So, seriously, does the WWE miss Christian?

Brilliance In Supremacy

Getting Noticed By Management
Though there are many opinions as to how far he actually could've taken his popularity in the WWE, few would argue that his successes in TNA are a fraud and it's apparent that he will be one of the company's top heels for the next several years. Though Christian was extremely over as a heel in the WWE, it's inarguable that he was practically a midcarder. Some would say that him jumping to TNA and almost immediately getting the Heavyweight Title displays TNA's desperation. Is it that, or are they just using him correctly?

What do you think...was the leaving of Christian the WWE's loss? Was he used incorrectly?
well with a little help and willing to work with a superstar anyone can be good, if TNA got paul london or billy kidman whos to say with out help and deadcacation one of those could be top guys in TNA. christian had alot more talent then wwe saw, and chris jericho is to WWE or was, to what christian is to TNA
christian should of been main event i mean smackdown has junk as main eventers, its sad more young guys need to be smackdown main event not old timers like booker t, finaly, regal, and overweight batista lol
Christian was a great talent, no doubt about it....and I believe that he would have been Champion by now if he would have waited things out but I really don't think the WWE misses him. As a matter of fact, there are very few people that I believe that the WWE actually misses. They're a big enough company that they're able to do without a guy like him.
I know I might get flamed, but I really don't see what people see in Christian. Yes he may be a good wrestler, but I never saw him as a long term main eventer. I also disagree with many who say he's better then Edge. Edge can play a terrific heel and a terrific face as well. Christian was good as heel, but came off kinda corny as a face.
I disagree that Booker should not be used a main eventer on Smackdown! For a long time, Booker was one of the most popular stars in WCW. It's not his fault that his gimmick sucks. The fact is that he can put on quality matches and it's about damn time - in my opinion - that he got his title. The gimmick needs to change and the belt should be his for a while
There is such a lack of main eventers on Smackdown that if Christian had stayed I do believe he would have been given a title run. If you remember Batista was the weak link of Evolution it was only around December that he started to get a huge push and he was main eventing W.M.21. My point is that Christian was more over than Batista when they were in a similar position on the card so it's not hard to believe that he could have made it to the top.
i agree, christian is great, he should of got a push to main event on smackdown, hes better then john cena in my book!!!!!!!

edge is awsome as a heel!!!
main eventers on smackdown, finaly, batista, lashley, undertaker(sometimes) kennedy, regal(sometimes) lashley(often) and thats it, wow!!! smackdown sucks!!!!
I_Heart_Princess_P said:
I know I might get flamed, but I really don't see what people see in Christian. Yes he may be a good wrestler, but I never saw him as a long term main eventer. I also disagree with many who say he's better then Edge. Edge can play a terrific heel and a terrific face as well. Christian was good as heel, but came off kinda corny as a face.

i agree 100 percent
Christian is proving that WWE doesn't need him at all. He can't even hold his own against Scott Steiner for god's sake. BTW, did anyone notice his little rip off of Edge on Impact, the crouch and bounce in the corner followed by a spear? What a yam-bag
True I can see Christian holding on his own on TNA and he is doing a great job so far in my opinion ^_^ but for me I think most of his colleagues and friends in WWE and ECW miss him being in the wwe.
I don’t really feel WWE misses Christian, just as they don’t miss most people who leave. Guys like Christian do bring a lot to the table, but WWE has always been able to move on when one of their superstars leave. I think some of the guys in the locker room may still miss Christian, but from a business standpoint WWE is doing just fine without him. Christian looks to be at home at TNA, and he is getting the opportunity that still would’ve eluded him in the WWE, so it’s all good.
dats true in my view that Christian is doing great in TNA and he is incredibly holding his own out there on TNA!!!!!! ^_^
I have never been a fan of Christian and still not. But I dont think by TNA giving him the title so soon was desparate at all. He joined TNA for a reason and why keep him down?? I think he is a great addition to TNA and he did not make or break them. Sure WWE is regreting a little from this respect....
Hardy boyz vs Edge and Christian angle they could use since they are on a high of retro wwe.

I think he is great for TNA, and while TNA continues to grow. He has proven that he can carry himself and does not need belt like Cena, Edge to keep them fresh!

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