Seth Rollins Is The *NEW* WWE World Heavyweight Champion

Rollins deserves this. He has been on fire since the end of The Shield. The great matches and promos have taken him to this level and him as World Champ is deserved.

There seems to be something very interesting going on with the championships in the WWE and the main belt is no exception. The options for Rollins are fascinating. Brock, Reigns and Orton are all set up. Wyatt and Rusev could be involved with Cena/Bryan lurking. Nevermind guys like Ambrose and Ziggler who may get to that level.

Rollins as a top heel champion has so much potential. They can have him hold the belt for a very long time and make it interesting. I mean, it is over a year until next years Wrestlemania and he could hold the belt that long. It's not as if there is a shortage of opponents.
Great decision. Rollins is vastly superior in ring and on mic, he's ready for the spotlight.

The title scene is very jumbled right now, which is good and a heel is champion which is also very good because they don't have a limit to the babyfaces chasing him.

It's a lot of confusion about who gets the first shot too which is also a good hook going into RAW tonight
I saw this coming. Did you guys?

Rollins teased a bit on a RAW.

When he said he could cash it in Wrestlemania to Lesnar and Reigns.
I think it's been summed up very nicely by most posters here, and I'd echo my thoughts about it being an unbelievably awesome finish, and I couldn't be happier for Seth Rollins. I haven't seen it mentioned in the thread unless I missed it, but if you go back to when Rollins pinned Reigns for the win, you could faintly here him say to Roman, "thank you so much". Kayfabe and storytelling aside, how damn awesome is that? :)
Now Orton owns a victory over Rollins the same night be won the title and Roman Reigns seems to be hanging around the title scene with obviously unfinished business with Rollins. Wondering how this is going to unfold at Extreme Rules
I might be a bit dense, but how does Rollins become champion when he didn't pin the current champion? He only pinned the challenger and so hasn't actually won the title?
I might be a bit dense, but how does Rollins become champion when he didn't pin the current champion? He only pinned the challenger and so hasn't actually won the title?

He cashed in mid-match, which made it into a Triple threat... in such a case, the Champion doesn't need to be pinned to lose his title.
Now that Rollins is WWE champ he has to step out a little more away from the Authority. Fans have put up with a lot of outside interference in his matches since the Shield split up. I for one won't put up with it if he's defending the title. Rollins is a good enough wrestler that he doesn't have to hide behind them. If the title matches become 3 on 1's all the time, then his title reign will become very boring, very quickly.
Now that Brock Lesnar is suspended, I suspect we will see either a triple threat match vs Orton & Reigns at Extreme Rules, or Orton finally getting his one on one rematch as although he got screwed at mania, he was the one who got pinned but I can't see Reigns suddenly fading away from the title picture.

When Brock Lesnar comes back you know he'll be hungry for that title. Imagine Seth Rollins vs Brock Lesnar inside a Steel Cage for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship? Brock Lesnar could literally kill him or Seth Rollins could some how climb out the cage to retain the championship which would piss a lot of people off but would do nothing but wonders for Seth Rollins heel character (thats if Lesnar doesnt come out the next night and kills Rollins, takes Stephenie on a trip to Suplex city and destroys everyone in sight)
Now that Rollins is WWE champ he has to step out a little more away from the Authority. Fans have put up with a lot of outside interference in his matches since the Shield split up. I for one won't put up with it if he's defending the title. Rollins is a good enough wrestler that he doesn't have to hide behind them. If the title matches become 3 on 1's all the time, then his title reign will become very boring, very quickly.

Yeah I'm pretty worried he'll be booked as just another chickensh*t heel champion who runs from matches, has the Authority bail him out with DQs and generally dodges challengers to keep his belt. We've had too many of that kind of champ in recent years for it to be anything other than a letdown with Rollins.
Now Orton owns a victory over Rollins the same night be won the title and Roman Reigns seems to be hanging around the title scene with obviously unfinished business with Rollins. Wondering how this is going to unfold at Extreme Rules

He will defend against one or both of them(in combinations we have already seen 100 times on free tv) at ER, and win via outside interference, after cutting numerous promos about future, im so smart, architect something something.

Don't worry guys, ill be here all week, only 2.99 per question. Keep em coming.

Fans have put up with a lot of outside interference in his matches since the Shield split up. I for one won't put up with it if he's defending the title. If the title matches become 3 on 1's all the time, then his title reign will become very boring, very quickly.


Glad to see its only taking 48 hours for reality to start setting in around these parts.

I wonder how long itll take for this to totally turn around to "wait....this, like, totally sucks!!!" mode (and they will be right, like I said about 2 minutes after the cash in happened).....3 weeks? The night after ER?
Great move, WWE! I didn't see it coming. It was perfect time. I swear it seemed like Brock/Reigns would have been a disaster if Reigns was to come out of nowhere with another spear and win the match. WWE made the right call.

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