So I Haven't Been On In A Few...

Super Crazy

So I haven't really been on the past couple of days, but here's what's new with myself, not that many of you will probably care, but anyway.

On Thursday night I hung out with my sister for the first time since Christmas. I also met her boyfriend, and he is suprisingly quiet and shy. And he was a horrible mumble talker. I could only understand him by the end of the night when he really talked. Also, we saw From Paris With Love, the new John Travolta movie, which suprisingly was rather enjoyable.

Last night I met up with some people and went out to dinner, which I think we are going to make a monthly thing. After that, we over to the pool hall/bar called Dooley's and played pool for the better half of the night. However, the best part was going into the store next to Dooley's and watching my Super Mario Bros obsessed friend by all these plushies. I believe he picked up Boo, a Koopa, and Yoshi. Seriously, you should see the shit this guy has for Mario memorabilia.

But anyway, also on Thursday night, I picked up two books. I bought Batman and Philosophy and also X Men and Philosophy, both of which choices were influenced by Razor and his thread on the Batman and Philosophy book in the Cigar Lounge. I am currently reading X Men and Philosophy and it is making for an interesting read.

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