Smackdown v. Raw (feat. E.C.W.) 2009: Script This!

Red: Raw
Blue: Smackdown
Purple: ECW

Opening Set-Up Story: After reading the recent ratings the WWE programs Raw,Smackdown,and ECW were getting Mr.McMahon was enraged at how low they had become. He decided he needed to make some drastic changes in the WWE. So every WWE superstar was stripped of their championships and tournaments were going to be held for the vacant titles. The finals would be held at Backlash.

Monday Night Raw Roster

Chris Jericho
CM Punk
John Cena
Randy Orton
Shawn Michaels
Triple H
Cody Rhodes
Ted DiBiase Jr.
John Morrison
The Miz
Kofi Kingston
Santino Marella
William Regal
Shad Gaspard
Paul London
Brian Kendrick
Beth Phoenix
Candice Michelle
Kelly Kelly
Michelle McCool
Mickie James

Extreme Championship Wrestling

Bobby Lashley
Jack Swagger
Tyson Kidd w/Natalya
Chavo Guerrero
Elijah Burke
Finlay w/Hornswoggle
Hardcore Holly
Evan Bourne
Super Crazy
Jimmy Wang Yang
Mark Henry
Chuck Palumbo
Gene Snitsky
Tommy Dreamer
Jillian Hall

Friday Night Smackdown Roster

Big Show
Jeff Hardy
Matt Hardy
Rey Mysterio
Shelton Benjamin
Charlie Haas
Primo Colon
Curt Hawkins
Zach Ryder
Big Daddy V
Great Khali
Ashley Massaro
Maria Kanellis
Monday Night Raw live from St.Louis Missouri
(4 weeks before Backlash)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentleman please welcome the 2008 superstar of the year...Chris Jericho!

Break the Walls down plays throughout the arena as Chris Jericho walks down the ramp in his formal shit to a chorus of boos. The fans are disgusted with the transfromation of the ayatollah of rock "n" roll to this whiny loser that Chris Jericho has become.

Jericho: All you hypocrites sit here in these filthy seats in this filthy arena in this filthy trashy city of St.Louis Missouri.

As Jericho verbally attacks the people of St.Louis and their home he gets loudly booed followed by a you suck chant.He just smirks and continues...

Jericho: You sit here and you wonder why Chris why? I'll tell you why. I turned my back on you supposed Jerichoholics because you were USING me! I felt betrayed and hurt by you the WWE universe. When I left this business you didn't support my band Fozzy. You didn't support me...and when I finally made my return to the people didn't care then either. You wanted the old Jericho. Well he's no more I'm gonna do what I want when I want and you people need to get the idea of me changing back to my old self out of your heads because its not gonna happen!

As Jericho is about to leave CM Punk comes out to the ring.

CM Punk: Your wrong Jericho all these people did embrace you when you returned. I did they did the whole WWE universe did. You just couldn't accept that maybe you aren't as good as you used to be could you Jericho?

Jericho: You shut the hell up Jr! Who the hell do you think you are I am the 2008 superstar of the year. I am the first ever undisputed champion! I am the King of the World. The Ayatollah of Rock "n" Rolla...and I'm back baby I'll see you next week.

Break the walls down plays again and Jericho leaves as he does Punk smiles.

World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1 Match
Cryme Time w/John Cena vs Priceless w/Randy Orton

The bell rings and the match gets underway...JTG and Cody Rhodes start things off. Cody dominates the match early on with a few straight right hands followed up by a stiff DDT to JTG which only gets a two count. He then applies a modified crossface to one half of Cryme Time as JTG's partner Shad watches on from the apron.JTG reaches the rope but Rhodes uses his full four count before breaking the hold. He then drags JTG to his corner and tags in DiBiase. Rhodes whips JTG off the ropes and does a drop toe hold which Ted follows up with an elbow drop across the back of JTG's head. He gets a near fall as their is still life in JTG. Ted locks in a sleeper hold on JTG and he begins to fade. The ref raises his hand up once and it falls to the mat. He does so again and gets the same result. He raises his hand a third time but JTG elbows out of the sleeper as he is getting a second wind. He hits a right hand on Ted Jr. knocking him down. He then hits a bulldog and gets the hot tag to Big Shad Gaspard who cleans house. He hits a big hard clothesline on DiBiase and then knocks Rhodes off the ring apron. He lifts DiBiase up for a Samoan Drop and notices JBL just took Cena out with a Clothesline from Hell on the outside. DiBiase slides off Shad's shoulders and hits a million dollar dream/russian leg sweep for the pinfall win.

Winners: Rhodes & DiBiase

After the match a replay is shown of what happened at the end of the match to distract Shad. Cryme Time helps Cena to the back while Priceless celebrates their victory making them one step closer to the World Tag Team titles in the ring.

Intercontinental Championship Tournament Round 1 Match
William Regal vs Mr.Kennedy

Regal and Kennedy are jawjacking with each other before the match when Kennedy slaps Regal right across the mouth.This angers the british brawler as he slaps Kennedy back and hits him with a stiff knee to the side of the head. As Kennedy lies on the ground Regal mounts him with hard rights and lefts. The ref tells Regal to get off but he won't listen. After a four count the official is forced to pull Regal off of Kennedy himself. This prompts Regal who is already in a foul mood to strike the referee. As the official falls to the canvas Regal pulls a pair of brass knuckles out of his tights and is ready to unload a brass knuckle sandwich on Kennedy who is busted wide open. Kennedy gets to his feet and Regal swings but Kennedy catches his fist and hits the Mic Check. He then pulls the knucks off Regals hand and puts them in his own tights as the ref gets to his feet he looks at the downed Regal and calls for the bell asking for a disqualification.

Winner by DQ:Mr.Kennedy

Womens Championship Tournament Round 1 Match
Mickie James vs Melina

The girls both start pointing to their waists motioning that they are gonna be the next womens champion at Backlash. Micke starts firing off right hands at Melina before bouncing off the ropes and hitting a flying clothesline. As Melina gets to her feet Mickie hits another flying clothesline setting Melina off balance. Mickie hits a dropkick sending Melina over the top and onto the floor. Mickie climbs up to the top rope and when Melina gets to her feet Mickie does a seated senton onto Melina on the floor. She throws her into the ring and gets a near fall. As she pulls Melina to her feet Melina hits a jawbreaker then botches numerous moves before screaming in an unattractive manner. Melina charges at Mickie and James ducks and hits a Mick Kick for the win.

Winner: Mickie James

WWE Championship Tournament Round 1 Match
Triple H vs Kane

Triple H asks Kane for a test of strength before the bell rings. As it does Kane goes in for it and Triple H kicks him in the gut and sets him up for the Pedigree only to be backdropped out of position by Kane. As the Game gets to his feet Kane hits a huge uppercut sending Triple H flying against the ropes. While Triple H is leaned against the ropes Kane hits a huge big boot sending Triple H flying to the floor. As Kane meets the Game outside the ring. Triple H kicks him in the gut and slams his head into the ring steps numerous times. Kane starts to bleed as Triple H pulls him over to the barricade and slams him ribs first onto the barricade wall. He then drags kane over to the announce table and rips the covering off and slams Kane's head off it a couple times before Kane counters an slams Triple H's head into the table. The advantage is Kane's now as the Big Red Machine grabs the monitor cables and chokes Triple H as the ref counts eight. Kane stops choking Triple H to break the count so he can inflict more punishment on the game. He climbs on top of the table and lifts Triple H to his feet. He grabs Triple H by the throat and signals for a chokelsam but Triple H counters with an undetected low blow and a pedigree through the announce table. The Game thros Kane back into the ring and hits him with one more Pedigree for good measure and the win.

Winner: Triple H

Triple H celebrates his victory and he awaits his opponent into the second round of the tournament. He celebrates letting the crowd know hes the best in the buisiness as Kane lies motionless in the ring. As Triple H heads to the back and we go to commercial break. Kane sits up suddenly and his eerie music plays throughout the arena as Kane lives to fight another day.

World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1 Match
Miz & Morrison vs The Colons

Miz and Primo lock up and Miz shoves Primo down to the mat and laughs at the weakness of Carlito's younger brother. Primo runs at Miz and hits a hurrancanrana and then tags in his brother Carlito. He asks Miz to lock up and they do and Carlito shoves down Miz and laughs at him. Miz tags in Morrison and he delivers a nice uppercut shot followed by a high roundhouse kick to the face. He holds Carlito up and hits a running knee strike. He tags Miz back in who hits a jawbreaker which sends Carlito stumbling against the turnbuckle. Miz hits his trademark clothesline. Then sets him p for the Reality Check. He hits it but Primo broke up the pin. Miz tagged Morrison back in and they did their tag team combination move of a slingshot elbow drop while Carlito was draped across Miz's knees. Morrison hits a Standing SSP. But Primo broke it up again. Carlito hits a springboard reverse elbow and gets the hot tag to Primo who cleans house and hits the back stabber on Morrison for the win.

Winners: Carlito & Primo

Womens Championship Tournament Round 1 Match
Beth Phoenix vs Candice Michelle

The Glamazon over powered Canidce before the bell even rang. The ref asked her if she wanted to go through with the match and she said yes. As the bell rang she lifted Candice up and hit a brainbuster for the win.

Winner: Beth Phoenix

After the match emt's came down to the ring to check on Candice's condition as she fell awkwardly on her neck.

WWE Championship Tournament Round 1 Match
Randy Orton vs Shawn Michaels

Orton got a surprisingly huge ovation from his hometown fans but not as big as the one the showstopper got. This got under Orton's skin. The bell rand and Orton targeted Shawn's head immediately. He threw straight punches at the heartbreak kid. Orton placed Michaels in the corner and mounted him as the ref counted along to nine punches. As Orton went for the tenth Micheals dropped Orton's groin onto his knee with and inverted atomic drop and hits a few clotheslines staggering Orton who cut him off with a knee to the midsection and a dropkick. Orton began to stomp every appendage on Michaels body. Orton concentrated on Michaels back his knees his head. Anything to hurt Shawn Michaels. Orton lifted Shawn up and hits his signature backbreaker. Michaels was writhing in pain clutching his back dearly. Orton set up for the punt kick but Shawn rolled out of the ring. While Orton had the ref distracted Rhodes and DiBiase crawled out from under the ring and double suplexed Shawn back first onto the floor. Rhodes then threw Michaels into the steel steps and threw him back in the ring. As Michaels got to his feet it was academic from there. But Orton hadn't had enough. He set Shawn up on the second rope and delivered his DDT. He lied on the mat snarling and coiled up ready to strike Michaels down one he got to his feet. As Shawn stood up he was struck by a devastating RKO which was his downfall.

Winner: Randy Orton

After the match Orton invited Priceless into the ring to watch as orton punted Shawn in the skull. You could feel the impact throughout the arena. As Orton smiled at Shawn's lifeless body Triple H ran down to the ring to help his fallen friend. Legacy ran off and Triple H checked on Shawn's condition. The ambulance which had brough Candice to the hospital earlier that night had to come back. To take the Showstopper to the emergency room. The crowd gave Shawn a thunderous ovation as this was a very scary moment watching Shawn being placed in an ambulance live on Raw. Then again Shawn was no stranger to ambulances or Emergency Rooms.

Monday Night Raw: (6 Days Before Wrestlemania)

Opening Segment: Triple H. comes out to discuss his match-up, Sunday, against John Cena. He goes into detail about how both are 1-1 against each other, and this would be their “rubber” match. Triple H. mentions how he got the last victory, and Sunday, he’ll get the next. This causes Cena to come out and argue his opinion.

Cena explains that the last time they met on the WrestleMania stage, it was Cena causing Triple H. to tap out. Cena says Sunday, it’ll be like déjà vu all over again. Both men get in each other’s faces, until Edge & Orton interrupt. Edge has a mic, and begins by saying neither deserve to headline this year’s Wrestlemania, and that it’d be better served to be headlined by Edge and Randy Orton.

Orton takes the mic and opens a challenge, for an ‘All or Nothing’ Tag team match-up, tonight, in which if Orton & Edge win.. They get entered into the Championship match, making it a Fatal Four way for the Championship. (A later note is agreed upon that if they win, their M.I.T.B. spots would later be given to TBA opponents on E.C.W and/or Smackdown) Cena and Triple H. both agree, than continue to glare toward each other, as Edge & Orton are grinning from ear to ear.

1. 6-Man Tag Team Match: Jeff Jarrett, Robert Roode & James Storm v. R-Truth, C.M. Punk & Kofi Kingston: The match began with Jarrett & R-Truth going after one another, with their personal feud unsettled. The brawl between them lead to the outside of the ring, before James Storm intervened giving Jarrett the upper hand.

As the match continued, the trio of Storm, Roode & Jarrett held the match under their control, as Storm used his strength over Kingston, until a quick kick to the head turned the match around. Kingston started hitting signature moves, including his “boom, boom, boom” trademark leg-drop, which brought all the partners into the ring, as the entire match fell apart.

Kingston tagged out to Punk, who quickly took full control of the match, until Jarrett distracted the official, allowing Roode to blindside Punk, then drag Storm and tag him out. As the ending of the match neared, it was Roode trying for a DDT, only for Punk to reverse it into a G.T.S, which busted Roode open. Punk made the cover, as Truth & Kingston met Jarrett & Storm, making sure noone could stop the 3-count.

After the match, Punk & Kingston stood tall in the ring, with Punk holding up one half of the Tag Team Championships, pointing at Storm and a bloody Roode. Meanwhile, Truth pointed his own finger, at Jarrett, while Jarrett merely held his title up, and walked off. Winners: R-Truth, Kofi Kingston & C.M. Punk

2. Grudge Match: Ted DiBiase Jr. v. Hardcore Holly: Quick match. Before anything began, Holly came out first, followed by DiBiase, and then Rhodes last. Holly started off strong taking the fight to DiBiase, until DiBiase used a cheap shot to the eyes to turn everything around.

In the end, it was Cody Rhodes once again being forced into making a decision. The official was out, as Holly pointed for a chair. Rhodes denied grabbing one, as he was apparently trying to tell Holly to win fairly. This opened the door for DiBiase to his his finisher on Holly, only to then go outside the ring and grab a chair of his own.

DiBiase went to raise the chair and seemingly smash it across Holly, until Rhodes stopped him by grabbing it away. As everything seemed in order, Rhodes once again shocked the crowd by smashing the chair across Hardcore Holly’s head, only to leave the ring as DiBiase picked up the easy victory once the official came too. Winner: Ted DiBiase Jr.

3. Women’s Championship: Candice Michelle © v. Victoria: Before the match, Victoria said that if she couldn’t win the Women’s Championship, she’d retire from the ring forever. This quickly followed a cheap shot by Victoria on an unaware Candice.

The entire match was controlled from this point by Victoria, as Candice couldn’t rebound or find a way to comeback into this contest. In the end, Candice countered a Widow’s Peak, and attempted a ‘Candy-Wrapper’, but was too weak and beaten down to hit it properly, and mysteriously collapsed in the ring. Victoria used this to her advantage, picking up a limb Candice Michelle, then hitting a Widow’s Peak to get the 3-count and become the new Women’s Champion. Winner & NEW Women’s Champion: Victoria

4. World’s Greatest Tag Team v. Cryme Tyme: In yet another in the long list of shocking moments on the final stop before Wrestlemania; Shelton Benjamin announced the reformation of the ‘World’s Greatest Tag Team’. Haas explained that he’s watched from the sidelines for long enough, and noticed how unfair Benjamin was getting treated. Both men claimed it was a ‘color’ issue, and race was heavily involved. This brought out Cryme Tyme, who opened a challenge to the newly reformed Tag team.

Haas explained that it’s typical of two ‘thugs’ to want to resolve everything by fighting. This lead to Benjamin hitting a nasty ‘Pay-dirt’ on Shad, while he was on the ring apron. Meanwhile, it left J.T.G all alone to take a one-on-two beat down in the ring, until Benjamin finally hit another ‘Pay-dirt’, allowing Haas to pick up the victory for their team in a somewhat squash match. Winners: The World’s Greatest Tag Team

5. Shawn Michaels Interview: Shawn Michaels goes into detail about how he’s “Mr. Wrestlemania” and the original ladder match that happened, that set the standard for Wrestlemania’s was partly due to him. He says that its been far too long since the last time he was a World Heavyweight Champion, and he’s going to win the M.I.T.B., then go on to become Heavyweight Champion.

H.B.K ran through the list of opponents he has, and he’s explained how he’s defeated them all. He talks about how most are very familiar with ladder matches, but none are as experienced as he is. H.B.K ends his promo in saying that at WrestleMania, he’ll deliver Sweet Chin Music to anyone who stands in his way, to climbing the ladder of success.

