So who stole the show?

Which match stole the show?

  • 7 Man Intercontinental Title Ladder Match

  • Randy Orton Vs Seth Rollins

  • Triple H Vs Sting

  • Bella Twins Vs AJ Lee and Paige

  • Rusev Vs John Cena

  • The Undertaker Vs Bray Wyatt

  • Brock Lesnar Vs Roman Reigns

  • No Match Stood Out

Results are only viewable after voting.

Stone Cold Tea

Getting Noticed By Management
It's been a week since Wrestlemania now so i'm interested in who you guys feel stole the show? There was some great matches and none really disappointed.

Here's what we got:

7 man ladder match: Intercontinental Championship

This was a nice opener to the main card. We got some nice spots in this match including Ambrose been powerbombed through a ladder by Luker Harper, BNB hitting a plethora of Bullhammers and Ziggler and Bryan going toe to toe at the top of the ladder. I'm sure theres parts i'm missing out so feel free to let me know below. Also Luke Harper was on fire in this match.

Randy Orton Vs Seth Rollins

This match feature 2 of the best workers in the business today so well all knew this was a safe bet for a quality match up. They got rid of JnJ security nice and early with Orton pulling out the double ddt to the outside. The curb stomp into the RKO was absolutely insane. I don't think any of us saw that coming.

Triple H Vs Sting

A lot of people were unsure what to expect from this match. I think HHH looked ridiculous in the terminator gear. As for the Japanese business with Sting hopefully someone can enlighten me. What we got I don't believe
anyone saw coming. This match started off at a methodical pace. Then when Sting locked in the Scorpion Lock I believe he calls it that's when this match went Vince Russo 2000. In a good way though I might add When DX came out I marked the fuck out. Then when NWO came out I marked even harder. We got to see Scott Hall take a bump that even a year ago we couldn't have imagined. Seeing Shawn Michaels come out was the cherry on top of the cake. This match up served some great nostalgia up and we got to finally see NWO and DX square off. Some people may not be happy with the result but Sting wasn't made to look weak. He took a hammer straight to the head! The handshake at the end as a bit bizarre considering how events unfolded later in the night with HHH/Steph/Rock/Rousey.

The Bellas Vs Aj Lee and Paige

I can't really remember this match up but since we are all about #givedivasachance I figured it should be on here.

Rusev Vs John Cena

To start off Rusev coming out on that tank was badass! Personally I don't feel we get anything spectacular here but it wasn't a bad match. I was surprised considering the build of the feud Cena didn't win via sumission. On the plus side it wasn't the cleanest of victories as there was some shenanigans involving Lana to set up the FU for Cena.

Undertaker Vs Bray Wyatt

Bray Wyatts entrance was pretty fucking awesome with the scarecrows. I watched this again with my 10 year old sister a few days later and she asked me why he had the lantern when it was light. I had no answer. Consider we hadn't seen Undertaker for over a year people didn't know what to expect. Factor in that Bray Wyatt sprained his ankle earlier on in the day and this match could have bombed. Now it didn't live up to some of 'Takers matches in years gone by but it still delivered. The spider crawl/ sit up spot was a cool moment. There was another cool moment when Bray stole 'Takers pose. Bray also had the honour of kicking out of a tombstone.

Roman Reigns Vs Brock Lesnar

They got a pretty sweet 360 shot of Reigns with the fireworks right? If you got back and watch when Lesnar walks down the ramp i'm sure his pyro guy fucked up. All month long people expected an abomination of a match from these 2. I stated in an earlier thread the only way this match would work is if it was hard hitting. These guys were stiff as fuck. Reigns came straight out the blocks and got took clean out with a suplex and an F5. This match spawned the beautiful phrase ' Suplex City'. I enjoyed the way Lesnar toyed with Roman. He took 4 F5s in that match. 4! And about 10 sulplexes. Roman was been destroyed till he caught a lucky break on the outside. Lesnar been split open added something nice to the match. I though it was pretty fucking awesome the way Lesnar was wobbling around the ring taking those superman punches. 3 punches and 2 spears later Lesnar still would stay down. Brock hits the F5 and both men are down. Cue Seth Rollins.

