Sin Cara

Adam Rush

Can you feel...the electricity?
This young-ish superstar has already had his share of issues. There's no guarantee he will be pushed as heavily now, but I have an idea for this man.
Note: This can be implemented at any time.

On RAW, Big Johnny comes out and says the Cruiserweight Championship has been reinstated. He says that there will be a Cruiserweight Invitational on Smackdown.

On Smackdown, Hunico, Zack Ryder, Justin Gabriel, Yoshi Tatsu, Daniel Bryan, and Trent Barreta are all in the ring (maybe some FCW guys too, for good measure; also it doesn't help that Bourne's hurt and Mysterio's suspended), when the all too familiar music hits and Sin Cara pops out! The match starts. About seven minutes later, we're down to Daniel Bryan, Zack Ryder, and Sin Cara. Bryan takes out Ryder and turns around into a dropkick over the top rope from Cara. The ref, however doesn't see it; he's being distracted by Big Johnny. Bryan gets back in the ring quick as Sin Cara is celebrating and Bryan throws Cara over the top rope. Laurinaitis declares Bryan the winner. Sin Cara is livid as Bryan holds up the Cruiserweight title.

On next week's RAW, Sin Cara comes out and cuts a spanish promo. Then, Hunico comes out. He actually speaks some English. He says that Sin Cara didn't win because he isn't good enough. Then out comes Daniel Bryan. He says that he won the cruiserweight title, YES! YES! YES! because he is simply better than Cara. Cara responds in Spanish very fiercely. Bryan asks Hunico, "What did he just say?" Hunico says, "He called you a dirty cheater." Bryan looks mad. He puts Cara in the YES! lock! Cara is helpless when Ryder gets in the ring. Just as the situation is about to blow up, Big Johnny comes out and makes a tag match. Cara and Ryder vs Bryan and Hunico.
Later that night, Cara is about to win when Hunico gets involved. He hits a suplex on Cara, then Ryder gets in the ring and throws Hunico out. Ryder goes after Hunico. Hunico runs away backstage and Ryder chases him. Meanwhile in the ring, Cara has Bryan on the top rope. Cara goes for his finisher, but Bryan shoves him down and hits a top rope elbow drop. YES! Bryan then puts Cara in the YES! lock, and Big Johnny immediately calls the match. Cara never tapped out, and Bryan celebrates another win.

Next Smackdown, Cara comes out and speaks English for the first time. He asks for a No-DQ, no count out, no interference match for the Cruiserweight championship at the next ppv (which is 9 days from then). Bryan comes out and tells Cara he has nothing to prove. Big Johnny comes out and says if Cara can win the Cruiserweight gauntlet, he can face Bryan at the next ppv with that stipulation, but if he loses, he's fired.
The gauntlet's first matchup is Cara vs Hunico. Cara easily takes down Hunico, and the next man in is Chris Jericho. Cara and Jericho are pretty evenly matched and Jericho goes for a codebreaker, but Cara counters with an athletic pin. Cara's final opponent is...TENSAI?! Cara shakes his head and Tensai attacks. He throws Cara around like a rag doll then backs Cara into a corner. Tensai headbutts him repeatedly and the ref calls for the bell. Tensai gets mad and hits three consecutive chokebombs then spits on his hand and chokes Cara viciously. Smackdown ends with Cara unconscious.

On the final RAW before the PPV, Daniel Bryan comes out and shows footage of Sin Cara being dominated. Bryan says Cara will be lucky to compete Sunday, but he knows Cara's backstage with taped ribs. He says that Big Johnny said that Cara has a match tonight against this man! Out comes Big Show and Bryan laughs and chants, "YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!" Big Show comes in the ring. He says, "Come on out, Sin Cara!"
Cara comes out and does a normal entrance for once. He gets in the ring and Big Show goes for the knockout, but Cara ducks and hits a flying cross body off the ropes. Then he goes up top and hits a Moonsault! Cara pins Big Show, but Show immediately throws him off. Show picks up Cara and removes the tape then drives his knee into Cara's gut repeatedly. He then throws Cara in the corner and does the chest slaps until he gets DQ'd. Show continues. It takes 14 refs to get Show away from Cara. Then out comes Bryan! Bryan gets into the ring. Refs try to stop him, but Bryan puts Cara into the YES! lock. Cara taps repeatedly and the refs have to pull Bryan away.

On the last Smackdown before the PPV, Cara comes out and says he's going to be alright, but he's not okay with Bryan's attack. He says he thought Bryan was an honest man. Bryan comes out and wishes Cara luck on Sunday. Out comes Big Johnny. He says Cara's got another match tonight against none other than...this guy! Out comes Hunico with Camacho. Hunico gets in the ring and attacks Cara as the bell rings. Hunico gets the upper hand, but in the end, Cara puts Hunico in the corner and hits his finisher. Cara pins Hunico, but Bryan hits Cara with a chair, causing the DQ! Bryan then puts Cara in the YES! lock again, and Cara taps repeatedly. Bryan lets go and chants "YES!" repeatedly.