6. All or Nothing: Triple H. & John Cena v. Edge & Randy Orton: Incredible Main Event tag match. All four men got equal time with one another, and the action went everywhere. Orton & Cena ironically began and ended the contest. At the beginning, it was Orton finding a cheap shot to take the early advantage, as he raked Cena’s eyes, then quickly took him to the corner, where he worked over the head, followed by hanging Cena up in the ropes and dropping him with a DDT off the second rope.

The action continued, as Edge took over, hitting several signature moves on Cena, wearing him down fairly early in this match-up, as Triple H. hungered to get into the ring. Edge missed an attempted Spear, as Cena leap frogged over Edge, then jumped to make the hot tag to Triple H., who came into the ring cleaning house of both Edge & Orton.

Once the action spilled to the outside of the ring, it was Triple H pairing off with the illegal Orton, while Edge & Cena continued to brawl inside the ring. The official was trying to contain the match, but failed. Triple H. sent Orton hard into the steal steps, then slid into the ring, only to receive a massive Spear by Edge, who’d sent Cena out moments before. Edge covered Triple H., but only got a 2-count, as the Game’s foot found the ropes.

In the end, Orton & Cena were both legal and in the ring, trading punches. Orton had the upper hand, as Edge called for another Spear attempt, however Orton had another agenda. Orton set-up behind Cena, after knocking Triple H. from the apron, while Edge came in illegally and set-up for a Spear on Cena. Just as Cena was getting up, Orton went to jump up, as Edge charged.. Cena leaped out of the way, as Edge accidentally Speared Orton!!!

At this moment, Triple H. grabbed Edge by the feet, pulling him outside the ring and hitting a hard Pedigree on the floor, meanwhile Cena locked in the S.T.F.U as Orton had no choice but to tap out! Winners: Triple H. & John Cena

After the match, as Cena reached down to pick up the Heavyweight Championship by one end, Triple H was picking it up by the other. Both men lock eyes, as the show comes to a close with the Heavyweight title being between them.


E.C.W.: (5 Days Before Wrestlemania)

1. Intercontinental Championship: Extreme Rules: Jeff Jarrett © v. R-Truth: Show opens with a preview package of the highlighted war between Jarrett & R-Truth. It’s announced that if Truth doesn’t win the Championship tonight, he’ll never get another shot at it, as long as Jarrett’s the Champion.

The match begins quickly, with Jarrett taking every advantage he can get. Dragging Truth’s head across the ring ropes, using low blows, and even exiting the ring and regrouping whenever Truth builds even the slightest bit of offense.

As the match goes on, Truth does come back and hit’s a huge modified version of the “Truth of Consequences” from the top rope, however Jarrett’s leg found the ropes before the 3-count. After this, Jarrett once again found himself outside the ring. Truth followed and the match was sealed by fate, as Jarrett bashed Truth’s head open with the Intercontinental Championship, followed by a huge guitar shot across the head, and finally Jarrett hit’s the Stroke on a lifeless R-Truth, to pick up the victory and retain the title. Winner: Jeff Jarrett

2. Buff Bagwell v. Kane: Short match. Bagwell hit every big move he had, including a Blockbuster and a Double-arm DDT. Kane still continued to kick out. Once Kane began mounting a comeback, it was Sid Vicious coming to ringside to distract Kane, allowing Bagwell to grab a chair and bash Kane over the head with it. The official caught Bagwell using the weapon, and called for the match, however the damage and point had been made. Winner by DQ: Kane

3. 4-Man Battle Royal: Sid Vicious v. Finlay v. D’Lo Brown v. Mark Henry: Decent length match. Despite this being an over-the-top-rope, every man for themselves Battle Royal, it seemed as though D’Lo refused to go after Mark Henry?! That was D’Lo’s downfall, as Mark Henry was ultimately the guy who easily eliminated him from the match, after Finlay hit D’Lo with a Celtic Cross, Henry just picked him up and tossed him out.

Finlay & Henry battled from this point on, as Vicious wisely found a place on the opposite side of the ring, and waited it out. As it seemed like Henry would be the guy coming out on top, Vicious smartly came up behind Henry, after Henry had laid out Finlay, and dumped him out of the ring with ease. Henry was extremely angry over this whole issue, and it took a few officials to calm him down and demand he return to the back.

As this was going on, Kane came through the crowd and distracted Sid Vicious, allowing Finlay, who seemed lifeless from the Henry beat down, to come up behind Vicious and dump him over the top. Finlay would go on to win the entire thing by doing this, however Sid Vicious was so outraged by the actions of Kane, that Vicious returned to the ring and laid Finlay out with a Choke Slam and a Powerbomb. Winner: Finlay

4. Steve Corino v. Kenny Dykstra: Short match. Dykstra once again came out to run his mouth. He addressed the fact that he doesn’t have a Wrestlemania match, and as a result wanted to provide everyone there tonight with his own version of what he’d have done at Mania. Steve Corino comes out, and instantly Super-kicks Dykstra in the chops, followed by a 3-count and an easy victory. Winner: Steve Corino

5. Main Event: Matt Hardy & Tommy Dreamer v. Raven & Shane Douglas: Before the Main Event would begin, Raven got on the mic. And changed the rules. Raven said that in order for Dreamer to be fully ready for Sunday’s handicap match, both he and Hardy should agree to this match being a Tornado, Hardcore, Tag match. Hardy & Dreamer agreed and the match got under way.

In the opening parts, it was all Raven and Douglas, dominating Dreamer & Hardy with violent moves, and hardcore tactics. Dreamer & Raven paired off, while Douglas and Hardy fought their way to the outside. Everyone traded opponents after Raven suicide dived through the ropes, taking out Hardy, who was about to seemingly defeat Shane Douglas on the outside.

In the end Hardy & Douglas battled throughout the arena, in the crowd, while Dreamer attempted a Dreamer-DDT, until Hawkins and Ryder played interference, allowing Raven to hit his Evenflow on a chair, gaining his team the 3-count just as Hardy made it back inside the ring, with Douglas grabbing him by the feet at last second.

After the match, Douglas drilled Hardy with the E.C.W Championship, then held it over Hardy, as Raven did his signature pose over a bloody and unconscious Tommy Dreamer. Winners: Raven & Shane Douglas


Friday Night Smackdown: (2 Days Before Wrestlemania)

1. M.I.T.B. Preview: Randy Orton v. Chris Jericho: Great opening contest. Orton and Jericho both start off even, with neither man gaining an advantage. As the match goes on, Jericho gets the upper hand quickly, hitting a nice amount of fast paced moves, forcing Orton to keep pace to stay in the match. Jericho hit a few signatures, including an insiguri, and a springboard from the ropes, into a dropkick that sent Orton to the floor.

After the action returned from ringside to back inside the ring, Orton had gained the advantage, hitting his modified backbreaker, then going to work with some systematic kicks in pin-point places all around Jericho’s body. As the match came to a close, Orton whipped Jericho to the corner, only for Jericho to counter Orton’s run-in with a boot to the face, however in the end, it was a Surprising R.K.O. that laid Jericho out for the 3-count, allowing Orton to win the match. Winner: Randy Orton

2. Mr. Kennedy v. M.V.P.: MOTY potential. Amazing contest, with both men not giving an inch to the other. M.V.P began in control, hitting all his signature moves, including the Player’s elbow, and the Player’s Boot, but only for a 2-count. Upon going for the Overdrive, Kennedy reversed it into a Mic Check, but again only got a 2-count.

As the contest went on, both men continued to exchange move for move, including a battle of the boston crab, as each man continued reversing the other’s attempt. In the end, Kennedy went for the Green Bay Plunge, however it was M.V.P who countered the role in mid-air, as Kennedy flipped, M.V.P used the momentum to continue the rolling process, and came down on top of Kennedy, hooking his legs and keeping him pinned for a 3-count. Winner: M.V.P.

3. M.I.T.B. Preview: Shawn Michaels v. Edge v. Jeff Hardy: H.B.K & Jeff Hardy both went after Edge in the beginning of this contest, but it only lasted for a moment as Hardy quickly rolled H.B.K up for a 2-count, making him realize it was a Triple Threat. As the match progressed, Hardy hit a Whisper in the Wind on H.B.K., but it was Edge who sent Hardy to the outside and tried stealing one by taking the cover, however only for a 2, as H.B.K. was near the ropes.

As the match continued, Hardy leaped out of the way from an Edge spear, that still connected violently on H.B.K, however Hardy refused to allow Edge to take the victory. This lead to Edge being shoved outside the ring, and Hardy following via a suicide dive up and over the top ropes, followed by H.B.K. using the ropes to vault up and over onto both of them.

In the end, it was Shawn Michaels who delivered Sweet Chin Music to Edge, but was too weak and winded to capitalize, allowing Jeff Hardy to hit a Swanton Bomb onto Edge, picking up the victory and quickly rolling out of the ring afterwards, as Shawn Michaels just glared Hardy down. Winner: Jeff Hardy

4. Contract Signing: Ric Flair/The Undertaker: Both men came to the ring, as they did the traditional contract signing as well as promo cutting on how each other would come out victorious. The real story behind this segment was the blindsided attack on the Undertaker, by the wild Samoan Umaga. Flair had just finished explaining that he wouldn’t leave M.S.G without his World Heavyweight Championship, followed by Undertaker exclaiming he’d leave in a body bag, and suddenly Umaga hit’s the ring via the crowd and attacks the Undertaker.

The two men brawled for a while, around ringside, as Umaga tore apart the Deadman, sending him into anything and everything, busting him open, and bloodying him in front of an all-to-happy to watch, Ric Flair. In the end, however, it was the Undertaker who fought back and ended up Chokeslamming Umaga through the announcer’s desk, only to roll his eyes back and point at Flair, indicating that he’s next.

5. 6-Man Battle Royal: Paul London v. Brian Kendrick v. Evan Bourne v. Jimmy Wang Yang v. Jamie Noble v. Elijah Burke: This match was originally meant to be a #1 contender’s contest, however it was interrupted by Sid Vicious, who was still outraged by his Battle Royal loss on Tuesday. Sid came in, laying out every one of the cruiserweights, dumping them all over the top, one after the other, leaving no mistake that he was the one true dominate force in the ring.

Sid decided to make an example, as he kept Evan Bourne in the ring, continuously Powerbombing and Chokeslamming him repeatedly into the mat, until officials came out and demanded, ultimately forcing Sid out of the ring and to the back. Winner: No Contest

6. 6-Man Tag Team Match: The Big Show, Batista & Rey Mysterio v. Four Horsemen (Chuck Palumbo, John Morrison & The Miz): The match started with all 6 men pairing off and taking it to one another. Batista and Miz stayed in the ring, while Show chased Palumbo outside the ring, and Mysterio and Morrison got tied up in the ropes, falling to the outside of the ring.

As the match finally got settled down and in place, Morrison and Mysterio were the two official legal men. Mysterio hit a few high flying moves, before missing a springboard cross body, as Morrison ducked out of the way, which was followed by a couple double team moves by Morrison & Miz. The Horsemen stayed in control, working over the smallest of their opponents in Mysterio.

As the match turned around, Mysterio had to work his way through all three Horsemen, before finally tagging in Batista, which caused yet another massive breakdown in the match. Batista hit a spine buster on Palumbo, followed by body dropping Miz over the ropes, and setting Morrison up for a Batista Bomb before all of the Horsemen finally triple teamed Batista, causing Mysterio & Show to get back involved.

In the end, it was the Big Show delivering a spine-tingling Chokeslam to Chuck Palumbo, followed by a 3-count, that lead to the finish of this contest. Winners: The Big Show, Batista & Rey Mysterio

After the match was over, Ric Flair rushed down to ringside with a pair of brass knuckles, knocking Batista out from behind, then low blowing Big Show, allowing Palumbo to hit his knock-out shot to the side of the head, with the United States Championship. This left Mysterio, one against four, as each Horsemen took their turn delivering their own finishing move on Mysterio, leaving all three men laying.

As the Horsemen stood victorious in defeat, the lights suddenly go out, as the Undertaker’s gong hits over the sound system, followed by a Horsemen symbol being lowered from the ceiling. As the Horsemen turned their attention to the symbol, suddenly a bolt of lightning was sent from the Heavens, engulfing the Horse symbol on fire, leaving the Horsemen speechless and in shock as the show goes off the air.

W.W.E. WrestleMania: (Madison Square Garden, New York City)

World Heavyweight Championship: Ric Flair © v. The Undertaker:

W.W.E. Championship: Triple H. © v. John Cena:

E.C.W. Championship: Matt Hardy © v. Shane Douglas:

United States Championship: Chuck Palumbo © v. The Big Show:

W.W.E. Tag Team Championships: John Morrison & The Miz © v. Batista & Rey Mysterio:

World Tag Team Championships: Robert Roode & James Storm © v. C.M. Punk & Kofi Kingston:

Money in the Bank: Shawn Michaels v. Jeff Hardy v. Chris Jericho v. Edge v. Randy Orton v. Mystery Opponent:

Hardcore Street Fight: Tommy Dreamer & Mystery Partner v. Raven, Curt Hawkins & Zach Ryder:

(6-Man Battle Royal) Battle of the Brands: Mr. Kennedy v. M.V.P. v. Kane v. Sid Vicious v. Jeff Jarrett v. R-Truth:
Good set of shows. The match-ups were unique, and you described the action well. The storylines are easy to follow, and everything that happened leads in 'Mania well.

At the pace you're writing, your WrestleMania, and my first PPV should be up at the same time, so be sure to check it out :p

W.W.E. WrestleMania: (Madison Square Garden, New York City)

1. Buff Bagwell v. Steve Corino: Quick match to get the crowd excited for the start of the show. Bagwell controlled the early parts of the match, as the fans got on his case pretty heavy with chants of “Momma’s Boy”. Corino took over control, hitting several signature moves, including the Old School plex, but only gaining a 2-count. In the end, it was Bagwell who missed a Blockbuster, allowing Corino to hit a Super kick for the pin. Winner: Steve Corino

2. Interview w/ Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase: A highlight reel shows the reformation of the Tag team known as “Priceless”. DiBiase said that the Company tried to release him, because he was already becoming as big of a Superstar as his Father, and they tried splitting ‘Priceless’ apart, because the vets.. Like Hardcore Holly, couldn’t stand not stealing the spotlight from them.

Cody says that he only realigned with Hardcore Holly, due to backstage politics and it was never by choice. When Manu talked of ‘his return’, it was a wake-up call for Cody to rethink which direction he wanted to go in. It was announced at the end of the interview, that the Raw General Manager had booked a match for tomorrow night on Raw. It’d be Cody Rhodes against Hardcore Holly, one-on-one. Neither DiBiase Jr. or Rhodes seemed scared. They just smirked at this decision, and walked off.

3. Interview w/ Four Horsemen: The Horsemen arrive in a long stretch limo, as one by one all four members get out. Palumbo is out first, and he talks about how tonight is going to be Horsemen night. He said each of the Horsemen have a Championship match, and when the night rolls around to the early morning, all of them will be hitting the clubs, still with their respective Championships.

Flair exits, and seems more focused than the rest. Palumbo tries to calm Flair by telling him that there’s nothing to worry about. Flair mentions the burning Horsemen symbol, and says it could be symbolic of Flair’s career once again coming to an end. Palumbo said that the only thing that is going to end tonight, is Taker’s undefeated streak.. At the hands of the Horsemen. Flair cuts Palumbo off, saying tonight it’ll just be Flair versus Taker, man against man. Flair walks off, with Palumbo seemingly upset at this sudden decision.

Pay Per View:

1. Hardcore Street Fight: Tommy Dreamer & Mystery Partner v. Raven, Curt Hawkins & Zach Ryder: Raven and his Flock are out first. Raven cuts a promo explaining how he’s dominated Tommy Dreamer throughout their entire rivalry, with the exception of the occasional off-night. Raven says this will be no off night, and no one can partner with Dreamer, that would match the fight the Flock has. Tommy Dreamer comes out, simply put without saying anything. He reaches into his pocket, as he motions for a mic to be put near him. Dreamer pulls out a beer can, and simply says “hit the music!”

“Enter Sandman” erupts over the sound system, as the Sandman comes out with Singapore cane and beer in hand! The New York crowd is going nuts early, as Raven is going ballistic.

Great, violent, opening contest. The match broke down early, with Hawkins & Ryder pairing off against the Sandman, outside the ring, while Raven & Dreamer continued their war inside the ring. Raven busted Dreamer open early, with various objects littered around ringside.

