So uhhhhh....

Mighty NorCal


Impromptu Shield triple threat would be my solution. Maybe have Ambrose run out with the world title and be all "I stole another one!"

I'm only half joking.
Impromptu Shield triple threat would be my solution. Maybe have Ambrose run out with the world title and be all "I stole another one!"

I'm only half joking.

Make it a Fatal Four Way and call me in the morning.


Act like that wouldn't be an utterly balls-out match.
You're asking me to tell you Daniel Bryan could have a bad match and I just won't do it. He did, however, get speared out of his furry little boots (which upset me but I'm learning to live again).
No, fuck that.

Single elimination tournament, Two matches per week on RAW. Final four at WM. Semi finals open the show, finals close the show.
They didn't keep King of the Ring around, they're not going to do a tournament at WrestleMania of all places.

You want your WrestleMania main event plotted out as far ahead as possible, which is why your challenger getting booed out of the building and then having your champion throw a hissy fit isn't exactly ideal.

Have Roman come out and call Brock a pussy. Have Ambrose come out with two belts. Have Rollins be like, fuck you guys, you're not having WrestleMania all to yourselves, I'm cashing in - again. Why, it's just crazy enough to work.
Back about three months ago, someone asked me what I'd like to see at Wrestlemania. With the caveats of there are no way this is happening and no reason it should happen, I said make it a four way elimination with Shield taking Lesnar out in five minutes before Rollins takes the title. Somehow, that's not the worst idea in the world if this becomes an issue.
Orton vs Rollins vs Bryan vs Reigns, problem solved, WWE bankrupted, WM bombs.
I wonder what would happen if Lesnar were to walk out before 'Mania, though. He is this year's Wrestlemania one & only attraction. (Sorry Sting, but you're 14 years late & nobody had you vs Triple H in their dream match list)
The benefit here is that Lesnar seems easily bought, in addition to Punk who was insane and didn't understand why he was fighting a losing battle.
I have no worries at all that Lesnar will play ball. Say what you want about some of the stuff he's done in the past but he always did the job when asked.
If this report is true I think it could mean Lesnar is not earning his keep and Vince is doing what he can to financially save face thus pissing off Lesnar.

Otherwise I just assume Lesnar's appearance was just deferred to another night, like maybe the Raw after Mania so he can cut a goodbye promo telling the world how amazing Roman Reigns is <insert fart noise>.
He definately did the job at Wrestlemania 20, by just winning a stare contest.

His job was to lose at Wrestlemania 20 and he did. Sure it was an abortion but Goldberg had just as much to do with it and considering it was Goldbergs last night I highly doubt the office gave 2 shits about how well Goldberg came out of that match.

That's not the case with Reigns and if WWE wants Lesnar to make Reigns look strong then it's only fair to give him the benefit of the doubt, especially since he's never given a reason to think otherwise.
If Reigns hits 16 German Suplexes on Lesnar, we know who isnt coming back the next night.

If it is over money, then WWE should pay the man whatever it takes to make him happy through WM. After that, they can part ways if they must. If Lesnar no-shows or phones it in, it will make such a huge ruckusfuck out of this whole thing when its all said and done. They payoff here is Reigns destroying the beast, not someone else or Brock circa WM 20.

I bet Lesnar will show up & hopefully it will be the battle people are hoping for. Whether he stays after is a different story.
Clearly he's upset that DB didn't win. Lesnar is a man that loves and cares about this business. He doesn't want to put over some green loser. It'll make his UFC arrival look bad :rolleyes:

Wait, he also doesn't give a shit about the money.
The conspiracy theories going around about this are getting hysterical. The one on Wreddit that Brock is pissed because Roman Regins failed a drug test and Vince still wants Roman in the main event and Brock will only wrestle Bryan or Cena because they're "clean" now is my favorite. It's so ridiculously stupid.

My guess is that Brock had some sort of personal emergency and left in a hurry to take care of it. This is why nobody is talking about it.
I'd bet this. They called him in and then decided not to use him. I wouldn't be surprised if they mentioned not paying him or not counting it toward one of the uses in his contract since he wasn't on the show and that's why he got pissed.

Or they got him Subway subs instead of Jimmy Johns.

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