Some "Jokes" wwe is making


The Corre
Now ever since sheamus has been in wwe we have heard announcers fans even Superstars calling Sheamus "Pale" "White" or would make remarks like" has he ever seen the sun". Honestly I dont think these type of jokes are funny what so ever. If WWE is aiming for PG why are they making these kinds of jokes? What they want kids to start becoming racist or something?

Anyone else agree ?
I think you're way off the mark thinking they're leading kids towards racism. The fact is that WWE likes its wrestlers to look different and, in the case of heels, that means so the faces can take the mickey out of them. They've always done it and always will. There's a certain low-brow humour to it that often misses the mark but, it's not racism. Hell I'm white and I'd happily join in jokes about Sheamus's skin colour as it's freaky, same would go for Darren Young as his is even more disturbing!
Im white too but I just think sometimes is wwe going a little too far with these jokes like that one on raw from cena im sure alot of people thought it was funny but i thought its just stupid.
Racist? Are you kidding? I guess you are not old enough to remember DiBiase and Virgil. I grew up with that, among others, and I didn't turn into a racist. Stop worrying about these jokes, OP.
Dont agree with the posters point but for me I thought of something else when I saw the title. WWEs on air remarkes and storys involving backstage jokes like Mickies Weight and the recent Lilians Horseface thing and many others im most likely forgetting, seems pretty harsh for a PG company that is appealing to kids.
I agree. What makes it any better to make fun of Whites for being pale but not Blacks for being dark? No one ever says "Your so black" to any of the black guys. How does that translate the same to whites? This idea of whites being neutral is causing people to be racist. Whites are a race. It doesn't matter if people want to make jokes to ease their racial guilt. Its still racist. If the world was made of light skinned people then go ahead and make fun of it, but the world isn't. That's why people are sensitive to being called black. Because not everyone is black. So since we're all not the same and we have a racial division, we have no right to make jokes.
I agree. What makes it any better to make fun of Whites for being pale but not Blacks for being dark? No one ever says "Your so black" to any of the black guys. How does that translate the same to whites? This idea of whites being neutral is causing people to be racist. Whites are a race. It doesn't matter if people want to make jokes to ease their racial guilt. Its still racist. If the world was made of light skinned people then go ahead and make fun of it, but the world isn't. That's why people are sensitive to being called black. Because not everyone is black. So since we're all not the same and we have a racial division, we have no right to make jokes. So f%ck the WWE for being racist.

Irish people, and especially ginger Irish people, are known as freakishly pale (and normally drunk and love to fight)
Italian Americans are sneaky gangster types.
The Oriental are all salt throwers who can't speak English.
Black people are normally jive talkers/pimps/criminals/savages
Samoans are savages with the hardest heads in the world and dont like shoes
The brits are all stuck up crumpet and scone eating posh *****
Russians are still the big red menace
Germans are boring machines who want to destroy
Arab looking people are all terrorist types
Women will turn on you as soon as they can
Waving an american flag makes you a super patriotic hero

It's not racism, it's just extreme stereotyping and to say f the WWE for being racist is wrong as it's been part of wrestling since characters were introduced.

Case in point using TNA you've got The Pope in TNA who's black and a pimp and talks all jive and has people chanting "Pope is pimping" yet that's not racism because he's a face.

WWE's not racist, it just, as wrestling always has done, plays up to the lowest common denominator.
Right. And to say "go have sex with a weird eyed asian" is right?

Give me a break and save your BS logic. Stereotyping is racist. Don't be slow.

And Sheamus might be albino, so its not all his Irish blood. If you think I'm joking take a look at his eyelashes. Unless he dyes them white I"m pretty sure he has white hair and to have both "freakishly" white skin and white hair kinda leaves no other option.
Hold on lets think about this for a second. Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler are white. Vince McMahon is white. How exactly can this be construed in any way as racist? It's white people making fun of someone who's even whiter than they are. Sheamus, like a fuck load of Irish people (myself included) is a pale, pasty motherfucker. Put him in a ring with any other guy in the company and he pretty much glows. You can't help but notice how pale he is. It'd be illogical for them not to point it out and make fun of it.