Later on during the match, when the entire Flock was outside the ring, Sandman took out everyone with a body splash from inside the ring, to the outside. Raven got violently busted open via a Dreamer DDT on a steel chair outside the ring, while Sandman hit a White Russian Leg Sweep on Ryder through a table.

As the match came toward the end, Sandman hit a Rolling Rock on Hawkins, but the official took a bump, which caused Raven to hit an Evenflow, but only for a 2-count upon the official coming-two. In the end, Dreamer hit a Dreamer DDT, followed by another Rolling Rock by the Sandman, both on Hawkins, to pick up the victory. Winners: Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman

2. (6-Man Battle Royal) Battle of the Brands: Mr. Kennedy v. M.V.P. v. Kane v. Sid Vicious v. Jeff Jarrett v. R-Truth: Before the contest began, it was announced that the Winner of this match-up would receive a guaranteed Championship match of their choosing against any Champion. As well, if they so desired, the Winner could also switch Brands and go anywhere they wanted.

The contest started off with everyone taking shots at everyone else. M.V.P was quickly eliminated, after he tried charging Mr. Kennedy, only for Kennedy to duck down causing M.V.P to have his momentum carry him over the ropes to the arena floor. Moments later, Jarrett organized a group together, to eliminate Sid Vicious.

After everyone banded together to eliminate Sid, it quickly went back to everyone for themselves. Kane paired off with Kennedy, while R-Truth and Jarrett continued their rivalry. Kennedy would be the next to get eliminated, after Kane delivered a massive big boot, with such force it caused Kennedy to stumble backwards, over the top ropes to the floor.

Next, it was R-Truth going for a scissor’s kick to Jarrett, only for Jarrett to move out of the way, while Truth got hung up across the top rope, giving Jarrett the opening to eliminate him.

In the end, Jarrett went for a Stroke on Kane, but Kane elbowed Jarrett out of it. Jarrett stumbled backwards, almost over the ropes from the elbow, but stopped himself short. Unfortunately, Kane quickly capitalized and throttled Jarrett by the neck, Chokeslamming him up and over the ropes, to the arena floor, winning the match. Winner: Kane

3. W.W.E. Tag Team Championships: John Morrison & The Miz © v. Batista & Rey Mysterio: The match started off in favor of Mysterio as he got the upper hand on Morrison early, but everything changed when Miz hooked Mysterio from behind, allowing Morrison to gain control. This lead to a series of double team moves, weakening Mysterio down. Batista made several saves.

After the mid-way point, still with Mysterio being double teamed, and cut off from Batista, a second wind came over the Mexican Superstar. He ducked out of the way from a Morrison springboard spin kick, which landed accidentally on Miz. This allowed Mysterio to make a hot tag to Batista. Upon entering the match, Batista hit spine buster’s on both men, signaling quickly for the end. This lead to Morrison grabbing Miz by the ankle’s, pulling him out of the ring and both men walking to the back.

Mysterio quickly tagged back in, only to rush around the apron, hitting a modified 619 on Morrison, while Batista tried grabbing Miz back into the ring. This lead to the official taking a bump, after Miz moved out of the way of a Batista spear.

In the end, Morrison & Miz retain their Tag Team Championships after the official took a bump, which allowed a two-on-one double team with Morrison & Miz working over Mysterio, until Batista made the save again. Batista tried going for a Batista Bomb on Morrison, until Miz used a lead pipe and took out the back of Batista’s knee, which lead to Mysterio rushing back in, only to receive a Miz of Oz, while an injured Batista took a Moonlight Drive from Morrison, just as the official came fully back-to, and counted the 3 for the reigning Tag Team Champions. Winners: John Morrison & The Miz

4. E.C.W. Championship: Matt Hardy © v. Shane Douglas: Douglas solidly controlled this contest, busting Matt open, hitting all signature moves, before finishing the match with a Championship shot to the head, followed by a modified version of the Pittsburgh Plunge on Hardy, from the turnbuckles. Douglas wins the title, in almost squash fashion. Matt Hardy just didn’t seem prepared at all. Winner & NEW E.C.W Champion: Shane Douglas

5. Money in the Bank: Shawn Michaels v. Jeff Hardy v. Chris Jericho v. Edge v. Randy Orton v. Mystery Opponent: The long awaited Mystery Opponent was revealed to everyone, as the shocking return of Christian, to the W.W.E came as the 6th entrant! This match is filled with all sorts of chaos. It begins with each individual pairing off. Edge & Orton pair off against Shawn Michaels, while Christian and Jericho pair off on the opposite side, and Hardy quickly tries going for a ladder early.

Throughout the entire match, each man got off signature moves, and finishing moves. Shawn Michaels hit an elbow drop from the top of the ladder, on the outside of the ring, to Randy Orton, inside the ring. Meanwhile, Christian hit a frog splash on Jericho from the top of another ladder, inside the ring. Jeff Hardy took out everyone with a body splash from the top of the ladder, inside the ring, jumping to everyone outside the ring.

Hardy took himself out of the contest, after a failed attempt at a Swanton Bomb. Hardy went to put Edge out through an announcer’s table, only for Orton to save Edge, causing Hardy to smash through the table alone. Back in the ring, Christian had his hands on the case, only for Jericho to run up a ladder positioned against the main one, and hit a nasty Code-Breaker on Christian!

In the end, it was Shawn Michaels hitting Jericho off a ladder with some Sweet Chin Music, followed by Edge spearing H.B.K. off the top of the ladder, which left Orton & Christian all alone. Orton looked to go for an R.K.O from the ladder, but Christian threw him off, on top of Edge. Christian then pulled down the case, winning the Money in the Bank match! Winner: Christian

6. World Tag Team Championships: Robert Roode & James Storm © v. C.M. Punk & Kofi Kingston: Before the bell even rang, Storm went for a Super kick on Punk, which was countered into a G.T.S! Roode drug his unconscious partner over to their corner, as this match unofficially turned into a 2-on-1 contest, with Punk and Kingston working over Roode.

Both Punk as well as Kingston hit signature moves on Roode, but neither could find a way to put him away. Punk went for his knee to the face, bulldog combo, but upon trying to hit the bulldog, Roode sent Punk off into Kingston, which caused Kingston to tweak his knee after falling out of the ring. This lead to Punk checking on him, and Roode taking control of the match.

In the end, the unconscious James Storm finally came too just in the nick of time, as he grabbed one of the Tag Team Championships, clocking Punk in the face when Punk tried delivering another G.T.S to Roode, while the official was distracted with Kingston’s injury outside the ring. Roode grabbed the official, showing him the cover, as the Tag Team Champions of Robert Roode & James Storm retained their titles! Winners: Robert Roode & James Storm

7. United States Championship: Chuck Palumbo © v. The Big Show: This match was mainly all the Big Show, with pure domination throughout the early part. Show hit power move, after power move, seemingly toying with Palumbo.

This lead to Morrison & Miz coming down to ringside, distracting the official, while Palumbo tried using his brass knuckles to knock Big Show out. However, Big Show was prepared for such a tactic, quickly grabbing the knuckles and tossing them out into the crowd. Show leveled Palumbo with a big boot, before Morrison grabbed the official distracting him again, while Miz used the lead pipe from earlier to take out Big Show’s knees.

In the end, Palumbo capitalized on Big Show, by hitting a big boot to the side of the head, but yet still couldn’t quite put him away. This lead to yet more outside interference from the other Horsemen in Morrison & Miz, while Miz distracted the official, Morrison tossed the United States Championship to Palumbo. Morrison received a Chokeslam for his efforts, but the damage was done afterwards, with a title shot to the head of the Big Show, allowing Palumbo to get the victory with assistance. Winner: Chuck Palumbo

8. W.W.E. Championship: Triple H. © v. John Cena: Very strong Main Event match-up. Neither man giving an inch, with both men taking everything from the other. The match started off slowly, but progressed into an all out brawl.

At first, it seemed like a friendly little rivalry, until Triple H. lost his cool, slapping Cena, which caused Cena to spear Triple H and deliver several fists. This lead to Triple H. hitting a knee-buster, and then locking in a figure four on Cena. Cena refused to give up, slowly reversing the hold.

On the flip side of the match, once Cena took control, it was all high impact move after move. He kept the pace quick, hitting shoulder blocks, and dropping Triple H. with a modified power bomb, before hitting a 5 Knuckle Shuffle.

In the end, it was a series of reversals that lead to the end. Triple H. went for a pedigree, only for Cena to counter into an attempted F-U, which Triple H. fought out of back into a pedigree, which was once again countered into an S.T.F-U. Triple H refused to tap, as he slowly made it to the ropes. Upon both men getting to their feet, it was another Pedigree attempt, only to be countered a 3rd time into an F-U for the pinfall victory! Winner & NEW W.W.E Champion: John Cena

9. World Heavyweight Championship: Ric Flair © v. The Undertaker: The match started off slow, with Taker seemingly stalking his prey in Ric Flair. Taker had the power advantage easily, however Flair wasn’t a multi-time Heavyweight Champion and ring vet for nothing, he used his knowledge and cheap tactics to his advantage as well.

In the early stages, it was all Taker, quickly busting Flair open slightly across the forehead, with several stiff punches in the corner. The action went to the outside of the ring, where Flair at first seemed as if he’d had enough and wanted to leave, until Taker threw caution and his body, to the wind, leaping up and over the top ropes coming down across Flair! This lead to Taker also delivering a massive leg drop across Flair’s neck, while on the ring apron.

Back in the ring, as the match progressed, Flair used his tactics to gain the upper hand, wearing down Taker’s knees, taking out his legs and locking in different leg submissions, weakening him for the Figure Four. At one point in the match, Flair locked in the Figure Four, only for Taker to grab hold of him around the neck, and follow up with a Chokeslam after Taker pulled Flair up off the ground!

In the end, it was Chuck Palumbo, not taking Flair’s orders of staying in the back, as he made his way to ringside. Palumbo distracted Taker, who was going for a Tombstone, but Palumbo also distracted Flair more, who chopped Taker’s legs out from under him, only to then leave the ring and force Palumbo to the back, after much arguing.

Upon reentering the ring, Flair still kept his attention on Palumbo, who was backing up the ramp way, only to turn into a Tombstone piledriver by the Undertaker which lead to the 3-count, and the Undertaker’s streak at Wrestlemania continuing! Winner & NEW World Heavyweight Champion: The Undertaker

After the Main Event, Chuck Palumbo seemed almost disgusted at what’d just happened, as he hung his head, seemingly in shame, turning his back on Flair and walking to the back. Meanwhile, Flair glared at the Undertaker, as Flair then left the ring in tears of emotion, waving to the fans and giving the Undertaker his just due spotlight to end the show.

Your Wrestlemania was very good. I didn't read the leadup to the show maybe I will later but I enjoyed your overall ppv which I'm sure came from a year of impressive buildup. I like that you used different wrestlers that aren't currently in the WWE. I'd love to see pictures of your caws for them if you have them. I'd have preferred different championship main events than HHH vs Cena and Taker vs Flair. They have both been done. But if they were built up properly then I see no problem. Also I like having the Horsemen back just why Chuck Palumbo. I might read just to see how a guy like Palumbo ever got in such a prestigious group. I may do my own its funny I went out and bought the game today and intended on doing a Book This thing using the game then I saw there already was one haha. Can't wait till you post your next Raw. I'll keep reading.
I'm editing my rosters with the roster editor before I start my shows so here are the new rosters...



Main Event
Randy Orton (WWE Champion)
Triple H
John Cena
Shawn Michaels

MVP (United States Champion)
Santino Marella
Cody Rhodes (World Tag Team Champion)
Hardcore Holly (World Tag Team Champion)
William Regal
Kofi Kingston
Chuck Palumbo
Lance Cade
Matt Hardy (ECW Champion)
Paul London

Tag Teams
Holly & Rhodes (World Tag Team Champions)
New Blood (Chuck and Cade)


Beth Phoenix
Mickie James
Ashley Massaro
Candice Michelle
Jillian Hall
Kelly Kelly


Main Event

Edge (World Heavyweight Champion)
Jeff Hardy
Big Show
Chris Jericho


Rey Mysterio (Intercontinental Champion)
Shelton Benjamin
Chavo Guerrero
Big Daddy V
Trevor Murdoch
Jimmy Wang Yang (Cruiserweight Champion)
Great Khali
The Brian Kendrick
John Morrison
The Miz

Tag Teams

Jesse & Festus
Miz & Morrison
Cryme Time



Matt Hardy (ECW Champion)
Elijah Burke
Mark Henry
Tommy Dreamer (Hardcore Champion)
A few announcements before the first show:

First of all all GM's have been fired. New General Manager's will be chosen over the next few weeks. All three shows will have a new GM by Extreme Rules.

Next Legacy has disbanded due to Ted DiBiase's injury that will keep him out of action for an undisclosed amount of time.

Extreme Rules is in three weeks all matches at the ppv will be contested in some form of Extreme Rules.

Enjoy Monday Night Raw...

Cole: Welcome everyone to Monday Night Raw live from Green Bay Wisconsin!I'm Michael Cole with my broadcast colleague Jerry the King Lawler, and King do we have an exciting Raw setup for the fans tonight or what?

King: I'm really excited to find out what sort of announcements Mr.McMahon is gonna have for us here tonight lets find out.


Mr.McMahon struts down to ringside trying to avoid tearing both quad muscles this time as he gets set to make some announcements...

Vince: Welcome to Monday Night Raw!!! The first announcement I'd like to make concerns the WWE championship picture. Tonight we will have a triple threat match between three top Raw contendors with the winner getting a shot at Orton at Extreme Rules in a match of their choosing. The contestants in the triple threat contest are the Animal Batista!, John Cena!, and The Game Triple H!...On top of that by next week Raw will have a General Manager mark my words... Vince's music plays again and he heads back up the ramp when Randy Orton's music plays...


Orton: Vince your making a big mistake by crossing me again. Your severley damaging the future of your company as well as you and your family's well being by making me defend my title at Extreme Rules. Let alone against someone like Batista,or Cena or especially Triple H!

Vince: Orton I'm sick of your threats...but I'm not gonna fire you. I'm gonna torture you and tonight your going one on one with your former protege Cody Rhodes.

Vince leaves now and Orton glares at Vince before heading to the back himself...

Commercial Break

As we come back the first bell rings for the opening contest to begin...

Match 1: Santino Marella vs Snitsky
Santino is taunting Snitsky to open the contest which forces Snitsky to get really angry. He spears Santino and starts pounding away on the Italian Stallion. He gets back to a vertical base and stomps away at Santino. The ref counts to four before forcing Snitsky off Santino which gives Santino time to slap Snitsky in the face while the ref is distracted.This just angers the monster Snitsky hits a big boot and a pumphandle slam for the win.Winner by pinfall Snitsky!

Cole: I think Santino got a little more than he bargained for but none the less Snitsky picks up the victory...Up next the United States Championship is on the line in a Fatal Four Way Match!

United States Championship
Match 2: MVP (c) vs William Regal vs Matt Hardy vs Kofi Kingston

The match starts off with MVP going right after Hardy. The cast is finally off so Matt won't be able to use it as a weapon. MVP is teeing off on Hardy in the corner while Regal is working the left leg of Kofi Kingston in the top left corner of the ring. While the ref is utilizing his ten count on MVP who is now throwing punches on the top turnbuckle on Hardy. Regal removes the turnbuckle padding. This would be a big part of the outcome of this match. At a count of nine MVP finally layed off Hardy and while the ref was backing him off of Regal slammed Kofi's head into the exposed turnbuckle busting him open. Regal goes for a cover but MVP notcies and saves his title by breaking up the fall. MVP irish whips Regal into the far corner and goes for the player's boot but Regal moves out of the way and MVP's ankle catches exposed steel. Regal takes out MVP's knee with a chop block and starts to work on his knee now. Meanwhile Hardy and Kofi are brawling in the middle of the ring. Hardy hits a side effect on Kingston and signals for the Twist of Fate. But Kofi counters with a rollup.MVP catches Regal in a cradle at the same time but a second later because the ref counts to three and Kingston is announced the new United States Champion! Winner by pinfall and new champion Kofi Kingston!

Cole: What a controversial ending to a great title match. Speaking of controversial the first match of our double main event is next. As Randy Orton takes on Cody Rhodes.

(non-title match)
Match 3: Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes w/Hardcore Holly

Cody couldn't really get anything going from the get go. Randy methodically destroyed Rhodes punting him in the skull and lifting his lifeless body up for an RKO! Winner by pinfall Randy Orton!

