So who do you guys think took out the Undertaker?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Who needs this push of being the wrestler that took out the Undertaker and put him in a "vegetative state"?

Kane pledged to bring vengeance to those responsible for attacking The Undertaker:
An intensely disheveled Kane came before the WWE Universe to lament the fall of his brother The Undertaker. Claiming that The Phenom may very well be gone forever, The Big Red Monster vowed to execute “swift, decisive vengeance” on any and all parties responsible for the “heinous assault” on the ominous Superstar. He then unleashed on a quest of absolute terror, storming through the halls of SmackDown to find The Deadman’s unknown assailant.

Kane, the Undertaker’s brother was featured throughout the show as he tried to find out what happened to the Undertaker and who was responsible for his fate. Kane instilled dread in the hearts of all WWEfans ominously saying that his brother would never rise again. Although everyone familiar with Undertaker lore has learned to expect to see him return to the ring, everyone knows in the back of their mind that Undertaker cannot last forever. In the midst of his sorrow, Kane resolved to bring vengeance upon Undertaker’s assailants and mourned that he was not by his brother’s side at the time when he was most needed.

*Here are the Smackdown superstars that do not currently have a storyline or are involved in a feud:
Caylen Croft, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Masters, Christian, CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Curt Hawkins, JTG, Luke Gallows, Montel Vontavious Porter, Shad Gaspard, Rey Mysterio, Trent Barreta, Tyler Reks, Vance Archer

I think that Cody Rhodes should be the attacker. He needs the push of feuding with Kane and then with a returning Undertaker. Randy Orton did a good job with that feud and I think that Cody could mimic his success. Kane could put him over after a serious of matches culminating at a PPV match when the Undertaker runs a vignette. Have the Undertaker do this for a couple more weeks and then Cody will prove his worth against the Phenom. Cody has been with the company for a long time now so it's time to see if this kid can be a star in singles competition. The only way to do that is to make him sink or swim in a feud with the Phenom. Feuds with the Undertaker made stars out of Orton and Mr. Kennedy, to name a few. Cody Rhodes needs to enter that list wrestlers if he is to make an impact on Friday nights and in the WWE.

Question: Who do you think should be the Undertaker's attacker? Please state who and give your reasons why.

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Hmm i don't know who it could be, but this storyline is sounding like it will turn out real good and actually give us the thought that Kane can be intimidating again, but i almost had a thought of Paul Bearer coming back. My guess maybe Cody or Shad, Shad said it's his time, Cody could establish himself further with this storyline.
It's Muhammed Hassan! He's back for revenge!!!

Just kidding...I don't know who it is,but this is gonna be one hell of a storyline.I'm gonna go ahead and guess that the S.E.S did something to him,with CM Punk not wanting anything to do with Taker in the fatal 4 way
I'd mark out if it were Hassan. But back on track, I could see Kane, but it's been done already. Cody Rhodes would be interesting but I really have no idea how he could have done it.

That being said, I predict it's the SES. Punk has history with taker and never got revenge on him for taking the World Title from Punk. The whole Vegetative State sort leads me to Punk as well with drugs sometime leading to that situation. My conclusions draw to Punk but I'm prepared to be surprised.
I'm guessing that it has to be one of the superstars that weren't involved in the SmackDown battle royale. I saw guys like Finlay, who hasn't been around in a few weeks, get air time, yet Cody Rhodes and Shad weren't even featured. They could be the ones who did it.

It may even be someone in the Fatal Four Way match, so they could make their chances at the event easier.
I'm not sure but I hope they don't end up with Kane being the one to do it.
I hope this storyline will make a future star, so I'm thinking either the SES, McIntyre, Rhodes, Ziggler, or Barrett.
Could be Sheamus, the guy did take out Triple H, and yes I know he's on Raw, but with SD!'s ME scene having guys like Taker out, and Mysterio wanting time to heal up, I could see them moving Sheamus over to SD! to fill the void, and then have him start some new gimmick where he just runs around trying to take out the ME guys, maybe have him take out Rey at Fatal 4 Way or something
I hope this storyline will make a future star, so I'm thinking either the SES, McIntyre, Rhodes, Ziggler, or Barrett.

Shame Barrett is rumored to be signed to RAW (real shame, WWE better use him properly on there) so can't be him, but the SES could be a great choice, Rhodes I don't see doing it, and Ziggler is busy with Christian, McIntyre with Kofi and Hardy.
I hope it's Christian. The guy proved in TNA that he could handle being in a top storyline and he needs a push. So when he's done with Ziggler they find out that it was him and have a long drawn out feud about it.
I hope it's Christian. The guy proved in TNA that he could handle being in a top storyline and he needs a push. So when he's done with Ziggler they find out that it was him and have a long drawn out feud about it.

Culminating in another mid-card championship for Christian. Yay!
This post saddens me because Hassan was one of the best heels of the last few years, and this will never happen :(.

What should have happened was they should have just left the fourth spot as "Mystery Opponent", and at Fatal 4 Way, say "And the fourth opponent is..."

I'm guessing that it has to be one of the superstars that weren't involved in the SmackDown battle royale. I saw guys like Finlay, who hasn't been around in a few weeks, get air time, yet Cody Rhodes and Shad weren't even featured. They could be the ones who did it.

It may even be someone in the Fatal Four Way match, so they could make their chances at the event easier.

Didn't Shad get traded to Raw?

I bet it's Hornswoggle, did you see how he ran when Kane confronted Big Show?

In all seriousness though, HBK would be perfect, like I said last night in the LD, and John Cena...ohhh this has soo many awesome storyline possibilities being John Cena, I'd love that, Cena going to Smackdown and being a heel, this can lead to a WM match between Cena and Taker.

It might be a little too early for HBK, but it depends on how well they drag out the storyline, if it is Shawn, that could be the feud of the year...any decent main eventer such as Cena or Shawn could be the feud of the year.

Unfortunately theres a high chance WWE will fuck up this perfect storyline up, by putting somebody young in there, sorry Doc, but I think this storyline has too much potential to risk pushing talent, but if this feud is going to be another dinky mid card feud, then go for it, but I'm telling you all right now, this feud can go extremely far..if booked correctly.
Wow that was a suprisingly good promo

Oh yeah definitely, I absolutely loved Kane last night, WWE could capitalize on this, at least building a great storyline around it, but not a push for Kane (cause I can just feel it, 1 or 2 threads by the end of next week on pushing Kane because of this)
I think Kane needs a push, but I don't think it should be done in this storyline, I don't even think Kane needs to be a part of this storyline fully. Maybe take it half way, then have Undertaker take over with who ever "attacked" him.

I do wish Kane gets at least one decent world title reign...before the end of his career.
No i was thinking that the attacker should face off with Kane for a few weeks, culminating in a PPV match which the attacker wins. Then the lights go down and the Undertaker runs a promo. Have Undertaker haunt the attacker for a couple weeks until the feud begins. Two feuds with Kane and the Undertaker will surely launch the attacker, whoever he is, into the main event scene or at least the upper mid card.

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