At the PPV, Bryan and Cara have their match. Bryan mainly spends time working on the ribs. Bryan thinks he has control when Cara makes a comeback. He hits the moonsault and goes for a pin, but Bryan possum-pins Cara for 2. Both men are up and Bryan goes for a clothesline, but Cara ducks and gets out of the ring. He gets the Cruiserweight title. He turns around and smashes it into Bryan's stomach, then gets a chair. Cara snaps and repeatedly attacks Bryan's back. Cara breaks the chair and throws Bryan in the ring. Bryan does a kip-up, kicks Cara in the gut, and hits the YES! kick, then picks up Cara and tries to put him in the YES! lock. Cara rolls through and pins Bryan for the win. Bryan is livid as Cara holds up the Cruiserweight title.

I think this brings instant legitimancy to the Cruiserweight title, plus it gives us a great feud.

What do you guys think of this?
This young-ish superstar has already had his share of issues. There's no guarantee he will be pushed as heavily now, but I have an idea for this man.
Note: This can be implemented at any time.

Ahhhhhh, here we go.
On RAW, Big Johnny comes out and says the Cruiserweight Championship has been reinstated. He says that there will be a Cruiserweight Invitational on Smackdown.

Why? It's just been "Reinstated"? Yay for that, but what's the reasoning here?

On Smackdown, Hunico, Zack Ryder, Justin Gabriel, Yoshi Tatsu, Daniel Bryan, and Trent Barreta are all in the ring (maybe some FCW guys too, for good measure; also it doesn't help that Bourne's hurt and Mysterio's suspended), when the all too familiar music hits and Sin Cara pops out! The match starts. About seven minutes later, we're down to Daniel Bryan, Zack Ryder, and Sin Cara. Bryan takes out Ryder and turns around into a dropkick over the top rope from Cara. The ref, however doesn't see it; he's being distracted by Big Johnny. Bryan gets back in the ring quick as Sin Cara is celebrating and Bryan throws Cara over the top rope. Laurinaitis declares Bryan the winner. Sin Cara is livid as Bryan holds up the Cruiserweight title.

Why Daniel Bryan? Why lower him to this after challenging for the WWE Title? Also, why is Johnny Ace distracting the Referee? I don't get it so far.

On next week's RAW, Sin Cara comes out and cuts a spanish promo. Then, Hunico comes out. He actually speaks some English. He says that Sin Cara didn't win because he isn't good enough. Then out comes Daniel Bryan. He says that he won the cruiserweight title, YES! YES! YES! because he is simply better than Cara. Cara responds in Spanish very fiercely. Bryan asks Hunico, "What did he just say?" Hunico says, "He called you a dirty cheater." Bryan looks mad. He puts Cara in the YES! lock! Cara is helpless when Ryder gets in the ring. Just as the situation is about to blow up, Big Johnny comes out and makes a tag match. Cara and Ryder vs Bryan and Hunico. Later that night, Cara is about to win when Hunico gets involved. He hits a suplex on Cara, then Ryder gets in the ring and throws Hunico out. Ryder goes after Hunico. Hunico runs away backstage and Ryder chases him. Meanwhile in the ring, Cara has Bryan on the top rope. Cara goes for his finisher, but Bryan shoves him down and hits a top rope elbow drop. YES! Bryan then puts Cara in the YES! lock, and Big Johnny immediately calls the match. Cara never tapped out, and Bryan celebrates another win.

Oh great, Sin Cara, Daniel Bryan & John Laurinaitis involved in a screwjob. This is now worse than it was in the previous paragraph. I'll carry on reading, who knows, you might redeem yourself, as unlikely as it is.

Next Smackdown, Cara comes out and speaks English for the first time. He asks for a No-DQ, no count out, no interference match for the Cruiserweight championship at the next ppv (which is 9 days from then). Bryan comes out and tells Cara he has nothing to prove. Big Johnny comes out and says if Cara can win the Cruiserweight gauntlet, he can face Bryan at the next ppv with that stipulation, but if he loses, he's fired.
The gauntlet's first matchup is Cara vs Hunico. Cara easily takes down Hunico, and the next man in is Chris Jericho. Cara and Jericho are pretty evenly matched and Jericho goes for a codebreaker, but Cara counters with an athletic pin. Cara's final opponent is...TENSAI?! Cara shakes his head and Tensai attacks. He throws Cara around like a rag doll then backs Cara into a corner. Tensai headbutts him repeatedly and the ref calls for the bell. Tensai gets mad and hits three consecutive chokebombs then spits on his hand and chokes Cara viciously. Smackdown ends with Cara unconscious.

