Some "Jokes" wwe is making

I don't see where the OP is getting this racism thing at all. It's almost like he has never seen wrestling, and never seen the obviously racist stereotypes.

R-Truth apparently can't speak correctly, because he's black.

Cryme Tyme are a bunch of thieves, because they're black.

They've had Arabic men claim to bomb places. They had Iraqi sympathizers during the Gulf War.

They've had black pimps. They've had every British man in the WWE go through a snotty Royal phase. Kozlov is still stuck in the Rocky 500 Russian gimmick. Santino is still stuck in the ******ed Italian gimmick, though that can be because he's not funny and doesn't deserve a new gimmick.

A midget is still pushed as a little Irish leprechaun. Finlay has been pushed as a rough and tumble Irish man, as if that wasn't a ready made stereotype that's been played to death.

Sandman was a drunk redneck. Stone Cold was a beer drinking, secretly wife-beating redneck.

Every race has a racial stereotype that wrestling capitalizes on for gimmicks when they're short on ideas. It happens to every race, and so calling Sheamus pale isn't exactly the worst thing the WWE has done.

As far as the weight jokes with Mickie James, that was an entire angle that was shown to push Mickie in the end over McCool, the bitchy chick that wouldn't stop calling Mickie James stuff like "Piggie James." The horse face comment about Lillian Garcia was an in-joke, and no one watching would have understood.

I'll just close with a stable that our proud favorite The Rock was once apart of.


Yeah, because the WWE is totally being racist when they call Sheamus pale. :rolleyes:
:banghead: This whole thread was utterly pointless.

People bitch about how WWE features the same people over and over again in the Main Title Scene.....

WWE gives us newbies like Sheamus and Jack Swagger...

People bitch about that.

People bitch about how the product is PG now......

WWE gives us a little light with small off-color jokes reminiscent of an Attitude Era....

People bitch about that.

Does anyone remark on redneck gimmicks and how that would offend The South? No. Does anyone remark on ghetto gimmicks and how that would offend The African Americans? No. But people will get offended by comments the color commentators will make on a person and their skin. See, a color commentator is suppose to give edge-they have ever since The Golden Days of Wrestling. It's their job to poke fun at people, and seriously how else are you going to make fun of Sheamus?

Sounds like people bitch too much In My Opinion. If it's not one thing, it's the other. Stop taking things to heart so much and try to enjoy your regular scheduled programming. It's not like Raw is the only wrestling show either.

Back in my day if you were offended by something on tv, you change the channel.
I have nothing else to do so I'll explain myself.

1. Cena will be fired when you and your 5 year old buddies turn on him.

2. Your right. He'll be remembered for killing the WWE.

3. Did you just try to make fun of me? Pathetic.

4. Thanks for agreeing with me. But what was the point of the rest of your post?

5. We all need to remember, repetitiveness is both boring in wrestling and real life.

I've been reading this utterly pointless thread because I thought everyone was talking about the Lillian Garcia Horseface joke. But come to see its all about white people making fun of some other white guy being pale... Christ. Stone_Cold_Randy_Orton I've been reading your responses and I have to say..I never have been able to tell that someone was mentally challenged until reading your replies. Some of the stuff you've said is so asinine it makes Eugene look like Einstein! I'm not even going to bother posting which responses I'm speaking of because you'll just spew some more useless junk out of them.

So really what is the point of this thread? There is NO racism involved. When a white person is seriously tan they are what people call a Tan Cracker...simple as that.

Sheamus is ridiculously pale. I mean I spend most of the day indoors working and I have a better tan going on then this guy. Maybe he just can't tan. The point is the WWE isn't breaking any laws by pointing out a FACT.
FACT: Sheamus is as white as the white on this forum!
FACT: In order for a joke to be RACIST the people doing the joke have to be of a different racial background. FOR EXAMPLE: If a black person tells another black person "Damn sucka you the darkest black guy ive ever seen".. it's not racist. THEREFORE a white person telling another white person he is insanely white IS NOT RACIST. God it's people like the thread starter that makes the world so censored. People have to worry about whatever they say because it might "offend" someone. I think you need to stop reading into things that aren't there!
Racist? I don't understand how that is racism. Sheamus' pale, paper color, is character trait, not a race, in my opinion, I don't think WWE should've been making jokes about Mickie James, what's that teach kids? Call other kids fat? Now maybe if this where the Attitude Era, which I wouldn't mind at all, but WWE if you want to have a program aimed at kids, and you damn better well not ruin all the good stuff, and expect to throw in some insulting stuff, that really, nobody even gives a shit about.

I'm actually agreeing with you, like I said, I really don't mind if WWE does this kinds of angles, and jokes, but if their going to be aiming the program for kids, it isn't the best move, business wise, as Linda's candidates are going to be hoping all over that, and I hope they do.

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