So who do you guys think took out the Undertaker?

SES because Undertaker and Kane have tag team match scheduled with them at supershow at MSG.
Archer & Hawkins are another possibilitie trying to make an impact.
But something tells me Drew McIntyre
As a mark-out, albeit unrealistic and impossible scenario, imagine if it were none other than Sting. I don't know what Sting's contract situation is in TNA and I don't believe for one second it actually is him, but if the attacker were to be revealed to be Sting: lights go out and he descends from the rafters, that would be incredible. Impossible in all likelihood, but still incredible.

I don't think it will be Kane, he doesn't need a push of this magnitude at this stage of his career. It won't be Cena or HBK, that's even more unrealistic than my Sting scenario. It wouldn't be logical for it to be the SES/CM Punk, they are already established. And it won't be some random young guy like Ziggler, Shad, or Rhodes, they're not significant enough for something like this.

My guess is Drew MacIntyre. Talk of the WWE brass souring on him and his push could be creative leaking of info to the ever vulnerable IWC. I still think he's very much a part of the future in the WWE. What a great heel push this will give him, if he is able to follow through on it. The only other person currently in the WWE I could see it being would be Jack Swagger, but again, he's already established so it would be unnecessary.

It could be someone not currently in the WWE, getting ready to enter and make a big first impression. How's ths for a thought? How about the Briscoe Brothers are coming to the WWE, making a name for themselves by assaulting the Undertaker. Setting up a Briscoe Brothers versus Undertaker/Kane debut scenario?

Unfortunately, it's likely that this is simply a storyline to get Taker off TV for a while to recuperate from his injuries, and that in all likelihood, WWE has not even thought it through and it could be just about anyone.

Maybe they'll just create a big storyline, create a whole bunch of interest and speculation about it, and just never reveal it at all and let the storyline just fade away.

Oh sorry, wrong organization.
And then Sting can be inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame! :p

The Briscoes would be interesting, and a great way to debut another new team. However that could also work with Hawkins and Archer. They haven't done much to make an impact so far, at least not that I can tell, so they're in danger of being "fired".

I think Punk would work better than you think. He isn't all that established. True, he's a two-time champion, but he can never seem to stay at the top of the card. He's had problems with Taker, he and Taker were both in the PPV match, and KB had an interesting idea of Punk bringing Taker out of his vegitative state and putting him in the SES.

However, if they're trying to make a brand new star, Drew seems to be the most logical choice.

This storyline could be quite interesting depending on the route they want to go. Kudos to WWE for giving us some intrigue while writing Taker off for injury.
Are there any new big guys coming into WWE in the near future?, WWE does like to to debut their new giants/monster heels against Taker this could be another one of those scenarios, or maybe Punk convinced Kane to join the SES and had him take out Taker, then told Kane to act like he's going on some sort of judge/jury/executioner mission to find whoever did it, though I highly doubt it
All the new guys are in NXT. There are no monster heels coming in except for Eli Cottonwood, I believe. Maybe it's one of the NXT season one rookies? Skip Sheffield anyone?
Yeah I was thinking myself it was Cena but I am started to think its someone on the raw brand don't know who though.

Yeah, someone on the Raw brand makes sense, as they'd be less suspicious from fans, and Kane. I think Triple H was mentioned earlier?

I bet Becca did it! She's probably getting revenge for Taker ending Shawn's career.
Its Rey Mysterio. He took his place. His song says "Cabron". That means "asshole". Rey Mysterio is an asshole!

Like Mr. Anderson.

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