Some "Jokes" wwe is making

Face it, Two WHITE guys, taking the mick out of a WHITE guy isn't racist, its impossible to be racist for that fact unless you're confused.
But al this in mind of what everyone has said, WWE are kind of setting the wrong example..take this, a few months back, There was a Diva called Mickie James, who was constantly being bullied by Lay-cool for not being as skinny or 'Flawless' as them. And The 'Joke' that Jerry Lawler legitamatly made about the Beautiful Lillian Garcia not long ago. She had no idea what was going on with the 'jokes' behind her back.
What im tryin to say is that, Yes WWE is entertaining, but some of the so called humor can be taken to offence by some viewers. They could be bullied by other people in real life, and thats What WWE needs to take in is that they are upseting some people...Im just Sayin...
Its not racism as long as the person taking is offended by it...its humor nd ia meant for public entertainment....its just dat sheamus is a big white guy....he shines in the ring...its like as if he has come out of a Colgate bath....nd i personally feel that sheamus himself has a laugh at the jokes cracked on him.....

I doun know how many of you noticed is that during the volcanic eruption in europe where the SD superstars invaded RAW....lilian arcia was on raw...McMahon nd HHH made fun of lillian for having a horse face....nd on raw hunter said if lilian wants to horse around she can....that was a bit mean nd non-humorous.....
I like how HarryThem didnt use the American stereotype of they are all fat, very stupid and dont know whats going on outside of they're own borders. Just saying.

I think it could be catogorized as racism.

Making fun of someone because of their skin colour ?? How can you deny that is racism.
If they attacked R-Truth because of it WWE no doubt would have to make an apology.

They make fun of Jack Swaggers lisp. I thought when they were making fun of Mickies weight it was ok as it was the heels doing the insults so it showed it was wrong. But it is all the faces jumping in to make fun of Jacks lisp. He didnt choose to have that, its near enough a disability.

WWEs comedy is horrible. It is usually the same jokes over and over. It is a PG show but alot of the jokes are abotu sex. If you remeber Rosa Mendes spoke to Zack Ryder on ECW and he squirted the shampoo or something to make it seem as if he had just spunked. And im sure that happened the next week, with the same people. Did WWE htink we would have forgotten the same joke. I recall someone on Yahoo Answers saying its so the adults can enjoy it too. So what ?? Adults only think jokes about sex are funny ?? Does it make them feel dirty and embarress them a little ?? No. Maybe some weirdos but the vast majority dont need that kind of jokes to laugh.

I have also noticed WWE stealing jokes from films(I might make a thread about this).
If you have all seen Happy Gilmour, i'm sure you'll remeber the part where Shooter McGavin says, I eat peices of shit like you for breakfast" and Happy goes, "You eat peices of shit for breakfast"
On Smackdown! a while ago Edge and Big Show had the exact same monolouge. I watched it on youtube here it is: skip to about 1:30 if you want.

Also, how many jokes have WWE used about Big Show eating someone. Or Big Show eating farting or something like that.

That is all :)
Ok, you little girls need to put in a tampon right now. Why is it that every fan who absolutely despises the PG era always makes a big deal out of them doing something non-PG? You all loved the attitude era so much, yet you stick up for people being the butt end of a schoolyard joke in the PG-era when we all know these kind of jokes in the attitude era wouldn't have got our attention at all.
I like how HarryThem didnt use the American stereotype of they are all fat, very stupid and dont know whats going on outside of they're own borders. Just saying.

You know I was thinking of writing that one as well but then I thought about it and that's about the only stereotype that wrestling hasn't done (not intentionally anyway) although I'd assume JBL came closest to being like that.

Now I'm off to eat my scones and play polo with the queen, or down the pub to watch football (not SOCCER, FOOTBALL! Where you only use your FOOT to kick the ball, not throw it with your hands and then spend about 5 hours watching badly dressed ****es and ***** dance like numpties) and have a bevvie or two!

And can someone please, for the love of god, tell me what is up with Darren Young's skin. I've said it elsewhere and I'll say it here, he isn't a natural colour and I'd like to know what colour he really is so I can take the piss out of him for looking just....strange
Just another case of it ok to be racial against white people and no one else. Im sure if they were making jokes left and right about how balckity black R-Truth is, the shit would hit the fan immeadiately.

Is it right? Obviously not. Sorta the way things are though.

Really you mean like when Evolution made fun of Kofi, Mark Henry and MVP saying they should go back to the hood, or you mean when Triple H and King continuiously made racist remarks and bought up Booker T's prison term.

You mean all of that outrage which never happened.

Black people have been mocked in wrestling for years. In front of the camera and backstage and not a damn thing was done until the WWF suspended Hayes.

