Slammiversary - Chr... Daniels vs Shane Douglas


Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
I think Sam put it best - no one really does care about Shane Douglas. Yeah, he was the shit in ECW for a while. Great. Not like he's done anything useful since then. He used to be a manager in TNA, managing a somewhat decent tag team. That totally puts him on the level of usefulness that Daniels, an X-Division pioneer and all around great wrestler has. Right?


Anyway, Douglas isn't bad. He's old, sure, and that drags him down. Daniels can carry this one to something not unlike success. It should be a decent little match, as both talents are actually fairly good, and can probably work a solid match together. The promotion for this has been alright as well, so this should be a decent payoff.

Daniels wins, of course. This is probably just a way for Douglas to collect a little paycheck to make retirement easier. I doubt they'd add him back to the main roster, especially at the expense of Daniels. Daniels should win here and send Douglas packing on home.
I looked up some of Douglas's old matches on youtube and IMO he's a shadow of what he was back then. Whether thats down to ring rust or whatever he's just not as good. For that reason im going for Daniels for the win cos it would be ridiculous for TNA to push Douglas over Daniels... But TNA management seems to like burying young talent under older former stars (emphasis on former).
I used to be a big Shane Douglas fan back in the Triple Threat days in ECW. He had a great heel character and was gold on the mic. But even then, his in-ring work was going downhill.

Now, he's back in TNA and, IMO, he shouldn't be wresting at a PPV yet. I admit, I was glad to see him back, but his first match back against A.J. Styles showed that Douglas is very out of shape and has a lot of ring rust to shake off. He did the best he could, but if you're going to make a comeback, get yourself in top shape before you do. Plus, he is getting up there in age, so you don't know how much he has left in the tank.

I applaud Jeff Jarret and Dixie Carter for giving him another shot in TNA, but I have a feeling this will either be a quick match, or Daniels will be carrying Douglas for a while. Either way, Daniels wins or Douglas wins dirty with the chain or something to extend the feud and maybe give Shane some time to improve.

IMO, if Shane stays around for a while, he'd be better as an announcer or a manager for an up-and-coming young heel.
I have to agree here. Douglas used to have the talent. He definitely has it on the mic, but in the ring now, not at all. When he had his match on Impact last week you could really see his ring rust. My friend made the comment that he was really surprised that Douglas has gone that far downhill. His comment was that if Douglas could wrestle there now, anyone could. But in regards to Slammaversary I have to see Daniels taking this one as I have heard that the Douglas stint is only a short one. One possibility I talked about with friends is that they will have Douglas win, Daniels disappears and when they finally reveal Suicide, he'll be the man behind the mask. It's a long shot, but who knows!!
I also see Douglas losing this match, but not necessarily going away quietly right after. Maybe Mick Foley's enforcer? If Foley wins KOTM, he doesn't even have to wrestle, so can send out Douglas instead. I would enjoy watching the cocky Douglas character be Foley's bitch, which apparently is Kip's role right now haha. Anyway, this is pretty much a filler match to give Daniels something to do since the X-KOTM is only 5 people. He'll probably get thrown back into that picture after the PPV.
Yeah.... like others have said before.... no one cares about Shane Douglas. His chances of winning this are next to nothing. TNA sometimes do idiotic things with their storylines.... but come on, Shane is NOT going to win this match.

Dagger Dias prediction: DANIELS

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