Now i think a lot of people expected Seth to cash in giving the backlash against Roman and not wanting all the momentum Brock has built up to be wasted. I don't think anyone saw it coming this way though. No one as far as I can remember has ever inserted themselves mid match. A curb stop to Lesnar and he still wouldn't stay down! Then as Rollins is about to get hit with the F5 Reigns spears the beast and one curb stomp to Reigns and Rollins is the new champion! I thought he looked badass swinging the title above his head by one strap.

For me the match that stole the show has to be Reigns Vs Lesnar. I say this because nobody expected anything out of it. Even without the Rollins cash in this was still shaping up pretty nicely. Rollins coming out really put this match over the top and in my humble opinion this is one of the better 'Mania main events of all time.

So you've heard what I think and thanks for taking the time to read. Now it's over to you guys to express your opinions. There's a poll above to vote on and I look forward to reading your responses.
While Seth Rollins cashing in was my favorite part of the show but that was a show stealing MOMENT, not the entire match. For me it was Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins, they had a great match, told a great story and the ending was just INSANE and I loved every moment of it!
people expected Reigns vs Lesnar to be Goldberg vs Lesnar II -- those people and you know who you are, can eat shit. I knew it was going to be a true heavyweight hard hitting fight and I wish fans had given it a chance heading into it. I was looking forward to the match since the Rumble and it delivered big time. I only wish Reigns had won the belt.
I got to say without a doubt that Randy Orton and Seth Rollins stole the show. While I loved the IC Ladder match I felt that between the match between Orton and Rollins and Rollins cashing in the money in the back contract truly made for an awesome night.

The match between Orton and Rollins was a great match, and that RKO at the end made my jaw drop in shock.

Rollins cashing in in the final match of the night was an expert move for everyone involved. It keeps Brock looking like the Beast that he is, prevents Reigns from being champion before he is ready, and shows that Seth Rollins truly is the present and future of the wwe. Though in regards to Reigns he is getting the face pop that he was getting before he won the Royal Rumble so I really think he can be a great face and champion given time once he truly comes into his own on the mic.
So are you asking for match of the night or the sole person who stole the show? Because there's a difference...

Either way, match of the night (in my opinion) was actually not even on the main card. I personally wanted it to be, but it wasn't. I was on the edge of my seat all the way through the Four Way tag match, and I've always been a fan of Tag wrestling. If we could ever get a tag title match on the actual Mania card, that would be great. But I'll take what we can get for now... I really find myself loving the team of Cesaro and Tyson a lot more as time goes on.

As for who stole the show, it would have to be Sting. The man had a great match, and I honestly believe that it was way better than him vs. Taker could ever be given the two men's current physical shape. Seeing Sting not only compete in WWE for the first time, but having it be at WrestleMania was just icing on the cake for me. It was a moment many people never thought they'd see, almost like people claiming that we'll never see Kurt Angle in WWE again.

Seth Rollins cashing in was pretty awesome, as was Suplex City... but it still doesn't compare to STING being in WWE at Mania, with nWo vs. DX finally happening!
So are you asking for match of the night or the sole person who stole the show? Because there's a difference...

Either way, match of the night (in my opinion) was actually not even on the main card. I personally wanted it to be, but it wasn't. I was on the edge of my seat all the way through the Four Way tag match, and I've always been a fan of Tag wrestling. If we could ever get a tag title match on the actual Mania card, that would be great. But I'll take what we can get for now... I really find myself loving the team of Cesaro and Tyson a lot more as time goes on.

As for who stole the show, it would have to be Sting. The man had a great match, and I honestly believe that it was way better than him vs. Taker could ever be given the two men's current physical shape. Seeing Sting not only compete in WWE for the first time, but having it be at WrestleMania was just icing on the cake for me. It was a moment many people never thought they'd see, almost like people claiming that we'll never see Kurt Angle in WWE again.

Seth Rollins cashing in was pretty awesome, as was Suplex City... but it still doesn't compare to STING being in WWE at Mania, with nWo vs. DX finally happening!

Come on it's obvious from the poll I posted i'm asking for match that stole the show :rolleyes:

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