Smackdown Airing Live Every Week...


Pre-Show Stalwart
"Smackdown Going Live Every Week
So UFC announces a new deal with FOX and WWE quickly responds. UFC will be airing fights on the FOX network and on FX. FX will be featured as a UFC fight night. FOX will see 4 big fight events airing each year.
It didn't take long for WWE to announce that Smackdown on 8/30 will be live on Tuesday rather than taped on Tuesday. If the numbers do well on the live edition, we may be looking at Smackdown finally being live on a weekly basis. I think many fans opinions and numbers show that live is only a positive for WWE."

I read this, and it got me thinking. Usually, smackdown isn't much excitement to me, but thats because i read spoilers on here (i can't resist), so i know what to expect. however, if smackdown could air live on a weekly basis, it would bring the excitement back. Before I heard of wrestlezone, i watched smackdown every week, and thinking to myself "this is good". but now that i found this site, my reaction on smackdown is more like "...k". Smackdown airing live could also raise the ratings, for people know what to expect when reading spoilers. there would be no spoilers, and things would begin to be a surprise.

What do you think?
You're reading Labar's little article I take it. I wouldn't look too far into it, he usually posts the opposite of what happens.

On occasion I have more excitement in me going towards an edition of Smackdown than RAW. The edition after Chris Jericho was drafted to Smackdown I remember not even logging into any account on any forum for the entire week, becasue I wanted to watch Jericho cut a promo on Smackdown that badly without knowing what he'd say. When Christian won the World Heavyweight Championship I wasn't planning on coming online at all again for the week, but my ******ed brother told me Orton beat him for the title and that ruined that. Spoilers aren't a problem for me, and they shouldn't be a problem for anyone.

Just because you see the word, "Spoiler" it doesn't mean you have to click it. If anything you're tainting your experience by doing so. I do read spoilers I can admit, because usually I just want to see what went down, because you only get about 10% of the details for the show, but you seem to have the opposite reaction. It ruins the show according to you - so, best advice is... Don't click on the spoilers. You control your mouse, you don't have to read them.

If Smackdown went live, I'd be up for it. Ratings will get a positive boost, as most people enjoy heading out on a Friday night. I know that I used to head to the gym on a Friday evening and get back around 10:30 and Smackdown would already be three-fourths of the way finished. The excitement wouldn't be an issue, sure its live so It'll add to the suspense and all that, but spoilers have never been a big issue for me. I never have an urgue to read them and they don't usually ever ruin the show for me.

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