Sin Cara vs. Evan Bourne: An Opportunity for the WWE


As we've all read and heard over the course of this week, there were a number of technical difficulties that plagued last Monday's "Power to the People" themed 3 hour edition of Monday Night Raw. The most talked about of these technical difficulties involved the voting for the match involving Evan Bourne. As it turns out, Sin Cara ultimately got the most votes but the technical problems resulted in Mason Ryan getting more votes.

Now everyone was pretty let down by this because Sin Cara is considerably more over than Ryan and vastly more talented. It also kind of pissed people off because it just made the whole voting thing seem like a sham and that WWE was instead giving a sub par opponent for Evan Bourne.

This past Friday on SmackDown!, it was announced that Sin Cara and Evan Bourne would face each other this Monday on Raw as sort of an apology to the fans for the difficulties for last Monday. It'd also been announced earlier on in the week as well as other sites all over the net.

I think the WWE has a real opportunity to make both wrestlers look like stars tomorrow night. It could also be a chance to elevate Bourne to another level in his career if he has a very strong performance against the undefeated Sin Cara. I'm hoping that they give this match some real time so both wrestlers have an opportunity to shine and tell a story rather than a solid, 5 minute tv match.. Fans are hoping for an energetic match from these two and I'm hoping that they mesh well together.
As much as it could be seen as a golden opportunity, it could also very well be a disaster. When you have 2 guys who rely as heavily on high flying offense as these guys do, the risk of botching is very high. I'm not one to harp on Sin Cara for fucking up a bit as everyone else seems to do, but it's a much bigger possibility with Bourne in my eyes.

That being said, if they do get a decent amount of time and they pull off their moves without a hitch, it could open a huge door for these guys. High Fliers are crowd pleasers and when you have 2 of the best in the company going at it, they could use this as an opportunity to really get over.

I'm looking forward to seeing what they do here. I really hope they give them a decent amount of time instead of a 5 minute nothing match.
You're right when you say there's an opportunity here. If Sin Cara performs at his best since coming to the WWE and Evan Bourne does his thing and in the hope that this doesn't turn out as a botchfest, then this could be a very memorable TV match for RAW. It could also elevate Bourne to the upper mid-card if he puts on this match as good as it could be. Sin Cara also has a chance to prove here that he's more than a "spot monkey" and that maybe he could give us a good match with someone that doesn't work "his" style (or some shit like that).

This has the potential to become an early match of the year contestant and to be the best match we've seen since Bryan/Ziggler at Bragging Rights.
Should be a great match. If I'm not mistaken Evan Bourne jobbed to Mason Ryan last week so I'd imagine Sin Cara goes over clean with some sorta' show of respect or handshake afterward. Bourne should be able to make Sin Cara look good and visa versa. Bourne did a lot of Indy work with all different kinds of wrestlers and has always been an entertaining guy.

It would be interesting to see if the match is just a one time deal or if it will go somewhere. Bourne worked great in the Indy's as a heel (as Matt Sydal) and it would really freshen up his character a bit. Don't see it happening though seeing as they are on separate brands and both guys are pretty over as faces.
This is shaping up in good time. Sin Cara is still riding his initial wave quite high and has very noticeably been botching far far less recently (watch his Smackdown match as evidence for that). I think he's finally getting to grips with his in-ring offence now. Evan Bourne is just fresh off of beating Jack Swagger, former world heavyweight champ at a PPV, even if he did lose to Ryan last week. Ryan is, after all, destined for bigger things it would seem. And most significantly both guys are performing as well as they ever have in the E. This is as you say a real opportunity to steal the show.

The more interesting question if we assume they succeed in their task the coming week, is which star shines brighter. Cara has captured the hearts of many a more casual wrestling fan as I can tell you from talking with some of them, job well done in the marketing dept. guys. Bourne did just have a big win but he's not in a favorable a position as Cara despite this. Yet, if I had to put my money of which guy has the better show-stealing potential, I'd place is cautiously on that mask-less fellow.