I did not hear or see any outrage when Piper painted himself half black to face Bad News and started dancing, or Akeem and his PIMP MANAGER Slick shucking and jiving, so the claim that there would be outrage if Black people were made fun of is SO FAR OFF BASE, because it has happened and no one rose up to complain.

SHEAMUS is a CHARACTER, they are acting for christ sake - just like when they called Lita a ho over and over. yeah she had cheated on Matt but they were not calling AMY DUMAS a HOE. they were addressing it to LITA.

IT WAS PART of the show. So when someone insults a MOVIE character do we say they need to stop those jokes??? They are saying he is far too pale and he is, they MADE the character that way. Just like they made Hogan who was billed from Venice Beach go to a tanning salon.

Where is Sheamus complaint, or any of the other WHITE performers? Why dont they complain like Henry did??? Why don't they file a lawsuit??? Obviously they don't see it as personal or attacks on their race.
i'm not appalled by this. like a previous poster said, i was in high school while the whole virgil/million dollar man thing was the big storyline, although the wwe did tone it down somewhat making virgil just as much of a jackass as dibiasi, until virgil turned face.

i'm more disgusted by the inside joke regarding lillian having a horse face and the king making a horse sound. that's sad. vince is such a narcissistic bastard that anyone who remotely looks different than what he thinks people should look like get ripped.
Really you mean like when Evolution made fun of Kofi, Mark Henry and MVP saying they should go back to the hood, or you mean when Triple H and King continuiously made racist remarks and bought up Booker T's prison term.

You mean all of that outrage which never happened.

Black people have been mocked in wrestling for years. In front of the camera and backstage and not a damn thing was done until the WWF suspended Hayes.

I did not hear or see any outrage when Piper painted himself half black to face Bad News and started dancing, or Akeem and his PIMP MANAGER Slick shucking and jiving, so the claim that there would be outrage if Black people were made fun of is SO FAR OFF BASE, because it has happened and no one rose up to complain.

Are you fucking stupid? there absolutely WAS outrage over each and every ONE of the things you just talked about. Literally every one. Have you ever read any books about wrestling? Namely, the incidents with Booker T and Trips, and Bad News and Piper, are fucking legendary for the amount of outrage they caused and poor taste they were done in.

Also, dont go naming Slick as an example. Fucking hello, that was 1989, not 2010. You cant EVEN BEGIN to sit here and tell me that if they made fun of The Darkness od R-Truths skin color that people wouldnt flip the fuck out. if you are seriously trying to say that, then you aren't even worth responding to. Get a fucking clue man.
Hmm. I'm really white. I'm not offended. It's not like it's a black man calling a white man a "Honky." I seem to remember a time on PPV when Vince McMahon said the "n-word" to Booker T during a backstage promo. I think that's way more racist than this. I think this would be the equivalent of a darker black man making fun of a lighter black man. I see nothing wrong with this.
Hmm. I'm really white. I'm not offended. It's not like it's a black man calling a white man a "Honky." I seem to remember a time on PPV when Vince McMahon said the "n-word" to Booker T during a backstage promo. I think that's way more racist than this. I think this would be the equivalent of a darker black man making fun of a lighter black man. I see nothing wrong with this.

He said that to John Cena. Doesnt matter anyway. Racism is racism, slurs and racial jokes, are slurs and racial jokes. There is nothing else it can, or should be.
I just wanna say three things:

First off, I don't believe they called Sheamus a "pasty Irish bastard" yet. So until they slight him for being Irish, they haven't even come close to racism. Also being that Sheamus has friends in very high places(HHH), I think if Sheamus had issues with it then the issues would be dealt with.

Second, the CEO Vincent Kennedy McMahon is.....wait for it.....IRISH. So if he thought that making fun of Sheamus was a slight against Irish people, then that shit wouldn't have made the cutting room floor. Also, if Cena went off script to say it, he would be fired whether he's the face of WWE or not.

Third, I can't believe for the life of me that this thread went on for 7 fuckin' pages. It was a good read though with my morning coffee.
Norcall correct me if I am wrong please, but I dont remeber Triple H actually saying anything racist. I remeber Triple H saying, you people, to Booker T but I dont think the was being racist. I thought he just meant you people as in people that dont have what it takes to be champion, people not on Triple H's level. And even after he just said that there was outrage. So people went crazy over something that probably wasnt, but could have been racist.

