Stalking is harassing someone by following them around, invading their privacy, unknowingly or without their consent. If you put something on Twitter, you are sharing these things intentionally. If I tell someone I just had some cereal, I wouldn't call them a stalker for knowing that I just had cereal. Don't be intentionally fucking obtuse by arguing semantics.
Lol, okay. Thanks. Even with definitions, you still can't understand how I equate twitter to stalking? Just because you love Twitter does not mean that it is perfect. If you have your window open while you eat cereal and I walk by and notice you eating cereal, that's fine, (I used open window because it isn't illegal, atleast where I am) but, if I deliberately look into your window to see you eating cereal, you would be perfectly fine with that? Why does anyone even go on twitter? to conversate? no. it's to be nosy and see what others are doing. Openly stalking.
Just like somebody going to LeBron James' twitter and saying derogatory comments over and over about "The Decision", that isn't stalking? Or how about how some people, including some of the WZF guys, going to John Cena's and talking about how much they hate him. That isn't stalking? That isn't harrassment? Or how about the fact that some people check twitter everyday because they are obsessed with what Ashton Kutcher is doing every second of every day? I guess that isn't stalking either.
I found this interesting too, Heres 4 reasons why Twitter builds a healthy appetite for stalking:
1. It encourages you to follow people you are already clearly obsessed with. Early warning signs of a stalker to be.
2. It gets fans one step closer to celebrities & high profile internet entrepreneurs. Twitter has to be the only social network that celebrities actually use themselves
at least that what appears to be going on behind these famous Twitter handles.
3. The fact that you have to constantly type in the person your @mentioning creates a recurring cycle in your brain of repetition of the person youre
(stalking) following on Twitter.
4. Last but not least. After so many @mentions and DMs to the stalkee with no signs of them knowing you exist it forces the follower/stalker to find other means of getting the stalkee to acknowledge there 140 characters of Twitter love.
Also, there's actually a word for it, it's called cyberstalking. And guess what, twitter has cyber-stalking cases on the rise. But you won't listen to facts and definitions anyway, so why bother? So how about we just agree to disagree, and you keep twittering or whatever and I keep saying that your cyber-stalking. Deal? Lol.
And how can you call someone an idiot just because they don't see things like you do? You obviously don't know me, but that's fine. That's what the internet has created. Cyber-stalking bold talking superpeople who are invincible and ruthless..... yeah right. But debating is good practice for me so keep it up. Maybe I'll go and post something on twitter about it.