See both of these guys perform the same basic function, high-spots and fast pacing. I'm not saying that's all they do mind, but it is why most people watch them perform. Now, since his debut, they have gone to great length to show his arsenal of high-flying moves. From his handspring Elbow off the ropes to his hurricanrana-style finisher to his top-rope C4. We've seen most of what the WWE has arranged for him to do.

Bourne on the other hand has a lot of experience in the field. He has as I would say a far bigger bag with far more tricks than the one he usually brings to the ring waiting in store. And you'd better believe he has no better a chance to employ some never before seen manoeuvres than in a match such as this. I've seen Evan use some more exciting stuff and execute it better than his faceless opposition in his current environment. I think the WWE will make to have this a 10 minute sort of match if they know what's good for them and I bank on Evan Bourne being the name on more lips by the time the match ends.
I would love to see that match, providing that there is no major botches. When i say botches, i don't mean only by Sin Cara but by Matt Sydal ( i refuse to call him by his WWE slave name).
This match WILL happen. I imagine it will be a PPV instead of RAW or Smackdown.

Regardless of possible botches, people want to see it! People shouldn't use that as an excuse for a match not to happen. I'd kill for a good fast paced, cruiserweight like match these days.
This match WILL happen. I imagine it will be a PPV instead of RAW or Smackdown.

Regardless of possible botches, people want to see it! People shouldn't use that as an excuse for a match not to happen. I'd kill for a good fast paced, cruiserweight like match these days.

It's happening on Raw this Monday...

I think it will be a good match but I don't think it will be anything too special. They'll both hit their signature moves and Cara will prolly get the win. I doubt it's going to start anything long term though as they are on different shows for now.
Should have been saved until Summer Slam (just my opinion) give them 15 minutes of ring time to open the show up, barn burner for sure.

Hopefully WWE have some kind of screw up finish so we're left wanting more which would be Summer Slam due to Bourne being in MITB for RAW.
dear god let this be good. i like both stars and hope this turns out to be a good 10-12 match showcasing what these 2 can really do. i personally think that the winner of this can possibly be set up for a u.s. or i.c shot being that both have jus come off "fueds" on the better end of them with, jack and chavo respectivly. either that or with them bringing in more luchadors lately"hunico" maybe even we could have a fore runner for a returning lightweight strap.(doubt that part though) but this could be a good preview of a upcomming number 1 contender match
sin cara is a good high flyer thats it hes entertaing not a good wrestler even boure good entertainer but not a good wrestler so its going to be the best match of the nite tho i think it will be 9 out of 10 good match
This match should have been hyped for a ppv, probably SummerSlam. People are hungry for this match why not let the people wait. Properly hype the match. Have both claim to be the best high flyer in the WWE. The only problem with this ideal is that both have no mic skills at all. I'm hoping that this will be a great match tomorrow night. This could help both careers. I hope for the nostalgia of when we first seen RVD-Sabu in ECW or the Cruiserweight division of WCW. If these guys do well, this may open the door for a cruiserweight division. The WWE has enough cruisers to run the division. So those performers are really depending on these guys to have a great showing. I like both of their abilities but I have a real bad feeling this is gonna be a botchfest. I hope they do well though.
I was really amped up for this Monday and then Mason Ryan won. I was baffled and couldn't believe it. Then I read the reports that the polls were screwed up and Sin Cara had actually won. Thankfully the WWE is giving us what we want and I look forward to it.

Bourne is solid in the ring and usually makes his opponent's offense look legit. Sin Cara is a new comer and is on the rise. This match should be absolutely incredible if the WWE gives them the proper time and doesn't let anyone get involved. It will certainly get the crowd going and could be a real showstealer. If this works out for both guys it could lead to a push for Bourne in the midcard and Sin Cara can continue his rise.
I definitely see where you’re coming from; Sin Cara and Bourne have the potential (and now, the chance) to bring out the best in each other. That being said, however, I’m really not expecting much. They’ll most likely feature in a short and quick match that’ll see Sin Cara get the win, after all, this isn’t Matt Sydal vs. Mistico.

