
Hard to believe it's almost been 6 years, but it's almost been six years since the tragedy. That's quite a while. And more than ever we live in a society where only what you've done the past week is all that matters, so the Benoit tragedy just becomes more and more irrelevant with each passing day, no matter how sad that seems.
It was in the autopsy: steroids, painkillers and drugs. What more do you need?

You have to be one hell of an idiot to "swallow" that kind of mix when you're around your family

"drugs" does not equal cocaine. You are actively spreading misinformation and I want you to stop.

People with the brain of an 85 year old alzheimers patient usually seem like "one hell of an idiot" alright.
Benoit was found to have Xanax, hydrocodone, and an elevated level of testosterone, caused by a synthetic form of the hormone, in his system. The chief medical examiner attributed the testosterone level to Benoit possibly being treated for a deficiency caused by previous steroid abuse or testicular insufficiency. There was no indication that anything in Benoit's body contributed to his violent behavior that led to the murder–suicide, concluding that there was no "roid-rage" involved.

Tests were conducted on Benoit's brain by Julian Bailes, the head of neurosurgery at West Virginia University, and results showed that "Benoit's brain was so severely damaged it resembled the brain of an 85-year-old Alzheimer's patient." Tests conducted on Benoit's brain tissue revealed he did in fact suffer from severe chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), and had brain damage in all four lobes of the brain and brain stem.

And not a mention of cocaine. Read up, don't make up.
Have you ever been around the guys in the gym? They all say if you have to take this shit don't mix it with drugs.....everybody knows that it leads to roidrage. Yea maybe you can't prove it scientifically in this case but we all realize what kind shit Benoit was doing.

Get out of here with that Alzheimer theory.
Have you ever been around the guys in the gym? They all say if you have to take this shit don't mix it with drugs.....everybody knows that it leads to roidrage. Yea maybe you can't prove it scientifically in this case but we all realize what kind shit Benoit was doing.

Get out of here with that Alzheimer theory.

Its not a theory. Its autopsy results, from a liscensed medical professional.

You sound like a ignorant fucking moron, I would advise you to cease speaking on this particular subject.
Have you ever been around the guys in the gym? They all say if you have to take this shit don't mix it with drugs.....everybody knows that it leads to roidrage. Yea maybe you can't prove it scientifically in this case but we all realize what kind shit Benoit was doing.

Get out of here with that Alzheimer theory.

You want to argue "guys at the gym" over "Julian Bailes, the head of neurosurgery at West Virginia University". I will admit though, your approach of "not proving things scientifically" will benefit you immensly.

I don't play cards with the blind. Have a nice day.
Its not a theory. Its autopsy results, from a liscensed medical professional.

You sound like a ignorant fucking moron, I would advise you to cease speaking on this particular subject.

You want to argue "guys at the gym" over "Julian Bailes, the head of neurosurgery at West Virginia University". I will admit though, your approach of "not proving things scientifically" will benefit you immensly.

I don't play cards with the blind. Have a nice day.

The steroid factory just called they said they're looking for a new spokesperson now that Benoit is dead.
How to defend a double murder and a child murderer....canadian style.

You think i'm Canadian?

The truth is not a defence. It's simply the truth. It takes no sides and changes no facts.

You are the one defending him, saying it was cocaine and steroids in his system that made him do it. You are warping a case to suit your agenda and spreading ignorance and misinformation. The truth is out there, you choose to ignore it. Have a nice day, read a book.
Good God, is it 2008? Are we still having the Benoit discussion?

Literally everything that could be said has been said. Every possible opinion has crystallized. This argument has been completely unnecessary for half a decade.
Verne gagne, at 82, killed a man in his nursing home. Google it. Keep in mind that the doctors who examined Benoit's brain believe his brain had deteriorated to the point of an 80 something year olds.

I'm not trying to criticize your stance, but read up on Gagne and I'm curious about your opinion.
It's disgusting. The only thing that makes Benoit worse is the fact that his brain issues were self inflicted.

My stance with Benoit is that I can't watch his matches. Every head shot makes me cringe and wonder if that was the straw that broke the camels back.

I don't watch Gagne matches so that aspect won't change.

Good God, is it 2008? Are we still having the Benoit discussion?

Literally everything that could be said has been said. Every possible opinion has crystallized. This argument has been completely unnecessary for half a decade.
yeah, it's a shame. People try and defend him, or attack him. no need. Just forget about him.
No, it's offensive to ignore circumstances just because the desire to blame and hate it too great. What happened is extremely tragic, it doesn't matter if Benoit is "responsible" or not and however you define that.
We should do all we can to prevent tragedies. That's why we have to look at the circumstances. Blame, however, doesn't help at all, especially in this case.
More importantly, they better have some old Horsemen War Games from the 80's on this DVD or I'm just going to find the nearest WWE section at my local Wal-Mart and piss on the display. Sure I may get banned from Wal-Mart and have to explain to friends and family that I urinated in public because the WWE left some matches off of a DVD I never bought, but IT'S REAL TO ME DAMMIT!
The ECW Ultimate Jeopardy match being on the DVD suprises me more than Benoit being on the DVD. I thought it would just be NWA/WCW WarGames matches only, which it should be. I love ECW but that match truly wasn't WarGames.
Good God, is it 2008? Are we still having the Benoit discussion?

Literally everything that could be said has been said. Every possible opinion has crystallized. This argument has been completely unnecessary for half a decade.

Well this was more about how often do you think WWE will be using him / do you think the backlash of doing so is starting to lessen
Well this was more about how often do you think WWE will be using him / do you think the backlash of doing so is starting to lessen

No, that's fine. I was referring more to the subsequent argument that ensued, which we've all seen a million times.

As to the main point here, it isn't too surprising to see them start to work him in. Time heals all wounds, and the time is coming when the WWE will use his matches here and there to round out a set.
Its not a theory. Its autopsy results, from a liscensed medical professional.

You sound like a ignorant fucking moron, I would advise you to cease speaking on this particular subject.
Just go back to the VIP Secret Volcano Lair. We don't deserve you.
I hope this DVD sells a shitload and WWE decide to bring back the WarGames as a gimmick match!

Also, New Jack being on a WWE DVD is just bizarre

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