Cole: Poor Rhodes that dam Randy Orton is gonna seriously injure someone one of these days with that punt kick.

King: The scary thing Cole is thats his goal.

Cole: Nonetheless we're about to be joined by the Glamazon Beth Phoenix.


Beth: Melina...just because you were drafted to Smackdown doesn't mean I can't still cash in on my rematch clause, and thats exactly what I'm gonna do. I'm challenging you to come to Raw next week and defend the Women's championship one more time against the Glamazon.

Cole: Very few words by the Glamazon before our next match we have to take a quick commercial break...

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentleman...making his in-ring return to the WWE Mr.Kennedy!


Kennedy: If I can have everybodys attention. I weigh in tonight at 246 lbs! I hail from Green Bay Wisconsin! MRRRRRRRRR. KENNNEEDDDYYY! KEEEENNNEEDDDY!

Match 4: Mr.Kennedy vs Chuck Palumbo
Palumbo runs at Kennedy and Kennedy catches him with a Mic Check for the win. Winner by pinfall Mr.Kennedy!

Cole: What a great return for Mr.Kennedy. Up next is our Main Event for a shot at Orton at Extreme Rules. Triple H vs Batista vs John Cena.


The Game looks determined as he gets set to earn retribution against the man who attacked his family...


The Animal wants retribution in a different way. Orton cost him years off his career with that viscious Punt Kick. He took the cowards way out at Judgment Day and now the Animal wants revenge...


John Cena is a man of passion who cares about one thing...The WWE Championship that currently rests on Randy Orton's shoulder...

Triple Threat No.1 Contendors Match
Main Event: Triple H vs Batista vs John Cena

The match is underway as Batista and Triple H form an early pact to get rid of the threat of John Cena. Former partners in Evolution with several double team attacks. The action quickly spilled to the outside where Batista and Triple H showed just how Extreme they are willing to get when they double suplexed Cena through the announce table. Once back in the ring Batista and Triple H concentrated on each other signature moves were traded. Batista hit a spinebuster for a two count then Triple H returned the favor. As Batista was going for a spear Triple H caught him with a facebuster. He then locked big dave in the Figure Four leglock but Batista would turn the pressure forcing Triple H to break the hold. Both men get to their feet and trade punches. Both attepted finishers and were counterd. They were evenly match when Triple H went old school and used a low blow to get the advantage. He then hit the Pedigree and assumed it was all over when Cena came in and broke the fall. He lifted Triple H up for the F-U but the Game countered and threw Cena over the top rope. Batista would then hit a spear out of nowhere for a near fall. He signaled for the Batista Bomb but Triple H would clip his knee and hit a second Pedigree for the win. Winner by Pinfall Triple H!

Vince McMahon is back out now to ask Triple H what match he wants for Extreme Rules.

Triple H: HELL IN A CELL!!!!

Cole: OMG King a Hell in a Cell match at Judgment Day. Thats a career ender.

It will be for Orton with all the rage Triple H has built up for him.

Cole: Thats all the time we have tonight Goodnight WWE universe.
ECW/Friday Night Smackdown

ECW opens the broadcast with the new ECW General Manager Tazz! Tazz comes out with a bag in his hand. Tazz says that Matt Hardy is a Raw superstar now and he will defend the ECW title tonight against ECW Icon Tommy Dreamer and speaking of Dreamer Tazz has a gift for him. Dreamer comes out and Tazz takes the Hardcore Championship out of the bag and hands it to Dreamer and wishes him luck in tonights match it should also be noted that all matches from now on will be contested under extreme rules.

No.1 Contendor Tournament winner gets a ECW title shot at Extreme Rules.

Tournament Match 1.) Mark Henry vs Zach Ryder: A squash match from start to finish. The worlds strongest man punishes Ryder with a Steel Chair and hits a Worlds Strongest Slam on the chair for the win. Winner Mark Henry.

Tournament Match 2.) Elijah Burke vs Finlay: A physical contest that saw the brawler from Belfast take it to the silver tongued pugilist. Burke would get the advantage with a hard right hand followed by a few kendo stick swats to the back of Finlay. Burke set a table up in the corner before being caught on Finlays shoulders. Finlay signaled for the Celtic Cross but Burke countered sending Finlay into the table and hitting the Elijah Express through the table for the win. Winner Elijah Burke.

ECW Championship Match 3.) Matt Hardy (c) vs Tommy Dreamer: This was clearly the match of the night as the action spilled all over the arena. They fought through the crowd where Deamer would attempt a helo from the top of the stairwell onto Hardy who was a few steps down. Back at ringside fans handed Dreamer various weapons as he was clearly the fan favorite a super nintendo, a toaster, and a cheese grater were all used on Hardy. As they got back in the ring. Hardy would get the momentum back with a low blow. Hardy would then bring a ladder into the ring and climb to the top to attempt a leg drop but he missed and Dreamer hit a Dreamer DDT followed by the Dreamer Driver for the three count. Winner and NEW ECW Champion Tommy Dreamer!!!

Dreamer would hold up both belts and Tazz would come down to ringside and embrace Dreamer as both men celebrated to end the show.

Friday Night Smackdown

A tournament bracket is shown on the titantron as the show begins. It is an 8 man bracket the tournament is to determine who will face Edge for the World Championship at Extreme Rules in his specialty match Tables,Ladder,and Chairs. All First Round matches will take place tonight.

Non-Title Match 1.) John Morrison & The Miz vs Jesse & Festus
Festus never got into the match as Miz & Morrison isolated Jesse in their corner of the ring. Morrison hit the Moonlight Drive for the win. After the bell Festus went to a comatose like state and Miz hit him with a Reality Check.Winners Miz & Morrison.

Tournament Match 2.) Jeff Hardy vs Umaga: Umaga dominated the early part of the match. But Hardy would fight on. Hardy attempted a crossbody off the top rope but Umaga caught him with a spinning sidewalk slam. Umaga dragged him to the corner and attempted to charge at Hardy but Jeff dodged and hit the Whisper in the Wind. Jeff went out to the ring apron and attempted a springboard leg drop but when he came off the rope Umaga caught him with a Samoan Drop. Umaga went up top for the diving headbutt and missed. Jeff went up top and hit a Swanton Bomb for the win.Winner Jeff Hardy.

Tournament Match 3.) Great Khali vs Shelton Benjamin: Khali dominated the match but when the ref took a bump Benjamin hit a low blow and grabbed a steel chair from under the ring. When the ref came to Shelton handed Khali the chair. The ref caught Khali with the chair and disqualified him. Furious with this result Khali bashed Shelton's skull in with the chair as well as the referee. Winner by DQ Shelton Benjamin.

Tournament Match 4.) Chris Jericho vs Rey Mysterio: A high flying contest between two former cruiserweight champions. Rey would hit the 619 but as he was attempting the West Coast Pop he was caught in midair by a Jericho codebreaker for the win. Winner Chris Jericho.

Tournament Match 5.) Undertaker vs Big Show: A physical contest that saw many career risking spots such as a chokeslam by the deadman on the Big Show through the announce table. Taker would hit all his signatures and the Tombstone Piledriver for the win. Winner Undertaker.

Main Event Match 6.) Edge vs CM Punk: A back and forth contest between both Mr.Money in the Bank and the World Champion. Both men hit all their signature moves. As Punk was going for his running corner knee strike/bulldog combo Edge countered with a suplex. The champion attempted a Spear but Punk leaped over him and went for the GTS which was again countered into an Edge rollup with the tights for the win. Winner Edge.

Backstory: Ratings were falling and Vince's network sponsors told him if drastic changes weren't made they would be kicking his shows off their network. The champions weren't drawing in viewers so they were all stripped of their respective championships. The storylines weren't compelling enough to get the audiences attention so they were all scrapped and new ones were written. The superstars getting the pushes the fans weren't caring about so new ones were given a chance to step up. Thus a new era was born. The Royal Rumble was this Sunday and the Rumble match this year wasn't for a title shot at Wrestlemania but for the WWE championship just like in 1992. As for the other titles tournaments that would start at the Royal Rumble would be held to determine the best men available to be champion.
WWE Raw Preview

This Monday Night Raw is emanating from Charlotte, North Carolina and we are going to have one hell of a broadcast. Last week WWE Champion Randy Orton decimated his former protege Cody Rhodes and made a statement out of the youngster. This week on Raw Orton goes one on one with Rhodes' new mentor Hardcore Holly. Will Holly suffer the same fate?

Speaking of men who are looking for retribution against the champion Triple H gets another chance at redemption against the man who DDT'ed and RKO'ed his wife at Extreme Rules when Orton and Triple H face off in the demonic Hell in a Cell careers will be shortened, maybe ended. But that is at Extreme Rules, the men Triple H defeated last week for that opportunity against the champion John Cena and Batista surely aren't happy and there is sure to be some sort of showdown.

Finally, Raw was guaranteed a new General Manager this week and there are numerous men looking for the prestigious job of Raw General Manager. Tune in to find out who it is.

All this and more on Monday Night Raw!

Monday Night Raw: (3 Weeks Before Backlash)

Opening Segment: The show opens with John Cena being introduced as the *NEW* W.W.E Champion. Cena talks about how he understands not everyone is going to like it, but everyone will have to live with it, because ‘The Champ is here’. Cena gives props to Triple H for being a tough opponent, and says anytime, anywhere, the rematch is always there. At this moment, Christian’s music interrupts, as the MITB winner comes out.

Christian tells Cena that its funny how he can give out unsure title shots, when he can’t be so sure he’d be the Champion beyond tonight. Christian holds up the MITB case, exclaiming that he can cash in anytime, against anyone, even Cena, even tonight. (the fans erupt) This, then, gets interrupted by Edge and Randy Orton.

Edge tells Christian that it’s nice to see his brother back, but he needed to stay gone longer, so he could miss him more. Edge then explains that he just got word from the General Manager, that at Backlash it would be a Fatal Four Way - for the W.W.E. Championship. John Cena (or whomever the Champion is) will defend, against Randy Orton, Edge & Triple H.

Christian re-interrupts Edge, saying that he doesn’t feel like having a Championship match tonight, but instead challenges Edge & Orton to a tag match, against him and a partner of his choice. Edge & Orton agree. After this occurs, Cena is suddenly attacked from behind, by the shocking return of Scott Steiner!!

1. Non-Title: Jeff Jarrett v. C.M. Punk: Jarrett starts the contest off early, jumping Punk as he enters the ring. This leads to Jarrett staying in control for most of the contest, making sure Punk can’t use any speed or kicks against him. Jarrett worked over Punk’s leg with several different takedowns, and leg submissions, setting him up for a possible Figure Four.

As Jarrett signals for the end, he attempts a Figure Four, only for Punk to quickly roll him up out of no where, but only for a 2-count. This angers Jarrett, who quickly rushes at Punk, only for Punk to drop down and send Jarrett over the ropes to the floor. Punk hit’s a cross body from inside the ring, to the outside, as the official warns both men about being counted-out.

The finish of the match comes when Punk whips Jarrett to the corner and rushes in to deliver his signature knee to the face, bulldog combination. After the knee, Punk tries the bulldog but gets stopped as Jarrett reverses it into a Stroke set-up. Jarrett goes to hit the Stroke, only for Punk to counter that into a G.T.S, followed by a pin-fall clean! Winner: C.M Punk

2. Triple H. v. Santino Marella: Santino comes out first and cuts a promo about Wrestlemania. Santino explains that he would’ve been the star attraction of Mania instead of someone like Triple H. He goes on to say how he would’ve become the new W.W.E Champion, because last night Triple H showed how anyone could easily defeat him. This naturally brings Triple H out in anger, as an official is in the ring and the match is signaled to begin.

Triple H makes quick work of Santino, after charging at him with a takedown in to punches to the face, followed by a knee drop across the face. As Triple H gets up, posing for the fans Santino gets up and charges, only to get a spine buster for his trouble. Triple H then signals for the end, and delivers a stiffening Pedigree to Santino. Triple H pins Santino, but lifts his arm before the 3-count. Triple H nails two more Pedigree’s before finally pinning a very limp and unconscious Santino for the victory. Winner: Triple H.

3. Grudge Match: Hardcore Holly v. Cody Rhodes: This match doesn’t last long. Holly begins beating Rhodes down from before the opening bell, to long after the ending bell. The match is thrown out, after Holly refuses to listen to the official’s orders. DiBiase comes out, attacking Holly, as both Rhodes & DiBiase then work over Hardcore.

After several double team moves, with Priceless dominating Holly in a 2-on-1 situation ending with Rhodes DDTing Holly on a steel chair, the fans erupt when Dustin Rhodes comes from the crowd, hopping the guardrail to make the save for Holly, as Cody & DiBiase make their escape.

Dustin grabs a microphone, and tells Cody that he’s here to give his younger brother the wood-shed beating their Father should’ve given him a long time ago. Winner: No Contest

4. Edge & Randy Orton v. Christian & Tomko: Edge teases beginning against Christian, but tags out to Orton at last minute. Christian takes control early, using speed to his advantage and catching Orton with a swinging DDT from the corner, followed by a reverse DDT-backbreaker combination. Edge kept breaking up possible pin attempts, yet wouldn’t get into the ring with Christian.

As Christian tagged Tomko in, the match swung around in Edge & Orton’s favor after Orton jabbed Tomko in the eyes, followed by a quick tag to Edge and a couple power moves such as an Edge-o-matic, missile drop kick and a Russian leg sweep. Edge and Orton took turns wearing Tomko out, before Orton tried setting up for an R.K.O, only to have Tomko shove Orton off into Edge, knocking Edge off the apron, allowing Tomko to get the tag in to Christian.

In the end, it was Christian who was dazed while Orton was setting up for an R.K.O, only for Edge to also attempt setting up for a spear. As Christian rose to his feet, Edge charged in going for a spear, only for Christian to jump out of the way, causing Edge to spear Orton by mistake! Tomko clotheslines Edge outside the ring, as Christian pins Orton for the victory. Winners: Christian & Tomko

5. Non-Title: Robert Roode & James Storm v. The Bushwackers: Roode & Storm come out and exclaim they’ve defeated every worthy Tag Team on the Raw roster. They go on to challenge any Tag Team from the past, or any other brands, to a Non-Title match. Much to their, and the fans’ surprise, The Bushwackers answer the challenge.

Squash match. Roode and Storm took turns working over each Bushwacker, Luke & Butch. Roode hit a couple different style neck breakers, while Storm hit his signature ‘Eye of the Storm’. In the end, it was both Storm & Roode hitting a double team flapjack, DDT combination that put away the Bushwackers. Winners: Robert Roode & James Storm

6. Non-Title: John Cena v. Scott Steiner: The match begins about similar to how Steiner debuted, immediately and without warning. Cena was coming out with the Championship, and was blasted from behind by Steiner who laid Cena out with a pipe on the ramp-way.

Despite officials trying to get Cena to forget the match, Cena got up and willed his way to the ring, only to have Steiner work him over for most of the match. Steiner hit’s a lot of signature power moves, including; Military press slam, belly to belly suplex, samoan drop, and his elbow drop followed by a series of push-ups.

In the end, it was Steiner who continued to show brute force and power over an already injured and weakened Cena, as the action was outside the ring. Steiner was reversed into the steel steps by Cena, who made it back into the ring. As Steiner rolled back in, he missed a clothesline attempt on Cena, only to get hit with an F-U, however Cena couldn’t capitalize. As both men were down, Edge & Orton suddenly rush out from the back in an effort to help Steiner, but more importantly further injure Cena.

Orton got the officials attention, as Edge entered the ring and went for a spear, only for Cena to side step out of the way causing Edge to fall into the turnbuckles. As Cena lifted Edge for an F-U, it was Steiner who capitalized by leveling Cena with another stiff shot to the head from a chair. The official sees this, calling for an end to the match but that doesn’t stop the trio of Edge, Orton & Steiner from continuing to deliver damage to the busted open and bloody Cena.

As the fans erupt, it’s Triple H who comes out and clears the ring with help from his sledge hammer. Triple H lifts Cena, only to glare at him face to face as Edge, Orton & Steiner all back up the ramp way to end the show. Winner by Disqualification: John Cena


E.C.W.: (3 Weeks Before Backlash)

Opening Segment: Shane Douglas is out to open the show, and cut a 'State of the Franchise' promo. (Shane Douglas)- "State of the 'Franchise' is right. Last Sunday, 'Wrestlemania,' I returned to the 'Land of Extreme' and won this World Heavyweight Championship!" (Holds up title) "This week, I find out they want me to cut a promo explaining how Shane Douglas is gonna be the new face of extreme. Well guess what?! Shane Douglas has your promo right fucking here."

