Sin Cara Chavo


Getting Noticed By Management
I can't see anything about this anymore so I figured I'd make a thread devoted to it. Sorry if I've missed it.

First off I though Sin Cara and Bryan had a fantastic match on SD! In a week where TNA tried to promise me wrestling I think SD! showed it was quite capable of doing the same thing.

Secondly is anyone else excited by the idea of a Chavo Sin Cara feud? I'm a huge fan of Chavo and as much as he's been made a joke of in the last few years we all know he can still go so to see him get some TV time is great.

Also from what I've heard they apparently tore the house down in Mexico when facing off so they obviously work together. I also reckon since Sin Caras English isn't great to non existent it will help him if he can work in the ring with someone that he can actually communicate with.

So yea whats everyones thoughts on this feud?
I think the WWE realized how great Chavo Guerrero worked with Rey Mysterio in 2006 and thought he could do the same for Sin Cara. Chavo is a Guerrero. He has the ability to hang with the likes of any luchador and he can probably take the best hurricanrana and crucifix headscissors out of anyone in the WWE locker room. He can damn sure make Sin Cara look good. Not to mention, Chavo hasn't had a solid feud since 2008 with CM Punk on ECW which I thought was pretty damn good on Chavo's part. Chavo is a great in ring worker. He may be in his upper 30s or even 40, but dammit he has phenomenal in-ring ability. His feud with Rey Mysterio in 2006 proves to me that a Sin Cara/Chavo Guererro feud would be worth tunning in to see. Hopefully this gets some PPV time.
Book it. I'm already stoked for Over The Limit as it is, adding a potential show stealing match almost makes me actually consider paying money for it... Not quite, but almost.

If anyone can help Sin Cara get used to the WWE style while keeping up with his speed, it's Chavo. There's no doubt in my mind that if you give these guys 8-12 minutes on PPV, they could have a brilliant match. It's been quite a while since we've seen an awesome Cruiserweight style match in the E, so I'm in. Do it.
This potential feud could be something to look forward to. Sin Cara's debut has been going well so far, and this storyline with Chavo has been pretty intriguing. Sin Cara doesn't want Chavo's help. Chavo will probably think Cara is ungrateful, and the problems between these two will surely continue. It looks like Chavo is going to be taken seriously again, and I'm all for it. Chavo has been a punchline in WWE for quite some time. He's the guy who was outsmarted by Hornswoggle, and he also lost some matches to the little guy, but Chavo's ring work can help him get over this hurdle.

I'm sure these two could have nice Cruiserweight match, and I hope these two are given a decent amount of time on a pay per view.
I like the potential this program between Sin Cara and Gurrero has. I know they will light up Mexico and if they do well there it has a chance to make it to TV. Both of them have the ability and it's documented that Chavo is a great in ring worker. This could be one of those mid card classics that we used to see the cruiserweights do in WCW. The good ole days with Jericho, Malenko, Eddie, Juvy, the list goes on and on. Maybe the WWE can bring some of that excitement back.
Book it for Over The Limit! I mean Chavo can still go,he can make anyone look gd in the ring.The Card Only Has 5 Matches So Add 1 more and this could be a show stealer. It's also easier for Sin Cara to communicate with some in the ring and could learn some english from Chavo.

Im still a kid and i could remember the Rey & Chavo fued back in 2006 and boy! That was epic! Chavo aint been in a real fued for quite some time now and this would be a good opening fued for sin cara and a gd opening match for Over The Limit.

Please Take It easy IWC coz im only 11!
It would be an interesting match, and if Sin Cara loses, then that will make the feud go further. I just hope that this is not one of those short storylines that are dropped after a couple of weeks. I doubt it is because of Sin Cara's popularity with the fans.
I think it is the best possible feud that can happen for both Sin Cara and Chavo Guerrero at the moment. Sin Cara has come into the WWE with massive expectations and shown flashes of brilliance in his short time here already. But, he hasn't really got involved in any feuds as such yet and now he has shown what he is capable of and fans have taken to him quite well, therefore it is the perfect time to initiate him in a feud and who better than Chavo Guerrero.

Chavo Guerrero has been massively under-used in recent years which in my opinion is an absolute disgrace and the fans have missed out because of it. So, I feel this feud would really give Chavo a boost as well as Sin Cara and remind everyone how talented Chavo is and hopefully get him back on the picture, perhaps around the mid-card level. Only time will tell.....

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