So Cena doesn't care that he lost


Championship Contender
John Cena lost his WWE title match against Randy Orton due to interference from the Wyatts. After the match, the Wyatts laid him out.

The next night on RAW, there is hardly any mention of it, other than the opening video that shows how the match ended.

Cena never makes mention of it on RAW, he runs out to save Daniel Bryan from the Shield and is put in the 6 man tag match.

So I guess the only thing we're left to assume here is that John Cena really doesn't care that he lost a title match, and doesn't care that Bray Wyatt was the reason.

It makes no sense whatsoever. It's basic storytelling. The night after a PPV, how does the "controversial" ending to the championship match never get addressed? They just immediately fast forward into Elimination Chamber mode.
You kind of got a point but it seems weird for someone to complain about Cena not getting enough screen time. They're just starting to scratch the surface of their feud. There is plenty of time for it to develop.

From the looks of things, they had a rather crazy 24 period leading up to Raw. I think they did alright considering.
I didn't say anything about his AMOUNT of screen time.

It's the fact that not one second of his screen time was spent referencing what happened to him the previous night. I would think that him losing his championship match due to the interference of someone he had no prior involvement with would kind of be on his mind.
I didn't say anything about his AMOUNT of screen time.

It's the fact that not one second of his screen time was spent referencing what happened to him the previous night. I would think that him losing his championship match due to the interference of someone he had no prior involvement with would kind of be on his mind.

Well his character isn't one to complain and a match was announced giving him a chance at a title shot before he could even touch a microphone. He didn't get any promo time last night. Not something that happens too often. He'll be fine.
You could tell that their were a lot of re-writes by watching Raw because a lot of things made little to no sense at all; Ziggler suddenly billed from Cleveland, Ohio, when he's been billed from Hollywood, Florida for who knows how long (obviously done just to have a match, but stupid nonetheless) for instance.

WWE probably thought most people didn't care about the match, so why focus on it further? Or this was just their way of passing over the possibility of the whole Cena/Orton feud continuing, I'd say it's the latter honestly, because I don't think WWE would ever admit to the former.

They definitely had a plan with Bray and Cena, but that looks right now to be shot with the Wyatt's/Shield now going against one another, so they had a plan coming in, but obviously the reaction last night turned the storylines on their heads and now their going to be in that awkward period of trying to re-write everything to make it fit. I'd imagine that this past Raw and the next one will probably be like that until they get a grasp on what they want to do with the re-booking.
I was enjoying a few Steve-weisers during RAW but I’m pretty sure Cena never took the microphone. How can you be sure about Cena’s future plans concering the Wyatt Family? Let’s play in the kayfab world for a moment. Cena stands for Hustle, Loyalty and Respect. He has shown all three traits towards Daniel Bryan. He has also witnessed on this night the Shield and on previous nights the Wyatt Family attack Bryan, maybe a major conspiracy. It stands to reason he would physically interject himself into the situation. Cena is also a man of action with little excuses for why he may have lost a match. His character is typically quick to move on in the quest to conquer whatever goal is in front of him. One night without a Cena response is not a blow off of the events. Give it time and the program will come full circle.
They definitely had a plan with Bray and Cena said:
They did have a plan with Bray and Cena, which he followed. It's not his fault Punk walked out on their plans, however horrific they may have been. Maybe they will make a Shield Wyatts fued fit, but it wouldnt be because of Cena. Lets not blame everything on Cena here.
They did have a plan with Bray and Cena, which he followed. It's not his fault Punk walked out on their plans, however horrific they may have been. Maybe they will make a Shield Wyatts fued fit, but it wouldnt be because of Cena. Lets not blame everything on Cena here.

No, I don't blame Cena or Punk, I'm blaming it on creative for re-writing the show to the point that the direction they are taking, they probably are still wondering about.
I'm thinking we will see limited intinteractions with the Wyatts and The Shield. Me thinks this is just the program they use to get Reigns out of The Shield. Dean and Seth will turn on him at the PPV. Bray isn't interested in them, they weren't his target. He'll still be focused on Cena.
I'm thinking we will see limited intinteractions with the Wyatts and The Shield. Me thinks this is just the program they use to get Reigns out of The Shield. Dean and Seth will turn on him at the PPV. Bray isn't interested in them, they weren't his target. He'll still be focused on Cena.

I think you're on point here. But they're going to save this fued until after mania
I'm thinking we will see limited intinteractions with the Wyatts and The Shield. Me thinks this is just the program they use to get Reigns out of The Shield. Dean and Seth will turn on him at the PPV. Bray isn't interested in them, they weren't his target. He'll still be focused on Cena.

