Smackdown- Not the A show, but the best show


Occasional Pre-Show
Looking at the Draft, WWE has sent a lot of name power to Raw, as we already were aware they are trying to put more focus on the A-Show.

However, Smackdown has swelled with talent, and if these guys are given the ring time (something Smackdown has usually been better at than Raw), WWE could have some of the best Wrestling on TV.

The top of the card is quite thin, with the only Main Eventers being Edge, Jericho and the Undertaker. Possibly Kane and Jeff , although Kane is past his best and Jeff hasn't solidified his slot in the Main Event Scen. But even these 5 present 2 big time heels, Jericho is in the form of his career and Edge. Neither Jeff nor Taker has feuded with Jericho, so that gives room for two potentially brilliant feuds (say what you want about Jeff, he stirs the crowd, and opposite Jericho, he's not going to have to carry the bout). I'm still not completely down on the Big Red Machine, I'd sooner him be the monster (Undertaker is not purely a monster) in the Main Event than The Great Khali.

Then you look down at an incredibly talented mid card.

Rey Mysterio - IC champion, so he will be the target man for a while. I know a lot of the online community resents Rey, because of his WHC title reign, and his increasingly unbelievable offence. But stick him back in the mid-card, where he belongs, and his performances will pick up. Personally I like him and he's crazy over with the kids, but he does belong on Smackdown.

C.M Punk - The Current Mr Money in the Bank, is another bridge between the mid card and main event. He's held the belt, and he has another golden opportunity to. I'm not sure how they'll handle the MitB this time, at first I was convinced he'd lose the opportunity after cashing it in similar to RVD. But my friend was at Smackdown, Wrestlemania, Raw on that weekend and said he saw more C.M Punk shirts than any other superstar, Cena included. This would logically mean he's in line for a push, and with the MitB and light Main Event scene, could put him near the top. Even if he doesn't make the Main event, there's the rest of the midcard, filled with heels and potential heels that he can have some good feud with and put on some good matches.

Morrison - One of the most talented guys on the roster, he has the look of a superstar, and can get a reaction from the crowd. Admittedly he needs to work on his Heel promos now he's on his own, needing to be more serious than he was on the Dirt Sheet, and obviously he can't attempt to be the same 'trippy' guy he was ECW champion. If he can get that, he could be a major player on Smackdown, he puts on good matches, he can put over a face (him vs Punk was one of my favourite feuds of recent times) and the WWE has faith in him. Always a good sign.

Shelton Benjamin - Dropped the US strap, is due a push to the Main Event, but will only do so if he can really stand out from this mid-card. He's athletic, as are a lot of the guys on Smackdown, and should be able to put on some good matches. I think this is all down to him, if he's content at mid card he'll stay there. If he pushes himself he could have a breakout year.

R-Truth - Is another guy crazy over with the younger fans, and so he shouldn't be reduced to jobbing too much. He has a lot of spots in his matches, but with his reduced TV time recently, you'd expect him to be touching up his basics, which were sometimes sloppy. He was enjoyable against Shelton Benjamin, and when he comes back, he'll be back with a bang.

Dolph Ziggler - The name is getting less stupid, but maybe only because I've seen some of the FCW names. He's athletic and has always impressed me on Raw, even when jobbing he has been given credibility, Batista, Jeff Hardy (the extreme rules match, put up more of a fight than Kendrick or Big Zeke). If he's given the ball I can see him running with it, and by that I mean, stops the stupid introduction thing.

Charlie Haas - Solid in ring, good mat technician, he still has no shred of charisma. Needs to either play the intense silent type or resign himself to jobbing. I personally think he's been around far too long for them not to think he can do something. I'd turn him heel and let him work a bit stiffer than the rest of the superstars to give him and edge.

Umaga - Will pick up where he left off before his injury. If he can return to his destroy everything (heel/face/whoever) he could be immense and be in the Main Event picture (I'd love him in say a scramble or chamber match, just because of the panic mentality that breaks out, especially amongst the heels).

