So, who missed me?

I know right? When IC unbanned me the first time and he started flaming me I didn't even remember who he was or what I did to him :p

To clarify, Prax is stating that Spawn started flaming him for no reason, not me. Just want to clear up that I never flamed Prax.

And to be fair, I was banned... twice... so it's not like I really had a choice. Plus it's nice to see some active forum discussion.

In hindsight, I wish I'd banned him and kept you here. The clemency project was so new. I was still feeling my way around it.
Yay for Prax! Although technically I'm one of the few here that's regularly talked to ya since your banning.
Justin and Will need to stop fisihing for compliments. I know what I said. Both of you were awesome too, but Prax was probably the first.

:glare: So let me get this straight.

You're kissing up to this Prax guy, and you tell Justin & I to quit fisihing (whatever the hell that is :p) for compliments.

So, in this situation.. am I the pot, and you're the kettle? Or are you the pot, and I'm the kettle? :shrug:

Yay for Prax! Although technically I'm one of the few here that's regularly talked to ya since your banning.

And yet, also technically, no one cares.
:glare: So let me get this straight.


Ok, have a go.

You're kissing up to this Prax guy,

Do you understand what "kissing up" means? I think your definition may be off.

and you tell Justin & I to quit fisihing (whatever the hell that is :p) for compliments.

That's right. Starting in with the glares and the hurt feelings because I didn't name you specifically as one of the "first" people. Certainly not to say I didn't enjoy conversing and becoming amicable with you and Justin - you're two of my fave posters of all time no doubt. Merely stating that Prax was a first, and thanking him for that.

So, in this situation.. am I the pot, and you're the kettle? Or are you the pot, and I'm the kettle? :shrug:

You know, you really should learn the correct definition of kissing up and look up the term "fishing for compliments" simply to give you some new cliches to use, since you're effectively killed the pot / kettle thing. I mean honestly, just put it in your sig and save yourself the time.

And yet, also technically, no one cares.

Ladies, please don't fight over me. There's enough Prax to go around for everyone.
You dont seem to recognize me, but I will say. You were part of the group of posters who inspired me to be involved around here. Good to see ya back.
So, Prax, I think I came in right after the whole big situation with you & whomever. (Jonny is the only name I've seen) While I'm not asking (persay) that you explain that entire issue publicly, you seem like a good enough guy (in this thread) that I'm just not sure anymore of why Jonny would've disliked you to the point of banning you.

Mind if I ask about what exactly happened, that you could explain through a PM if you aren't comfortable in explaining it in here? (or if you're okay with explaining it at all) Or even a thread that I might find, to read through on what happened? Someone mentioned the E-Fed, but my guess is its the E-Fed Board Room that I no longer have access to, since you were both Staff.
So, Prax, I think I came in right after the whole big situation with you & whomever. (Jonny is the only name I've seen) While I'm not asking (persay) that you explain that entire issue publicly, you seem like a good enough guy (in this thread) that I'm just not sure anymore of why Jonny would've disliked you to the point of banning you.

Mind if I ask about what exactly happened, that you could explain through a PM if you aren't comfortable in explaining it in here? (or if you're okay with explaining it at all) Or even a thread that I might find, to read through on what happened? Someone mentioned the E-Fed, but my guess is its the E-Fed Board Room that I no longer have access to, since you were both Staff.

I don't mind at all. Some of it is outlined in my prison thread, but the jist is basically this:

Back then I was a G-Mod on top of running the fed. Big Ace and Downward Spiral had brought WZCW back set up staff, rosters, everything. I found myself on staff pretty quickly and was pretty much running the thing after a few weeks. There were some issues (as there always are with e-feds), and some people dropped out and we had to re-organize. I think I had even threatened to leave for a couple of days, but in any case, I came back with Spiral and I agreeing that I would be fed head. Jonny, who had agreed to bring back the fed, didn't like this for some reason and nixed it publicly after I created a thread.

Naturally I didn't appreciate him undermining me like that for pretty much no reason (claiming he was in charge even though he never laid a finger on the e-fed) and so I called him out in the staff forum. It got kinda heated, personal, even, and it led to him flipping out and taking me off both e-fed staff and even took me off forum staff, I guess cause he thought I flamed him.

I got pissed, brought it into the VIP room (our version of the Cage back then), and eventually he banned me.

A few months later I learned they unbanned me as part of ''clemency'' and Shocky let me know via MSN, so i checked it out and said that I'd try posting, but before I could even get started Spawn and Jonny started flaming me and IC decided it wasn't worth it. Dunno who unbanned me again but I kinda stumbled upon the site a couple of weeks ago by accident.

Hope that clears things up. Details are kinda hazy for me too, it's been a while.

I was admin for a bit.

You missed it all.

Always about you, eh Luth?

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