Do yourself a favour and look up the definition of racism, cos I don't think you fully grasp it's meaning. Here, this is what defines it as

1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Does any of these definitions fit with two white guys rippin the piss out of another whiter guy? No, simple as.
Why don't you quit complaining and sue the WWE? It's your right.

Damn this really bothers me. If you don't like it, don't watch it.

The announcers (especially Lawler) have ALWAYS made fun of wrestlers. The wrestlers make fun of each other. They went PG, not G. PG means "Parental Guidance", where as G means "General Audience". Just because it's PG doesn't mean you can take a recorded copy of an episode of Raw to Bible School. It's not going to be holy and pure. Yes, there is less blood and cuss words, but it still has some edge. Fuck.
It bothers you when people get upset at racism? What a weird guy.

Oh and thescaredcrow: Is it any less racist if an organization run by black people made fun of black people? Or an Asian organization making fun of Asians? Not in America, the "land of the mixed peoples from all around the world". If you wanna make fun of your own race go ahead and do it where only your own race can see, but not on national television where the entire world can see your so called "harmless jokes"
Right. And to say "go have sex with a weird eyed asian" is right?

And my logic is bs yet somehow you compare that to what I said?

Stereotyping is racist. Don't be slow.

No, it's profiling of the lowest common form. And surely talking about insulting people being wrong you've then, because you don't agree with my point of view, decided to question my mental awareness. Hmmmmm.

I think it's been said before and it'll be said many times in the future. It doesn't matter what colour of skin you are, only the colour green matters and wrestling will try whatever it thinks will work to get that lovely green stuff. Wrestling has made great strides, as a whole, to cut out the racist stuff that was about in the past (occasionally it gets through such as Umaga, Booker T being GI Bro) but, in general it's all done a lot more tongue in cheek (like the R.Truth/Ted Dibiase skit from last weeks Raw/Cryme Tyme/Pope) Sheamus just seems to be the first real case of a whiter then white bloke getting the stick that's been shared around the other colours in the past and, to me, I see it as more stating the obvious then anything else as, the first thing you can see about him is he looks like a bottle of milk that's on fire!

And Darren Young is just wrong on so many levels, he's the colour of a mid-50s flight attendant (that worn out leathery look...ewww) with thr hair of a troll doll.
REALLY?!?! no no REALLY?

you people whine and complain about the whole PG era
but u feel bad they called him pale white? sounds to me u want this to be rated
5 and under.
people need to see the difference between
racist and a joke. :banghead:

do you want them all to stop feuding and have one major group hug??

:worship::worship::worship: CAPTAIN CHARISMA !!!!
And my logic is bs yet somehow you compare that to what I said?

Hmm. Let me think about it. Yes. Because its a stereotype. And its racist. At the same time. In the words of Michal Cole, "OH MY!" Care to elaborate on what you don't understand? Am I right in calling you slow?

No, it's profiling of the lowest common form. And surely talking about insulting people being wrong you've then, because you don't agree with my point of view, decided to question my mental awareness. Hmmmmm.

I never said insulting people is wrong. But I'm glad you pointed that out. You do have a brain. :)

Also I think questioning your mental awareness is the correct thing to do, hence, I'm being good. Especially when you fail to see why racism is wrong. And yes, "racism" here means stereotyping because, as I'll point out after your next excuse, its not a good thing to do.

I think it's been said before and it'll be said many times in the future. It doesn't matter what colour of skin you are, only the colour green matters and wrestling will try whatever it thinks will work to get that lovely green stuff. Wrestling has made great strides, as a whole, to cut out the racist stuff that was about in the past (occasionally it gets through such as Umaga, Booker T being GI Bro) but, in general it's all done a lot more tongue in cheek (like the R.Truth/Ted Dibiase skit from last weeks Raw/Cryme Tyme/Pope) Sheamus just seems to be the first real case of a whiter then white bloke getting the stick that's been shared around the other colours in the past and, to me, I see it as more stating the obvious then anything else as, the first thing you can see about him is he looks like a bottle of milk that's on fire!