"When I returned to this company, I did it to make a statement. I did to make an impact! The last time Shane Douglas was in E.C.W., it was the 'Land of Extreme' the 'Land of Hardcore' but now all it is, is a pathetic washed up 3rd brand, thats been remade from something famous, to help Vince McMahon make more money. Well fuck that, and fuck Vince McMahon!"

"I did it once before, and I'm doing it again!" (Holds up Championship) "This Heavyweight Championship means shit to me, because its not the original. Its not the E.C.W. Heavyweight Championship, its the E.C.W.W.E. Heavyweight Championship. And I'm throwing this piece of shit in the trash, right now!" (Throws down the Championship) "I AM the E.C.W. World Heavyweight Champion. I AM the man who is gonna single handedly change the land-scape of Extreme Championship Wrestling, one more time. And I start tonight, with the state of the Franchise. Well my state's fucked up, and things are gonna change!"

"The first major thing I wanna address, is this piece of shit over here." (Points to Tazz, at the announcer's table) "The last time I was in E.C.W. you were something of a bad ass. You were something of a big deal. The Human Suplex Machine, 'Beat Me If You Can, Survive If I Let You.' You remember that? Because the pathetic excuse for a man I see sitting before me, is nothing more than a waste of space. The Taz I knew, died in 1999 when he souled his soul to the World Wrestling Federation and gained an extra 'Z.' You know what that 'Z' stands for? It stands for 'Zero!' Because thats exactly what you are, you piece of shit." (Tazz stands up)

"Oh you suddenly find a set a balls sitting over there with Joey Styles? Well let me tell you something you son of a bitch. When you find your balls, and you want a shot, you look me up.. because as of right now, I'm issuing you, a World Heavyweight Championship match. I want the old Taz, not the pile of shit I see talking each week, about talent he knows somewhere deep inside hes better than! Until then, I suggest you change your gimmick to 'Beat off when you can, survive my announcing, if I let you!'" (Douglas turns away from Tazz, and looks back to the main camera)

"Tonight, I make an example outta Matt Hardy. Tonight, I show the world what the rebirth of E.C.W. is truly all about."

1. Sandman & Tommy Dreamer v. Curt Hawkins & Zach Ryder: Hawkins and Ryder are already in the ring as we come back from commercial. Tommy Dreamer comes out, once again without his partner by his side, only to get to ringside and pull a beer from his pocket. Dreamer opens the can, as “Enter Sandman” erupts over the sound system and the Sandman returns to E.C.W television.

Short match, with Dreamer & Sandman fully in control. Despite this contest originally meant to be contested under regular tag rules, it never got that far as Sandman and Dreamer each broke off into single’s groupings with Hawkins and Ryder. Dreamer and Hawkins fought at ringside, then up the ramp way, while Sandman and Ryder kept the action inside the ring for the most part.

Ryder grabs Sandman’s cane and attempts to use it, wildly swinging at the Sandman, only for Sandman to duck then hit a side Russian leg sweep followed by a Rolling Rock from the top rope, to pick up the victory for his team. Dreamer hit’s a Dreamer DDT on Hawkins on the ramp-way, but is suddenly leveled by Raven from behind with a steel chair.

As Sandman is about to leave the ring and go to the aid of Dreamer, the sudden return and shock of Perry Saturn prevents Sandman from doing anything other than being leveled himself, after a power bomb, sudden impact combination. Raven comes to the ring, with the chair in hand, only to lay Sandman out busting him wide open. Winners: Tommy Dreamer & Sandman

2. Jack Swagger v. Finlay: Squash match. Finlay had control at the very beginning, but it didn’t last long. Swagger reversed a whip into the corner, followed by a stiff clothesline that took Finlay off his feet. Swagger went for his finisher early, but Finlay countered by back body dropping Swagger.

As Finlay went to lift Swagger, somehow behind the officials back Swagger hit’s a low blow on Finlay, followed by a gut-wrench power bomb to pick up the victory. Winner: Jack Swagger

3. D’Lo Brown v. Sid Vicious (w/ Buff Bagwell): The match never begins, as Bagwell distracts Brown before the opening bell, only for Sid to attack Brown from behind, laying him out. Vicious delivers multiple Power Bombs to D’Lo Brown, until the fans erupt at the sight of Mark Henry coming to the aid of his long time friend. As Mark Henry stands over his fallen, hurt friend, Sid & Bagwell back away laughing with sinister looks on their face. No Contest

4. Vampiro Promo: The shocking return of Vampiro, prompts everyone to question what happened to both him, as well as The Boogeyman. Vampiro explains that he came to E.C.W on a mission to get rid of those who posed as fakes. He goes on to explain the Boogeyman was a fraud and he took care of him. At this time, the lights darken, as the Boogeyman’s music begins to play.

Vampiro seems slightly shocked, until nothing truly happens after the music continues to play for a period of time. The lights come back up, as Vampiro begins laughing. Suddenly, a huge explosion happens in the ring, as the lights go back out and the ring ropes suddenly catch on fire. A promo airs with the ending bit being “I’m coming.. From hell.. To getcha!” laughter closes out the segment, with Vampiro shocked in awe at the ring ropes being on fire.

5. E.C.W Championship: Extreme Rules: Shane Douglas © v. Matt Hardy: Before the match could even happen, Matt Hardy is laid out from behind by Buff Bagwell and Sid Vicious on the ramp-way. Shane Douglas stayed in the ring, seemingly unsure why Vicious & Bagwell were doing what they were doing.

Bagwell hit a double arm DDT on Hardy, while Sid picked Hardy back up and dropped him with a Chokeslam, followed by a Powerbomb. Vicious and Bagwell drug Hardy to the ring, only to toss him in. Douglas, still seemingly unsure what’s going on finally broke a smirk and showed everyone an evil grin that connected himself to Bagwell and Vicious.

Douglas hit’s a Pittsburgh Plunge on Hardy, only to ask for a pair of steel chairs. Douglas places one chair on Hardy’s ankle, and the other on his neck. Douglas points to Vicious to go after the ankle, while Douglas climbs up onto the second turnbuckle and targets the neck. Both men deliver impactful blows to each chair; Vicious stomping on the chair seemingly shattering Hardy’s ankle, while Douglas leaped off the second turnbuckle, stomping on the chair with Hardy’s neck caught up in - seemingly breaking Hardy’s neck, causing massive amounts of internal bleeding to come up and out of Hardy’s mouth.

As Douglas holds up Bagwell’s and Vicious’ hands, he then shows the hand signal of the Triple Threat to end the show, standing over a broken and bloody Matt Hardy. No Contest


Friday Night Smackdown: (3 Weeks Before Backlash)

Opening Segment: The Four Horsemen arrive, however unlike all the times before it seems the Horsemen are different, as Palumbo is leading Morrison & Miz out of the limo, while Flair is no where to be seen. The cameras follow Palumbo and Co. straight from the opening entrance directly to the ring.

Palumbo begins by holding up his United States Championship, followed by Miz & Morrison holding up their Tag Team Championships. Palumbo says that the Horsemen (in the ring) retained their titles at Wrestlemania just like they said they would. However, with every group comes a weak link. Palumbo explains that everything was set in place for Ric Flair to go down in history to be the guy to defeat the Undertaker, but Flair wanted to change from the plan and do things fairly. Palumbo bad mouths Flair’s idea of a fair fight, in favor of winning and making history. He degrades Flair as their leader, saying that maybe those who felt he was past his prime were right.

This leads to the entrance of Ric Flair, who makes a b-line to the ring, visibly upset. Flair tells Palumbo that before he was a Horsemen, he was nothing but a guy on the street looking for work. Flair explains that it was him that got Palumbo back into the business, because of Flair’s standing. Palumbo says that might be true, but the difference between them right now, is one is a Champion, and one is a has-been. Flair punches Palumbo, causing Miz & Morrison to separate them.

Flair tells Palumbo that he has a rematch against the Undertaker at Backlash for his World Heavyweight Championship, and Flair is going to show Palumbo how a real athlete gets the job done. Suddenly, pyro explodes on the stage as Kane walks out.

Kane explains that as per his victory at Mania in the Battle of the Brands, he was allowed to go to any Brand he so decided. He said he picked Smackdown, for two reasons.. The first, was to be with his brother, the Undertaker. The second, was to become a Champion.. More specifically, the United States Champion. Palumbo seems scared, as Flair suddenly accepts a title match between Palumbo & Kane for tonight. Palumbo isn’t happy.

1. Team 3D v. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch: The duo of the former Dudley Boys returns to the W.W.E, looking to once again become Tag Team Champions. They issue a challenge to Miz & Morrison for Backlash, but instead of the Tag Champs coming out, they’re instead interrupted by the Raw team of Murdoch & Cade.

A match begins with Murdoch and Bubba Ray starting. Ray takes control early, hitting a few nice jabs, followed by a lot of heavy body shots on Murdoch in the corner. Devon comes in, hitting a couple signature moves, including his neck breaker from the turnbuckles.

The match swings into Cade & Murdoch’s favor, after Cade hits Devon illegally with a knee to the back, followed by a couple double team moves with Cade taking control of the match. Cade used a lot of wear down holds on Devon, before signaling for Murdoch to come in and attempt their double team finisher. As Murdoch started on one side, Cade was on the other. Both charged Devon and went for a High/Low, only for Devon to jump out of the way, as both opponent’s missed. Devon got the hot tag out, as Ray came in cleaning house.

In the end, it was a “Watzz-up” on Murdoch, followed by a 3-D on Cade, for the 3-count by the returning Team 3D. Winners: Team 3D

2. #1 Contender’s Tournament: Batista v. The Big Show: Great showing of power versus power in this contest. Both men started out laying heavy punches on the other, but neither man would budge. As the contest went on, it was Big Show who wore down Batista early, laying him out with a side-walk slam, followed by embarrassing him via stepping on his chest, then standing on it.

The action spilled to the outside of the ring, as it looked like neither man would make it back in, after Big Show missed a spear-like attempt, only to knock himself almost out after ramming into the guardrail. However both men would find their way in to beat the count and the match went on.

In the end, it was the Big Show going for a Show-Stopper that gets countered into a huge spin buster by Batista, following by a roll-up and a victory for the Animal, advancing him to the next round. Winner: Batista

3. 6-Man Battle Royal: Paul London v. Brian Kendrick v. Evan Bourne v. Jimmy Wang Yang v. Jamie Noble v. Elijah Burke: (rematch from last week, with the winner gaining a Cruiserweight title match in the future)

This match-up was fast paced from beginning to end. As the opening bell sounded, Yang was quickly eliminated after he charged recklessly at Burke, who merely ducked down, causing Yang to go up and over. As the match went on, it was Burke hiding out while the pairing of London & Kendrick fought back and forth with the duo of Bourne and Noble.

The next set of eliminates happened together, after London missed a cross body and accidentally hit Kendrick. This caused Kendrick to get up, and attempt eliminating London from behind. After both men argued for a little while, they then got into a tie-up, with neither man gaining an advantage, only for Burke to come out of no where and eliminate both men at the same time.

In the end, it was Burke’s creativeness - trying to persuade Noble to join him as both men turned their attention on Bourne. Noble charged in, while Burke held back and watched Bourne go up against Noble. This encountered ended after Noble thought he had Bourne eliminated, only for Bourne to ‘skin the cat’ and grab Noble with his feet, pulling him over the ropes eliminating him to the floor.

Burke tried to quickly capitalize as Bourne was coming back in, but it backfired as Bourne side stepped out of the way, watching Burke go over the ropes to the floor for the final elimination. Winner: Evan Bourne

4. United States Championship: Chuck Palumbo © v. Kane: This match was one-sided from bell to bell, as Kane completely dominated Palumbo, seemingly showing no weakness against the Horseman. Palumbo tried everything he could to pull out a victory, including raking the eyes, hooking the tights, putting his feet on the ropes, and even at one point trying to get counted out.. Nothing worked as Kane stayed one step ahead.

In the end, Palumbo was on his last legs and desperately seeking a way to end the match with his Championship still intact. As Kane looked to become the new Champion, he hit a top rope flying clothesline that sent Palumbo to the outside of the ring. Kane raised his hand, signaling for a Chokeslam, as he reached down and grab Palumbo, only to get hit in the face with the United States Championship - causing the official to call for the bell and Palumbo’s disqualification.

After the bell had rang, Palumbo got in the ring and hit his finisher on Kane, only to then stand over Kane’s body, badmouthing him until Kane sat up which caused Palumbo to quickly bail out of the ring. Kane motioned with his hands around his waist that this showdown was not over, but Palumbo retained his title even in losing. Winner by DQ: Kane

5. #1 Contender’s Tournament: Chris Jericho v. Mr. Kennedy: Jericho came out first and announced that despite being so-close at Mania to winning the MITB match, he was going to go on and win this Tournament and ‘cash-in’ in his own way to become the World Heavyweight Champion.

The match started off with Kennedy reversing everything Jericho tried, including an attempted Walls of Jericho which was reversed into a small package that almost cost Jericho. The match switched on the outside of the ring, as Kennedy was whipped hard into the steps, seemingly injuring his back. Kennedy wasn’t the same from this point on.

In the end, Jericho reverses an attempted Mic Check into the Walls of Jericho, causing Kennedy to have no alternative than to tap out. Jericho will advance to the next round. Winner: Chris Jericho

6. Non-Title: The Undertaker v. Umaga: This match barely even got off to a start before it was over. The Undertaker looked impressive as the new World Champion, and still to no one’s understanding the monstrous Umaga went straight at Taker, without any regard for anything. Taker took the offense to Umaga as well, hitting several signature moves including; Old School, the fists of fury in the corner, a leg drop on the apron, and a flying clothesline/body press over the top rope, to the floor.

In the end, just as the Undertaker seems to have Umaga defeated.. the match is thrown out after Vader debuts, unleashing fury on the Undertaker and leaving him for dead after a severe beat down in the middle of the ring to end the show. Winner by DQ: The Undertaker
I loved it Will. RAW was pretty good, and I loved the Four Horsemen segments on Smackdown, as well as the Vader debut.

Of course, I personally loved the ECW show the most. Shane doing that is classic, and the debuts, and matches, were all perfect. Let's hope you can get the next show up a little quicker ;)
That was just awesome Will.

I agree with NSL the ECW show was my favorite of the trio. But all three were great and all the debuts were awesome and certainly kept you guessing during every match as to what may happen.
Just to give an update, the next week of shows should be out either by Sunday night, or by early next week. I'm going to be adding more depth to my shows as well.

By more depth, I mean I'm taking still photo shots (I can post 4 pics per post) of each show, and I'll highlight some of the big moments from each show. As result, I might just post one show at a time, but will post them back-to back-to back. I hope that's understandable.
Just to give an update, the next week of shows should be out either by Sunday night, or by early next week. I'm going to be adding more depth to my shows as well.

By more depth, I mean I'm taking still photo shots (I can post 4 pics per post) of each show, and I'll highlight some of the big moments from each show. As result, I might just post one show at a time, but will post them back-to back-to back. I hope that's understandable.

Upping the ante I see :glare:

Your shows are great, and I'm sure some photos will help even more. You do need to get online more, and help me brainstorm for my show. And, are we still going to work on one together when your internet time is back to usual levels?

Monday Night Raw: (2 Weeks Before Backlash)

1. James Storm (w/ Robert Roode) v. Christian (w/ Tomko): Storm tries starting the contest out quick, when Roode distracts Christian. However it backfires, as Tomko chases Roode from ringside, as Christian moves out of the way, only for Storm to bounce into the ropes as Christian tries a quick roll-up, for a 2-count. Christian remains in control, firmly until Storm uses underhanded tactics to take the lead.

Storm works over Christian’s head and chest, by repeatedly whipping him hard into the turnbuckles, from side to side. This is followed up with an attempted ‘Eye of the Storm’, however Christian slipped down the back and once again attempted another roll-up, for only a 2-count.