Which kind of saddens me, because I mean, I get targeting Cena, he's a big part of the "machine" even if he's not apart of the Authority, he's a big part of the machine that WWE is, so it makes sense to me. My hopes though are kind of for Wyatt's to go along the longs of the anti-heroes of the WWE, attack who they place how they please, because they represent the machine that is the company (i.e. Cena and The Authority/Shield).

But despite what I see or want to see happen, I could see this being the case, work a minor program, have Rollins and Ambrose kick Reigns out, turn Reigns as a face and keep Rollins and Ambrose as heels (for now anyway, at least until Rollins turns... and I hope Rollins is the one to turn, Dean needs to stay the heel.) And then leave the Wyatt's to continue their work with Cena.
If CM Punk did indeed walk out 30mins before show time, creative doesnt want to back themselves into any corners right now and just let things simmer and regroup. With WM and the Network launch coming Im sure one episode of RAW could be wasted without any rash decisions.
i think that we will have the wyatts vs the shield at ec, resulting in the wyatts winning and the shield reaching the breaking point.

then cena and wyatt will resume their feud (which in my view, its going to be great for wyatt AND for cena... at last he will have a fresh rivary with a type of character that we didnt seen before)
I don't know if I buy the re-write bs. That was a solid show. There was a lot of long dialog from DB in that first segment. I may be wrong but I can't see him nailing down that much in a short period of time. DB and Steph's back and forth seemed well planned and executed. Maybe Punk's stuff got cut but the rest was terrific.

Cena has time to speak his mind and get his revenge. The overall arc of the show was about the main event and Lesnar looking for a fight. Cena had to focus on The Shield to get another shot. He wants the title and EC gives him that chance. Revenge and complaining is secondary. Plus with the Wyatts not appearing until the end, Cena never had a chance to get his hands on them.

Can we just pretend Cena complained to HHH during a commercial break?
here after wwe mainly focus on DB. If they put cena in the opening segment talking about his loss then you guys heavily booed until he finished. So wwe didnt put segment.

If they put that segment in raw then you guys told DB is way over in fans then why wwe put cena instead of DB.

I think IWC never worried about cena. They hate cena.
here after wwe mainly focus on DB. If they put cena in the opening segment talking about his loss then you guys heavily booed until he finished. So wwe didnt put segment.

If they put that segment in raw then you guys told DB is way over in fans then why wwe put cena instead of DB.

I think IWC never worried about cena. They hate cena.

i will speak for myself. I dont know who is part of the IWC and who is not. In an era where internet is everywhere and everyone is connected...the term IWC is old. Probably now is just the time to drop the IWC gimmick, and refer to the "hardcore" fans... as smarks.

Regarding Cena, im a wrestling fan since i was 5, now im i have seen a lot of shit in all these years, i was a Cena hater for a long time....but now..i like cena, im not his biggest fan, but i like what he brings to the table, and much more the last 3 years.

Lately i find myself rooting for Cena very often (something that i wouldnt image 5 years ago).

Cena is good for WWE, and for the fans, even for those who hate him.
i will speak for myself. I dont know who is part of the IWC and who is not. In an era where internet is everywhere and everyone is connected...the term IWC is old. Probably now is just the time to drop the IWC gimmick, and refer to the "hardcore" fans... as smarks.

Regarding Cena, im a wrestling fan since i was 5, now im i have seen a lot of shit in all these years, i was a Cena hater for a long time....but now..i like cena, im not his biggest fan, but i like what he brings to the table, and much more the last 3 years.

Lately i find myself rooting for Cena very often (something that i wouldnt image 5 years ago).

Cena is good for WWE, and for the fans, even for those who hate him.

Everyone on the internet talking about wrestling is apart of the IWC, anyway who claims their not on the internet is pretty much contradicting themselves, but their are of course different levels. Problem is when people use it they refer to the "entire" base of internet fans, thinking that we all think the same, all agree on something, all want something, when with everything else their are different levels.