How does any of what you said justify what they've done? Your trying to defend racism? And wow, you just blew your entire argument out of the water by saying what you just did about Sheamus. Call me anything now, your a hypocrite because your ignorance has revealed your character. Call me out for thinking your racist, and I'll just respond with your racist comments about Sheamus. Maybe you fail to grasp the meaning of racism.

Racist: "Any attitude, action or institutional structure which discriminates against a group of people based on race"

And Darren Young is just wrong on so many levels, he's the colour of a mid-50s flight attendant (that worn out leathery look...ewww) with thr hair of a troll doll.

I rest my case.
You guys do not understand what so ever. WWE should think of the jokes before they say it. What im saying is thier always making fun of white people and i get bored of it and no suprise its on raw. On smackdown everythings fine i would love to see someone in wwe make fun of some black guy then you guys will start making the same threads and understand how some people in the wwe universe feel.
It bothers you when people get upset at racism? What a weird guy.

Oh and thescaredcrow: Is it any less racist if an organization run by black people made fun of black people? Or an Asian organization making fun of Asians? Not in America, the "land of the mixed peoples from all around the world". If you wanna make fun of your own race go ahead and do it where only your own race can see, but not on national television where the entire world can see your so called "harmless jokes"

Hate to break it you there, but Ireland is as ethnically diverse these days as America is, it ain't just wall to wall pasty fuckers, so you can get right down off your soapbox on that one.

Are you actually gonna tell me it's not okay for someone to make fun of their own race or nationality on national tv? Because I could swear I've seen a shitload of lets see, black, jewish, asian, middle eastern, mexican and fuck, even irish comedians build entire sets (sometimes even careers) around the idea of making fun of their own people, a lot of the time on national tv.
Of course its OK to make fun of your own race. Read the comment you just quoted. I said its not right to make fun of "a" race on television. Meaning a company, not a person. The WWE as a whole has a responsibility. If they made fun of any other race based on the excuse that they have Asian or black people who work there it won't cut it. And I hate to break it to ya, but Ireland is still known for its Pasty folk. :)
Out of all the things the WWE has done throughout the history of the WWE I can't believe that this is what gets people upset. The fact is the man is...guess what PALE. Is it because he is of Irish decent. Sure, but he is still PALE. From what I know of they have never said anything along the lines of you stupid white Irish people or something like that. They are making fun of Shaemus not the whole Irish race.

They call Big Show fat on the show all the time. Should fat people be upset?

They make a fool out of Hornswoggle and that doesn't upset you?

They give almost every single African American the most stereotypical gimmick (For Example: JTG, R-Truth and how Theodore Long always says Playa and Holla) but this doesn't get you upset?

If you truly feel someone being called Pale is offensive even though they actually are Pale that is fine with me but don't go preaching how white people (myself included) should be offended by this when there is A LOT worst in the WWE.
You guys do not understand what so ever. WWE should think of the jokes before they say it. What im saying is thier always making fun of white people and i get bored of it and no suprise its on raw. On smackdown everythings fine i would love to see someone in wwe make fun of some black guy then you guys will start making the same threads and understand how some people in the wwe universe feel.

i just went totally brain dead for a sec.
they don't make fun of black people?? ted dibiase jr asked R truth to be
his slave. lol
cryme time are thugs? not one black main eventer?

talk to me when that brain freeze of yours goes away.:banghead:
I never said insulting people is wrong. But I'm glad you pointed that out. You do have a brain. :)

Also I think questioning your mental awareness is the correct thing to do, hence, I'm being good. Especially when you fail to see why racism is wrong. And yes, "racism" here means stereotyping because, as I'll point out after your next excuse, its not a good thing to do.

again with the personal because I dont share your view. Somehow me thinking Darren Young, who is clearly a sunbed ****e, has a strange and just wrong colour and you've used it as an example of a tolerance of racism. wrong there bucko.

i said sheamus looks like a bottle of milk thats on fire. big woop, i also say that to my cousin when he doesn't leave his house during winter. Am I being racist? Of course not, but if that's what keeps your flag flying, I'll let you think that.