And to HarryThem, I dont know if you are trying to insult me, you are trying to insult England(which yes is in Britain but is not Britain !! Some stupid people think Britain is a country) or you are trying to insult America. I actually dont know. You really need to be more clear with your insults. I feel a little embarresed if you are trying to make fun of me and I dont know. Or maybe you should be.
Cena would never be fired for making fun of Irish people. Don't be silly. The only thing he will ever be fired for is when the kids turn on him like Hogan. Then he may make a comeback as Anti-Cena and then disappear forever and only be remembered as the guy who faced the legend Randy Orton. And possibly Triple H, if hes still around.
Norcall correct me if I am wrong please, but I dont remeber Triple H actually saying anything racist. I remeber Triple H saying, you people, to Booker T but I dont think the was being racist. I thought he just meant you people as in people that dont have what it takes to be champion, people not on Triple H's level. And even after he just said that there was outrage. So people went crazy over something that probably wasnt, but could have been racist.

Aye, he never actually said something racist per se, but it was very clear what they were trying to do, and it was blatant cheap heat.
Cena would never be fired for making fun of Irish people. Don't be silly. The only thing he will ever be fired for is when the kids turn on him like Hogan. Then he may make a comeback as Anti-Cena and then disappear forever and only be remembered as the guy who faced the legend Randy Orton. And possibly Triple H, if hes still around.

OK, maybe not fired, but maybe some diciplinary time off. I mean the last thing Vince would need is John Cena on TNA Impact. The point is, the Sheamus stuff isn't racism. Atleast not yet. They make fun of him for being pale just like they make fun of Swagger's lisp, or Big Show's weight. It might be low-brow humor and not funny to some people, but it isn't racism.
Cena would never be fired for making fun of Irish people. Don't be silly. The only thing he will ever be fired for is when the kids turn on him like Hogan. Then he may make a comeback as Anti-Cena and then disappear forever and only be remembered as the guy who faced the legend Randy Orton. And possibly Triple H, if hes still around.

1. When the kids do turn on Cena, he will not be fired. I guarantee you that Vince remembers how big Hogan was as the main villain. He will NOT waste that opportunity as Cena will have enough heat to bake a potato.

2. If Cena does disappear tomorrow, he will be remembered for far more than facing Trips and Orton.

3. Did you just Call Orton a legend? Wow! I knew by your username that you have a hard on for Orton, but let's be realistic. Orton is no legend. That term gets thrown around way too much that it has lost all meaning.

4. Nobody will get fired for making fun of the Irish. Seriously, Hornswoggle is a fucking leprechaun for Christ's sake.

5. We all need to remember that pro wrestling has always been a caricature.
Really? lol its 2010 and you think tht JOKING about a guy being practically transparent is racist? come on lol grow up. its stupid shit like that that carries racism on n on. Let it go its a joke, not being racism means we should just all laugh about the simple obvious jokes. As the definition from the poster before me said, we are not saying anything about 1 race being better then another because sheamus is extra pale lol its dumb so grow up and stop looking for excuses to be angry lol.
I honestly don't see the problem here. I have Irish blood and their jokes about his paleness don't bother me. That would be like an Indian native being angry over how the commentators talk about how tall The Great Khali is, or little people getting offended over Hornswoggle being labelled a "leprechaun" or "little kid/bastard". See what I mean?

WWE is television. They are going to exaggerate things as much as possible because let's face it- WWE is a lot like a circus. You have acrobats, giants, and smooth-talking ringleaders that will make you love or hate them depending on how they want to portray their character. To say WWE is racist for remarking on how white Sheamus is pointless. We can all see how pale he is so of course the commentators are going to say something it is their job.

Hell, Jerry "The King" Lawler used to talk about how old certain superstars were and you never heard a senior citizen cry foul. The show is meant to entertain; if you cannot see the humor in making fun of a heel superstar then you should turn the channel.
I don't think Sheamus has ever cared what people say about him. He's proud of his Irish roots and i've read he goes out of his way to stay that pale. That's dedication. If he wanted to make it stop he could just go tanning like once or twice. I'm just really surprised they haven't been making the "gingers don't have souls" comments yet. I for one would find that funny. plus the thing your thinking of is NOT racism it's "poking fun at someone" we ALL do it at some point at some time. hell i'm gonna be at Over The Limit and i'm gonna have a Sheamus sign making fun of the paleness. i don't think thats gonna make a member of any Reich's.

if Sheamus was bothered about the comments he could easily change it. i don't think he cares. i don't think the commentators really care if he's pale or not, I don't think the wrestlers have a problem with his skin color, I don't think the fans do either. I think it's just an easy target to make fun of in promo's. Like all good faces they got to make fun of the heels. i think the only one who really has a problem with people making fun of other people is the guy who started this thread. Which leads to this statement which summarizes his entire thinking:

"Just because it seems funny to everybody, if it's not funny to one person, means it's not funny at all"

that about sums it up
And to HarryThem, I dont know if you are trying to insult me, you are trying to insult England(which yes is in Britain but is not Britain !! Some stupid people think Britain is a country) or you are trying to insult America. I actually dont know. You really need to be more clear with your insults. I feel a little embarresed if you are trying to make fun of me and I dont know. Or maybe you should be.