In the end, it was Christian ducking out of the way from a Superkick attempt by Storm, only to hit the ‘Killswitch’ and pick up the pin. Roode rushed back out, trying once again to attack Christian from behind, but it was once again blocked as Tomko came into the ring to aid Christian before any damage could be done. Roode and Storm backed up the ramp-way with the Tag titles, while Christian motioned with his hands that he wanted a shot. Winner: Christian

2. #1 Contender’s Match: Beth Phoenix v. Melina: Quick match. Beth got the upper hand with her power to begin with, including placing Melina in a boston crab that bent Melina’s legs all the way back to her own head. The only advantages Melina had were quickness, taking small spots to roll Beth up, or cradle her suddenly in failed pin attempts. In the end, it was Beth going for a suplex, only for Melina to kick her in the head on the way up, then reverse it into the split-legged leg drop, quickly covering Phoenix for the victory. Winner: Melina

3. Cutting Edge w/ Randy Orton & John Cena: Edge calls out John Cena as his first guest. Cena comes out as Edge quickly explains how in two weeks time he’ll return to doing what he does best - beating Cena in big time matches. Edge reminds Cena of how many Championships he’s won by defeating Cena, only for Cena to explain quickly that this time around no one will be on the outside to help him win those matches for him.

Edge says that he doesn’t need anyone to win matches for him, and is willing to prove it. Cena suddenly says he accepts, only for Edge to back-peddle and explain he wasn’t challenging Cena right there, right now - he says he wasn’t even ready, and this was an interview - not a wrestling match. With that said, Randy Orton’s music hits as Orton comes out. Cena quickly looks nervous, as Edge introduces his ‘surprise’ second, special, guest.

Orton gets in the ring, as both Edge and Orton begin to circle Cena. Orton says that regardless who it is, at Backlash, Cena won’t retain his Championship and in the end - either the rebirth of a Dynasty, or the Rated R era will begin again. Cena goes to hold the mic up, but before he says anything, he just shrugs his shoulders and hits Orton in the head with a mic, then tries to turn and attack Edge before both men jump him at that point.

Orton delivers a damaging R.K.O, while Edge then motions for Orton to grab a pair of chairs. Orton lays Cena’s head on top of one chair, while Edge delivers a vicious con-chair-to with the other. Cena is busted open badly at this point. Edge hands Orton the chair, as Orton delivers another con-chair-to. Both Edge and Orton are escorted out of the ring as security and officials finally rush to the ring to separate the Superstars and aid the fallen Heavyweight Champion.




4. #1 Contender’s 3-Way: Kofi Kingston v. C.M Punk v. Shelton Benjamin: Kingston and Benjamin begin jaw-jacking in the center of the ring, while Punk just smirks and leans against the turnbuckles watching. Benjamin tries to punch Kingston, only for Kingston to block it and attempt a roundhouse kick, but Benjamin ducked that as well. Both men begin punching each other at this point, before Kingston sends Benjamin over the ropes to the floor, followed by Punk quickly rolling Kingston up for a 2-count, then motioning to his on-again, off-again partner how close it was.

The match continues with Kingston & Punk trading moves, each countering and reversing the other’s moves. Punk reversed a cross body by Kingston, via rolling through for a 2-count. While Kingston countered Punk’s knee/bulldog combo, by back body dropping Punk. As Kingston went for his “Trouble in Paradise”, Benjamin capitalized by tripping Kingston, then rushing in to hit a ‘Pay-Dirt’ only for Punk to break up the attempted pin.

In the end, it was all three men trading punches, and trying to find the upper hand. Jeff Jarrett found his way down to ringside, yelling for Benjamin to hold up Punk. As Jarrett went to swing the guitar, Kingston rushed in to break up the mess - only to take the guitar shot, laying him out. Meanwhile, Punk reversed Benjamin’s grip on him, by lifting him up and hitting a G.T.S, followed by a 3-count. Jeff Jarrett didn’t seem to happy that Punk won, as Punk helped Kingston, who was also unhappy about being blasted by a guitar. Winner: C.M. Punk

5. Dustin Rhodes v. Santino Marella: Squash match. Dustin pretty much controlled from beginning to end. Not a lot of action, just a couple signature moves; including a stiff looking neck breaker followed by a bulldog off the top ropes, then the pinfall. After the match, Dustin called out Cody, instead only to get Ted DiBiase Jr.

DiBiase said that Cody doesn’t want anything to do with his loser of a brother, and that Dustin needs to return to the stars where he came from. Dustin said that it’s guys like DiBiase, that make no one want to respect the next generation of Superstars. He goes on to say he’s had his fair share of issues with his Father, but only wants to help Cody succeed. DiBiase explains that they’ve already accomplished more in their short time in the business, than Dustin’s ever done in his entire career. They’ve “become somebody’s”. Dustin then opens the challenge for a Tag match at Backlash; Dustin & Hardcore Holly against Cody & DiBiase. DiBiase accepts, then leaves. Winner: Dustin Rhodes

6. Main Event: Triple H. v. Scott Steiner: Before the match even began, Scott Steiner attacked Triple H, brutally outside the ring. Steiner lead Triple H around ringside, bouncing his head off the guardrail and ring steps. Steiner then took matters more extreme, grabbing the time keeper’s bell, ramming it repeatedly into Triple H’s head, busting him wide open. Steiner followed this all up with a Steiner Flatliner on a steel chair, outside the ring.

Officials rushed to check on the badly injured Triple H, who refused medical attention. Steiner was goating Triple H into the ring for their match, while Triple H found a sudden burst of adrenaline and rushed into the ring, signaling for the official to ring the bell. Against better judgment, the match began with Steiner once again taking his full power and strength to a bloody and weakened Triple H. Steiner controlled most of this match, hitting power moves including; a military press, multiple suplexes, a belly to belly, and trying to lock in the Steiner Recliner.

In the end, as everyone assumed Steiner had Triple H beaten, the Game came back with a second wind and another burst of adrenaline; matching power and strength with Steiner and hitting several signature moves including; a neck breaker, spine buster, and the knee to the face. Triple H hit a pedigree on Steiner, but right before he got the 3-count - it was Edge and Orton rushing into the ring, attacking Triple H to warrant the official to once again call for the match to end. Winner by DQ: Triple H.

After the match was officially over, it didn’t stop the trio of Orton, Edge and Steiner, who continued to brutally beat down Triple H. The fans erupted when Cena’s music came on, but not with the type of energy and adrenaline they’d wanted to see from Cena, who did come out from the back - bandaged, still bleeding and seemingly limping.

As Cena made it to the ring, he was met with a stiff kick to the head by Orton, which leveled Cena back out of the ring, laid out at ring side. Meanwhile, it was Steiner who held Triple H up, while Edge took the liberty to Spear the bloody former Heavyweight Champion. As the show was going off the air, the trio of Steiner, Edge & Orton were celebrating with their arms raised high - while the duo of Cena and Triple H, each laid bloody, broken and seemingly destroyed.

E.C.W.: (2 Weeks Before Backlash)

Opening Segment: Recap of the reformation of the Triple Threat - as well as Matt Hardy’s injuries.

1. Raven Interview: Raven comes out with his Flock in tow, along with the newly returned Saturn. Raven explains that Hawkins and Ryder have let him down for the last time, and it’s time for them to learn “tough love”. An unscheduled match between Raven & Saturn then happens against Hawkins and Ryder.

The match itself doesn’t last long. Hawkins & Ryder are pretty much oblivious to knowing this was even coming. Raven hits an early Evenflow on Ryder, while more or less eliminated him from the match completely. Saturn worked over Hawkins, delivering several signature moves including; an elbow drop from the top rope, multiple suplexes, brain buster, a super kick and a power bomb, death valley driver combo.

In the end, it was Raven bringing himself back into the match, hiting an Evenflow on Hawkins, busting him open, then rolling him over to make the cover for 3. Raven takes Hawkins blood, and smears it across his face, as his slumps back into the corner, while Saturn stands over him, next to him like a body guard. Ryder and Hawkins slowly regain their composer and instead of taking action, actually pull themselves together and position themselves outside the ring, near Raven, seemingly loyal. Winners: Raven & Perry Saturn


2. Non-Title: Shane Douglas v. Super Crazy: Squash, brutal match. Before the match even begins, Douglas cuts another promo on E.C.W, Matt Hardy & Tazz. While Super Crazy wasn’t paying attention, Douglas lays him out with the E.C.W Championship, then proceeds to beat Crazy in the head repeatedly with fists.

Douglas goes outside the ring, grabbing several weapons including a chair, kendo stick and even a one legged man’s crutch from ringside, bringing all the items of destruction into the ring. Crazy never rebounded from the opening shot to the head, as Douglas continues his onslaught of destruction by busting Crazy open with the chair, only to place it around his neck and proceed to jump off the middle turnbuckles, landing firmly on the chair seemingly breaking Crazy’s neck/throat.

Douglas demands the official ring the bell to begin the original match, while the official doesn’t want to, he does so out of fear. Douglas picks a very hurt Crazy, only to hit a Pittsburgh Plunge followed by a cover for a 3-count. After the match, Douglas went outside the ring and slapped Tazz across the face!

Tazz gets up, while Douglas stands firm almost begging for Tazz to do something, instead Tazz just places his glasses back on and sits down. Douglas shakes his head in disappointment, then leaves ringside holding his Championship up high. Winner: Shane Douglas


3. Extreme Rules: Sandman v. Kenny Dykstra: It’s announced that the Main Event of next week’s E.C.W show is going to be a Double Jeopardy match, with Sandman, Raven, Tommy Dreamer & Steve Corino. The winner will earn a title shot at Judgment Day. This announcement brings Kenny Dykstra out to the ring, demanding his shot at the title. Dykstra explains that he’s constantly being overlooked, and he’ll take out any of the four men in the match for next week - to take their spot. Sandman answers his challenge, in an Extreme Rules match.

Dykstra quickly grabs a kendo stick, as Sandman is entering the ring. Dykstra charges Sandman, swinging the cane, only for Sandman to duck the shot and grab the cane - positioning it on the throat of Dykstra, hitting a Light Russian Leg Sweep. Sandman pins Dykstra easily, then continues to celebrate his return to extreme with more beer. Winner: Sandman

4. Vampiro v. Elijah Burke: Vampiro starts early by raking the eyes of Burke, then hitting a couple different kicks and martial arts style moves. As the match turns in Burke’s favor, it’s Burke who takes the action outside the ring, only to miss trying to rush in with a clothesline to Vampiro - ultimately ramming his own arm into the ring post. Vampiro capitalizes on this mistake, and hit’s a quick spinning karate kick to the face of Burke. Vampiro rolls Burke back into the ring, only to come in and hit a ‘Nail in the Coffin’ followed by the 3-count. Winner: Vampiro

After the match, the lights go out then a dark red glow lowers across the arena, as The Boogeyman’s music begins playing. Vampiro, seemingly scared, begins looking around as the music stops and another promo airs on the Tron. This time, it’s a life-like copy of Vampiro that suddenly bursts into flames. As Vampiro looks on in shock, the promo ends with “One, Two.. Boogey’s Coming for You.. Three, Four.. Get ready to Burn some more!” laughter is heard throughout the arena, as the lights completely go out, leaving Vampiro frozen in the ring.

5. Grudge Match: Buff Bagwell & Sid Vicious v. D’Lo Brown & Mark Henry: Match starts off chaotic, as the Triple Threat once again uses their numbers advantage to benefit them. Before the match begins, Douglas clocks Mark Henry in the head with a steel chain wrapped around his fist, knocking Henry out. D’Lo gets doubled teamed by Bagwell and Vicious inside the ring, while this happened.

Once again, under pressure and in fear for his own health, the official (against his will) rings the bell to begin the match, while Henry is knocked out and Brown is being double teamed. The match goes for a bit, but it’s basically just another gang hit with Bagwell & Vicious constantly coming in to help the other whenever Brown gains a bit of momentum.

In the end, it’s Bagwell hitting a huricanrana, sending Brown into Vicious who delivers a stiff Power bomb, catching and dropping Brown from mid-air. Henry never even got into the match, and upon coming two, was laid out with the Championship belt again. Winners: Buff Bagwell & Sid Vicious


After the contest, all three individuals once again go to the announcer’s table and taunt Tazz. Vicious grabs Brown from inside the ring, only to begin beating Brown’s head off the announce table repeatedly. Meanwhile, Douglas grabs Brown, seemingly going to whip him into the steel steps, only to turn D’Lo around and whip him up, over, the announce table - as Brown lands in Tazz’s lap, knocking him out of his chair. Douglas and the Triple Threat leave ringside, as Tazz gets up from the ground, with a very pissed off look on his face to end the show.

Friday Night Smackdown: (2 Weeks Before Backlash)

1. #1 Contender’s Tournament: Kane v. Jeff Hardy: This match was almost all Kane from beginning to end. Hardy started the match fast and furious, trying to use speed to his advantage, but Kane didn’t allow Hardy to gain any type of advantage early.

The action spilled to the outside when Kane went for an attempted Chokeslam, only for Hardy to kick Kane, then deliver a spinning reverse kick that sent Kane over the top ropes. Hardy followed up with a splash up and over the ropes, crashing down on Kane, but it only seemed to anger the Big Red Machine, who delivered a Chokeslam that almost ended the match on the outside of the ring.

Hardy made it back end as the match continued, however in the end, it’s Hardy who hit’s a Swanton Bomb, but only gets a 2-count before Kane powers out. As Kane gets to his feet, Hardy rushes up the turnbuckle, trying for a Whisper in the Wind, only for Kane to side-step the move as Hardy crashes to the mat. Kane grabs Hardy by the throat, forcing him up off the mat, only to deliver a devastating Chokeslam that leads to a 3-count and advances Kane to the next round. Winner: Kane

2. John Morrison (w/ The Miz) v. Brother Ray (w/ Brother Devon): Morrison got the upper hand in the very beginning, as Miz grabbed Ray’s attention before the opening bell. Morrison continued to control the opening moments, hitting a couple signature moves including a Russian leg sweep, spin wheel kick, and using multiple kicks, hurting Ray’s head.

In the end, it’s Miz and Devon getting involved into the contest. Miz tries to distract Brother Ray, however only gets the officials attention while Devon grabs Morrison’s foot as he tries to springboard up, off, the ropes. Ray comes up behind a stunned Morrison, hitting a ‘Bubba Bomb’ followed by a pinfall for the victory. Winner: Brother Ray

3. Cruiserweight Championship: Sean Waltman © v. Evan Bourne: Before the match, cameras show backstage footage of Bourne laid out and unable to wrestle from earlier in the night. As a result, Waltman is demanding his hand be raised and a forfeit happen in his favor. The announcer then explains that because a Championship match was promised, a replacement will face Waltman for the title. That replacement is A.J. Styles!

Waltman wasn’t happy about the sudden replacement, and tried arguing with the official before jumping Styles from the side with the title to the head. The official got on Waltman, but it was before the opening bell. Waltman continued to work over Styles with several kicks, weakening him for something seemingly bigger. As the match went on both men traded back and forth offensive moves, including going outside the ring.

Styles hit a couple different breath-taking high risk dives from inside the ring, to the outside, both connecting onto Waltman. As the action came back in the ring, Styles took over control, hitting another set of high risk, high reward moves, including a cross body for a 2-count, and a Pele out of no where, but also only for a two count.



In the end, Waltman misses a flip splash, only for Styles to hit a Styles’ clash on Waltman for the 3-count, becoming the new Cruiserweight Champion. Winner & NEW Cruiserweight Champion: A.J. Styles

4. #1 Contender’s Tournament: Rey Mysterio v. Vader: Squash match. As much as the fans wanted Mysterio to be in it, he was never any match for the Mastodon Vader. From the opening bell, to the ending bell, this match was completely dominated by Vader, with the exception of one or two high flying, high risk moves that Mysterio got off by speed alone.

Vader used brute power to ground the high flier, and in the end, Mysterio hit’s a 6.1.9 on Vader, but as he jumps up and off the ropes for a West Coast Pop, he’s caught in mid-air by Vader, and viciously Vader bombed. Vader pins Mysterio for the 3-count, advancing to the next round. Winner: Vader

5. M.V.P - V.I.P Lounge w/ Big Show & Mr. Kennedy: M.V.P more or less introduced both the Big Show, and Mr. Kennedy as the losers of the current on-going Championship Tournament. This naturally upset both men, who wanted to get their hands around M.V.P’s throat.

Porter calmed both men down, saying that there isn’t any hard feelings in losing to who each lost to. Porter then went on to explain that he’s sure, had each of them faced one another, at least one of them would be a winner tonight. Kennedy jumps in, saying that he would’ve been the guy to go on against Big Show, then showed footage of Big Show losing to Batista, explaining that if it were Kennedy instead, he would’ve hit a Mic-Check on the Big ‘Slow’.

Big Show grabbed a mic, then changing the footage to Kennedy losing to Jericho, explaining that if it were him instead of Jericho, Kennedy wouldn’t of even been there tonight, because they’d still be scrapping pieces of him up off the mat, after Show Chokeslammed him through it.