No. Sin Cara learnt English? That was impressive, considering everyone knows that he knows no word of it. Now, read the three Bolded words in your text. If Cara had to win a Cruiserweight Gauntlet, why the hell would Tensai be in it? Tell me that one. Also, if they really wanted to stop him from winning that badly, there's no way Tensai would get himself disqualified.

On the final RAW before the PPV, Daniel Bryan comes out and shows footage of Sin Cara being dominated. Bryan says Cara will be lucky to compete Sunday, but he knows Cara's backstage with taped ribs. He says that Big Johnny said that Cara has a match tonight against this man! Out comes Big Show and Bryan laughs and chants, "YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!" Big Show comes in the ring. He says, "Come on out, Sin Cara!"
Cara comes out and does a normal entrance for once. He gets in the ring and Big Show goes for the knockout, but Cara ducks and hits a flying cross body off the ropes. Then he goes up top and hits a Moonsault! Cara pins Big Show, but Show immediately throws him off. Show picks up Cara and removes the tape then drives his knee into Cara's gut repeatedly. He then throws Cara in the corner and does the chest slaps until he gets DQ'd. Show continues. It takes 14 refs to get Show away from Cara. Then out comes Bryan! Bryan gets into the ring. Refs try to stop him, but Bryan puts Cara into the YES! lock. Cara taps repeatedly and the refs have to pull Bryan away.

How the fuck is Cara hitting all these moves with taped ribs? If you want to make a big deal out of it, Sin Cara wouldn't be doing that at all. Again, the bolded part... I don't even think the WWE has 14 Refs they could use. I still don't like it either.
On the last Smackdown before the PPV, Cara comes out and says he's going to be alright, but he's not okay with Bryan's attack. He says he thought Bryan was an honest man. Bryan comes out and wishes Cara luck on Sunday. Out comes Big Johnny. He says Cara's got another match tonight against none other than...this guy! Out comes Hunico with Camacho. Hunico gets in the ring and attacks Cara as the bell rings. Hunico gets the upper hand, but in the end, Cara puts Hunico in the corner and hits his finisher. Cara pins Hunico, but Bryan hits Cara with a chair, causing the DQ! Bryan then puts Cara in the YES! lock again, and Cara taps repeatedly. Bryan lets go and chants "YES!" repeatedly.

He's going to be allright? Wow. Wow, a match against Hunico? How... boring. I hate the YES! Lock bit every week as well, this is just getting very repetitive and I'm still not understanding why you're using Sin Cara?

At the PPV, Bryan and Cara have their match. Bryan mainly spends time working on the ribs. Bryan thinks he has control when Cara makes a comeback. He hits the moonsault and goes for a pin, but Bryan possum-pins Cara for 2. Both men are up and Bryan goes for a clothesline, but Cara ducks and gets out of the ring. He gets the Cruiserweight title. He turns around and smashes it into Bryan's stomach, then gets a chair. Cara snaps and repeatedly attacks Bryan's back. Cara breaks the chair and throws Bryan in the ring. Bryan does a kip-up, kicks Cara in the gut, and hits the YES! kick, then picks up Cara and tries to put him in the YES! lock. Cara rolls through and pins Bryan for the win. Bryan is livid as Cara holds up the Cruiserweight title.

No thank you. It's just awful & by now, very, very predictable. Not to mention it sounds like it dragged on for fucking ever.

I think this brings instant legitimancy to the Cruiserweight title, plus it gives us a great feud.

Does it? I think not.
What do you guys think of this?

It's shit.
Ahhhhhh, here we go.

Why? It's just been "Reinstated"? Yay for that, but what's the reasoning here?

Because the Cruiserweight Division is going to come back, and this seems logical.

Why Daniel Bryan? Why lower him to this after challenging for the WWE Title? Also, why is Johnny Ace distracting the Referee? I don't get it so far.

Because if an upper-card guy is going for a new title, it adds legitimancy, like with the Intercontinental title; and because Big Johnny hates faces, pretty obvious.

Oh great, Sin Cara, Daniel Bryan & John Laurinaitis involved in a screwjob. This is now worse than it was in the previous paragraph. I'll carry on reading, who knows, you might redeem yourself, as unlikely as it is.

No. Sin Cara learnt English? That was impressive, considering everyone knows that he knows no word of it. Now, read the three Bolded words in your text. If Cara had to win a Cruiserweight Gauntlet, why the hell would Tensai be in it? Tell me that one. Also, if they really wanted to stop him from winning that badly, there's no way Tensai would get himself disqualified.

Sin Cara probably knows English, just saying. And because Johnny hates Cara. DUH.

