Could Trump vs. McMahon lead to SD! airing live?

Joker ' Ferreira

Next Cristiano Ronaldo (w/ brains)
Well, I was thinking about this last week when Trump bought Monday Night RAW, we all know what happened this week on RAW, Vince double the offer Trump has made and bought back RAW.

So what I was thinking is that this feud could continue and be at RAW and SmackDown!, Trump could just buy SmackDown! or vice-versa, and both of them could try to surpass each other, every single week.

So it would make sense to them trying to give SmackDown! something fresh and different from what it is today, and that is airing live, being a live broadcast was a great thing for RAW when it started as it was for Nitro (not talking about the night that WCW screwed it all up by saying the result of the match between Manking and Rock, they were dumb, lets say it).

So could this feud at least continue between two of the three brands of WWE? If it does do you think this is the right time to make SmackDown! air live? They would have to change schedules and all, they could anyway tap ECW with RAW and leave SmackDown! all alone at Fridays and with that they could also draft Michaels to the roster (we all know what's the problem with HBK going to SmackDown!)...
Only one problem. How could you forsee Vince logically selling Smackdown to Trump, after what happened on Raw? Don't reply with a "Well, they'll think of something." Seriously, how could this storyline logically work?

However, I am heavily in favor Smackdown airing live. I just wish it was back on Thursday nights again.
If Smackdown stated airing live that would be awesome. I think the only way they could make Trump "buy" Smackdown is if they Stephanie and Linda were to sell their controlling interest to him. Similar to what they did when they found out Vince was the "Higher Power" and gave they 50% controlling interest to SCSA. If they did that, then it would be a good storyline. Vince and Donald competing to prove which brand is superior leading up to a "winner takes all" match.
It's almost impossible - Logically speaking.

I can buy tickets (and have) for Smackdown over the next 4-5 months, for tapings on a Tuesday, now that means that they would have to switch the TV schedule, or refund a huge number of fans who might not be able to make tapings in the near future, it would just mess things up too much.

I do like the idea of live Smackdown, but the fact they're selling tickets so far into the future means that theres no chance.
First and foremost ticket holder, card is always subject to change. Anyhow, no Smackdown will not air live because of a Trump/Vince feud. Smackdown going live at this point doesn't make sense. If Smackdown were on another channel, then I would say that there is a chance of Smackdown going live due to the fact that most people have no chance of seeing Smackdown in parts of the USA.
its good you say this because it makes me wonder if they are going to have Trump buy Smackdown. it would be good storyline wise but only if they could make it go live. i have always thought for years smackdown should have gone live like Raw as it makes a diffrence in the ratings. there are no spoilers therefore you do not have people going and posting the resultes before the show airs. also it would make for better competition as Trump Vs Vince could own T.V. they would have to move to a new network yes. but NBC or ABC or Fox could take that role. NBC is fan of Trump so they could buy the show airs for him. This would almost certanily put TNA out of Buissness. two live shows would kill it. plus you have two shows from one company by two big time money guys trying to top each other. they would have to change Schedales. but it does say subject to change. plus this could be a major step for wwe in the future. as the internet would no longer play the big factor it is now. i like the idea but it will not be likely.
Would love to see Smackdown go live on a Friday night. That way there will be way less temptation to read the spoilers and make the show a "cant miss show". It was also increase ratings because people wont be like "yeah I don't need to watch it this week because I read the results in mid week". Also having a return live would be great for ratings
as much as i would like to see smackdown live, it really wouldnt be necessary for the storyline if trump did "buy" smackdown. i really cant think of how this trump "buying" smackdown would make any logical sense because of what he did on RAW
Why would they do this? It makes no sense at all. i want to see Smackdown be live, but it's not imperitive. The show is hardly floundering in the way it is run now, so why mess with it? Trump and Vince belong on Raw, the flagship show. Smackdown going live isn't a good business move anyway as it would require three show tapings under the current system of ECW and SD being together. As for Trump vs. McMahon, it won't likely last long. Trump has a lot of business issues to work on, and I would find it hard to believe he has the time to devote to being a regular or even a semi regular character on the show. He's just too big of a name to have time to do this. It's an ok idea but it's just not practical.
It would make no sense AT ALL. McMahon storyline wise already got screwed with RAW why would he even contemplate the same thing with Smackdown?

Personally RAW Trump had no appeal to me. the ad free was good, i was suprised out PayTV provider televised it ad free and the matches were good but the fact Trump "Owned" RAW when it was blatantly obvious he doesn't since it was still under the WWE banner that didn't make me wanna watch anymore than normal and i'm sure i'm not alone.

Did anyone notice that towards the end Michael Cole lost the plot and was struggling to comentate.

Trump's only imparting in WWE was hosting WrestleMania 4 & 5, being a friend to Vince over the decades and being involved in a WrestleMania storyline.

The fact the ownership storyline only lasted 1 week was utterly rediculous. Only thinng i can think of is that
A) The network complained about the lack of ads which costs them lost revenue aswell
B) Vince worked out how much money they would really be losing
C) Trump was talking without Vince's go ahead (SHAME SHAME)

The "fued" won't have ended just yet as Trump is now up on McMahon 3-0 but where they are gonna take it we can only guess, that is if we even care
Trump buying Smackdown would be beating a dead horse. The only way I'd be interested with Trump in wrestling is if he actually bought TNA and started promoting it as a direct competitor of the WWE.

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