These are just my personal opinions. But if the mid card is given a lot of time, they could put on some brilliant matches, and do their own careers as well as Smackdowns ratings a real shot in the arm.
I respect your opinions and agree that Smackdown has an extremely solid micard, but I guess I missed how can you deem it the "best" show, especially over the highly-talented Raw. Raw is now stacked with main event talent. It has the likes of HHH, HBK, Cena, Orton, Batista, Big Show, and more. It also has a solid micard of its own, with the likes of MVP, Matt Hardy, and Kofi Kingston leading the pack. So, how can you call Smackdown better than Raw overall?
Smackdown in my view has always been better then raw, the wrestling talent on the show is amazing, Taker has literally made Smackdown is home and has improved immensely in regards to his wrestling ability, with Ross on commentary i believe the show will go strength to strength after the draft creating new feuds, better matches and more of an entertaining show, Smackdown is the A show and will prove so after Punk brings the title home to Friday Nights
I agree, Smackdown does have alot of people, and those people are just as talented as the people on Raw. I really like Jericho and he i've never seen him as part of the Smackdown roster so I can't wait for that, he'll make a good impression. Also, on Raw it seems like all the feuds are the same. Orton and Batista, Orton and HHH, Orton and Cena, Cena and Edge, it's all happened before. On Smackdown, there could be new fueds like Jeff hardy and Jericho, Punk and Jericho, Punk and Shelton Benjamin, etc. I thought Smackdown got raped in the draft, but they really didn't...
Raw is now stacked with main event talent
. "Talent" in inverted commas.
Only intermittently interesting. Particularly dull when displaying the worst of his megalomaniacal qualities, which he's done rather a lot over the past year.
Still pretty awesome, but not the wrestler he once was. Not consistently.
I predict he will get buried. Did you see the look on Cena's face at the end of the Swagger match. when he saw he was going to be RAW with HHH?
See Cena.
A big snorefest. In principle I like the character, but I've never seen one Batista match I enjoyed. Even Edge and Taker have only ever had passable matches with him.
Fine. Just please don't let him wrestle.
It also has a solid micard of its own, with the likes of MVP,
Point conceded, although solid rather than spectacular
Matt Hardy
The heel who cannot cut a promo to save his life, and is boring in the ring
Kofi Kingston
The guy has done the same thing for months. Getting stale. Everyone else in the midcard either sucks, is tied up with Legacy, or is going to be buried. Miz excepted.
I already did this once, the computer fucked up so forgive my lack of detail this time.

You've got three Main-Eventers, Edge, Jericho and Undertaker. Edge is fine, Jericho's a damn good heel but not the guy to carry a brand and I am bored to tears by Undertaker, not that that matters because I am sure he'll be taking another break soon.

You've got the guys who can jump into the ME, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, CM Punk and Kane. These guys because they are all former champions and you can count on them to step up when Edge gets injured and Undertaker has another rest.

Then the mid-card which seems to be made up of the guys creative has lost faith in, Charlie Haas and Dolph Ziggler. Shelton Benjamin is still boring everyone to tears. I called it with R-Truth after his first match, he's nothing except a dodgy corkscrew after that back elbow and John Morrison still cant make anyone care about him. In saying that Umaga is some one who can escape his current irrelevancy.

So you've got a predictable ME in which Edge is the only real title holder, Jericho just isnt a champion and Undertaker cant have it too long without resting. A upper mid-card full of guys less popular than Christian (except Hardy, do WWE trust him yet?) and a mid-card made out of guys who just arent doing something right they just dont make people care (except Umaga).

Looking at all that I think Smackdowns looks quite shit, the only bonus being no more HHH.

tehblogger said:
The heel who cannot cut a promo to save his life, and is boring in the ring

Yeah I think Orton's awful too.

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