So yes, this is a great opportunity for the WWE; but one they’ll most likely squander. While they could make this a solid 15 minute main event match, it’ll be over before you can say “Sin Cara vs. Evan Bourne?! This could be really great.”
I would love to see that match, providing that there is no major botches. When i say botches, i don't mean only by Sin Cara but by Matt Sydal ( i refuse to call him by his WWE slave name).

Slaves don't get paid well. He's making more money by far than he did in the indies.

This should be a good match if it works out well. I only see them getting like 10 minutes though.
I hope after the match Nexus attacks them. This is the big opportunity. Let Otunga and Henning have a fued with Bourne and Cara.

I think these two would make a very exciting tag team in a division that is starting to comeback.
No use beating a dead horse here, I wanna see a really good match.

Sadly I see one of two things happening: Someone hitting the ring and forcing Bourne/Cara to team up to bounce the interfering party or parties out OR a completely underwhelming match. Either way I'm not holding my breath, but I definitely will be excited to see the matchup. There's only a handful of people that can keep up with Sin Cara once he's allowed to get going, and Bourne is one of them.

If it goes to a clean finish, and that's a big IF, I see Bourne pulling it out. Sin Cara is getting over well on his own, but Evan really needs the win, especially if WWE's thinking of re-pushing him.
Tomorrow is Raw Roulette... doesn't that mean they spin the wheel to see what the match stipulation is?

Wouldn't it be funny if the WWE spun the wheel for their match and then they got that thumb war/dance off option that mysteriously wasn't there for the other matches?

I could imagine Vince trolling us that way.
I have high hopes for this match but I realize it could either be one of the greatest matches of the year or one of the worst matches I've ever seen (I take that back, nothing could be worse than Mason Ryan's botchfest from last week's match). Bourne isn't recognized as a top midcard or anything but he definitely has the biggest fanbase of all of the superstars at his level and that kid can really put on a show. On the other end, there is Sin Cara who has been getting a massive push ever since he stepped into WWE and he is known for botching but is definitely one of the best high-flyers in WWE. It's just a matter of how much time WWE gives this match and how they want it to go. I'm getting excited about this match but I'm worried that WWE is going disappoint and not let these two stars live up to their potential. I guess we will just have to wait and see....

I forgot about Raw Roulette.... If WWE picks the right stipulation (like Falls Count Anywhere or a ladder match) then it really could be a great match.
Slaves don't get paid well. He's making more money by far than he did in the indies.

This should be a good match if it works out well. I only see them getting like 10 minutes though.

No shit sherlock, i know he is making more money in WWE that if he was in the indies.;) The thing is that i don't like when WWE issues names to their performers (even when i know the reason why). Now back on topic, me too i hope that the match is going to be a long one (at least 10 minutes), but i also hope that its not a botchfest worthy of botchamania.
Let down by Sin Cara not being able to wrestle Bourne? Fuck that, I wanted Mason Ryan to squash that dude. I could care less for Bourne or Cara. They will be absolutely nothing in the WWE. Sin Cara replacing Rey? That is a fucking joke, no one will replace him. Give me a break, seriously.
I would love to say this will be a good match or even a great match. But, it won't be. This will be a 6-8 min match, both guys will get their spots in, and Cara will win and the match will be OKAY! Okay.
i hope that this is a long match that is solid, it should be very entertaining as both competitors are highly athletic, sounds promising. no offence to bourne but he shouldnt be against big guys like mason ryan, he should be against people who are on par with him.
as for sin cara vs evan bourne, i hope to see a long match, and hopefully both competitors get to kinda put each other over, as they are both highly talented, and both are amazing in ring. cant wait to watch this match.
I think that this is an excellent chance for WWE to showcase what these two can do. It will be full of insane high flying spots and help both Bourne and Sin Cara get more over. Or they might not get the time that they deserve and the match gets cut short. Even if that happens it will still be better than the match between Bourne and Mason last week. I am looking forward to it and hope that it opens Raw because it would be the perfect way to excite the crowd and get them hyped up for the rest of the show.
A match like that would be as awesome as the rey vs bourne. WWE has high hopes for bourne but bourne keeps getting injured ><

This match can be a fued and for PPV but knowing WWE they would just throw it at RAW...

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