How the fuck is Cara hitting all these moves with taped ribs? If you want to make a big deal out of it, Sin Cara wouldn't be doing that at all. Again, the bolded part... I don't even think the WWE has 14 Refs they could use. I still don't like it either.

Those moves are very toned down.

He's going to be allright? Wow. Wow, a match against Hunico? How... boring. I hate the YES! Lock bit every week as well, this is just getting very repetitive and I'm still not understanding why you're using Sin Cara?

The YES! Lock is how Bryan is attacking. It's called a feud.

No thank you. It's just awful & by now, very, very predictable. Not to mention it sounds like it dragged on for fucking ever.

It didn't! It's called BUILDING A MATCH!!!

Does it? I think not.

It's shit.

Ah screw you. At least I HAD an idea for him.
Because the Cruiserweight Division is going to come back, and this seems logical.[/COLOR]

Is it though? They've suggested it could return, but no-one's given us the definitive yet. I still wanna know why it's back.

Because if an upper-card guy is going for a new title, it adds legitimancy, like with the Intercontinental title; and because Big Johnny hates faces, pretty obvious.

Does it though? I've never been too sure that giving someone high up on the card makes a title legit, whereas it sometimes just makes the guy look less of a wrestler.

Sin Cara probably knows English, just saying. And because Johnny hates Cara. DUH.

If he does, he knows VERY LITTLE. The whole reason he doesn't gives promo's is because of that. Tell me, why does he hate Sin Cara? He just... does?

Those moves are very toned down.

The fuck do you tone down a moonsault? This I gotta see.

The YES! Lock is how Bryan is attacking. It's called a feud.

It's also happened after every match that Sin Cara has been involved in. This whole thing was one-upmanship, but every week. You're not meant to make someone look THIS weak in a feud, surely? Especially when he's against Daniel Bryan. Not to mention that this strange Bryan/Ace thing came out of nowhere, which is even more inexplicable.

It didn't! It's called BUILDING A MATCH!!!

And you've done it badly. Well done, this is my last words on this topic, unless you choose to make yourself look ever more silly.

Ah screw you. At least I HAD an idea for him.

I've got one of those. Give him a match, if he botches anymore, then fire him. Considering he was meant to be such a "big catch", he's been nothing more than boring.
Don't listen to Johnny Scumm, man. I thought your post was a really good read, and I would love to see it played out on television. Bringing back the Cruiserweight Championship is a great idea that is long overdue. It would work perfectly on SmackDown, and would probably have a place on 3-hour Raws as well. If they went with your storyline, it would legitimize both the title and Sin Cara in a timely manner.
Aside from the fact that the guy who replied to you was a real dick about it, I actually agree with most of his sentiments (why is it so difficult to disagree, as humans, in a civilized manner?).

First, I don't enjoy anything that John Laurinaitis is involved in. It isn't even his character, it's just that they keep tangling these weird webs with his storyline and associations. They've booked almost everything linked to him illogically and it's to the point where I have difficulty getting energized behind an idea where he becomes a central part of the storyline. I don't think there should be a meddling GM at all, period.

I also don't understand why this storyline is built for Sin Cara. Any cruiserweight could pull off the exact same role. Similarly, I don't quite understand what Tensai and Big Show have to do with the reemergence of the Cruiserweight Championship. They're going to three hours soon, which means feasibly they have more time for in-ring action, right? So if they wanted to bring the title back, why not just have a tournament for it? Sometimes simple is better.
Someone didn't have their Wheaties this morning... anyway... the idea is good in theory. Whether or not something like that could happen is up for debate.. Putting former World Heavyweight Champions in the mix does bring up the value of the title since the full name of the title is the World Cruiserweight Championship.

I'd like to see Cara back in something that's not a total ruse... I actually wanted to see Hunico stay as Sin Cara but that's wishful thinking...
The problem with the idea is the involvement of Daniel Bryan. Having him compete and hold what would be a tertiary title is a demotion for him. Reinstating the cruiserweight title is an idea I am for though. Again, it will be a tertiary title. It's not gonna be the 2nd coming of WCW's cruiserweight division no matter who you put in it. But would still give the Evan Bourne's and such something to do and be a good change of pace match every now and then to kill time.
Eh I cba with the quoting shit but he botches because he's very weak in the English language which makes it hard to work with him, apparently, so he couldn't cut an English promo for shit.
Honestly he is a marvel in the ring but in a justifiably promo heavy show he is always going to struggle to succeed on pure in-ring abilityalone. I think he needs a mouthpiece and Ermanda Estrada, if he is still available/alive would be an excellent fit in a Sin-Cara heel turn. Heel Cara with an effective mouthpiece vs face Chrisitan could be an excellent summer fued for the IC title and would help further cement it's increase in credibility.

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