Katt Williams reference)... but seriously, here's a guy who was being pushed to the top and getting what WWE wanted him to get... but then they scrapped him and for no reason at all. He has every right to complain.

As for others, it's a coin toss... People like Christian, Matt, and Goldust might have legit right to complain but then again people like Finlay, Regal, and Gail Kim (for the divas) don't have anything because they never were that big of a star. So it all depends really.
yeh i'd be pissed if i was mvp..... seamus comes along and kicks people in the head and now he's a 2 time champ lol.....

nah in all seriousness tho mvp is a shit face and should go heel again...... trouble is whether creative can be arsed writing a decent storyline for him in order to do so......

re the thread overall its like being in any job..... u gotta make an inital impact and then work at it, always think u can improve, play the politics as welll as you can and occasionally nuzzle on some coroporate cock...... if any of these wwe vets are wondering why newer wrestlers are getting more time and more title shots than them then they should wise up and get working again...... nobody should get rewarded,pushed or special treatment jus for length of service.... this aint the army after all......
I am totally with MVP on this one. He did nothing wrong, played as a great heel, always got crowd's attention and was great on the mic. I loved watching VIP Lounge and his feud with Hardy was one of the last good feuds that i watched. Now after all that, he was booked to loose for, i don't know maybe 20 matches. And the crowd even felt sorry for him and he started to get applause instead of boos. For 3 years he feuded with guys like Miz and Swagger who are/were in the title picture. What did MVP do wrong?

If he is not the greatest guy in ring, the guys he feuded are not either. Well he also got a good match with Benoit (credit goes more to Benoit) but at least he showed he can match up with anyone to form a good match. You are not giving a guy any chance for 3 years and you give Sheamus, who is only 5 years younger than him the belt, twice. Whats so fair about this?

MVP could have been one of the top guys if he were allowed. The reason he is not is Linda's senate run and they are scared if they used this against Linda. We all know if the top guy of your company spent years in jail for a serious conduct it will be used against you as much as it can be. Not a good role model for kids, especially if you changed to a kid friendly product.
You hatin' on MVP? Look< I love wrestling as much as anyone else on this forum, but dude... wrestling is scripted and that old game of politics is as old as the sport itself. WWE using the exuse that MVP's criminal past is whats holding him back, i'm not buying that. The company's top guy has a history of destroying hotels, disrespecting divas, was involved in a steroid scandal and was kicked out of the military! How do you defend that. He also has a history of disrespecting the fans in public! I like Randy Orton, great in ring worker no doubt, but even John Cena has expressed distain for the guy. Theres a new kliq in WWE and I feel if you're not liked by HHH or HBK, they bury you. How does Wade Barret get such a huge push? How does Sheamus get a main event spot? Drew Mckintyre? Politics! Whatever happened to earning your spot (Austin, Rock, Cena, Jericho)? Half of this youth movement can't wrestle and are overrated anyway(DiBiase and the Miz sucks too). Miz gets a push? Really? What's his move set? Really? He's like an actor portraying a wrestler,he tries too hard. Morrison is AWSOME!!! Kaval is AWSOME!!!
You do remember, that MVP did a high-profile show called the View right? Where Sherri Shepherd was "in love" with him? Id say that's high value, high crossover potential.

The knock Ive always heard on MVP is that he wasn't a hard worker. That the long losing streak to eventually get him over as a face was because he had to work less hard to LOSE all of the time. Look, I see your point, but at the same time, I don't.

Sure, it takes passion and hard work to get to the top of the business. But it doesn't mean that MVP is a seflish a-hole because he's frustrated with not getting a push he feels he may or may not deserve. Its just a story that leaked to the public, but he went about it the right way. He had a sitdown with VKM, his boss. He hasn't been tweeting or facebooking about it like a Matt Hardy. he's handled it like a professional. Hardly the sign of a selfish a-hole. If you don't want to be at the top of your profession, aren't you in the wrong one?
It is only natural the the WWE veterans want to remain in the spotlight for as long as possible, I would do the same in their position. It is not very common for someone, who has spent years working to reach the top, to just step aside when they still have gas in the tank, to give their hard-earned spot to a rookie. It just does not happen very often.

Most wrestlers are in the business to earn as much money as they can, whether they grew up with a love for the business or not. They want to make as much as possible and once they are making the big bucks, they will step aside for noone. For example, that is the reason we still see Kevin Nash, Sting, Undertaker and Hulk Hogan on TV at their age. Why would anyone want to give that up?

The problem for the wrestling business is that once these guys finally ride off into the sunset, that there will be noone to replace them as they will have hogged the main event for years, preventing new talent from rising through the ranks.

The WWE has gone through a few lean years, after the departures of Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, Stone Cold, The Rock etc, and have realised now that guys like HHH, Y2J and Undertaker cant go on forever. Yeah, there is John Cena and Randy Orton who will be around for a while yet, but Big Show, Rey Mysterio and Edge are coming towards the end of their careers so there will once again be a huge void in the main event position on the card.

It is for this reason that the WWE is focusing on its new up-and-coming talent as they try to develop the next generation of superstars. They are looking at guys like Wade Barrett, Daniel Bryan, The Miz and Drew McIntyre as potential main event superstars for the next decade and to give these guys the chance to develop, older wrestlers will have to make way. This is why MVP, Christian and Matt Hardy have never become bona-fide main eventers as WWE realise that these guys are not the future.

And you have to build for the future, a wrestler does not become a star without being given the chance to develop and shine.

It is quite simple really, but it is understandable why some wrestlers are not keen on this idea, as they are the ones being looked over. But it has to be done for the sake of the WWE as a whole. Safeguarding the future of the company is more of a concern to Vince McMahon than the happiness of a few older wrestlers. Hey...doesnt TNA like to give world title reigns to ex-WWE stars anyway?!
M.V.P came on 2 scene in late 06 after weeks of build up videos. When he 1st debuted he wasn't as good as they wished him 2 b for the spot he was put in. After a bumpy start and beating Beniot 4 the u.s title n the program with Matt Hardy that was it! He was a main eventer in the making, ..........And then 1 day while getting pissed test (While a male doctor was watching him do this, Because Manu had cheated on a piss test earlier) Decided 2 mock the Dr watching him piss. When word of this reached Vince M.V.P was buried worse then I have EVER seen someone get buried right up untill that match on smackdown, Which I think he wrestled against the Big Show on behalf of HHH. If I am remembering this right HHH Threaten 2 nail M.V.P with his sledgehammer if he lost 2 the Big Show.

M.V.P won the match and because he was on a "losing streak" the fans popped when he beat the Big Show. ..........AND THEN THEY TURNED HIM FACE!! Which was stupid as F**k because the M.V.P gimmick is better suited 4 a heel :banghead: So M.V.P was doomed even b4 he moved 2 raw, Granted he had a BIT of a blip when he confronted Orton and Legacy on his monday night debut. M.V.P and his fans should of realised when he was tagged up with Mark Henry that his career was pretty much over :disappointed:

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