

I Am The One Who Knocks
Well, I have decided to write a book. I have had this idea floating around in my head for awhile. The book is called "Sinner". Here is the prologue...


My real name is Jonathon Michael Eastwood, and I am here to do God’s work. My mind is like a maze, meaning that if you were to go inside it, you would get yourself lost. With that being said if you are reading this then there is a good chance that I am dead. Some may think I am crazy, others may say I am psychotic, the others would say I am deranged. Maybe it is a combination of all the above, and maybe they are right. The way I see it and this is contrary to popular belief, I am as normal as they come. I am just like the person that walks by you on the way to the restroom at work, or the person who takes your food order.

I believe I was put here on this earth for a reason. That reason is to eradicate this world of all the vermin that infest it with their lies and other bullshit. Some people call me a demon, I call myself a saint. Others may call me insane, but I think I am a genius. Then again, they do say that genius is one-step away from insanity. All of you will see this as a confession and you would be correct. To think that I would put so much thought and hard work into what I’ve done without any recognition, that my friends is what is crazy. The best part is after all I have done I have gotten away with it all. The worst part, well I guess you could say there is none just for the simple fact that I got what I wanted and you all got what you wanted. This is my life. Enter at your own risk…
Hey Ricky and Monkey, I am intrigued. With all the talk at the moment about the e-fed just a quick question about how it all works.

Oh great start BTW Monkey
Monkey, AMAZING. This is coming from a fellow writer. I wish you the greatest of luck in your journey to write this. I have a similar character named Jon Drake in the book I am currently working on who goers back to the town he grew up in to try and kill the man who killed his father. He ends up killing a ton of people. I adore anti-heroes and that is exactly what your main character seems to be. Very good job and I cannot wait to read it. :icon_smile:

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