So Bayley Is The WWE Raw Women's Champion...

It was a great moment and a great match but at this point, this silly streak of Charlotte's has done more harm than good to the entire division. Constantly we hear about this amazing streak and yet, all the important stuff ends up happening on Raw. It's great for Bayley, Wrestlemania would've been better but this is fine. But it's gonna be problematic if the title is switched back.

I think to be quite honest it's done more harm than good to Charlotte herself. We always here about the women clawing their way to the top and once reaching it there is really nothing left for them. Charlotte was flown to the top in record time and the biggest question is this.

She is arguably one of the most talented women on the roster today, if not the most talented. Where does Charlotte go once she is not feuding for the title. They can't keep it on her forever can they, and treating it like a hot potato not only devalues it but the person holding it.

This streak should never have happened this early considering she's only been on the roster for what a year. We saw the same thing happen with Paige and look at her now. With Charlotte I'm afraid they might have fanned the flames of fire too soon and I hope she doesn't burn out.
WWE could and should have waited for Wrestlemania 33 for this inevitable but anticipated moment. Instead, we get it on Raw just like when Sasha Banks defeated Charlotte for the title at Raw for 3 times.

If Bayley loses the title back to Charlotte at Fastlane then this just makes this title change and the moment a waste of time & everything. If not then it would be much better.

Still happy for Bayley although she wasn't neither ready nor built as much as she should've been.
I'm a bigi Bayley fan. She's my favorite woman wrestler in WWE today.

However I couldn't care less about her title win because we all know Charlotte will win the title back at Fastlane.

The Sasha vs Charlotte feud destroyed the Raw women's division. The formula of "Charlotte loses on Raw, wins on the next PPV" has killed any interest I had. Most people really loved their feud, but I hated it because it devalued the title and division so much. How long has it been since we had a face women's champion on Raw for an extended period of time? If I remember correctly, it's been at least 2 years. Charlotte has been champion over a year (though she was face for a couple of months), and she won the title off Nikki, who was also champion for over a year.

Also can we not wait until WrestleMania? What happened to ending feuds at the biggest PPV of the year? This would be like Undertaker losing to Bray Wyatt on some random episode of Raw during the WM31 build. Okay that's fine, but who cares? You're gonna lose at WM and didn't end the actual streak. Same situation here. Bayley/Sasha wins the title on Raw and loses at the next PPV. It's just bad booking and boring.

While it's a fair point that we haven't had a face champion for much time on Raw in years, it's also worth pointing out that their hasn't really been a good candidate. Nikki is way better heel than face. So is Charlotte. And they both deserved a long run in my opinion. Sasha is a better heel than face too. Bayley is the best candidate for a significant title run as a face, but I think this is just too early.
There's only one way this is going, right? Charlotte is going to win the title back at Fastlane, furthering the belief that she is the PPV queen. Then someone is going to break the streak at WrestleMania and get a really good rub in the process. If this is indeed the case, then I don't have a problem with Bayley getting a short title run in the meantime. The big issue is making sure that someone gets a rub from how Charlotte has been booked. It looks as though it will be a 4 woman match at Mania, so the opportunity exists.

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