The Taker and Edge thing is the best WWE have done in a longtime, id say that storyline alone is bigger than anything Raw has. For me that is a bigger match than Cena and Batista.
I agree though with the other points, Smackdown needs to start using its talent. It has better wrestlers overall than Raw i believe [Shelton is imo the best] but they need to do something with them. I think they need a Big Show heel turn, and have him face HHH, because HHH v Khali is verrrrry dull. Kennedy and MVP both have main event potential aswell, but for them to get a shot in i think Edge needs to go to Raw after SS.
Its hard to care about Kendrick and Kozlov when they just win, thats it. Jeff is another main eventer, but whilst HHH is champ, it aint goin to happen.
Really if it wasnt for Kanes angle on Raw and the Taker v Edge feud, WWE wouldnt have alot goin for it beside the wasted talent like Shelton etc
I agree though with the other points, Smackdown needs to start using its talent. It has better wrestlers overall than Raw i believe [Shelton is imo the best] but they need to do something with them. I think they need a Big Show heel turn, and have him face HHH, because HHH v Khali is verrrrry dull. Kennedy and MVP both have main event potential aswell, but for them to get a shot in i think Edge needs to go to Raw after SS.
Its hard to care about Kendrick and Kozlov when they just win, thats it. Jeff is another main eventer, but whilst HHH is champ, it aint goin to happen.
Really if it wasnt for Kanes angle on Raw and the Taker v Edge feud, WWE wouldnt have alot goin for it beside the wasted talent like Shelton etc