Porter cuts both men off, saying that if it’s such a big controversy as to who would win, why not settle it next week in a single’s match. Both agree, until Porter then says.. Of course, if it were M.V.P against anyone, be it Batista, Jericho, Kennedy or Show.. M.V.P would prove exactly why he’s the best on Smackdown, and he’d go on to become the next World Champion. This angered both men, who tried getting their hands on Porter, who jumped out of the ring. Kennedy took a cheap shot at Show with the microphone, before leaving the ring himself. Show, clutching his head from the shot, pointed at both men, then made a choking motion.

6. Non-Title: The Undertaker v. Chuck Palumbo: Palumbo came out with Morrison & Miz, yet no Flair. This helped Palumbo take an early advantage by jumping Taker at the opening bell, while he was distracted, but the advantage didn’t last long. Taker fought back, giving Palumbo a full dose of brawling style, with rights and lefts, backing him into a corner.

Taker went on the offensive regarding all of the Horsemen, as he left the ring and went after Morrison & Miz, forcing them up the ramp and to the back. This once again helped Palumbo grab an advantage as Taker tried coming back in. Palumbo hit his finisher, the “Full Throttle”, but the Undertaker used his un-human like abilities to merely shake it off.

In the end, with Morrison & Miz each trying to help Palumbo out, it’s Ric Flair’s surprise appearance that accidentally helps the Undertaker to victory. Miz was distracting the official, while Morrison tried to interfere, only to take a Chokeslam for his trouble. Flair grabs the U.S. Championship, but seemingly tosses it too far, as it goes up and over Palumbo’s head, causing him to lose focus and follow his title. When Palumbo turned around, he found himself dropped in a Chokeslam, as the Undertaker pinned the United States Champion. Winner: The Undertaker


After the match, Flair didn’t seem to care that Palumbo had lost, as he just pointed at the Undertaker and motioned for the title to be back around his waist. Meanwhile, Palumbo didn’t seem to pleased that Flair was even out there, as the lights darkened and Taker posed in the ring, as the show goes off.
(I hope this is allowed)

My Story
Introduction (and whats happening)
So yeah this is my roster. Lets just say I got control of the wwe in 2008, when I decided to Draft the Brands in 2009 I also decided to merge the ecw superstars with SD and Raw rosters efficiently ending the ecw brand though I've kept the show itself as a place where Raw and Smackdown superstars can vs each other. So basically, Raw superstars and diva's can't wrestle on Smackdown and same goes for Smackdown Superstar/divas on raw. I control both brands myself. There is also a couple of CAW's in this, there just apart of my story. Wrestlers can also defend titles on ECW against people of the other brand. I'll add in descriptions of the CAW's later. The commentators will be called the commentators because I don't feel like putting detail in them

Lets just call me, "Me" Heel-ish


Kennedy Face
Cena Heel
Tony Heel (SvR 09 unlockable character)
Santino Heel
Jesse Heel
Festus Heel
Miz Face
Kofi Face
JTG Heel
Shad Heel
The Three Face (Caw #1)
Elijah Burke Face
Matt Hardy Face
Shelton Benjamin Face
Ric Flair Face
HHH Heel
Orton Face
HBK Face
MVP Face
Big Show Heel
Cody Rhodes Face
Joe De Fault Face (Caw #2)

Raw Diva's

Beth Phenoix Heel
Kelly Kelly Heel
Maria Heel
Michelle McCool Heel
BJ Melissa Face (Female Caw #1)
Michelle Face (Female Caw #2)
Mickie James Face
Melina Face

Brock Jace Face (Caw #3)
Edge Heel
Hawkings Heel
Ryder Heel
Rey Mysterio Face
John Morrison Face
CM Punk Face
Chuck Palumbo Face
Umaga Heel
Jericho Face
Cade Face
Mudroch Face
London Face
Kendrick Face
Kane Face
Undertaker Face
Jeff Hardy Face
Batista Heel
Finlay Heel
Regal Heel
Dreamer Face
JBL Heel
Marshall D Teach H Heel (Caw #4)

Smackdown Diva's

Ashley H eel
Candice Face
Layla Heel
Victoria Face


World Heavyweight Champion - Kennedy (Has held it since WM24 Beating HHH in the main event)
Intercontinental Championship - The Three
World Tag Team Champions - Jeff and Matt Hardy
Womens Championship - BJ Melissa


WWE Championship - Brock Jace
US title - Vacant (Former Champion The Great Khali forfeited it after a career ending injury)
WWE Tag Team Champions - Hawkings and Ryder
Hardcore Title - Edge

Defunct or Inactive (After the Draft)

ECW Title - MVP - Since the ECW brand no longer exists the Championship was retired.
Cruiserweight - Chavo - Injured and belt was quietly retired

Tag Teams and stables
Tag Teams and Stables

#1 Undertaker and Kane (Brothers of Destruction)
#2 John Morrison and The Miz
#3 Jeff and Matt Hardy (The Hardyz)
#4 Punk and Kofi (PunKofi)
#5 JTG and Shad (Cryme Tyme)
#6 The Three and Elijah
#7 Orton and Rhodes - (Legacy)
#8 Edge, Hawkings and Ryder
#9 London and Kendrick (Londrick)
#10 Shelton Benjamin and Joe De Fault
#11 Chris Jericho, Cade and Murdoch

TV's Show's
TV Shows and PPV's
Raw - Monday Night's 9pm - 11pm
ECW - Wednesday Nights 10pm - 11pm
Smackdown - Friday Nights 8pm - 10pm

PPV Schedule
Royal Rumble - Features the Royal Rumble
No Way Out - Elimination Chamber
Wrestlemania - Grandest stage of them all
Backlash - Fall out from Wrestlemania
Judgement Day -
One Night Stand - All matches are extreme
Vengence Night of Champions - All titles are defended
Summerslam - Now the home of the Money in the Bank ladder match
No Mercy -
Unforgiven -
Cyber Sunday (Interactive ppv)
Survivor Series - Elimination matches
Armageddon -

TV Shows

Monday Night Raw, 4th of May

The show kicks off with the Raw Theme
The show starts with me standing in the ring getting ready to cut a promo on what will happen to the ECW Championship and US title (As it is Vacant) and some other big announcements

Me, "Welcome to Monday night Raw. Last week I dis-banned the ECW brand and in the process retiring the ECW world title, it seems a few people are quite upset, the most being Mr Montel Vontavious Porter. Well last Wednesday on ECW he said he would never give the title up. Well seeing as he no longer needs it I have to say, MVP please come down to the ring and give me the title right now, it is no longer yours.

MVP's Music plays (Big Pop)
The ECW Champion walks to the ring.

MVP, "What the hell are you talking about, all those months I spent trying to get it and now it's being taken away, this is messed up".
Me, "Yeah, well tough luck, now if you could.
MVP (Interrupting), "No what the hell, why should I?"
(MVP gets ready to attack me)
Me, "Wait hold on, well i got a propositional for you, You see I was planning a 8 man Tournament with the winner facing Mr Kennedy at Judgement day in 3 weeks. "
MVP, "So I have to earn my way back to the top"
Me, "Well yeah, but I can help make this tournament easier for you if you just hand me the ECW title right now"
MVP, "Let me think about that"
MVP looks at the belt, looks up. He slightly turns around before whacking me in the head with the ECW belt.

MVP's Music Plays
He exits the area holding the ECW title up high

Commercial Break

(I'm up after the title to the head)
Me, "Wow that hurt, so MVP you want to do things the hard way. I was going to help you get through with ease but I see that you want to do it the hard way. Well I just mentioned the WWE title Tournament, it will start next week and will involve Shawn Micheals, The Big Show, Randy Orton, John Cena, Triple H, The Miz, Kofi Kingston, Matt Hardy and the new participant MVP."

"Well that's the #1 contenders Tourney, one more announcement, the tag team division has involved 3 teams over the past few months fighting over 2 sets of Tag Belts so I've decided to temporarily merge them which will happen in a 16 team Tag Team Tournament, I've already chosen the participating teams. During this tournament if the current World Tag Team Champions Jeff and Matt Hardy or current WWE Tag Team Champions Hawkings and Ryder get pinned they will lose the belts and the winners will be rewarded them and the final match of the Tournament at Judgement day will be crowned the new undisputed tag team champions, enough talking let the first match begin!

Commercial Break

Jesse and Festus's music plays
Out come Jesse and Festus to a course of boo's
Elijah's music plays, out comes The Three and Elijah

Festus and The Three start off with Festus going into a rage when the bell rings. Festus chases The Three around the ring until The Three drop toe holds him. The Three tries to get put Festus in a chokehold but is over powered. The Three rolls out of the ring to discuss something with elijah while Festus rampages around the ring.

Jesse calms Festus down, while they are distracted in the corner 3 attacks festus from behind causing a tag to jesse to occur while tumbling both of them out of the ring. While both are down The Three quickly rolls out of the ring, grabs jesse and brings him back in. Kick to the stomach as he goes for a TKO (His finisher) but is thwarted by festus. Festus beats down on The Three after knocking elijah of the apron. The ref tries to get him off but he doesn't listen.

Elijah on the outside goes and grabs the ring bell. He rings it causing festus to stop. While the ref checks on The Three, elijah hits the elijah express on Jesse and rolls The Three on him

1 2 3 pinfall victory

The Three and Elijah move on in the tournament
Elijah's music plays

Commercial Break

Shelton Benjamin's music plays
Out comes to a good pop, Shleton Benjamin and Joe De Fault for Match 2 of the Tag Team tourney

Santino Marella's Music plays
Out comes Santino and Tony to a course of Laughs, Seriously there both jobbers

Match starts with Tony and Shelton. Tony puts Shelton is a FU position as the bell rings, he escapes easily and hits the play dirt

1 2 3

Shelton's Music plays
Shelton and Joe De Fault easily move on in the Tag Tourney

MVP gets interviewed by Maria. She asks him why he refused to give "Me" the ECW title.
MVP, "Isn't it obvious, I worked to hard, to long to earn this title and now he wants to take it away from me, hah. I'm going to win this tournament of his, go to Judgement Day, Defeat Kennedy and then throw the WWE title out and make the ECW title the top one on the show"

Commercial Break

Cryme Tyme's Music plays
Out comes Cryme Tyme with no reaction from the crowd what so ever for the 3rd match of the tag tourney

Orton's music plays
Out comes Orton and Rhodes to a good pop, the commentators are confused on why Orton is in the Tag Tournament despite also being in the WWE title tournament

Rhodes and JTG Start the match with a few punches. JTG irish whips Cody into his corner. Shad chokes him and a tag. Shade beats of cody in the corner. Another tag. Cody falls to the ground. Shad picks JTG up and slams him onto Rhodes. JTG goes for the pin 1, 2 and a kick out

JTG beats on rhodes some more and makes another tag. Shad picks cody up and suplex hims, elbow drop, leg drop and goes for the pin. 1,2 kick out. Shad taunghts Orton. Rhodes steadily gets up. Shad bounces goes to bounce of the rope near orton but orton pulls the rope down and shad falls out. The ref goes to orton and yells at him. While this happens JTG gets in the ring and attacks rhodes from behind preventing him from tagging orton.

Commercial Break

Shad back in the ring has Rhodes in the corner. He lifts him up for a superplex. Orton tries to interfere but the ref stops him. Shad tags JTG again. JTG picks Rhodes up and drags him over to the ropes. He places rhodes head/arms on the middle rope. He picks his legs up and kicks him in the stomach. Tag to Shad. Shad puts a arm bar on Rhodes. After a few moments of struggle rhodes finally gets on his feat.

He knocks shad down by kicking his feet over and over and hitting a ddt. He manages to make the hot tag to Orton before JTG who enters the ring illegally can prevent it. Orton in, he punches JTG a few times, irish whip into the corner and he slides out. Shad attacks from behind but expecting it Orton hits a RKO from no where

1 2 3
Orton's music plays
Orton helps Rhodes to his feet and they celebrate in the ring

Commercial Break

The Miz's music plays
The Miz makes his way down to the ring with a face pop. Before the match can start he gets on the Mic
Miz, "So you all heard it earlier tonight, Next week I will be apart of the #1 contenders tournament, I also will be apart of the Tag Team tournament partnered with John Morrison and our match will be tomorrow night on ECW, I've now got that chance to win the World Tag Team Championship tomorrow night, when I win I will move onto the WWE title tournament next week and beat who ever I my be facing, it could even be my opponent tonight Kofi Kingston. Tonight I will beat him and we end up in the same match next week or further up in the tournament, you better believe I will beat him again. Finally at Judgement day I will win my second Tag Titles, unifying them in the process then win the WWE championship because I am the Miz and I am awesome"
Miz gets a mixed reaction during the promo

Kofi Kingston music plays
Kofi Kingston makes his way to the ring to a pop

The Match starts with the Miz powering Kofi in to a corner. He gets in a cheap shot and taunts him. Kofi retaliates by knocking and beating him down. Miz shoves him off and rolls out the ring. Kofi follows but as he gets out of the ring the Miz attacks him, after a few kicks The Miz picks Kofi up and smashes his head into the ring and barricade. Now at a 3 count The Miz decides to win by count out. He throws Kofi into the crowd near the announcers table and slides in the ring. 5... 6... 7... Kofi makes it over the Guardrail 8... 9... and he manages to get in. The Miz instantly starts stomping Kofi as we go to a commercial break

Commercial Break

Beak from the break Kofi is in control. It is shown Miz missed his corner attack which gave Kofi the opportunity. Kofi does a couple of kicks to Miz and irish whips him into the ropes. The miz goes for a cloths line but Kofi jumps, The miz rebounds of the other ropes and walks into the trouble in paradise. THe Miz slides out of the ring and lies on the floor outside. Another count starts with The Miz recovering by the 7th count and gets back in the ring. Kofi gets Miz on his feets and irsh whips him into the corner. He monkey flips him followed by his boom boom boom fist drop and a count of 1... 2.. kick out.
Kofi waits for the miz to get to his feet, he kicks him and runs to a corner and jumps to the top rope. Predicting this the Miz runs behind and puts Kofi in the tree of woe. He hits his corner clothsline on a upside down Kofi. After Kofi falls the Miz picks him up and hits the Reality Check and pins 1... 2... 3...

The Miz's music plays
The Miz gets on the Mic
Miz, "See I won and that is because I am the Miz and I am awesome"

The Miz's music plays again

Commercial Break

Mr Kennedy's Music Plays
Kennedy walks into the ring to a big reaction, he then gets his mic to drop down from the roof
Kennedy, "So next week, theres this little tournament thing, the winner goes on to face me, MR KENNEDY!, at Judgement Day in 3 weeks, lets see... The 9 possible choices... I can beat them all. I've beaten them all in the past 14 months. Nothing will change, at the end of the day, at the end of the week, at the end of Judgement Day, me MY KENNEDY!, will retain the world title, because I am, MR KENNEDY! KEN-NE-DY!!"

MVP Music Plays
Similar reaction to what Kennedy got, he gets to the ring, gets into Kennedy's face and grabs Kennedy's Mic
MVP, "Your kidding right? You said you have beaten the 9 people in the tournament before right? Well your wrong. There is one person you have not beat in the past 14 months and thats me M-V-P"
Kennedy after grabbing back his mic, "Thank you for correcting me, its true I have not beaten you in the past 14 months, the reason I haven't beaten you, hell i haven't even face you, because while I have been, at the top of the wwe, for the past 14 months, you were stuck, in that now dead brand, ECW fighting over that meaningless title. You don't even deserve, to be in this tournament.
MVP (After getting a second mic), "Ohh is that so?
(They both get into each other faces, getting ready to fight each other) when suddenly...

