
Wow. Blue almost got his wish about Lesnar and Jenks having alts at the same time, they were just a little bit off.

It's pretty obvious an IP ban is the only way to stop these two.
Something tells me the reason is that he tried to sign up somewhere as Slyfox but it was taken so the site gave him suggestions and one was Slyfox696.
Most of my usernames have 897 at the end, for that very reason. When I was a kid, I signed up for a site with the name das (my initials), obviously I couldn't use that, so they suggested 897.

My youtube account and my original username on here was wwetributes897. My psn name is still Das897.
Nope, still not it. That one minute in between our posts didn't change the meaning behind me name.

Slyfox is his nickname (or that's what he wants to be called, one or the other). He added 69 because young men like that number. When he got older, he added the 6 for maturity purposes (or it might have been suggested, either/or).

klunderbunker's name comes from some shitty show he watched as a kid, where klunders were bunked.

All right, I explained everything, now STFU and stop asking shit's that been asked a million times.
No, you're just completely wrong.

I'm pretty confident I'm not. I don't know where the post went, but finding it would solve this once and for all. I searched in all the old origins of your username threads, but I didn't find anything there (or didn't look closely enough). Was it in another thread? If you mass pruned it, then this is a moot point.
I'm pretty confident I'm not. I don't know where the post went, but finding it would solve this once and for all. I searched in all the old origins of your username threads, but I didn't find anything there (or didn't look closely enough). Was it in another thread? If you mass pruned it, then this is a moot point.

No, I can assure you to the fact you are incorrect. I have no idea what thread it was, but I know for a fact how I got my screenname. And I must say, I find it incredibly funny you're arguing with me about where my screenname came from.

EDIT: After my next game with MJ, I'll post the full story (again) if I feel like it.

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