and, seeing as you clearly think im mentally challenged, how is it right for you to question my mental awareness? that'd be discrimination in my book, but i guess that's ok because insulting people is ok, based on what you've seem from them (or in this case read) so, how is that different from insulting sheamus based on, let's face it, the first things people notice about him?

and brainsuks i get what you're saying but, as a brit, we've had the piss ripped out of us by the world for decades so you kinda get numb to it and accept most of it for what it is, purile banter aimed at the lowest common denominator (much like wrestling is)

so racism=bad
wwe=mostly stupid jokes, but deffo not racist (espec with lindas senate stuff going on)
And Sheamus might be albino, so its not all his Irish blood. If you think I'm joking take a look at his eyelashes. Unless he dyes them white I"m pretty sure he has white hair and to have both "freakishly" white skin and white hair kinda leaves no other option.

Really man? Really? You can't just open up and check what albino means before talking out your ass? ALBINO is the absense of PIGMENTATION. Ginger is not alibinism. The lack of pigmentation happens throughout the entire body, including the eyes. Sheamus very visibly has dark eyes. This is coming from a small animal and reptile breeder, who very, very often has to deal with said gene in the breeding process.

And honestly, who cares? This is a pointless thread getting people all riled up about nothing. Skin color shouldn't matter, no matter what color it is. If they make a couple off-side comments that offend you, ignore them. This thread is pointless.
Of course its OK to make fun of your own race. Read the comment you just quoted. I said its not right to make fun "a" race on television. Meaning a company, not a person. The WWE as a whole has a responsibility. If they made fun of any other race based on the excuse that they have Asian or black people who work there it won't cut it. And I hate to break it to ya, but Ireland is still known for its Pasty folk. :)

Yes but you see the difference here is that Sheamus is being made fun of by two other white guys. This contradicts the fundamental idea of racism: the belief that one race of people is inherently superior to another. How can Jerry Lawler or Michael Cole be considered racist against someone who is also white? It's logically impossible.

Wow really, cos you know I've only lived here MY WHOLE FUCKING LIFE. Clearly you're in a better position than me in determining the level of ethnic diversity in Ireland.
Why do you make it very easy?


Hmm. How to explain it to an animal breeder...

OH! I know. Hes albino because hes pale. He also happens to be ginger. YAY! Double points for him. When he first showed up he was lighter than this. He had no pigments or "red spots" whatsoever. Hence, he easily could have added them. And if you want a before and after test, try it on his latest appearance last week to when he first arrived. And if I mentioned his hair is white, hence he dyed it, is it hard to believe he can wear contacts? Why do you think I mentioned it? Because he was just white?? Didn't you read my post? YOU FAIL AS AN ANIMAL BREEDER! :mad:

Thescaredcrow: Give up. Your only making yourself look slow. Its not about who's making fun of him, its about making fun of him on TV. If 2 black guys made fun of a black guy for being dark people can complain. They don't wanna hear any racist comments, so why would they want them from their own race. Kinda defeats the purpose of not being racist. Also, if you didn't know, there are other races that are "white" and "dark" so it could offend them to. Maybe they don't want their kids to hear it. Whatever the reason, racist jokes should be left out.
Seriously SCRO, you don't really believe that Sheamus is albino do you? His eyelashes are orange because he is a Ginger. Are you a Ginger? Is that why your vagina is all sandy? I am of Irish decent and am quite pale and I really am not offended in any way by the WWE cracking jokes about pasty white Sheamus. I really fail to see where the E is being racist here.
I agree. What makes it any better to make fun of Whites for being pale but not Blacks for being dark? No one ever says "Your so black" to any of the black guys. How does that translate the same to whites? This idea of whites being neutral is causing people to be racist. Whites are a race. It doesn't matter if people want to make jokes to ease their racial guilt. Its still racist. If the world was made of light skinned people then go ahead and make fun of it, but the world isn't. That's why people are sensitive to being called black. Because not everyone is black. So since we're all not the same and we have a racial division, we have no right to make jokes.

Shooooooot put me in the announcers booth and I'd cap on R-truth's black ass daily! It's all just jokes man you gotta lighten up it's 2010 nobody's judgin we're just havin a good time

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