"My" Music Plays
I come out to a course of boo's and get on the mic at the top of the stage
Me, "Woah Woah Woah, first off cut there mics, now.... you 2, have you forgotten, you 2 are teaming together tonight in this 6 man tag match and before it even begins you 2 want to go at it. Well that won't be happening, if either of you two fight before this match even starts... Well MVP, just on a side note since you won't give that ECW title to me you can keep it, I'm over it. So anyway before you two start fighting I'm going to put a rule on you two, MVP, Kennedy if either of you two lay a finger on each other, MVP you will be out of this tournament, Kennedy... Ohhh you will have a hard time at Judgement Day you better believe it."
As I go to leave
Me, "One more thing, the both of you will be Teaming Together tomorrow night on ECW against CM Punk and another man apart of the world title #1 contenders tournament Kofi Kingston. If you win you may go onto the finals of the Tag Tournament and face each other later that night for the World Title. So about my rule where you 2 cannot touch each other, this rule will last for how ever long your in the tournament and for how ever longer you might hold the Tag Team Titles, excluding World Title matches of course. Good Night"

HBK's Music Plays
HBK makes his way to the ring to a big pop, MVP and Kennedy are in each others faces

Commercial Break

Big Show's Music Plays
Big Show comes out to a course of Boo's, HBK is seen in the ring trying to calm MVP and Kennedy down"

HHH's Music Plays
HHH walks out to a course of Boo's, HBK is still trying to calm MVP and Kennedy down

Cena's Music Plays
Cena comes out to the largest ammount of Boo's all night

Show/HHH/Cena argue on who is going to start with HHH ultimately going in, HBK instructs Kennedy to start

HHH and Kennedy lock it up with HHH over powering Kennedy into a corner. HHH backs away but then punches him, Kennedy attacks but misses with HHH yet again over powering him into a corner. HHH starts punching/kicking Kennedy till kennedy has sat down and hits a knee. while not paying attention MVP runs from the apron up to HHH, grabs his head and pulls into onto the top rop. HHH bounces off the rope. MVP stares at Kennedy laughing. Kennedy gets up but keeps his eye on MVP long enough that HHH has made tha tag to the Big Show. Show attacks Kennedy from behind with a punch to the head. Show kicks Kennedy a few times then drags him to the center of the ring. After a leg drop Show puts Kennedy into a cobra clutch. After a few seconds of struggling HBK enters and SCM's Show off kennedy. HHH/Cena enter the ring as does MVP.
They stare off over a fallen Kennedy and the Big Show as the show goes to a....

Commercial Break

Back from the break HHH is working over Kennedy again, a replay is shown how Big Show made the tag but Kennedy didn't make it. As the replay is being shown HHH irish whips Kennedy and does a Spinebuster with a 1... 2... kick out. HHH tags Cena in. Cena goes for the five knuckle shuffle but as he went to rebound of the ropes MVP pulled the rope down. MVP then rushes into the ring and attacks Show/HHH, the Ref stops MVP. During the chaos Kennedy makes the tag to HBK but the ref doesn't see it so Cena goes back on the attack. Cena does a couple of punches to Kennedy in the corner, Irish whips him across the ring and goes for a turnbuckle clothesline. Kennedy ducks and kicks Cena in the stomach. He picks Cena up and hits a standing Senton. Cena makes the Tag to HHH and Kennedy tags in HBK. They both get in the ring
the crowd goes nuts as they go to fight each other
They start brawling witrh HBK getting the slight edge until HHH gets control and irish whips HBK into the ropes, HBK counters with a flying forearm followed by a kip up. He pickes hhh for a inverted atomic drop, he goes to bounce of one of the ropes but Show grabs him as he is doing this. Show pulls HBK half over the top rope and slaps him across the chest. HBK falls to the ground, HHH follows up with a knee drop. He goes for the pedigree but MVP attacks from behind. MVP hits his leg finisher on the Big Show but before he can remove his foot Cena grabs it, he pulls MVP out of the ring and then gets in. Kennedy also gets in, Kennedy hits a clothesline on both Cena and HHH twice. Cena rolls out, Kennedy gets HHH in the corner, picks him up and tries to go for the Green Bay Roll but HHH fights back and escapes. Cena on the apron again and gets the Tag from HHH. He clotheslines Kennedy out of the ring, He hits a five knuckle shuffle on a still down HBK, followed by putting him into the STF. MVP tries to get back in the ring but is stopped by the Big Show. HBK still resisting tapping out and tries to make it to the ropes. On the outside HHH goes under the ring, he grabs his Sledgehammer, Kennedy now back in the ring and stops the STF. From behind HHH hits Kennedy with the Sledgehammer for the DQ. Cena looks at HHH with a face like, WDF?. HHH goes for Cena but he rolls out. On the outside the Big Show has taken apart the Announcers Table, He picks MVP up and Chokeslams him through it. HHH in the ring hits HBK with the Sledgehammer as he gets up.

HHH's Music Plays

HHH then picks up the World Title and holds it up high over a fallen HBK and Kennedy. With Show standing over a fallen MVP and Cena backing up the ramp to end the show
Tag Team Tournament
Elijah and The Three defeated Jesse and Festus

Joe De Fault and Shelton Benjamin defeated Tony and Santino Marella

Randy Orton and Cody Rhodes defeated JTG and Shad. CrymeTyme

The Miz defeated Kofi Kingston

Mr Kennedy, MVP and Shawn Michaels defeated Triple H, John Cena, The Big Show by DQ
ECW 5th of May
ECW's theme goes off, After it the screen cuts to the arena

The Miz's Music Plays
Miz comes out and gets on the Mic. This match is for the World Tag Team Championship
Miz, "Tonight... Me The Miz, My partner John Morrison, are going to beat Jeff and Matt, The Hardy Boyz and win the World Tag Team Championship. Next Monday I'm going to beat who ever I may face and advance in the World Title #1 contender Tournament, I'm going to win every match in the next 3 weeks, go to Judgement day and not only unify the Tag Team Champion Titles I will also win the World Heavyweight Championship, because I am The Miz and I am awesome"

John Morrison's Music plays
John Morrison comes down and joins The Miz

The Hardy Boyz music plays
Jeff and Matt walk down the ring together

John Morrison and Matt Hardy start the match. Morrison starts by kicking Matt's knee, followed by a few quick kicks and follows up with a irish whip into the corner. Morrison jumps trying to kick Matt but he ducks and doges. Morrison lands on the top rope and quickly performs a moonsault which Matt Dodges. Matt goes for a clothesline but Morrison ducks, Matt rebounds of the ropes and gets himself into a sleeper hold. Matt quickly fights back with a few elbows to Morrisons gut, face to face Matt kicks Morrison and tries to hit the Twist of Fate but Morrison pushes Matt back. Morrison goes to tag Miz but Matt prevents him. They fight in the center of the ring where Morrison tries to kick Matt in the ribs but Matt grabs Morrisons leg. Morrison goes for a Enzuigiri but Matt ducks. Morrison now on the ground Matt put's him into a arm bar as we go to the first....

Commercial Break

Back from the break Jeff is in the ring, Jeff irish whips Morrison into the corner, Jeff charges Morrison but Morrison dodges, Jeff goes for Whisper in the Wind which Morrison dodges. Morrison jumps to the top rope and tries to hit his corkscrew moonsault but Jeff moves out of the way. Both of the ground and go for the Tag. Morrison gets to the Miz first. As he goes for the tag The Miz jumps of the apron. Morrison looks on, confused. In the mean time Jeff makes the tag to Matt. Morrison turns around as Matt goes for a clothesline in the turn buckle. Morrison moves out of the way, Morrison hits his springboard kick and hits the Moonlight Drive. 1... 2... and Jeff breaks it up. Jeff beats on Morrison and irish whips him into the corner. He hits Whisper in the Wind. Matt is up again, they put morrison in the corner again and go for poetry in Motion. Morrison dodges which sends Jeff outside of the ring, Morrison kicks Matt in the stomach as Matt is on his knees still. He hits a standing moonsault 1... 2... and The Miz who is still at ringside gets in the ring. He pulls Morrison off Matt. Morrison yells at Miz, "What are you doing?" The Miz responds with a Low blow and the reality check. The Miz drags Matt on top of Morrison 1... 2... 3...
Matt Hardy's Music plays
Matt rolls out as Jeff helps him backstage holding the Tag titles up high. In the ring The Miz gets on the mic.
Miz, "I'm sure you all want to know why I just did what I did, Its simple. I am not a tag team wrestler. A year and a half ago I was forced to tag with this loser and I just sticked with it for a few months. Sadly it took till the draft last week for me to finally break away. I no longer have to be in tag team matches every single ****ing week. I'm going to become a singles star by becoming the #1 contender to the world title, beating Kennedy at Judgement Day and I will do all of this because I am The Miz and I am awesome"
The Miz's music plays

Commercial Break

Backstage, John Morrison is walking around looking for The Miz, he bumps into Me instead
Morrison, "Well i wasn't looking for you but you will do, Give me a match against The Miz, Tonight, I'm going to beat the **** out of him"
Me, "No"
Morrison, "Why the **** not"
ME, "Sorry but you are no longer on the same brand as him, it just is not feasible"
Morrison, "Your screwing with me right, Did a Raw and SD fight another Raw and SD
Me, "Yes well, I'll make it a bit more clear, You will never get a match against The Miz, on Smackdown or Raw.... Though it is still possible on ECW..... But for now you really have to forget about the miz as i've got a announcement involving the US title and it involves you and 7 other Smackdown superstars, so please let me continue on to the ring as I would like to announce this to the crowd"

Camera goes back to the audience

My Muisc plays
On the stage I have a mic in hand
Me, "So yeah about the US title, there will be... another 8 man tournament. The 2 finalist will go to Judgement Day where the winner will win the US title, Simple. The 8 participants will be John Morrison, William Regal, CM Punk, Finlay, Umaga, Tommy Dreamer, Marshal D Teach and Rey Mysterio. The first four matches will take place tomorrow on Smackdown so tune in to see what happens.

Rey Mysterio's Music plays
Out comes Rey Rey as I had to the back, I walk back out and get on the mic again
Me, "Ohh Rey, you don't know who your partner is yet do you no... Well its the returning Chris Jericho, Yeah goodluck"

Chris Jericho's Music plays
Jericho comes out, he gets in the ring and stares Rey off as we go to a....

Commercial Break

JBL's Music plays
JBL stands at the top of the ramp and gets on the mic
JBL. "Mr "Me" allowed me to chose my own partner for this tournament. Well my choice, the man I've hired to get me the whole way through is the returning Umaga."

Umaga music plays
JBL walks down with Umaga and tells him to stay on the apron, JBL and Rey start the match
JBL tries to grab Rey but Rey back's off. After stalking Rey around the ring for a few seconds he goes to grab him again, Rey dodges and starts to kick away and JBL's knee. JBL pushes Rey away. Rey fights back and drop kicks JBL. JBL stumbles into a corner where Rey jumps into JBL, he sets him up and DDT's him 1... 2... and kick out. They both get up JBL obviously frustratedknocks Rey down hard. He kicks him a few times and picks him up. He irish whips Rey into the corner and clotheslines him. He kicks Rey a couple more times in the corner before the Ref makes him back off. JBL makes the tag to Umaga who hits his Ass into Face Corner thing (shh i don't know what it is called). Umaga drags Rey into the center of the ring and hits a body splash. 1... 2... and Umaga gets of Rey. He picks Rey up and goes for the Samoan Spike. He hits it but JBL wants the tag. JBL gets in, as he turns around after a brief discussion with Umaga, he turns around into a codebreaker and lionsault by Jericho. Jericho drags Rey onto JBL for the 1... 2... 3...

Rey Mysterio music plays
Jericho helps Rey to his feat and the celebrate
JBL is out and Umaga is in a rage

Umaga gets back in and attacks Rey, Jericho and JBL, he hits another Samoan Spike on Rey, hits a sidewalk slam on Jericho and splashes JBL from the top rope.
Umaga's Music plays

Commercial Break

CM Punk's Music plays
Out comes CM Punk for the 6th match of the Tag Team Tournament
Kofi Kingston's music plays
Kofi follows, the 2 shake hands in the ring

MVP Music plays
MVP comes out 3rd, he stands on the stage awaiting Kennedy
Kennedy Music plays
Kennedy walks out and singles for his Mic to come down at the top of the stage

Kennedy, "Mr "Me" thinks that putting me and MVP in the same match will cause us to explode where we will end up fighting each other and screwing each other out of the World Title"
MVP grab's the Mic, "He thinks just because we got into each other's faces last night we are going to lose what is important to both of us"
Kennedy, "No tonight, we are going to go into this match and win, you see we made a truce, MVP is going to make it to the end of the #1 contenders tournament and together we are going to make it through this Tag Tournament. We will win and unify the Both Tag titles and later on in the night we will fight each other in one of the greatest world title matches ever..."
MVP, "With me coming up on top"
Kennedy, "I don't think so"
They stare each other down
Kennedy, "Screw this lets get going"
Kennedy's Music plays
MVP and Kennedy walk down to the ring

Commercial Break

Back from the break, Kofi drags a downed Kennedy to his corner and makes the tag to Punk. They put him into the corner where Punk hits a running knee followed by a flying elbow by Kofi. Kofi holds Kennedy into the corner. Punk hits 3 kicks to kennedy's head before the ref tells both to back off. Kennedy falls to the mat. Punk drags him to the center of the ring and puts him in a headlock. After a bit of struggling kennedy gets on to his feet. Kennedy pushes punk off him into the ropes. Punk rebounds and hits a flying forearm. Punk tags in Kofi. Kofi hits the boom boom boom and goes for a pin 1... 2... kick out. Kofi whips Kennedy into the corner. Kofi jumps at Kennedy but he moves out of the way. Kofi lands on the top rope as kennedy makes the tag to mvp. Kofi turns around and drop kicks Kennedy and MVP as Kennedy was getting out and MVP was getting in sending both outside the ring. As both of them get up Kofi jumps onto both of them after a over the top rope dive. Punk gets in the ring to try and do the same when suddenly from behind HHH comes in and hits Punk with his Sledgehammer causing the DQ.

HHH stands over a fallen Punk with Kennedy, MVP and Kofi looking on from the outside as the show goes off the air
Tag Team Tournament

Jeff and Matt Hardy defeated John Morrison and The Miz

Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio defeated John Bradshaw Layfield and Umaga

CM Punk and Kofi Kingston defeated MVP and Mr Kennedy by DQ (Caused by Triple H)

Notes - The Miz turned heel by turning on John Morrison
It stinks that I can't post my own threads yet, but still, seeing some of these threads makes me glad to be part of this forum. The shows in this booking seem to be really thought out and well planned. The PPV's are incredible and the storylines make me wonder what's coming next. Great job and I hope you become a creative writer for WWE or TNA one day since both promotions need the help.
I do have another BT and I am still doing it as well as my e-fed. But I figured I'd go back to doing my SVR 2009 thing again seeing as how its semi popular and is essentially just recapping which doesn't take as long as writing a full show. Here is my ppv schedule for this first year of Smackdown in my game. I cut out a couple of ppv's to allow more buildup time.

April: Backlash
May: Judgment Day
June: ECW One Night Stand
July: Night of Champions
August: Summerslam
September: Unforgiven
October: Cyber Sunday
November: Survivor Series
December: Armageddon
January: Royal Rumble
February: No Way Out
March: Wrestlemania 25

Here are my current rosters on my game its essentially the default rosters with all of the downloaded characters and what not. I'll add my CAWS when I finish bringing up their attributes.


Ashley (F)
Beth Phoenix (H)
Candice Michelle (F)
Carlito (H)
Charlie Haas (F)
Chris Jericho (H)
Chuck Palumbo (H)
CM Punk (F)
Cody Rhodes (F)
Hardcore Holly (F)
Jillian Hall (H)
John Cena (F)
Kelly Kelly (F)
Kofi Kingston (F)
Lance Cade (H)
Melina Perez (H)
Mickie James (F)
Paul London (F)
Randy Orton (H)
Santino Marella (H)
Shad Gaspard (F)
Shawn Michaels (F)
Snitsky (H)
Ted DiBiase Jr. (H)
Batista (F)
Kane (H)
William Regal


Umaga (H)
Big Daddy V (H)
Big Show (H)
The Brian Kendrick (H)
Curt Hawkins (H)
Edge (H)
Festus (F)
Great Khali (H)
Jeff Hardy (F)
Jesse (F)
Jimmy Wang Yang (F)
Maria (F)
Michelle McCool (F)
Ken Kennedy (F)
Rey Mysterio (F)
Shelton Benjamin (H)
Trevor Murdoch (F)
Triple H (F)
Undertaker (F)
Victoria (H)
Zak Ryder (H)


Boogeyman (F)
Chavo Guerrero (H)
Elijah Burke (H)
Evan Bourne (F)
Finlay (F)
John Morrison (H)
Layla El (H)
Mark Henry (H)
Matt Hardy (F)
The Miz (H)
Super Crazy (F)
Tommy Dreamer (F)

Hall of Champions

WWE Champion: Triple H
World Champion: CM Punk
ECW Champion: Matt Hardy
Intercontinental Champion: William Regal
United States Champion: Shelton Benjamin
Womens Champion: Beth Phoenix
Cruiserweight Champion: Evan Bourne
Hardcore Champion: Tommy Dreamer
World Tag Team Champions: Holly & Rhodes
WWE Tag Team Champions: Miz & Morrison

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