Considering I said I was going to eat my scones and play polo with the queen, after writing that's the American view of the English, as well as identifying the real version of football (The Premiership) I'd say it's safe to say that I'm deffo an Englishman through and through. I wasn't insulting anyone, I was stating what the general stereotypes of various countries are, from us all being toffs who say "pip pip", Swedes being sexy crazed kinky blondes to American's all being double super mega triple burger eating fatties who think European is something they say to their mates (boom boom), it's the way the world works, and, it can be really funny sometimes and shouldn't be taken personally.

The only thing I'd actually say to you personally, is that it's spelt embarrassed, not embarresed, but that's because I'm a spelling ****e and I correct my bird as well.

And Sheamus still looks like a burning milk bottle but, at least he doesn't look as strangely coloured as Darren Young
Just another case of it ok to be racial against white people and no one else. Im sure if they were making jokes left and right about how balckity black R-Truth is, the shit would hit the fan immeadiately.

Is it right? Obviously not. Sorta the way things are though.

I've been trying to tell em NorCal,dammit i've been trying but they just won't listen! a joke is a joke,they should make the crack on truth just to get it over with. the same could have been said about shelton,the only reason he was flippin around like that is cuz he's a colored(DUN DUN DUN) Not to mention Booker sayin the dreaded n word on live WCW television several years back.

this race thing is gonna be here until the year 2135 by then we'll all be a weird tan color according to south park but while it's here,let's have fun with it.
1. When the kids do turn on Cena, he will not be fired. I guarantee you that Vince remembers how big Hogan was as the main villain. He will NOT waste that opportunity as Cena will have enough heat to bake a potato.

2. If Cena does disappear tomorrow, he will be remembered for far more than facing Trips and Orton.

3. Did you just Call Orton a legend? Wow! I knew by your username that you have a hard on for Orton, but let's be realistic. Orton is no legend. That term gets thrown around way too much that it has lost all meaning.

4. Nobody will get fired for making fun of the Irish. Seriously, Hornswoggle is a fucking leprechaun for Christ's sake.

5. We all need to remember that pro wrestling has always been a caricature.

I have nothing else to do so I'll explain myself.

1. Cena will be fired when you and your 5 year old buddies turn on him.

2. Your right. He'll be remembered for killing the WWE.

3. Did you just try to make fun of me? Pathetic.

4. Thanks for agreeing with me. But what was the point of the rest of your post?

5. We all need to remember, repetitiveness is both boring in wrestling and real life.
I have nothing else to do so I'll explain myself.

I'll bet you say this a lot. There is a lot of down time in between *********ory sessions of Hannah Montana and what ever else you do online. I don't want to know, so spare me and the entire world please.

1. Cena will be fired when you and your 5 year old buddies turn on him.

If you really think he will be fired when his fans turn on him, then you are even dumber than I thought. That's pretty hard to do, seeing as though I already think you are dumber than dog shit. People pay good money to see a wrestler get beat up. I mentioned Hogan already and that went right through your minuscule brain. I've read your posts and couldn't find one intelligent response. Not one. Your bias against Cena is obvious here too.

2. Your right. He'll be remembered for killing the WWE.

See what I just said about your intelligence level and your bias against Cena.

3. Did you just try to make fun of me? Pathetic.

No, child. That wasn't an attempt to make fun of you. If you use your brain once in a while, you would know that. I just stated the obvious.

4. Thanks for agreeing with me. But what was the point of the rest of your post?

I can ask that very same question about the vast majority of your posts.

5. We all need to remember, repetitiveness is both boring in wrestling and real life.

For the first time, I have read something from you that makes some sort of sense. Guess what, though. Real life is repetitive. When you enter the real life, you will find out that life is routine. You don't have to like it. Just deal with it, kid.
I never said insulting people is wrong. But I'm glad you pointed that out. You do have a brain. :)

So if insulting people isn't wrong, why are you crying foul to a wrestler insulting another wrestler? Unless they said ALL Irish people looked like that then cry foul... But last I checked, Finlay wasn't whiter then snow with fire red hair.

If this was wrong, why aren't you pointing out the Mexicools riding on lawn mowers? Eddie Guererro's gimmick? If stereotyping and racism is the same to you, which in most cases, it is not, then those are prime examples. I won't go into detail, because you and your infinite stupidity will probably grasp the fundamental aspects of the text I just typed... And everyone else here who isn't more then 12 years old and has a brain has told you off.

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