And Cena, is definitely good for the WWE in terms of reaction and money, with the way he is now, losing a few matches and putting over stars wouldn't hurt his credibility at all, giving Bryan that win over him was perfect, because you knew that was a big moment, Bryan going over clean. The problem is though, history has pointed to Cena more often than not coming out on top too often which ends up hurting the talent he works with. So it's a double-edged sword. Money-wise, Cena is best for business. Talent-wise, Cena could be best for business if he honestly put more people over. Even Hogan put someone over (Warrior) and it worked wonders for Warrior, at the time.
There's a general stagnancy about Cena that goes way beyond all the turmoil that's going on behind the scenes. No matter what happened with Punk, or the reaction at the Royal Rumble with Bryan, I don't see that impacting how they write Cena's storylines. It seemed to be that the Cena/Wyatt story was pretty much set. The problem is that Cena doesn't really need the World Title anymore. He's also not "overcoming adversity". It stretches belief to think this guy is the underdog in any way, shape or form. The whole run to the ring to bail out Bryan seemed kind of lame to me too: We're at the point that Bryan is giving Cena the rub rather than the reverse.

When it comes down to it, there's not many more mountains for Cena to climb, and the WWE may finally be getting the hint that the umpteenth Cena Vs. Orton match is not gonna pan out.
Thats for sure, the best of Cena is OUT of the title picture. As you said, Cena doesnt need the strap anymore. Cena is already cemented as the biggest star of the last decade. And i think that his program with punk in 2011... his match with DB, hell...even losing to randy in the unification match and now going with wyatt, are signs that he has begun the "lets put over some other stars" phase.

This will probably be the first WM in years (since hbk taker II) that Cena WONT BE in the main event.

Looks like we are going to get a new Cena in terms of storylines...and feuds, and i bet that we are going to see him losing more matches than victories.
you do realise Cena is a character like the rest and just does what creative tell him to do and say? Obviously Punk leaving and Raw being re-written made a huge difference to the show. They needed to have the main guys have something to do at EC without their fueds burning out. Common booking sense will see the Wyatts and Shield have their little matcjh, sewing seeds of a Shield break up. Later in the night surely Wyatt will again cost Cena his part of the EC match, there 6 week build after the Network debuts will be plenty of time to sell their feud leading to Mania. If Wyatt and Cena continue now, nobody will care in 10 weeks time rto see this match, WWE are going to use the next month to build Wyatt up as a huge heel to take on Cena at Wrestlemania
This is all part of the greater scheme of things. Apparently it is all leading to Cena v Wyatt at Wrestlemania (another person for Cena to bury, hooray). I can imagine Cena getting screwed out of the title by Wyatt at The Elimination Chamber as well, which maybe THEN, you will see Cena come out and mention it, which will THEN set up their match at Mania
you do realise Cena is a character like the rest and just does what creative tell him to do and say?

Oh, thank you for clarifying. :banghead:

Yes, I am aware. I was speaking in terms of the John Cena character, and that his character apparently had no problem with what occurred the previous night in his title match.

I was questioning Creative, not John Cena the "person".

I can buy the whole "re-write" thing because of Punk walking out, but I still think its weird that the re-write did not include Cena making ONE reference to the Wyatts.

This is not a huge deal. Just an observation. And I recognize the fact that the ending to the RR match is leading to a feud and is not just getting ignored permanently.
That glorious thing called patience. He'll get there but I suppose he had other things in mind with his friend being attacked by The Shield and a chance to be in the title match at Elimination Chamber.

I'm sure they will continue to tease the feud up until the Elimination Chamber where Wyatt costs him again leading to their match at Mania. There is some serious potential in this feud and, while it wouldn't be my first choice for Cena, I'm excited.
Cena will cost the Wyatts against the Shield and that's where it starts...

Cena the man didn't care about the loss - it's in his interest to have new monster heels and Bray is perhaps the best one to help nurture as he's the first to be truly creepy and unique in years... They won't feed him to Cena in the way others have...

I can even see Wyatt winning at Mania (especially if the Kane brainwashing pays off) cos it's in John's interest to have a new "nemesis".

RAW on Monday was strange because they not only had to contend with the Rumble backlash, but also the pipebomb of Phil going home... The attitude may well have been "We can pick this up again next week cos we have to change this, this and this." but at least we know Cena but more importantly Bryan is in the Chamber match this way...
I can't help but think everyone missed the point of this

You are a wrestler. You're in a world title match. The lights go out when you are about to win. You get laid out. You lost your rematch. Go home, go to bed.

You wake up with a headache and sore from the attack, a constant reminder. Bella on one side, empty night stand no title belt on the other.Tonight you have a show.. you should be beyond pissed and looking for some payback or at the very least some kind of explanation. If it wasn't anything more than a backstage confrontation with one of Wyatts goons saying tell your boss when I see him we're going to have a misunderstanding or hell just a dirty look that would have been fine.
nothing at all, well he kinda just looks stupid and he's too high up in the card to be that scared of a trio when he's taken down larger groups like Nexus.

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